6 BRM Cloud Native Deployment Software Compatibility

Learn about the software that is compatible with the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) cloud native deployment package. This package uses Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, and Linux for containerization and orchestration.

Topics in this document:


  • It is the responsibility of the system administrator to ensure that all installed software dependencies are kept up to date wherever possible. Oracle supports versions of the software where the software vendor declares backward compatibility to the version certified with BRM and where the upgrade is a minor version increment (that is, A.B.C to A.B.D).

    System administrators should adopt this policy for software dependencies for which upgrades are generally related to security rather than focusing on functionality.

  • Oracle does not provide support for any prerequisite third-party software installation or configuration. The customer should manage any installation or configuration issues related to non-Oracle prerequisite software.

Additional BRM Cloud Native System Requirements

The Docker images were validated with the software listed in Table 6-1.


Oracle does not provide any of the third-party software mentioned in the table below. You must obtain and install the required third-party software before using the product.

Table 6-1 Additional BRM Cloud Native System Requirements

Software Version



Helm 3.12.0
Fluentd 1.14.6
WebLogic Kubernetes Operator

4.0.6 when using Kubernetes 1.26

4.1.4 when using Kubernetes 1.27

WebLogic Monitoring Exporter 2.1.4
Prometheus 2.40.0
Prometheus Operator 0.60.1
Prometheus Alert Manager 0.24.0
Prometheus JMX Exporter Java Agent 0.19
Grafana 10.0.1

Oracle Kubernetes Platforms

  • BRM cloud native is certified on the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE), Oracle Communications Cloud Native Environment, Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment (provided the version requirements listed in this document are satisfied).

Third-Party Kubernetes Platforms
  • BRM cloud native is designed to be agnostic of the underlying cloud infrastructure. It relies on standard APIs, objects, and configuration functions from the software products listed in this document. As such, BRM cloud native is certified on any container platform based on a CNCF-certified Kubernetes, provided the version requirements listed in this document are satisfied.

OCI Search with OpenSearch

BRM cloud native is compatible with OCI Search with OpenSearch. See "Search with OpenSearch" on the Oracle website for more details.

Operating system for Kubenetes Nodes
  • BRM supports any Linux version that is supported by your chosen Kubernetes platform.