5 Installing Elastic Charging Engine

Learn about the tasks required to install Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Elastic Charging Engine (ECE).

Topics in this document:


ECE supports complete installation only. To upgrade ECE, you install the new version of ECE using the Complete option and reconfigure the configuration and mediation files to match your existing release.

Downloading the ECE Software

You can download the ECE software from the Oracle software delivery website (https://edelivery.oracle.com).

Search for and download the Oracle Communications Elastic Charging Engine software. The archive includes the OCECE- installer.

Installing ECE by Using the GUI Installation

The steps for installing ECE by using the GUI installation depend on the ECE software components you choose to install:

  • To install an ECE integrated system, select the Complete option.

    See "Installing an ECE Integrated System" for more information.

  • To install an ECE standalone system, select the Standalone option.

    This option installs a self-contained, nonproduction version of ECE that is not integrated with Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) or Pricing Design Center (PDC). Use the standalone system for evaluation, demonstration, and functional testing.

    See "Installing a Standalone ECE System" for more information.

Installing an ECE Integrated System

To install an ECE integrated system, select the Complete installation option. This installs ECE Server, ECE Diameter Gateway, ECE HTTP Gateway, and all ECE integration packs.


If you are upgrading an existing ECE installation, select the same options and provide the same values that you provided during the previous installation.

To install an ECE integrated system:

  1. Go to the directory where you downloaded the ECE software, and then run one of the following commands:

    • To start the GUI installer:

      Java_home/bin/java -jar jarfile


      • Java_home is the directory in which you installed the latest supported Java version. For a list of compatible versions, see "ECE Software Compatibility" in BRM Compatibility Matrix.

      • jarfile is the installer JAR file. For example, the jarfile for installing ECE 15.0 is ocece-

    • To start the GUI installer and install PDC using the oraInventory directory in a different location:

      Java_home/bin/java -jar jarfile -invPtrLoc FilePath/oraInst.loc

      where FilePath is the path to the directory in which the oraInst.loc file is located.

    • To start the GUI installer and create a silent installer response file during the installation:

      Java_home/bin/java -jar jarfile -record -destinationFile path

      where path is the response file location and name.

  2. In the Welcome screen, click Next.


    The installer creates an Inventory directory if it does not detect any installed Oracle products on the system. The Inventory directory manages all Oracle products installed on your system.

  3. In the Installation Inventory screen, enter the following if you do not want to accept the defaults and then click Next.

    • The full path of the inventory directory

    • The name of the operating system group that has write permission to the inventory directory

  4. In the Installation Location screen, enter the full path or browse to the directory in which you want to install ECE and then click Next.


    If you have an existing ECE installation, ensure that you do not enter the path to the same directory in which the existing ECE release is installed. You can install ECE in a different directory on the same machine.

  5. In the Languages Selection screen, select the languages you want ECE to use and then click Next.

  6. In the Installation Type screen, select Complete and then click Next.

  7. In the Select ECE Security Options screen, select one of the ECE security options listed in Table 5-1 and then click Next.

    Table 5-1 ECE Security Options

    Option Description

    Security enabled with SSL

    Enables the following security configurations:

    • SSL encryption

      (Impacts overall system performance)

    • JMX security

    • Authorized hosts list

    • Coherence node authentication

    • BRM SSL security authentication

    • PDC SSL security authentication

    • EM Gateway SSL security authentication

    Security enabled without SSL

    Enables the following security configurations:

    • JMX security

    • Authorized hosts list

    • Coherence node authentication

    Security disabled

    Enables no security configurations (Single server installation only)

  8. In the Enable Persistence screen, do one of the following and then click Next.

    • To persist all of the ECE data in the database, select Persistence enabled and proceed to step 10.

    • To persist only rated events in the database, select Persistence disabled and proceed to the next step.

  9. In the Oracle NoSQL Database Details screen, specify the NoSQL database connection information in Table 5-2, click Next, and then proceed to step 15.


    This screen appears only if you selected Persistence disabled.

    Table 5-2 Oracle NoSQL Database Details

    Field Description

    Host Name

    The host name or IP address of the machine on which the Oracle NoSQL database is installed.

    Port Number

    The port number assigned to the Oracle NoSQL database.

    NoSQL Datastore Name (database name)

    The name of the Oracle NoSQL data store in which you want to persist ECE rated events.

    This is where Rated Event Publisher writes rated events generated by the ECE server.

  10. In the ECE Persistence Schema Creation screen, select one of the following options and then click Next.

    • To have the installer create the schema user and tables for the ECE persistence schema, select Create schema user and tables and proceed to the next step.

    • To have the installer create only the tables for the ECE persistence schema, select Create tables only and proceed to step 14.

    • If you want to use existing schema users and tables, select Use existing schema user and tables and proceed to step 15.

  11. In the ECE Persistence Database Details screen, specify the information in Table 5-3 and then click Next.

    Table 5-3 ECE Persistence Database Details

    Field Description

    Host Name

    The host name or IP address of the machine on which the ECE persistence database is installed.

    Port Number

    The non-SSL port number assigned to the ECE persistence database service.

    User Name

    The user name for the ECE persistence database.


    The ECE persistence database user password.

    Service Name

    The name of the ECE persistence database service.

    This is where all ECE data is persisted by the ECE server.

    SSL Enabled

    Whether to enable SSL communication between ECE and the Oracle database.

    The SSL Enabled option must be selected for production systems.

    If SSL Enabled is not selected, the subsequent fields are disabled.

    TLS Version

    The version of TLS to use when connecting to the database. Select 1.2.

    ORA Files Location

    The location of the tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora files.

    SSL Type

    The SSL type: One Way or Two Way.

    SSL Server Cert DN

    The SSL server certificate distinguish name.

    Wallet Location

    The full path to the directory from where ECE will access the SSL DB wallets.

    Wallet Type

    The type of wallet: SSO or PKCS12.

