4 Configuring BRM Server Components for Rated Event Loading

Learn how to set up Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) server components to use Rated Event Loader (RE Loader) to load events.

Topics in this chapter:

See also:

Enabling a Billing Delay for CDRs

Offline charging often results in events arriving to be rated after the billing date that they belong to. For example, an event that occurred on December 31 might arrive on January 2nd, past the January 1st billing date. To handle this delay, you must configure delayed billing.

To enable delayed billing, see "Setting Up Delayed Billing" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

Disabling Invoice Event Caching

If your system uses both RE Loader and invoicing, you must disable invoice event caching to ensure that invoices contain event details.

To disable invoice event caching, disable the event_cache entry in the CM pin.conf file. See "Improving Performance by Customizing Event Caching" in Designing and Generating Invoices for more information about this setting.

Setting Up RE Loader for Virtual Column-Enabled Systems

If you generate virtual columns on event tables in your BRM installation, you must run the pin_gen_classid_values.pl script. Running the script ensures that the proper mapping of BRM object types and their corresponding object IDs is created for your extended event objects in a virtual column-enabled system. For information about enabling virtual columns in the BRM database, see the discussion on virtual columns in BRM System Administrator's Guide.

Configuring Whether to Perform Redo Generation

This information applies only to the original processing method.

By default, RE Loader skips redo generation when loading files into the BRM database. This optimizes loading performance, but it can cause you to lose data if your system shuts down ungracefully.

You can re-enable redo generation by removing the UNRECOVERABLE option from each RE Loader control file.

To enable redo generation, do the following for each table's control file:

  1. Open the BRM_home/apps/pin_rel/control_file file in a text editor, where control_file can be one of the files shown in Table 4-1.

    Table 4-1 RE Loader Control Files

    File Name Description


    Control file for the EVENT_BAL_IMPACTS_T table.


    Control file for the EVENT_DELAYED_ACT_WAP_INTER_T table.


    Control file for the EVENT_DELAYED_SESSION_GPRS_T table.


    Control file for the EVENT_SUB_BALS_T table.


    Control file for the EVENT_SUB_BAL_IMP_T table.


    Control file for the EVENT_DLAY_SESS_TLCS_T table.


    Control file for the EVENT_DLAY_SESS_TLCS_SVC_CDS_T table.


    Control file for the EVENT_T table.


    Control file for the EVENT_TOTAL_T table.


    Control file for the EVENT_DLYD_SESSION_TLCO_GSM_T table.

  2. Comment out the UNRECOVERABLE option:



    Removing the UNRECOVERABLE option significantly decreases loading performance.

  3. Save and close the file.

Configuring Field Lengths for Input Data Files

Any value in the input data file longer than 255 characters must include its maximum size. If the maximum size is not specified, the value is truncated to 255 characters when it is loaded into the database.

Fields in the input data file that should not be loaded into the database are specified with the label FILLER in the SQL Loader control file. If the input data file contains a FILLER field with a value longer than 255 characters, SQL Loader aborts with an error specifying the field at fault. If this happens, add the maximum field size to the field entry in the SQL Loader control file. Use this syntax:

Field_name   FILLER CHAR(max_size)

For example: