5 Preparing Your BRM Cloud Native Environment

Learn how to prepare your system for the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) cloud native deployment by downloading the BRM cloud native Helm charts and BRM images.

Topics in this document:

Tasks for Preparing Your BRM Cloud Native Environment

Prepare your system for the BRM cloud native deployment by performing the following high-level tasks:

  1. Downloading the Helm charts for the BRM cloud native deployment. See "Downloading Packages for the BRM Cloud Native Helm Charts and Docker Files".

  2. Downloading the BRM cloud native images in one of these ways:

  3. If you plan to deploy Pricing Design Center (PDC), Billing Care, the Billing Care REST API, or Business Operations Center, downloading the Oracle WebLogic cloud native image. See "Pulling WebLogic Images for PDC, Billing Care, Billing Care REST API, and Business Operations Center".

Downloading Packages for the BRM Cloud Native Helm Charts and Docker Files

To download the BRM cloud native Helm charts and Docker files:

  1. Go to https://edelivery.oracle.com.

  2. Sign in to the Oracle Software Delivery website using an Oracle account.

  3. Search for and select Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Cloud Native Deployment Option 15.0.x.0.0, and then click Continue.

  4. Select the following and then click Continue:

    • Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Cloud Native Deployment Option 15.0.x.0.0-CN

    • Oracle Communications Elastic Charging Engine Cloud Native Deployment Option 15.0.x.0.0-CN

    • Oracle Communications Pricing Design Center Cloud Native Deployment Option 15.0.x.0.0-CN

  5. Accept the Oracle standard terms and restrictions and then click Continue.

  6. Select the following packages and then click Download:

    • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Helm Chart 15.0.x.0.0

    • Oracle Communications Elastic Charging Engine Cloud Native Deployment Option Helm Chart 15.0.x.0.0

    • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Operator Job Helm Chart 15.0.x.0.0

    • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Database Initializer Helm Chart 15.0.x.0.0

    • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Docker Build Files 15.0.x.0.0

    • Oracle Communications Elastic Charging Engine Cloud Native Docker Files 15.0.x.0.0

    • Oracle Communications Cloud Native Pricing Design Center 15.0.x.0.0

    Each package is downloaded to a separate Zip file.

  7. Extract the following Helm chart and Docker archive files from each Zip file:

    • BRM Helm Chart: oc-cn-helm-chart-15.0.x.0.0.tgz

    • ECE Helm Chart: oc-cn-ece-helm-chart-15.0.x.0.0.tgz

    • Operator Job Helm Chart: oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart-15.0.x.0.0.tgz

    • Database Initializer Helm Chart: oc-cn-init-db-helm-chart-15.0.x.0.0.tgz

    • BRM Dockerfiles: oc-cn-docker-files-15.0.x.0.0.tgz

    • ECE Dockerfiles: oc-cn-ece-docker-files-15.0.x.0.0.tgz

  8. Extract the Helm charts and Dockerfiles from the archive files by running these commands:

    tar xvzf oc-cn-helm-chart-15.0.x.0.0.tgz
    tar xvzf oc-cn-ece-helm-chart-15.0.x.0.0.tgz
    tar xvzf oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart-15.0.x.0.0.tgz
    tar xvzf oc-cn-init-db-helm-chart-15.0.x.0.0.tgz
    tar xvzf oc-cn-docker-files-15.0.x.0.0.tgz
    tar xvzf oc-cn-ece-docker-files-15.0.x.0.0.tgz

    Table 5-1 lists the files and directories extracted from the archive files.

    Table 5-1 Extracted Files

    Archive File Extracted Directories


    oc-cn-helm-chart directory: Contains the BRM Helm chart files.

    sample_configurations directory: This directory contains the default configuration XML files, such as bus_params_AR.xml and pin_config_export_gl.xml.


    oc-cn-ece-helm-chart directory: Contains the ECE Helm chart files.


    oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart directory: Contains the WebLogic Operator Job Helm chart files.


    oc-cn-init-db-helm-chart directory: Contains the Database Initializer Helm chart files.


    oc-cn-docker-files directory: Contains the Dockerfiles for BRM, PDC, PDC REST Services Manager, Pipeline Configuration Center, Business Operations Center, and Billing Care.


    docker_files directory: Contains the Dockerfiles for ECE.

Pulling BRM Images from the Oracle Container Registry

To pull BRM cloud native images, such as the Connection Manager (CM) image and the Data Manager (DM) image, from the Oracle Container Registry, do the following:

  1. In a web browser, go to https://container-registry.oracle.com.

  2. Sign in to the Oracle Container Registry using an Oracle account.


    To pull images for licensed software on the Oracle Container Registry, you must have an Oracle account. You can create an Oracle account at https://profile.oracle.com/myprofile/account/create-account.jspx.

  3. Select the Oracle Communications Cloud Scale Monetization container.

    The Oracle Communications Cloud Scale Monetization page appears.

  4. Select one of the repository names from Table 5-2.

    The repository page appears.

  5. Accept the Oracle terms and restrictions by:

    1. (For non-CPU images) Selecting your desired language.

    2. Clicking Continue.

    3. Scrolling to the bottom of the terms and restrictions pages and clicking Accept.

    If successful, you will see something similar to this:

  6. On your host system, log in to the Oracle Container Registry using the Podman command-line interface (CLI):

    podman login container-registry.oracle.com
  7. When prompted for a user name and password, enter your Oracle credentials.

  8. Pull the BRM cloud native image from the registry:

    podman pull container-registry.oracle.com/communications_monetization/imageName:tag


    • imageName is the name of a software image listed in Table 5-2.

    • tag is the tag name for the BRM cloud native image, such as 15.0.x.0.0.

    For example, to pull the CM cloud native image from the registry:

    podman pull container-registry.oracle.com/communications_monetization/cm:15.0.x.0.0

    The image is pulled from the Oracle Container Registry and stored locally, where it is ready to be used to deploy containers.

  9. Confirm the images have been pulled from the Oracle Container Registry:

    podman images

    If successful, you will see something similar to this:

    REPOSITORY                                                           TAG            IMAGE ID        CREATED       
    container-registry.oracle.com/communications_monetization/cm         15.0.x.0.0     133dd3580b87    2 seconds ago
    container-registry.oracle.com/communications_monetization/dm_kafka   15.0.x.0.0     136dd3593b47    3 seconds ago
  10. Log out of the registry to prevent unauthorized access and to remove any record of sign-in credentials that Podman might store for future operations:

    podman logout container-registry.oracle.com

Table 5-2 lists the image names for the BRM cloud native components.

Table 5-2 BRM Cloud Native Images

Component Name Image Name

Batch Controller


Batch Pipeline


Billing Care


Billing Care REST API


BRM Applications


BRM REST Services Manager




Business Operations Center


Connection Manager


Database Initializer


Database Upgrade


Elastic Charging Engine


Email Data Manager


Enterprise Application Integration Data Manager


Enterprise Application Integration Java Server


Invoice Data Manager


Invoice Formatter


Kafka Data Manager


LDAP Data Manager


Oracle Data Manager


Paymentech Data Manager


Paymentech Simulator


Performance Libraries


Pipeline Configuration Center


Pricing Design Center


Pricing Design Center REST Services Manager


Provisioning Data Manager


Rated Event Loader


Rated Event Manager


Real-Time Pipeline


Roaming Manager


Vertex Data Manager




Web Services Manager



Downloading BRM Images from Oracle Software Delivery Website

To download BRM cloud native images, such as the Billing Care image, from the Oracle Software Delivery website:

  1. Go to https://edelivery.oracle.com.

  2. Sign in to the Oracle Software Delivery website using an Oracle account.

  3. Search for and select Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Cloud Native Deployment Option 15.0.x.0.0 and then click Continue.