    Wallet Password

    If you selected PKCS12, enter the password for the SSL DB PKCS12 wallet.

    If you selected SSO, this field is grayed out.

    Ensure that the Oracle Database server is in the Running state. The installer connects to the Oracle Database server to verify the information you entered is valid.

  12. In the ECE Persistence Schema Details screen, specify the information in Table 5-4, which is required to create the ECE schema in the ECE persistence database, and then click Next.

    Table 5-4 ECE Persistence Schema Details

    Field Description

    User Name

    The ECE persistence schema user name.


    The password for the ECE persistence schema user.

    Confirm Password

    Enter the password for the ECE persistence schema user again.

    ECE Tablespace

    The name of the tablespace for the ECE schema.

    Temp Tablespace

    The name of the temporary tablespace for the ECE schema.

  13. In the Configure Rated Event Partitions screen, specify the information in Table 5-5, click Next, and then proceed to step 15.

    Table 5-5 Configure Rated Event Partitions

    Field Description

    Storage INITIAL

    The RatedEvent table Storage INITIAL field data.

    Storage NEXT

    The RatedEvent table Storage NEXT field data.


    The RatedEvent table Storage SUBPARTITIONS field data.

  14. In the Persistence Database Details screen, specify the information in Table 5-6 and then click Next.


    This screen appears only if you selected Create Tables Only for the ECE persistence schema.

    Table 5-6 Persistence Database Details

    Field Description

    User Name

    The ECE persistence schema user name.


    The password for the ECE persistence schema user.


    The JDBC URL, in this format:



    • Driver is the driver used to connect to Oracle Database.

    • HostName is the IP address or the host name of the computer on which the ECE persistence database is configured.

    • Port is the non-SSL port number assigned to the ECE persistence database service.

    • ServiceName is name of the ECE persistence database service.

    For example:


    SSL Enabled

    Whether to enable SSL communication between ECE and the Oracle database.

    Select the SSL Enabled option for production systems.

    When disabled, the subsequent fields are disabled.

    SSL Type

    Select the SSL type: One Way or Two Way.

    SSL Server Cert DN

    The SSL server certificate distinguish name.

    Wallet Location

    The location of SSL database wallet.

    Wallet Type

    The type of SSL database wallet: SSO or PKCS12.

    Wallet Password

    The password of the SSL database wallet.

  15. In the Config Data Details screen, enter the path or browse to the directory in which ECE retrieves the XML files that contain your configuration data (mediation specifications). Click Next.

    After installation, when you load data into ECE, the loading utility reads and loads configuration data from this directory.

  16. In the Pricing Data Details screen, enter the path or browse to the directory in which ECE retrieves the XML files that contain your pricing data. Click Next.

    After installation, when you load data into ECE, the loading utility reads and loads pricing data from this directory.

  17. In the Customer Data Details screen, enter the path or browse to the directory in which ECE retrieves the XML files that contain your customer data. Click Next.

    After installation, when you load data into ECE, the loading utility reads and loads customer data from this directory.

  18. In the CrossRef Data Details screen, enter the path or browse to the directory in which ECE retrieves the XML files that contain your cross-reference data. Click Next.

    After installation, when you load data into ECE, the loading utility reads and loads cross-reference data from this directory.

  19. In the PayLoad Config file Details screen, enter the path or browse to the directory in which ECE retrieves the XML files that contain your payloadconfig data. Click Next.

    After installation, when you load data into ECE, the loading utility reads and loads payloadconfig data from this directory.

  20. In the Rated Event Manager Config File Details screen, enter one of the following in the REF MODE field and then click Next.

    • CDR to only generate CDRs.

    • DIRECT to load data directly into BRM.

    • CDR_DIRECT to load data directly into BRM, and generate CDRs for audit purposes.

  21. In the Persistence Data Details screen, enter the path or browse to the directory into which the ECE BrmCdrPluginDirect Plug-in will write call detail record (CDR) files of rated events. Click Next.

    This is the directory where the plug-in stores completed CDR files that are ready to be processed by BRM.

  22. In the ECE Cluster Details screen, enter the information in Table 5-7 and then click Next.

    Table 5-7 ECE Cluster Details

    Field Description

    User Name for Host Machines

    The user name you specified when you created the ECE user account prior to installation. All machines in the cluster must have the same user name.

    This is used by ECE to identify the remote machines on which to deploy ECE.

    Java Heap Settings

    The memory to allocate to each node in the ECE cluster.

    The memory applies to each node for the driver machine and all server machines.

    Cluster Name

    The cluster name used by applications to identify ECE in the cluster. For example, Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control uses the cluster name to locate ECE nodes for monitoring.

    The cluster name must contain fewer than 32 characters.

    Non Active-active multi site deployment

    Select this checkbox if you do not plan to set up an active-active disaster recovery system.

    Note: If you select this option, skip to step 24.

    Active-Active multi site deployment

    Select this checkbox if you plan to set up an active-active disaster recovery system. This is selected by default.

  23. In the ECE Active Active Clusters screen, enter the names of all clusters in your active-active sites, separated by commas. Ensure that you enter the current cluster's name. Click Next.


    This screen appears only if you selected Active-Active multi site deployment.

  24. In the Coherence Grid Security screen, specify the machines allowed to be part of the Coherence cluster and the credentials required for accessing the cluster, and then click Next.


    If you selected the Security disabled option, this screen does not appear. Go to step 25.

    To specify the machines, do one or both of the following:

    • In the Host Details in comma separated format field, list the host names or IP addresses of all machines on which ECE nodes will reside. Separate each value with a comma.

      Include your computer name in this field. Do not enter localhost or a loopback address.

      Include all server machines across which the Coherence grid is deployed and any other machine that is to be part of the grid.

    • Specify a range of allowed addresses for hosts in the same subnet as follows:

      In the Host Details Range from IP Address field, enter the valid IP address that starts the range.

      In the Host Details Range to IP Address field, enter the valid IP address that ends the range.

    To specify the credentials required to access the cluster:

    • In the Alias Name for Coherence grid security field, enter the account alias that defines the administrator for securing the Coherence cluster.

    • In the Password for the alias field, enter the password used to access the cluster security key in the Coherence KeyStore (the ECE_home/oceceserver/config/server.jks file).

      This is the password for Coherence cluster security.

      You use this password when enabling secure socket layer (SSL).

      For more information, see "Setting Up Cluster Security" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.

  25. In the KeyStore Credentials screen, specify the KeyStore credential information in Table 5-8 and then click Next.

    Table 5-8 KeyStore Credentials

    Field Description

    Key Password for boundary system alias

    The password ECE uses to access the server JKS file.

    Certificate store password

    The password used to access the server JKS file.


    The credentials that define what users are authorized to do regarding cluster security.






    • CN is the common name for the user.

    • OU is the organizational unit of the user.

    • O is the organization of the user.

    The combined DName values are similar to a group in Linux.

    Tip: The value set here (in creating the certificate) is used for authentication in the cluster and must be the same as the value used in the ECE_home/oceceserver/config/permissions.xml file, which is created after installation and used for authorization in the cluster.

    You use the DName value when enabling SSL.

    The DName value is used as a command line parameter for creating the server.jks keystore.

  26. In the Oracle Wallet Details screen, specify the ECE wallet details in Table 5-9 and then click Next.

    Table 5-9 Oracle Wallet Details

    Field Description

    Wallet Location

    The full path or browse to the directory in which you want to store the Oracle wallet for ECE.

    Wallet Password

    The password for the ECE wallet.

    Confirm Wallet Password

    The password for the ECE wallet again.

  27. In the Kafka or WebLogic JMS screen, specify whether to use Apache Kafka topics or WebLogic JMS queues for ECE and then click Next.

    If you selected Kafka, proceed to the next step.

    If you selected WebLogic JMS, proceed to step 29.

  28. In the Kafka Configuration Details screen, enter the information in Table 5-10, click Next, and then proceed to step 31.

    Table 5-10 Kafka Configuration Details

    Field Description

    Enable SSL Connection for Kafka

    Whether to enable an SSL connection for Kafka.

    Host Name and Port

    The hostname and port number of the machine on which Apache Kafka is installed.

    Kafka TrustStore Location

    (If you have selected to use SSL with Kafka) The directory in which the TrustStore file is located.

    Kafka TrustStore Password

    (If you have selected to use SSL with Kafka) The password for the TrustStore.

    Topic Name

    The name of the Kafka topic in which ECE will publish notifications.

    Suspense Topic Name

    The name of the Kafka topic in which BRM will publish failed notifications.

    Failure Topic Persistence Enabled

    Whether to save information about failed usage requests to the persistence database.

    Failure Topic Name

    (if failure topic persistence is enabled) The name of the Kafka topic in which ECE publishes failed ECE usage requests.

    Overage Topic Name

    The name of the Kafka topic in which ECE publishes overage records, which contain details about usage overage amounts for prepaid customers.


    The number of partitions to create in your Kafka topics. The recommended number to create is calculated as follows:

    [(Max HTTP Gateway Nodes) + (Max Diameter Gateway Nodes * Max Diameter Clients) + (1 for BRM Gateway) + (1 for Internal Notifications)]

    For example, if you have 2 HTTP Gateway nodes, 4 Diameter Gateway nodes, 10 Diameter Gateway clients, and a BRM Gateway, you would need [(2 + (4 * 10) + 1 + 1) = 44 Kafka partitions.

    Arbitrarily, you can set this to a maximum value.

    Failure Partitions

    The number of partitions to create in your failure topic.

    Replication Factor

    The number of replications to create.

  29. In the ECE Notification Queue Details screen, enter the Java Message Service (JMS) credentials in Table 5-11 and then click Next.

    ECE publishes notifications into this JMS queue, which external systems can use to obtain data for their own processing.


    After you enter the JMS credentials, the installer checks the connection to your WebLogic Server through TCP Port 7. Ensure that TCP Port 7 is open in your WebLogic server's firewall.

    After you install ECE, you run a postinstallation script that creates the JMS queue on the server.

    Table 5-11 ECE Notification Queue Details

    Field Description

    Host Name

    The host name of the server on which the JMS queue (JMS topic) resides.

    Port Number

    The port number of the server on which the JMS queue (JMS topic) resides.

    User Name

    The user name for logging in to the server on which the JMS queue (JMS topic) resides.


    The password for logging in to the server. on which the JMS queue (JMS topic) resides.

    Connection Factory Name

    The connection factory name used to create connections to the JMS queue (JMS topic) queue.

    After installing ECE, you run an ECE postinstallation script that creates the JMS queue (JMS topic) on the server. The connection factory name entered here is used by the script to create connections to the JMS queue.

    Topic Name

    The name of the JMS queue on the server, to which ECE publishes notification events.

    After installing ECE, you run a postinstallation script that creates the JMS queue (JMS topic) on the server. The topic name entered here is the name the ECE postinstallation script uses to create the JMS queue.

    Suspense Queue Name

    The name for the suspense queue to which ECE pushes the failed notifications.

  30. In the ECE Notification Queue SSL Details screen, enter the information in Table 5-12, which is required to connect to the Java Message Service queue to which ECE publishes notification events. Click Next.

    Table 5-12 ECE Notification Queue SSL Details

    Field Description

    Disable SSL

    If you do not want to use SSL to encrypt communication between ECE and the JMS queue, select the Disable SSL option.

    If you select this option, do not enter values in the following fields.

    Keystore password

    The password used to access the SSL keystore file.

    Keystore location

    The full path to the SSL keystore file.

  31. In the Diameter Gateway Details screen, enter the information in Table 5-13 and then click Next.

    The Diameter Gateway details you enter in this screen apply to one Diameter Gateway node instance that listens to all network interfaces for Diameter messages, which is suitable for basic testing directly after installation.

