3 Customizing Invoice Content

Learn how to customize the content included in your customers' invoices in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM).

Topics in this document:

To customize the data displayed in invoices, use the PCM_OP_INV_POL_PREP_INVOICE policy opcode. See "Including Custom Data in Invoices" in BRM Opcode Guide.

Grouping Items By Service Type

You can group items by service on invoices. To enable this feature:

  1. Open the CM configuration file (BRM_home/sys/cm/pin.conf).

  2. To enable service-centric invoicing, set the value of service_centric_invoice to 1, as follows:

    - fm_inv_pol    service_centric_invoice   1 

    To disable service-centric invoicing, enter 0.

  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Stop and restart the CM.


In the invoicing business profile, if the EnableInvoicingIntegration config business parameter is enabled, ensure that in BRM_home/sys/cm/pin.conf, the service_centric_invoice entry is commented. By default, the service_centric_invoice entry is commented. If this entry is not commented, you can view the invoice document in Billing Care or Customer Center only, and not in the Oracle Analytics Publisher client.

Including Payment, A/R, and Tax Details in Invoices

You can specify details about customer's payments, A/R, and tax details. To do so, create a list of the events you want to include, and then use the pin_load_invoice_events utility to load that list of event types. See "pin_load_invoice_events" for details.

To include details in the invoice:

  1. Open the events.file file (BRM_home/sys/data/config/events.file).

  2. Edit the file to add the event details you want to include in the invoice. See "A/R Events That Can Be In Invoices".

  3. Load events.file by using the following command:

    pin_load_invoice_events -brand " 1"-eventfile file

    where file is the name of the events.file file.

  4. To verify that the event types were loaded, you can display the /config/invoice_events object by using Object Browser, or use the robj command with the testnap utility. See "Reading an Object and Writing Its Contents to a File" in BRM Developer's Guide.

A/R Events That Can Be In Invoices

To include adjustment details in the invoice, include these events in the events.file file (if not already present):

  • /event/billing/adjustment/account

  • /event/billing/adjustment/event

  • /event/billing/adjustment/item

  • /event/billing/adjustment/tax_event

To include payment details in the invoice, include these events in the events.file file (if not already present):

  • /event/billing/payment/cash

  • /event/billing/payment/cc

  • /event/billing/payment/check

  • /event/billing/payment/dd

  • /event/billing/payment/payorder

  • /event/billing/payment/postalorder

  • /event/billing/payment/wtransfer

  • /event/billing/payment/failed

  • /event/billing/payment/voucher

  • /event/billing/payment/voucher_topup

To include payment reversal details in the invoice, include these events in the events.file file (if not already present):

  • /event/billing/reversal/cash

  • /event/billing/reversal/cc

  • /event/billing/reversal/check

  • /event/billing/reversal/dd

  • /event/billing/reversal/failed

  • /event/billing/reversal/payorder

  • /event/billing/reversal/postalorder

  • /event/billing/reversal/voucher

  • /event/billing/reversal/wtransfer

To include write-off-related events, include these events in the events.file file (if not already present):

  • /event/billing/writeoff/bill

  • /event/billing/writeoff/billinfo

  • /event/billing/writeoff/item

  • /event/billing/writeoff/tax_bill

  • /event/billing/writeoff/tax_billinfo

  • /event/billing/writeoff/tax_item

To include refund-related events, include these events in the events.file file (if not already present):

  • /event/billing/refund/cash

  • /event/billing/refund/cc

  • /event/billing/refund/check

  • /event/billing/refund/dd

  • /event/billing/refund/payorder

  • /event/billing/refund/postalorder

  • /event/billing/refund/wtransfer

To include write-off reversal events, include these events in the events.file file (if not already present):

  • /event/billing/writeoff_reversal

  • /event/billing/writeoff_reversal/tax

To include dispute and settlement details in the invoice, include these events in the events.file file (if not already present):

  • /event/billing/settlement/event

  • /event/billing/settlement/item

  • /event/billing/settlement/tax_event

  • /event/billing/dispute/event

  • /event/billing/dispute/item

  • /event/billing/dispute/tax_event

To include tax-related information for the summary invoice, include /event/billing/cycle/tax in the events.file file.

To include any custom event, include the custom event in the events.file. For example, you can include /event/billing/cycle/tax/federal event to the events.files.

