9 Troubleshooting and Correcting G/L Exports

Learn how to troubleshoot and correct exported G/L data in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM).

Topics in this document:

Retrieving Audit Data for Exported G/L Reports

You can use G/L export audit data to:

  • Ensure that reports have been generated for all periods prior to the start date of the next report.

  • Generate statistics.

  • Troubleshoot reporting errors.

Each time you generate general ledger reports, BRM writes information to a /process_audit/export_gl object in the BRM database. To view the data in the audit object, read the object with the testnap utility or the Object Browser. See "Reading an Object and Fields" in BRM Developer's Guide.

The /process_audit/export_gl object contains the following information:

  • The status of the last export run:

    • COMPLETED indicates that the application run has exited normally.

    • IN_PROGRESS indicates that the application is currently running.

    • INCOMPLETE indicates that the application crashed during an earlier application run and the audit entry was marked as such during a subsequent run.

  • If the pin_ledger_report utility was run in -export mode with the -resend or -regenerate parameter, the POID of the ledger report object last prepared for export.

  • A report information array. Each array element contains the following information for one report:

    • The G/L segment for which the report is generated.

    • The type of G/L report.

    • The frequency (or schedule) of exporting the G/L reports.

    • The end time of the reporting period.

    • If non-monetary balance elements were reported on, the balance element IDs that were included in or excluded from the report.

    • A list of up to 3 POIDs:

      The first POID is the default report generated by calling the PCM_OP_GL_LEDGER_REPORT opcode.

      If there are 2 POIDs, the second one is either the custom report (Billed, Billed earned, and Previously billed earned) or the cumulative report (Unbilled, Unbilled earned, Unbilled unearned, and Billed unearned) generated after execution of the PCM_OP_GL_POL_EXPORT_GL policy opcode.

      If there are 3 POIDs, the second one is the custom report and the third one is the cumulative report.

Using Updated G/L Data After an Export

When you make changes to the G/L data in the BRM database after you generated the report for that G/L data, run the pin_ledger_report utility in -export mode with the -regenerate parameter. This command does the following:

  • Re-creates the G/L report in the database.

  • Reposts the G/L report.

  • Re-creates the XML output files.


Do not use the -regenerate parameter if the pin_ledger_report utility exits abnormally. Instead, use the -restart parameter. See "Restarting a Failed Export".

If you regenerate a G/L report that was not the last report generated, you must also regenerate all subsequent reports to ensure the data is accurate. For example, if you need to regenerate a report for March, and reports exist for April and May, you should regenerate the April and May reports.


A regenerated report does not correct G/L data that was previously imported into the external G/L system. You must reverse the original reports in the external G/L system and then re-import the regenerated data to maintain data integrity.

To regenerate a previously generated G/L report and re-export it to an XML file, run the following command:

pin_ledger_report -mode export -regenerate reportId

where reportId is a combination of the database number, the Portal object ID (POID) of the /process_audit/export_gl object, and the report number all separated by dashes. For example, if the database number is, the POID is 123456, and the report number is 4, enter:

pin_ledger_report -mode export -regenerate

To find the report ID, look in the previously generated report XML output file, if available, or in the export audit data. See "Retrieving Audit Data for Exported G/L Reports".

Correcting Incorrect Data or Replacing Lost XML Output Files

When the G/L data in the BRM database has not changed and the XML output files were either created incorrectly or lost before they could be imported into the external G/L system, run the pin_ledger_report utility in export mode with the -resend parameter. This command re-creates the XML output files. It does not re-create or repost the G/L report in the database.


Do not use the -resend parameter if the pin_ledger_report utility exits abnormally. Instead, use the -restart parameter. See "Restarting a Failed Export".

To export a previously exported G/L report to an XML file, run the following command:

pin_ledger_report -mode export -resend report_ID

where report_ID is a combination of the database number, the POID of the /process_audit/export_gl object, and the report number. For example, if the database number is, the POID is 123456, and the report number is 4, enter:

pin_ledger_report -mode export -resend

To find the report number, look in the previously generated report XML output file, if available, or in the export audit data. See "Retrieving Audit Data for Exported G/L Reports".


This command does not regenerate the report contained in the /audit_object/export_gl object. For information on regenerating an exported G/L report, see "Using Updated G/L Data After an Export".

Restarting a Failed Export

If the pin_ledger_report utility exits abnormally, it attempts to clean up any errors from that run and finishes processing. If it is not successful (the status is not set to COMPLETED after the run), subsequent runs will not work.

To clean up the previous run and finish processing successfully, use the -restart parameter:

pin_ledger_report -mode export -restart

The utility will continue to process the reports from the point at which it left off when it stopped; therefore, no duplicate reports are generated.

Purging G/L Export Data

You can purge the following G/L report data:

  • XML output files on the file system.

    Keep the XML output files for the latest period for each segment and report type until subsequent runs have been made and the XML files have been imported successfully into the external system.

  • /process_audit/export_gl objects and /ledger_report objects in the database.

    Keep /process_audit/export_gl objects for each G/L segment and report type combination (for example, a billed revenue report for the .westcoast G/L segment) until there are at least two newer sets of objects in the database. This ensures you can re-export or regenerate previous G/L reports if necessary.


    Each /process_audit/export_gl object contains a reference to a corresponding /ledger_report object. Therefore, you should purge them at the same time. Before doing so, make sure they are no longer needed.

For information on purging data, see "About Purging Data" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.