10 Monitoring BRM Cloud Native Services

Learn how to monitor your Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) cloud native services by using Prometheus and Grafana.

About Monitoring BRM Cloud Native Services

You can set up monitoring for the following BRM cloud native services:

  • CM

  • Oracle DM

  • Oracle DM shared memory, front-end processes, and back-end processes

  • BRM Java Applications: RE Loader Daemon, Batch Controller, and EAI Java Server (JS)

  • Web Services Manager

  • BRM database

The metrics for the database are generated by OracleDB_exporter, and the metrics for all other BRM services are generated directly by BRM cloud native. You use Prometheus to scrape and store the metric data and then use Grafana to display the data in a graphical dashboard.

Setting Up Monitoring for BRM Cloud Native Services

To set up monitoring for BRM cloud native services:

  1. Deploy Prometheus in your Kubernetes Cluster in one of the following ways:

    • Deploy a standalone version of Prometheus in your cloud native environment. See "Installation" in the Prometheus documentation.

    • Deploy Prometheus Operator. See "prometheus-operator" on the GitHub website.

    For the list of compatible software versions, see "BRM Cloud Native Deployment Software Compatibility" in BRM Compatibility Matrix.

  2. Install Grafana. See "Install Grafana" in the Grafana documentation.

    For the list of compatible software versions, see "BRM Cloud Native Deployment Software Compatibility" in BRM Compatibility Matrix.

  3. Configure BRM cloud native to collect metrics for its components and export them to Prometheus. See "Configuring BRM Cloud Native to Collect Metrics".

  4. Configure how Perflib generates metric data for BRM opcodes. See "Configuring Perflib for BRM Opcode Monitoring".

  5. Configure OracleDB_exporter to scrape metrics from your Oracle database and export them to Prometheus. See "Configuring OracleDB_Exporter to Scrape Database Metrics".

  6. Create Grafana Dashboards to view your metric data. See "Configuring Grafana for BRM Cloud Native".

Configuring BRM Cloud Native to Collect Metrics

To configure BRM cloud native to collect metrics for its components and then expose them in Prometheus format:

  1. In your override-values.yaml file for oc-cn-helm-chart, set the monitoring.prometheus.operator.enable key to one of the following:

    • true if you are using Prometheus Operator.

    • false if you are using a standalone version of Prometheus. This is the default.

  2. To collect metrics for the CM, do the following:

    1. In your override-values.yaml file for oc-cn-helm-chart, set the ocbrm.cm.deployment.perflib_enabled key to true.

    2. In the oms-cm-perflib-config ConfigMap, review and update the Perflib configuration. For information about the possible values, see "Configuring Perflib for BRM Opcode Monitoring".

    3. In the oms-cm-config ConfigMap, review and update the Perflib configuration. For information about the possible values, see "Configuring Perflib for BRM Opcode Monitoring".

  3. To collect metrics for Oracle DM shared memory, front-end processes, and back-end processes, do the following:

    In the oms-cm-perflib-config ConfigMap, set the data.ENABLE_PROCESS_METRICS key to true.

  4. To collect metrics for the dm-oracle pod, do the following:

    • In your override-values.yaml file for oc-cn-helm-chart, set the ocbrm.dm_oracle.deployment.perflib_enabled key to true.

    • In the oms-dm-oracle-perflib-config ConfigMap, review and update the Perflib configuration. For information about the possible values, see "Configuring Perflib for BRM Opcode Monitoring".

    • In the oms-dm-oracle-config ConfigMap, review and update the Perflib configuration. For information about the possible values, see "Configuring Perflib for BRM Opcode Monitoring".

  5. To collect metrics for the BRM Java applications, REL Daemon, Batch Controller, and EAI Java Server, do the following:

    In your override-values.yaml file for oc-cn-helm-chart, set the monitoring.prometheus.jmx_exporter.enable key to true.

  6. To collect metrics for Web Services Manager, do the following:

    In your override-values.yaml file for oc-cn-helm-chart, set the ocbrm.wsm.deployment.monitoring.isEnabled key to true.

  7. To persist the Perflib timing files in your BRM database, do the following:

    1. In your override-values.yaml file for oc-cn-helm-chart, set the ocbrm.perflib.deployment.persistPerlibLogs key to true.