    For a distributed environment, you must add Diameter Gateway node instances to your topology and configure a unique network interface for each instance after installation.

    Table 5-13 Diameter Gateway Details

    Field Description


    If you do not want Diameter Gateway to start when ECE starts, select the Skip option.

    If you select this option, do not enter values in the following fields.

    Origin Host

    The value for the Origin-Host attribute-value pair (AVP) to be sent in the Diameter request.

    This is a unique identifier that you assign your Diameter Gateway server on its host. It can be any string value.

    The value set here is used by the Diameter client to identify your Diameter Gateway server as the connecting Diameter peer that is the source of the Diameter message.

    For more information about how the Origin-Host AVP can be specified, refer to Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Network Working Group RFC 3588 (Diameter Base Protocol).

    Origin Realm

    The value for the Origin-Realm AVP to be sent by the Diameter Gateway in outgoing Diameter requests.

    This is the signaling realm (domain) that you assign your Diameter Gateway server.

    The value set here is used by Diameter clients to identify your Diameter Gateway server as the source of the Diameter message.

    For more information about how the Origin-Realm AVP can be specified, refer to Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Network Working Group RFC 3588 (Diameter Base Protocol).

  32. In the RADIUS Gateway Details screen, enter the information in Table 5-14 and then click Next.

    The RADIUS Gateway details you enter in this screen apply to a single RADIUS Gateway instance (node) that listens to all network interfaces for RADIUS messages, which is suitable for basic testing directly after installation.

    For a distributed environment, you must add RADIUS Gateway instances (nodes) to your topology and configure a unique network interface for each instance after installation.

    Table 5-14 RADIUS Gateway Details

    Field Description


    If you do not want RADIUS Gateway to start when ECE starts, select the Skip option.

    If you select this option, do not enter values in the following fields.


    The name of the RADIUS Gateway instance.


    The port number assigned to RADIUS Gateway.

    Shared Secret

    The common password shared between the RADIUS Gateway server and Network Access Server (NAS). It is used by the RADIUS protocol for security.

    Wallet Location

    The path to the Oracle wallet that contains the SSL authentication and signature credentials (such as private keys, and certificates) and the root key for the RADIUS Gateway server.

  33. In the HTTP Gateway Details screen, enter the information in Table 5-15 and then click Next.

    Table 5-15 HTTP Gateway Details

    Field Description


    Enter the name of the HTTP Gateway.

    Enable HTTP2

    If your HTTP Gateway server will communicate using the HTTP/2 protocol, select the Enable HTTP2 option. Otherwise, the HTTP 1.1 protocol will be used.

    Server Port

    The HTTPS port number of the computer on which the HTTP Gateway resides.

    Enter a value only SSL is enabled.

    Server HTTP Port

    The HTTPS port number of the computer on which the HTTP Gateway resides.

    Enter a value only SSL is disabled.

    Enable Server SSL

    If you will use SSL to encrypt communication between the HTTP client and HTTP server, select the Enable Server SSL option.

    When selected, the Server Port is used for communication.

    Enable NRF Registration

    If you want this HTTP Gateway server to use NRF registration charging setting parameters for NRF registration, select the Enable NRF Registration option.

    Only one HTTP server can register to NRF. If more than one HTTP server has NRF registration enabled, the HTTP Gateway will throw an error and not start up.

    If NRF registration is disabled on all HTTP servers, NRF registration will not happen.

  34. In the HTTP Gateway Server SSL Keystore Password Details screen, specify the information in Table 5-16 and then click Next.

    Table 5-16 HTTP Gateway Server SSL Keystore Password Details

    Field Description

    Keystore Alias

    The unique alias for the Keystore and trusted certificate entries. The default is oracle.

    Keystore Type

    The type of KeyStore, such as JCEKS, JKS, and PKCS12. The default is PKCS12.

    Keystore Algorithm

    The name of the algorithm used to generate the key such as RSA or DSA. The default is RSA.

    Keystore DName

    The credentials that define what users are authorized to do regarding cluster security.






    • CN is the common name for the user.

    • OU is the organizational unit of the user.

    • O is the organization of the user.

    The combined DName values are similar to a group in Linux.

    Tip: The value set here (in creating the certificate) is used for authentication in the cluster and must be the same as the value used in the ECE_home/oceceserver/config/permissions.xml file, which is created after installation and used for authorization in the cluster.

    You use the DName value when enabling SSL.

    The DName value is used as a command line parameter for creating the server.jks keystore.

    Keystore Size

    The size of the Keystore. The default is 1024.

    Keystore Password

    The password used to access the SSL Keystore file.

    Confirm Keystore Password

    Enter the Keystore password again.

  35. In the BRM Database Connection Details screen, specify the information in Table 5-17 and then click Next.

    Table 5-17 BRM Database Connection Details

    Field Description


    The following colon-separated values:



    • Driver is the driver used to connect to the BRM database.

    • HostName is the IP address or the host name of the computer on which the BRM database is configured.

    • Port is the port number assigned to the BRM database service.

    • ServiceName is name of the BRM database service.

    For example:


    User Name

    The BRM database schema user name.


    The password for the BRM database user.

    Queue Name

    The name of the Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ) database queue that the Account Synchronization DM uses to publish business events for ECE to consume.

    ECE listens on this queue for loading update requests from BRM.

    Suspense Queue Name

    The name of the Oracle AQ database queue to which ECE moves events for failed update requests for later reprocessing.

    After installing ECE, you can use an ECE postinstallation script to create this queue. When prompted by the script, enter the queue name you entered here.

    Acknowledgment Queue Name

    The name of the Oracle AQ database queue to which ECE publishes acknowledgments for BRM.

    For example, ECE uses this queue to send acknowledgment events to BRM during the rerating process, indicating that the process can start or finish.

    After installing ECE, you can use an ECE postinstallation script to create this queue. When prompted by the script, enter the queue name you entered here.

    AMT Queue Name

    The name of the Oracle AQ database queue to which ECE publishes notifications for BRM.