Including Shadow Event Adjustment Details in Invoices

Shadow events show the results of an adjustment. When recording a shadow event, you can customize your invoice to either show the adjustment details or show only the result of shadow event adjustments in the end balance.

Shadow events are also created by the BRM rerating process. You use the same configuration entry to show shadow event details for both adjustments and rerating. Therefore, to display adjustment details, you must also display rerating details, and vice versa.

To set the shadow event invoice details entry:

  1. Open the CM configuration file (BRM_home/sys/cm/pin.conf).

  2. Set the following entry to 1.

    - fm_inv_pol show_rerate_details 0

    The default is 0.

  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Stop and restart the CM.

Including Soft Descriptors in Invoices

You can add soft descriptors, which contain information to help customers recognize charges to credit card and checking account statements. Soft descriptors are available for Paymentech direct debit and credit card processing. The following soft descriptors can be added to customer statements:

  • Your DBA (doing business as) name

  • Your product name

  • Your customer service phone number (instead of your headquarters city)

There are two ways to add soft descriptor information:

Aggregating Taxes on Invoices

You can create invoices that aggregate taxes for each tax supplier and, within each tax supplier, for each tax code. By default, taxes are not aggregated on invoices.

To enable this feature, run the pin_bus_params utility to change the ADSTTaxHandle business parameter. For information about this utility, see BRM Developer's Guide.

To aggregate taxes on your invoices:

  1. Go to BRM_home/sys/data/config.

  2. Create an XML file from the /config/business_params object:

    pin_bus_params -r BusParamsInvoicing bus_params_Invoicing.xml
  3. In the file, change disabled to enabled:

  4. Save the file as bus_params_Invoicing.xml.

  5. Load the XML file into the BRM database:

    pin_bus_params bus_params_Invoicing.xml 
  6. Stop and restart the CM.

Using Invoice Templates That Display Promotion Names

To display promotion names and details, your invoices must use a template that includes a space holder for promotion details. The default sample1.xsl template is preconfigured to display promotion names and details. You can use this XSL template or create your own template.

To view promotion details on invoices, perform one of the following:

  • Use the default sample1.xsl invoice template. If your system uses multiple invoice templates, you can switch to the XSL template by using the pin_load_invoice_template utility. See "Switching between XSLT and HTML Templates".

  • Modify your custom XSL invoice template to display promotion name details, and then load the template into the database. See "Designing XSLT Invoice Templates".

  • Customize the pin_invoice_template.html template by using the PCM_OP_INV_POL_FORMAT_INVOICE_HTML policy opcode. See BRM Opcode Guide.

Defining Multiple Invoices for One Customer

You can define multiple invoices for one customer by identifying each invoice with a unique invoice name. This enables you to assign a specific invoice to a specific bill unit in a customer's account.

For example, a customer wants the invoice for one bill sent to a home address and the invoice for another bill sent to a business address. You can set up two invoices: one with an invoice name of "Home" that contains the customer's home address information, and one with an invoice name of "Work" that contains the customer's work address information.


At any time, you can have only one invoice assigned to a customer account. You can select the invoice type from a list of invoices defined for a customer.

To assign an invoice ID to an invoice, do either of the following:

  • Use Billing Care or Customer Center to set the Invoice payment method ID value of an invoice. You access this field from the Payment Options dialog box when setting up a new payment method for an account during account creation or account maintenance.

  • Use a custom CRM system to pass the invoice name in the input flist of PCM_OP_CUST_SET_PAYINFO. See BRM Opcode Guide.

Using an /invoice Subclass

If you add a subclass to the /invoice object and want to use the subclass for invoicing, you must specify the subclass type. You can do this in either of the following ways:

  • Specify the invoice object database number and type in the PIN_FLD_INVOICE_OBJ field in the /payinfo storable class. Then, using testnap, change the invoice_obj_type in the payinfo_t table to the subclass type.

  • Edit the CM configuration file (BRM_home/sys/cm/pin.conf) by doing the following:

    1. In the Invoice_db entry, add the subclass extension name to /invoice.


      This entry is read during account creation time. Changing it has no effect on existing accounts. If you want the /invoice storable subclass to apply to existing accounts, you must use the previous method instead.

    2. Change the following line:

      -fm_cust_pol  invoice_db  /invoice   0

      To this:

      -fm_cust_pol  invoice_db  /invoice/extension_name  -1


      This entry is not in the CM pin.conf file by default unless you install the Invoice Data Manager (dm_invoice). You can, however, add the entry yourself.