11 Troubleshooting the BRM Installation

Learn how to solve problems that may occur in your Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) system.

Topics in this document:

For more information, see "Reference Guide to BRM Error Codes" and "Resolving Problems in Your BRM System" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.

Problems Installing the Database

For more information on errors that can occur when installing your database, see your database documentation.

Problem: Cannot Start the Oracle Listener

When you try to start the Oracle Listener, you get a “permission denied" error.

Possible Cause

The path points to a directory for which you do not have access.


Change the permissions to the directory where the listener.ora and listener.log files are stored.

Problem: Cannot Connect to the Oracle Database as the System User

You cannot connect to the database as the system user with SQL.

Possible Causes
  • The Oracle Listener is not running.

  • Oracle cannot find a tnsnames.ora file.

  • The tnsnames.ora file does not point to a valid database.

  1. Start the Oracle Listener.

  2. Make sure the tnsnames.ora file points to your database on the specific host machine.

  3. Make sure the Oracle user's path contains the correct path to your tnsnames.ora file.

Problems Installing BRM

If you have a problem installing the BRM software or its optional components, first check the pin_setup.log file, and then the Data Manager (DM) and Connection Manager (CM) log files for possible reasons for the failure.

Problem: An Error Occurred When pin_setup is Run During Installation

When you run the pin_setup script of BRM during installation, error occurs if the database alias is incorrect.

Possible Cause

The database alias is incorrect, so the pin_setup script cannot finish executing.


In single-schema environments, make sure you do the following and then continue the BRM installation:

  1. Set the $TNS_SERVICE_NAME environment variable to point to the database service name.

  2. Open the tnsnames.ora file in a text editor.

    By default, that file is in the Oracle_home/network/admin/ directory.

  3. Set SERVICE_NAME as the database alias in the connect descriptor:

    For example:

    pindb.example.com =(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = ) (HOST = ) (PORT = ) ))(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVICE_NAME = pindb.example.com)))
  4. Save and close the file.

In multischema environments, make sure you do the following after installing BRM:

  1. Specify the correct database alias in the Oracle wallet.

    For updating the configuration entries in the Oracle wallet, see "About Oracle Wallet" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.

  2. Update the $MAIN_DB{'alias'} entry in the BRM_home/setup/pin_setup.values file to point to the correct database alias.

  3. Run the pin_setup script. See "Running the pin_setup Script".

Problem: An Error Occurred during the Move Data Process

You receive the error “An error occurred during the move data process -132."

Possible Cause

A BRM process is running, so the pin_setup script cannot finish executing.


Make sure you stop all existing BRM processes, and then run the pin_setup script again.

Problem: Errors Are Recorded in the Log File When dm_oracle Starts

After you install BRM and while running the pin_setup script of BRM, when the Oracle DM starts, errors are recorded in the dm_oracle.pinlog file.

Possible Cause

Cannot find the ACCOUNT_T table, as this gets created later on.


There is no solution; the error does not impact any functionality and can be ignored.

Problem: An Error Occurs in the dm_fusa.pinlog file during pin_setup of Paymentech Manager

Errors occur while running the pin_setup script of Paymentech Manager in the dm_fusa.pinlog file.

Possible Cause

The simulator is not started.


After the pin_setup of Paymentech Manager is complete, start the answer simulator to remove the errors. The simulators are in BRM_home/bin. You start the simulator through the command line:


Problems Connecting to the Database

Conflicting settings in the pin_setup.values configuration file often cause database connection failures.

Problem: Pointer to the Wrong Database Name

The pin_setup script cannot connect to the database, and the error message in the DM log file shows that the DM is trying to connect to the incorrect database.

Possible Cause

The $MAIN_DB{'alias'} entry in the pin_setup.values file does not match the database alias.


Enter the correct name for your database; for example, pindbhostname, in the $MAIN_DB{'alias'} entry of the pin_setup.values file. Re-run the pin_setup script.

Problem: Cannot Log In to the Database

The pin_setup script cannot log in to the BRM database. The error message indicates an invalid user name or password.

Possible Cause

The $MAIN_DB{'user'} and $MAIN_DB{'password'} entries in the pin_setup.values file do not specify the correct user name and password for the BRM database.


First, verify that you can connect to the BRM database by using the user name and password you want. If you cannot connect:

  1. Use SQL statements to set up the user and password for the BRM database.

  2. Enter the correct user name and password for the BRM database in the $MAIN_DB{'user'} and $MAIN_DB{'password'} entries in the pin_setup.values file.

  3. Re-run the pin_setup script.

Problem: Out of Memory on Linux

The pin_setup script cannot start the DM, and the error log file for the DM refers to “bad shmget", “bad shmat", or another error related to memory.

Possible Cause

There is not enough shared memory on the database server.


Increase the shared memory value in the /etc/sysctl.conf file. Perform these steps in a text editor:

  1. Log on as root.

  2. Open the /etc/sysctl.conf file.

  3. Add the following lines to the end of the file, or modify the values if these lines are already present:

    kernel.shmmax = 536870912
    kernel.shmall = 536870912
  4. Save and close the file.

  5. Run sysctl -p from the Linux prompt.