    SSL Enabled

    Whether to enable SSL communication.

    Select the SSL Enabled option for production systems.

    If disabled, the subsequent fields are disabled.

    TLS Version

    The version of TLS to use when connecting to the database. Select 1.2.

    ORA Files Location

    The location of the tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora files.

    SSL Type

    The SSL type: One Way or Two Way.

    SSL Server Cert DN

    The SSL server certificate distinguish name.

    Wallet Location

    The location of the SSL database wallet.

    Wallet Type

    The type of SSL database wallet: SSO or PKCS12.

    Wallet Password

    The password of the SSL database wallet.

  36. In the BRM Gateway Details screen, enter the information in Table 5-18 and then click Next.

    Table 5-18 BRM Gateway Details

    Field Description

    Host Name

    The IP address or the host name of the computer on which BRM is configured.

    CM Port

    The port number assigned to the CM.

    User Name

    The BRM user name.


    The password for logging in to BRM.

    Disable SSL

    If you will not use SSL to encrypt communication between ECE and BRM through BRM Gateway, select the Disable SSL option.

    If you select this option, do not change the value in the following field.

    Wallet File Absolute Path

    The path to the Oracle wallet file that contains the SSL trusted certificates for BRM Gateway.

    If SSL is enabled for BRM Gateway but the Oracle wallet file containing the SSL trusted certificates for BRM Gateway is not in the default location (/opt/wallet/client/cwallet.sso), replace the default path in the Wallet File Absolute Path field with the full path to the actual location.

  37. In the External Manager (EM) Gateway Details screen, specify the information in Table 5-19 and then click Next.

    Table 5-19 External Manager (EM) Gateway Details

    Field Description

    Number EM Gateways

    The number of EM Gateway instances you want ECE to run automatically when you start EM Gateway.

    Starting Port Number

    The port number assigned to EM Gateway.

    If you have more than one EM Gateway instance, this is the starting port number. Subsequent port numbers increase by one for each additional EM Gateway instance. For example, if the starting port number is 15502 and you specify three EM Gateway instances, ports 15502, 15503, and 15504 are used by EM Gateway processes.

    Ensure that no other processes on the machine use port numbers assigned to EM Gateway instances.

    Disable SSL

    If you do not want to use SSL to encrypt communication between BRM and ECE through EM Gateway, select the Disable SSL option.

    If you select this option, do not enter or change values in the following fields.

    Client Authentication Disabled

    If you do not want authentication to be performed to check whether EM Gateway is allowed to communicate with ECE, select the Client Authentication Disabled option.

    If you select this option, do not change the value in the following fields.

    Client wallet

    If SSL is enabled for EM Gateway but the Oracle wallet file containing the SSL trusted certificates for EM Gateway is not in the default location (/opt/wallet/server/cwallet.sso), replace the default path in the Client wallet field with the full path to the actual location.

  38. In the PDC Pricing Components Queue Details screen, enter the system connection information in Table 5-20 for the server on which the JMS queue for PDC pricing component data resides. Click Next.

    Table 5-20 PDC Pricing Components Queue Details

    Field Description

    Host Name

    The IP address or the host name of the computer on which the PDC JMS queue to which PDC publishes the pricing data resides.

    Port Number

    The port number of the computer on which the PDC JMS queue resides.

    User Name

    The user name for logging in to the server on which the PDC JMS queue resides.


    In the Password field, enter the password for logging in to the server on which the PDC JMS queue resides.

    Disable SSL

    If you will not use SSL to encrypt communication between BRM and PDC, select the Disable SSL option.

    If you select this option, do not enter values in the following fields.

    PDC KeyStore password

    The password used to access the SSL KeyStore file.

    KeyStore Path

    The full path to the SSL KeyStore file.

    PDC publishes pricing component data into this queue. ECE will listen on this JMS queue to consume the pricing component data.

  39. In the Third Party Component Details screen, enter the path or browse to the directory that contains the third-party components required by ECE and then click Next.

  40. In the Java Home Location screen, enter the path or browse to the directory in which the compatible version of Java is installed and then click Next.

  41. In the Installation Summary screen, review the selections you have made in the preceding screens and then click Install.

    The Installation Progress screen appears.


    After the installation begins, clicking Stop installation stops the installation process, but the files that are already copied are not removed.

  42. When the installation is done, click Next.

  43. In the Installation Complete screen, click Finish to complete and exit.

The installer checks for all required software and displays errors if it detects any missing or unavailable components or if any connectivity issues occur.

For information about verifying the installation of ECE, see "Verifying the ECE Installation".

For information about ECE installer logs, see "Troubleshooting the ECE Installation".

Installing a Standalone ECE System

To install a standalone ECE system, select the Standalone installation option. An ECE standalone system is a self-contained, nonproduction version of ECE that is not integrated with BRM or Pricing Design Center (PDC). Use the standalone system for evaluation, demonstration, and functional testing.

To install a standalone ECE system:

  1. Go to the directory where you downloaded the ECE software, and then run one of the following commands:

    • To start the GUI installer:

      Java_home/bin/java -jar jarfile


      • Java_home is the directory in which you installed the latest supported Java version.

      • jarfile is the installer JAR file. For example, the jarfile for installing ECE 15.0 is ocece-

    • To start the GUI installer and install PDC using the oraInventory directory in a different location:

      Java_home/bin/java -jar jarfile -invPtrLoc FilePath/oraInst.loc

      where FilePath is the path to the directory in which the oraInst.loc file is located.

    • To start the GUI installer and create a silent installer response file during the installation:

      Java_home/bin/java -jar jarfile -record -destinationFile path

      where path is the response file location and name.

  2. In the Welcome screen, click Next.


    The installer creates an Inventory directory if it does not detect any installed Oracle products on the system. The Inventory directory manages all Oracle products installed on your system.

  3. In the Installation Inventory screen, enter the full path or browse to the directory in which you want to install ECE and then click Next.

    • Full path of the inventory directory

    • Name of the operating system group that has write permission to the inventory directory

  4. In the Installation Location screen, enter the full path or browse to the directory in which you want to install ECE and then click Next.


    If you have an existing ECE installation, ensure that you do not enter the path to the same directory in which the existing ECE release is installed. You can install ECE in a different directory on the same machine.

  5. In the Languages Selection screen, select the languages you want ECE to use and then click Next.

  6. In the Installation Type screen, select Standalone and then click Next.

  7. In the ECE Security Options screen, select one of the ECE security options listed in Table 5-21 and then click Next.

    Table 5-21 ECE Security Options

    Option Description

    Security disabled

    Enables no security configurations.

    (Single server installation only)

    Security enabled without SSL

    Enables the following security configurations:

    • JMX security

    • Authorized hosts list

    • Coherence node authentication

    Security enabled with SSL

    Enables the following security configurations:

    • SSL encryption

      (Impacts overall system performance)

    • JMX security

    • Authorized hosts list

    • Coherence node authentication

  8. In the Enable Persistence screen, do one of the following and then click Next.

    • To persist all ECE data in the database, select Persistence enabled and proceed to step 10.

    • To persist only the rated events in the database, select Persistence disabled and proceed to the next step.

  9. In the Oracle NoSQL Database Details screen, specify the information in Table 5-22, click Next, and then proceed to step 14.


    This screen appears only if you selected Persistence disabled.

    Table 5-22 Oracle NoSQL Database Details

    Field Description

    Host Name

    The host name or IP address of the machine on which the Oracle NoSQL database is installed.

    Port Number

    The port number assigned to the Oracle NoSQL database.

    NoSQL Datastore Name (database name)

    The name of the Oracle NoSQL data store in which you want to persist ECE rated events.

    This is where Rated Event Publisher writes rated events generated by the ECE server.

  10. In the ECE Persistence Schema Creation screen, do one of the following and then click Next.

    • To create user and tables for the ECE persistence schema, select Create schema user and tables and proceed to the next step.

    • To create only the tables for the ECE persistence schema, select Create tables Only and proceed to step 11.

    • If you want to use existing schema users and tables, select Use existing schema user and tables and proceed to step 14.

  11. In the ECE Persistence Database Details screen, specify the information in Table 5-23 and then click Next.


    Ensure that the Oracle Database server is in Running state. The installer connects to the Oracle Database server to verify the information you entered is valid.

    Table 5-23 ECE Persistence Database Details

    Field Description

    Host Name

    The host name or IP address of the machine on which the ECE persistence database is installed.

    Port Number

    The non-SSL port number assigned to the ECE persistence database service.

    User Name

    The SYSDBA or system user name for the ECE persistence database.


    The ECE persistence database user password.

    Service Name

    The name of the ECE persistence database service.

    This is where all ECE data is persisted by the ECE server.

    SSL Enabled

    Whether to enable SSL communication between ECE and the Oracle database.

    The SSL Enabled option must be selected for production systems.

    If SSL Enabled is not selected, the subsequent fields are disabled.

    TLS Version

    The version of TLS to use when connecting to the database. Select 1.2.

    ORA Files Location

    The location of the tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora files.

    SSL Type

    The SSL type: One Way or Two Way.

    SSL Server Cert DN

    The SSL server certificate distinguish name.

    Wallet Location

    The full path to the directory from where ECE will access the SSL DB wallets.

    Wallet Type

    The type of wallet: SSO or PKCS12.

    Wallet Password

    If you selected PKCS12, enter the password for the SSL DB PKCS12 wallet.

    If you selected SSO, this field is grayed out.

  12. In the ECE Persistence Schema Details screen, specify the information in Table 5-24, click Next, and then proceed to step 14.

    Table 5-24 ECE Persistence Schema Details

    Field Description

    User Name

    The ECE persistence schema user name.


    The password for the ECE persistence schema user.

    Confirm Password

    Enter the password for the ECE persistence schema user again.

    ECE Tablespace

    The name of the tablespace for the ECE schema.

    Temp Tablespace

    The name of the temporary tablespace for the ECE schema.

  13. In the Persistence Database Details screen, specify the information in Table 5-25 and then click Next.

    Table 5-25 Persistence Database Details

    Field Description

    User Name

    The ECE persistence schema user name.


    The password for the ECE persistence schema user.


    The JDBC URL, in this format:



    • Driver is the driver used to connect to Oracle Database.

    • HostName is the IP address or the host name of the computer on which the ECE persistence database is configured.

    • Port is the non-SSL port number assigned to the ECE persistence database service.

    • ServiceName is name of the ECE persistence database service.

    For example:


    SSL Enabled

    Whether to enable SSL communication between ECE and the Oracle database.

    Select the SSL Enabled option for production systems.

    When disabled, the subsequent fields are disabled.

    SSL Type

    Select the SSL type: One Way or Two Way.

    SSL Server Cert DN

    The SSL server certificate distinguish name.

    Wallet Location

    The location of SSL database wallet.

    Wallet Type

    The type of SSL database wallet: SSO or PKCS12.

    Wallet Password

    The password of the SSL database wallet.

  14. In the Config Data Details screen, enter the path or browse to the directory where ECE retrieves the XML files that contain configuration data (mediation specifications). Click Next.

    After installation, when you load data into ECE, the loading utility reads and loads configuration data from this directory.

  15. In the Pricing Data Details screen, enter the path or browse to the directory where ECE retrieves the XML files that contain pricing data. Click Next.

    After installation, when you load data into ECE, the loading utility reads and loads pricing data from this directory.

  16. In the Customer Data Details screen, enter the path or browse to the directory where ECE retrieves the XML files that contain customer data. Click Next.

    After installation, when you load data into ECE, the loading utility reads and loads customer data from this directory.

  17. In the PayLoad Config File Details screen, enter the path or browse to the directory where ECE retrieves the XML files that contain payloadconfig data. Click Next.