  4. Select the following and then click Continue:

    • Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Cloud Native Deployment Option 15.0.x.0.0-CN

    • Oracle Communications Pricing Design Center Cloud Native Deployment Option 15.0.x.0.0-CN

    • Oracle Communications Elastic Charging Engine Cloud Native Deployment Option 15.0.x.0.0-CN

  5. Accept the Oracle standard terms and restrictions and then click Continue.

  6. Select the packages listed in Table 5-3 and then click Download.

    Each package is downloaded to a separate Zip file.

  7. Extract the package files listed in Table 5-3 from each Zip file.

    Table 5-3 BRM Cloud Native Packages and Package Files

    BRM Package Name Package File Name

    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Batch Controller


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Batch Pipeline


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Billing Care


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Billing Care REST API oc-cn-bcws-15.0.x.0.0.tar

    Oracle Communications Cloud Native BRM Applications


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native BRM REST Services Manager


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native BRM SDK


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Business Operations Center


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Connection Manager


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Database Upgrade


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Elastic Charging Engine Cloud Native Deployment Option


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Email Data Manager


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Enterprise Application Integration Data Manager


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Enterprise Application Integration Java Server


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Fusa Data Manager


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Fusa Simulator


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Invoice Data Manager


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Invoice Formatter


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Kafka Data Manager


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native LDAP Data Manager


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Oracle Database Manager


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Performance Profiling Toolkit


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Pipeline Configuration Center


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Pricing Design Center




    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Provisioning Data Manager


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Rated Event Loader


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Rated Event Manager


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Real-Time Pipeline


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Roaming Manager


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Vertex Data Manager


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Webhook


    Oracle Communications Cloud Native Web Services Manager



  8. Load each package file as an image into the Podman system using the following command:

    podman load --input fileName

    where fileName is the package file name listed in Table 5-3.

    For example, to load the Kafka DM image in the Podman system, enter this command:

    podman load --input oc-cn-brm-dm-kafka-15.0.x.0.0.tar

If you use an internal registry to access images from different Kubernetes nodes, push the images from your local system to the registry server. For example, if the registry is identified by RepoHost:RepoPort, you'd push the Kafka DM image to the registry using the Podman CLI like this:

  1. Tag the Kafka DM image with the registry server:

    podman tag dm-kafka:15.0.x.0.0 RepoHost:RepoPort/dm-kafka:15.0.x.0.0
  2. Push the Kafka DM image to the registry server:

    podman push RepoHost:RepoPort/dm-kafka:15.0.x.0.0

Pulling WebLogic Images for PDC, Billing Care, Billing Care REST API, and Business Operations Center

If you use PDC, Billing Care, Billing Care REST API, or Business Operations Center, pull the Oracle WebLogic image from the Oracle Container Registry into your private repository.

To load the Oracle WebLogic image into your private repository:

  1. In a web browser, go to https://container-registry.oracle.com.

  2. Sign in to the Oracle Container Registry using an Oracle account.


    To pull images for licensed software on the Oracle Container Registry, you must have an Oracle account. You can create an Oracle account at https://profile.oracle.com/myprofile/account/create-account.jspx.

  3. Click the Middleware container, and then click the fmw-infrastructure_cpu CPU repository.

    The repository page appears.

  4. Accept the Oracle terms and restrictions by clicking Continue and, on the next page, clicking Accept.

    If successful, you will see something similar to this:

  5. On the host system, log in to the Oracle Container Registry using the Podman CLI:

    podman login container-registry.oracle.com
  6. When prompted for a user name and password, enter your Oracle credentials.

  7. Pull the WebLogic image into your local system using the following command:

    podman pull container-registry.oracle.com/middleware/fmw-infrastructure_cpu:
  8. Tag the image with the registry server using the following command, where RepoHost and RepoPort are the host and port of your private repository:

    podman tag container-registry.oracle.com/middleware/fmw-infrastructure_cpu: RepoHost:RepoPort/middleware/fmw-infrastructure_cpu:12.2.1.x-jdk8-ol8
  9. Push the image to the registry server using the following command, where RepoHost and RepoPort are the host and port of your private repository:

    podman push RepoHost:RepoPort/middleware/fmw-infrastructure_cpu: