15 Tracing Opcode Processes

Learn how to enable selective opcode tracing in a cloud native Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) environment, as part of the initiative to provide more granularity in error-code, class, and location reporting by Perflib.

Topics in this document:

Enabling Selective Opcode Tracing

Use the selective opcode tracing feature to control which opcodes are traced for flist and summary tracing. By default, all opcodes are traced. You can enable selective opcode tracing in a cloud native environment using a configuration file or during runtime using the pstatus application.

To enable selective opcode tracing in a cloud native environment:

  1. Open the CM and Oracle DM Perflib environment files in a text editor:

    • CM: configmap_env_perf.yaml

    • Oracle DM: configmap_env_perf_dm.yaml

  2. Set the PERFLIB_VAR_TRACE_OPCODES parameter to a comma-separated list of opcodes to trace when using Perflib’s full or summary flist tracing mode:

    PERFLIB_VAR_TRACE_OPCODES: "opcodeNameOrNumber"

    where opcodeNameOrNumber is either the name or number of a BRM opcode. If you list multiple opcodes, use a comma as a delimiter. If the parameter is empty or missing, Perflib traces all opcodes by default.

    For example, this entry specifies to use flist tracing for only the PCM_OP_CUST_COMMIT_CUSTOMER and PCM_OP_SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASE_DEAL (108) opcodes:

  3. Run the helm upgrade command to update the release.

  4. Restart the CM and Oracle DM services to initialize the new configuration.

To enable selective opcode tracing at runtime, enter the CM or Oracle DM pod directly using a shell and run the pstatus application.