    After installation, when you load data into ECE, the loading utility reads and loads payloadconfig data from this directory.

  18. In the Rated Event Manager Config File Details screen, enter one of the following in the REF MODE field and then click Next.

    • CDR to only generate CDRs.

    • DIRECT to load data directly into BRM.

    • CDR_DIRECT to load data directly into BRM, and generate CDRs for audit purposes.

  19. In the Cross-Reference Data Details screen, enter the path or browse to the directory where ECE retrieves the XML files that contain cross-reference data. Click Next.

    After installation, when you load data into ECE, the loading utility reads and loads cross-reference data from this directory.

  20. In the Persistence Data Details screen, enter the path or browse to the directory into which the ECE BrmCdrPluginDirect Plug-in will write call detail record (CDR) files of rated events. Click Next.

    This is the directory where the plug-in stores completed CDR files that are ready to be processed by BRM.

  21. In the ECE Cluster Details screen, enter the information in Table 5-26 and then click Next.

    Table 5-26 ECE Cluster Details

    Field Description

    User Name for Host Machines

    The user name you specified when you created the ECE user account prior to installation. All machines in the cluster must have the same user name.

    This is used by ECE to identify the remote machines on which to deploy ECE.

    Java Heap Settings

    The memory to allocate to each node in the ECE cluster.

    The memory applies to each node for the driver machine and all server machines.

    Cluster Name

    The cluster name used by applications to identify ECE in the cluster. For example, Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control uses the cluster name to locate ECE nodes for monitoring.

    The cluster name must contain fewer than 32 characters.

    Non Active-active multi site deployment

    Select this checkbox if you do not plan to set up an active-active disaster recovery system.

    Note: If you select this option, skip to step 23.

    Active-Active multi site deployment

    Select this checkbox if you plan to set up an active-active disaster recovery system. This is selected by default.

  22. In the ECE Active Active Clusters screen, click Next.


    This screen appears only if you selected Active-Active multi site deployment.

  23. In the Coherence Grid Security screen, specify the machines allowed to be part of the Coherence cluster and the credentials required for accessing the cluster.


    If you selected the Security disabled option, this screen does not appear. Proceed to step 24.

    To specify the machines, do one or both of the following:

    • In the Host Details in Comma Separated Format field, list the host names or IP addresses of all machines on which ECE nodes will reside. Separate each value with a comma.

      Include your computer name in this field. Do not enter localhost or a loopback address.

      Include all server machines across which the Coherence grid is deployed and any other machine that is to be part of the grid.

    • Specify a range of allowed addresses for hosts in the same subnet as follows:

      In the Host Details Range from IP Address field, enter the valid IP address that starts the range.

      In the Host Details Range to IP Address field, enter the valid IP address that ends the range.

    To specify the credentials required to access the cluster:

    • In the Alias Name for Coherence Grid Security field, enter the account alias that defines the administrator for securing the Coherence cluster.

    • In the Password for the Alias field, enter the password used to access the cluster security key in the Coherence KeyStore (the ECE_home/oceceserver/config/server.jks file).

      This is the password for Coherence cluster security.

      You use this password when enabling SSL.

  24. In the KeyStore Credentials screen, specify the information in Table 5-27 and then click Next.

    Table 5-27 KeyStore Credentials

    Field Description

    Key Password for boundary system alias

    The password ECE uses to access the server JKS file.

    Certificate store password

    The password used to access the server JKS file.


    The credentials that define what users are authorized to do regarding cluster security.






    • CN is the common name for the user.

    • OU is the organizational unit of the user.

    • O is the organization of the user.

    The combined DName values are similar to a group in Linux.

    Tip: The value set here (in creating the certificate) is used for authentication in the cluster and must be the same as the value used in the ECE_home/oceceserver/config/permissions.xml file, which is created after installation and used for authorization in the cluster.

    You use the DName value when enabling SSL.

    The DName value is used as a command line parameter for creating the server.jks keystore.

  25. In the Oracle Wallet Details screen, specify the ECE wallet details in Table 5-28 and then click Next.

    Table 5-28 Oracle Wallet Details

    Field Description

    Wallet Location

    The full path or browse to the directory in which you want to store the Oracle wallet for ECE.

    Wallet Password

    The password for the ECE wallet.

    Confirm Wallet Password

    The password for the ECE wallet again.

  26. In the ECE Notification Queue Details screen, enter the Java Message Service (JMS) credentials in Table 5-29 and then click Next.

    ECE publishes notification events into this JMS queue (JMS topic), which external systems can use to obtain data for their own processing.

    After you install ECE, you run a postinstallation script that creates the JMS queue (JMS topic) on the server.

    Table 5-29 ECE Notification Queue Details

    Field Description

    Host Name

    The host name of the server on which the JMS queue (JMS topic) resides.

    Port Number

    The port number of the server on which the JMS queue (JMS topic) resides.

    User Name

    The user name for logging in to the server on which the JMS queue (JMS topic) resides.


    The password for logging in to the server. on which the JMS queue (JMS topic) resides.

    Connection Factory Name

    The connection factory name used to create connections to the JMS queue (JMS topic) queue.

    After installing ECE, you run an ECE postinstallation script that creates the JMS queue (JMS topic) on the server. The connection factory name entered here is used by the script to create connections to the JMS queue.

    Topic Name

    The name of the JMS queue on the server, to which ECE publishes notification events.

    After installing ECE, you run a postinstallation script that creates the JMS queue (JMS topic) on the server. The topic name entered here is the name the ECE postinstallation script uses to create the JMS queue.

    Suspense Queue Name

    The name for the suspense queue to which ECE pushes the failed notifications.

  27. In the ECE Notification Queue SSL Details screen, enter the information in Table 5-30, which is required to connect to the Java Message Service queue to which ECE publishes notification events. Click Next.