    2. Check the values of these Perflib timing-related environment variables in your oms-cm-perflib-config and oms-dm-oracle-perflib-config ConfigMaps: PERFLIB_VAR_TIME, PERFLIB_VAR_FLIST, and PERFLIB_VAR_ALARM. See Table 10-1 for more information.

  8. Run the helm upgrade command to update the BRM Helm release:

    helm upgrade BrmReleaseName oc-cn-helm-chart --values OverrideValuesFile -n BrmNameSpace


    • BrmReleaseName is the release name for oc-cn-helm-chart and is used to track this installation instance.

    • OverrideValuesFile is the file name and path to your override-values.yaml file.

    • BrmNameSpace is the namespace in which to create BRM Kubernetes objects for the BRM Helm chart.

After you update the Helm release, metrics will be exposed to Prometheus through the CM pod at the /metrics endpoint with the following ports:

  • CM: Port 11961

  • Oracle DM shared memory, back-end processes, and front-end processes: Port 11961 or Port 31961

  • Oracle DM: Port 12951

Example: Enabling Monitoring for All BRM Components

This shows sample override-values.yaml entries for enabling the collection of the following metrics for Prometheus:

  • CM

  • Oracle DM

  • Oracle DM shared memory, front-end processes, and back-end processes

  • Web Services Manager

  • BRM Java applications: REL Daemon, Batch Controller, and EAI Java Server

It also configures BRM to persist the Perflib timing files in your BRM database.

        enable: false
        enable: true
            perflib_enabled: true
            perflib_enabled: true
            persistPerflibLogs: true
                isEnabled: true

Configuring Perflib for BRM Opcode Monitoring

The BRM cloud native deployment package includes the BRM Performance Profiling Toolkit (Perflib), which the Connection Manager (CM), Oracle Data Manager (DM), Synchronization Queue DM, and Account Synchronization DM depend on for generating and exposing BRM opcode metrics.

You configure how Perflib generates the metric data by setting environment variables in the following:

  • For the CM: The oms-cm-perflib-config ConfigMap

  • For the DMs: The oms-dm-oracle-perflib-config ConfigMap

Table 10-1 describes the environment variables you can use to configure Perflib for the CM and DMs.

Table 10-1 Perflib Environment Variables

Environment Variable Description


Whether to enable opcode monitoring with Perflib.

  • 0: Disables Perflib.
  • 1: Enables Perflib. This is the default.


The location of the Perflib Toolkit.


The debug log level for Perflib.

  • 0: Turn off debugging. This is the default.
  • 1: Log summary information to stderr.
  • 2: Log detailed opcode execution information to stderr.
  • 4: Log trace information to stderr.


The maximum number of opcodes that can be logged in one log file. You can use this to prevent huge log files if detailed tracing is used for long periods.

  • 0: Creates a single file with no limits. This is the default.
  • Number: Defines the maximum number of opcodes to log before opening a new file.


The amount of time that data is recorded into a bucket, in minutes or hours. When the amount of time expires, Perflib creates a new bucket. For example, each bucket could record an hour's worth of data, 2 hours of data, or 5 minutes of data.

The allowed values for hours: 1h, 2h, 3h, 4h, 6h, 8h, 12h, or 24h.

The allowed values for minutes: 1m, 2m, 3m, 4m, 5m, 6m, 10m, 12m, 15m, 30m, or 60m.

The default is 1h.


How frequently, in seconds, to flush in-memory aggregation data to trace files on disk.

The default is 3600 (1 hour).


The prefix for tracing filenames, such as cm_batch, cm_aia, or cm_rt. This allows you to distinguish the trace files for each type of application.

The default is perf_log.


The full path of the shared library that contains the BRM opcode functions being interposed.

This environment variable is used for the CM only.

The default is /oms/lib/libcmpin.so.


The full path name of the memory-mapped data file Perflib uses to store control variables and real-time trace data.

The following special formatting characters can be used as part of the data file name and are substituted by Perflib when the data file is created:

  • %p: Substituted with the process ID of the process using Perflib.
  • %t: Substituted with the current time stamp (as a Linux time number).
  • %T: Substituted with the current time stamp (as a YYYYMMDDHHMMSS string).

The default is /oms_logs/perflib_data.dat.


The directory where trace output is written.

The default is /oms_logs.


Whether real-time tracing data and variable settings are maintained between application executions. This enables statistics to continue to accumulate across an application restart.

  • Y: All variables and trace data are destroyed when the application starts. This is the default.
  • N: The existing data is retained.


