16 Setting Up Invoicing on Multiple Database Schemas

Learn how to set up invoicing on multiple database schemas in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM).

Topics in this document:

Setting Up Invoicing on Multiple Database Schemas

You can run invoicing in a multischema system in either of the following ways:

Running Invoicing on Multiple Database Schemas One at a Time

Running invoicing utilities on multiple database schemas one at a time requires that you edit the invoicing configuration file each time you run the invoicing utilities. Perform the following procedure before you run invoicing:

  1. Open the invoicing configuration file (BRM_home/apps/pin_inv/pin.conf).

  2. Change the value of the login_name entry to a database account in the schema against which you want to run invoicing.

    For example, to run invoicing using the account root., change the login_name entry as follows:

    - nap login_name root. 
  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Run the invoicing utilities.

Running Invoicing on Multiple Database Schemas Simultaneously

Running invoicing on multiple database schemas simultaneously requires that you create parallel instances of the invoicing configuration files, each of which is configured for a particular schema. Then, you run all instances of your invoicing utilities.

  1. For each schema you want to run invoicing on, create a subdirectory under BRM_home/apps/pin_inv.

    For example, BRM_home/apps/pin_inv/db1 for schema 1, BRM_home/apps/pin_inv/db2 for schema 2, and so forth.

  2. Copy the BRM_home/apps/pin_inv/pin.conf file into each new subdirectory.

  3. In each invoicing subdirectory, do the following:

    1. Open the pin.conf file.

    2. Change the database number in the login_name entry to a database account that resides in the schema against which you want to run invoicing.

      For example, to run invoicing using the account root., change the login_name entry as follows:

      - nap login_name root. 
    3. Save and close the file.

  4. Run the invoicing utilities from the new subdirectories.