3 Universal Event Loader Utility

Learn about the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Universal Event (UE) Loader utility.

Topics in this document:

Universal Event Loader

Use UE Loader to load event records from event log files into the BRM database. For information about loading events, see "About Rating Events Created by External Sources" and "Loading Events from External Sources".


To connect to the database, the UE Loader needs a configuration file in the directory from which you run the utility. See "Connecting BRM Utilities" in System Administrator's Guide.

UE Loader runs in three modes:

  • Preprocessing mode (-m parse). In the preprocessing mode, UE Loader parses the event log file and writes data to an intermediate file, including which accounts to load events for.

  • Event loading mode (-m load). In event loading mode, UE Loader uses the data in the intermediate file (created in preprocessing mode) to load events into the BRM database.

  • Combined mode. Use combined mode to run both preprocessing and event loading modes without stopping. This is the default mode.

UE Loader records all errors that occur in these modes in the log file BRM_home/apps/uel/event_log_file_name_lerr.xml. It also records all event load successes in the log file BRM_home/apps/uel/event_log_file_name_lsucc.xml.

For details, see "Troubleshooting Event Loading".




uel -t template_name [-v] [-m parse | load] [-test] event_log_file_name 


-t template_name

The name of the event import template.


Sends error messages or debug messages to the console according to the debug level you set in the Infranet.properties file.

-m parse | load

The mode of operation. You specify the mode of operation only when testing the import template. When you load events in a production database, you do not need to specify the mode of operation.

  • Use parse to read the event log file and store the results in an intermediate cache file instead of in the BRM database.

  • Use load to load the results contained in the intermediate cache file that was created by using the parse entry. The UE Loader loads the events into the BRM database.

  • To parse the event log file and load events in one operation, do not enter the -m parameter. This is the default mode in a production database.


Runs the program, but loads events in calculate-only mode. To test how events are loaded, read the output flist.


The file name of the event log file from which you are loading events.


Do not enter the file path of the event log file. You specify the file path in the properties file. See "Specifying the Event Log File Location".


For information about troubleshooting UE Loader, see "Troubleshooting Event Loading".