Whether the Perflib tracing is activated immediately.

  • 0: Timing is disabled at startup.

  • 1: Real-time timing is enabled at startup. This is the default.

  • 2: File-based timing is enabled at startup.

  • 3: File-based and real-time timing is enabled at startup.


Whether the Perflib flist tracing is activated immediately.

  • 0: Flist logging is disabled. This is the default.
  • 1: Summary logging is enabled at startup.
  • 2: Full flist logging is enabled at startup.


Whether the Perflib alarm functionality is activated immediately.

  • 0: Alarms are disabled at startup.
  • 1: Alarms are enabled at startup. This is the default.


Whether the CM flushes data regularly (with the frequency set by PERFLIB_FLUSH_FREQUENCY).

  • 0: Disables flushing. In this case, if a CM does not receive any opcode requests, flushing is not performed until the CM terminates or an opcode arrives. This is the default.
  • 1: Enables intra-opcode flushing. That is, flushing occurs between different top-level opcodes.
  • 2: Enables full flushing. Flushing occurs within an opcode without waiting for it to complete. This can be useful when tracing very long-running opcodes.

This environment variable is used for the CM only.


Whether user and system CPU usage is tracked at the opcode level, allowing CPU hogs to be identified more easily.

  • 0: Collection is disabled.
  • Positive value: CPU data is collected for opcodes down to that level. For example, setting it to 1 would collect CPU data for the top-level opcodes, while setting it to 2 would collect data for both the top-level opcodes and all the children.


The method used to lock between processes.

  • 0: Use POSIX shared-memory mutexes. This is the default.
  • 1: Use file-based advisory locks.


Whether flushing to the trace file from memory is done within the opcode execution, or asynchronously in a separate thread.

  • 0: Flush data to the trace file within the opcode execution.
  • 1: Flush data to the trace file in a separate processing thread. This is the default.


Whether Perflib records the BRM object type associated with different database operations, such as PCM_OP_SEARCH, PCM_OP_READ_FLDS, PCM_OP_WRITE_FLDS, and so on. This can help you understand which objects are being read or written most frequently and how much time is being spent on different objects.

For PCM_OP_EXEC_SPROC, the latest versions of Perflib will record the name of the stored procedure that was run.

  • 0: Do not collect object type data.
  • 1: Collect object type data and record it in real time or batch trace files. This is the default.


Whether Perflib tracks BRM transactions as a single unit. The opcodes run as part of a transaction are grouped under a virtual opcode, TRANSACTION_GROUP.

  • 0: Do not group transactions. This is the default.
  • 1: Group transactions.


The threshold file size at which a new single log file is created (it only works with the PERFLIB_LOG_SINGLE_FILE parameter). Whenever a flush of aggregate timing data causes the configured size to be exceeded, the log file is renamed, and a new file is created for subsequent data.

The size is expressed in bytes. For example, 5242880 is equivalent to 512 Mb. If the parameter is not defined or set to 0, the file size defaults to 1 GB.


How Perflib handles alarms.

Perflib provides an example alarm file, alarm_config.lst, which shows how operation-specific configurations may be done.


The general alarm that triggers the logging of information regarding any opcode call that exceeds a particular elapsed time.


Whether Prometheus generates metrics for the Oracle DM shared memory, front-end processes, and back-end processes.

  • true: Enables DM shared memory, front-end, and back-end metrics in Prometheus format.
  • false: Disables DM shared memory, front end, and back end metrics. This is the default.


Whether Perflib adds the BRM correlation ID to call-stack logs.

  • 0: Do not add correlation IDs to call-stack traces.
  • 1: Add correlation IDs to call-stack traces. This is the default.


Instructs Perflib to generate flist logs to standard output.

  • 0: Writes opcode flists and stack trace logs to files. This is the default.
  • 1: Writes opcode flists and stack trace logs to STDOUT.

Configuring OracleDB_Exporter to Scrape Database Metrics

You use OracleDB_Exporter to scrape metrics from your BRM database and export them to Prometheus. Prometheus can then read the metrics and display them in a graphic format in Grafana.

To configure OracleDB_Exporter to scrape and export metrics from your BRM database:

  1. Download and install the following external applications:

    For the list of compatible software versions, see "BRM Cloud Native Deployment Software Compatibility" in BRM Compatibility Matrix.