    Table 5-30 ECE Notification Queue SSL Details

    Field Description

    Disable SSL

    If you do not want to use SSL to encrypt communication between ECE and the JMS queue, select the Disable SSL option.

    If you select this option, do not enter values in the following fields.

    Keystore password

    The password used to access the SSL keystore file.

    Keystore location

    The full path to the SSL keystore file.

  28. In the Diameter Gateway Details screen, enter the information in Table 5-31 and then click Next.

    Table 5-31 Diameter Gateway Details

    Field Description


    If you do not want Diameter Gateway to start when ECE starts, select the Skip option.

    If you select this option, do not enter values in the following fields.

    Origin Host

    The value for the Origin-Host attribute-value pair (AVP) to be sent in the Diameter request.

    This is a unique identifier that you assign your Diameter Gateway server on its host. It can be any string value.

    The value set here is used by the Diameter client to identify your Diameter Gateway server as the connecting Diameter peer that is the source of the Diameter message.

    For more information about how the Origin-Host AVP can be specified, refer to Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Network Working Group RFC 3588 (Diameter Base Protocol).

    Origin Realm

    The value for the Origin-Realm AVP to be sent by the Diameter Gateway in outgoing Diameter requests.

    This is the signaling realm (domain) that you assign your Diameter Gateway server.

    The value set here is used by Diameter clients to identify your Diameter Gateway server as the source of the Diameter message.

    For more information about how the Origin-Realm AVP can be specified, refer to Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Network Working Group RFC 3588 (Diameter Base Protocol).

    The Diameter Gateway details you enter in this screen apply to one Diameter Gateway node instance that listens to all network interfaces for Diameter messages, which is suitable for basic testing directly after installation.

    For a distributed environment, you must add Diameter Gateway node instances to your topology and configure a unique network interface for each instance after installation. See the discussion about adding Diameter Gateway nodes for online charging in "ECE Postinstallation Tasks".

  29. In the RADIUS Gateway Details screen, enter the information in Table 5-32 and then click Next.

    Table 5-32 RADIUS Gateway Details

    Field Description


    If you do not want RADIUS Gateway to start when ECE starts, select the Skip option.

    If you select this option, do not enter values in the following fields.


    The name of the RADIUS Gateway instance.


    The port number assigned to RADIUS Gateway.

    Shared Secret

    The common password shared between the RADIUS Gateway server and Network Access Server (NAS). It is used by the RADIUS protocol for security.

    Wallet Location

    The path to the Oracle wallet that contains the SSL authentication and signature credentials (such as private keys, and certificates) and the root key for the RADIUS Gateway server.

    The RADIUS Gateway details you enter in this screen apply to a single RADIUS Gateway instance (node) that listens to all network interfaces for RADIUS messages, which is suitable for basic testing directly after installation.

    For a distributed environment, you must add RADIUS Gateway instances (nodes) to your topology and configure a unique network interface for each instance after installation. See the discussion about adding RADIUS Gateway nodes in "ECE Postinstallation Tasks".

  30. In the Third-Party Library Details screen, enter the path or browse to the directory that contains the JAR files required by ECE and then click Next.

  31. In the Java Home Location screen, enter the path or browse to the directory in which the compatible version of Java is installed and then click Next.

  32. In the Installation Summary screen, review the selections you have made in the preceding screens and then click Install.

  33. In the Installation Progress screen, wait until the installation completes and then click Next.


    After the installation begins, clicking Stop installation stops the installation process, but the files that are already copied are not removed.

  34. In the Installation Complete screen, click Finish to complete and exit.

The installer checks for all required software and displays errors if it detects any missing or unavailable components or if any connectivity issues occur.

For information about verifying the installation of ECE, see "Verifying the ECE Installation".

For information about ECE installer logs, see "Troubleshooting the ECE Installation".

Installing ECE by Using the Silent Installation

The silent installation procedure enables you to perform a non-interactive installation of ECE. You can use the silent installation to install ECE quickly on multiple systems.

Silent install mode does not use the GUI and runs in the background. In this mode, you use a response file template that contains a predefined set of values to install ECE. You can generate a response file that contains the parameters and values during the ECE GUI installation.

Creating a Response File

To create a response file:

  1. Create a copy of the response file that was generated during the GUI installation. See "Installing ECE by Using the GUI Installation" for more information.


    The GUI installer does not store passwords provided during installation in the response file. You must manually add the passwords after creating a copy of the response file.

    You can create as many response files as needed.

  2. Open the file in a text editor.

  3. Modify the response file you copied by specifying the key-value information for the parameters you want in your installation.


    • The response file template contains guidelines and examples on how to enter the values in the parameters.

    • The installer treats incorrect context, format, and type values in a response file as if no value were specified.

  4. Save and close the response file.

Performing a Silent Installation

To perform a silent installation:

  1. Create a response file. See "Creating a Response File".

  2. Copy the response file you created to the machine on which you run the silent installation.

  3. On the machine on which you run the silent installation, go to the temp_dir directory to which you have downloaded the PDC server software pack, and run the following command:

    Java_home/bin/java -jar jarfile -debug -invPtrLoc Inventory_home/oraInventory/oraInst.loc [parameter=value] -responseFile path -silent


    • Java_home is the directory in which you installed the latest supported Java version.

    • jarfile is the installer JAR file. For example, the jarfile for installing ECE 15.0 is ocece-

    • parameter is the name of an installation parameter.

    • value is the value of the installation parameter.

    • path is the absolute path to the response file.

    For example:

    Java_home/bin/java -jar ocece- -debug -invPtrLoc Inventory_home/oraInventory/oraInst.loc INSTALL_TYPE=Complete -responseFile /tmp/oracle.communications.ocece.ece.rsp -silent

    The installation runs silently in the background.

The ECE installer checks for all required software and writes errors to a log file if it detects any missing or unavailable components or if any connectivity issues occur.

For information about verifying the installation of ECE, see "Verifying the ECE Installation".

For information about ECE installer logs, see "Troubleshooting the ECE Installation".