  2. Specify the BRM database metrics to scrape and export in the Exporter_home/default-metrics.toml file, where Exporter_home is the directory in which you deployed OracleDB_Exporter.

    For more information, see https://github.com/iamseth/oracledb_exporter/blob/master/README.md on the GitHub website.

  3. Open your override-values.yaml file for Prometheus.

  4. Configure Prometheus to fetch performance data from OracleDB_exporter.

    To do so, copy and paste the following into your override-values.yaml file, replacing hostname with the host name of the machine on which OracleDB_exporter is deployed:

    - targets: [hostname:33775']
    - job_name: 'oracledbexporter'
    - targets: ['hostname:9161']
  5. Save and close your file.

  6. Run the helm upgrade command to update your Prometheus Helm chart release.

The metrics for your BRM database are available at http://hostname:9161/metrics.

Configuring Grafana for BRM Cloud Native

You can create a dashboard in Grafana to display the metric data for your BRM cloud native services.

Alternatively, you can use the sample dashboards included in the oc-cn-docker-files-15.0.x.0.0.tgz package. To use the sample dashboards, import the dashboard files from the oc-cn-docker-files/samples/monitoring/ directory into Grafana. See "Export and Import" in the Grafana Dashboards documentation.

Table 10-2 describes each sample dashboard.

Table 10-2 Sample Grafana Dashboards

File Name Description


Provides a high-level view of all BRM components that have been installed, grouped by whether they are running or have failed.


Allows you to view JVM-related metrics for the Batch Controller.


Allows you to view CPU and opcode-level metrics for the CM.


Allows you to view opcode-level, CPU usage, and memory usage metrics for the Oracle DM.


Allows you to view shared memory, front-end process, and back-end process metrics for the Oracle DM.


Allows you to view JVM and opcode-related metrics for the EAI JS.


Allows you to view metrics for BRM services at the pod, container, network, and input-output level.


Allows you to view JVM-related metrics for Rated Event (RE) Loader.


Allows you to view metrics for Rated Event Manager (REM).


Allows you to view table metrics for Rated Event Manager (REM).


Allows you to view metrics for Web Services Manager.


For the sample dashboard to work properly, the data source name for the WebLogic Domain must be Prometheus.

You can also configure Grafana to send alerts to your dashboard, an email address, or Slack when a problem occurs. For example, you could configure Grafana to send an alert when an opcode exceeds a specified number of errors. For information about setting up alerts, see "Grafana Alerts" in the Grafana documentation.

BRM Opcode Metric Group

Use the BRM opcode metric group to retrieve runtime information for BRM opcodes. Table 10-3 lists the metrics in this group.

Table 10-3 BRM Opcode Metrics

Metric Name Metric Type Metric Description Pod



The total number of calls for a BRM opcode.





The total number of errors when executing a BRM opcode.





The total time taken to run a BRM opcode.





The total CPU time taken to run the BRM opcode in user space.





The total CPU time taken to run the BRM opcode in OS Kernel space.





The total number of records returned by the BRM opcode execution.





The total number of shared memory blocks currently used by dm_oracle.




The maximum number of shared memory blocks currently used by dm_oracle.




The total number of free shared memory blocks available to dm_oracle.




The shared memory high watermark for dm_oracle.




The maximum big size shared memory used by dm_oracle in bytes.




The total big size shared memory used by dm_oracle in bytes.




Big size shared memory high water mark for dm_oracle in bytes.




The total number of connections for a dm_oracle front-end process.




The maximum number of connections for a dm_oracle front-end process.




The total number of transactions handled by the dm_oracle front-end process.




The total number of operations handled by the dm_oracle front-end process.




The total number of operations done by the dm_oracle back-end process.




The total number of errors encountered by the dm_oracle back-end process.




The total number of transactions handled by the dm_oracle back-end process.




The total number of transaction errors in the dm_oracle back-end process.




The current count of concurrent connections to the Java Server from the CM.

cm (eai-java-server)



The maximum concurrent connections to the Java Server from the CM.

cm (eai-java-server)



The count of opcodes called from the CM, the execution of which succeeded in the Java Server.

cm (eai-java-server)



The count of opcodes called from the CM, the execution of which failed in the Java Server.

cm (eai-java-server)



The total count of opcodes called from the CM.

cm (eai-java-server)



The total time taken in milliseconds across all opcodes.

cm (eai-java-server)