11 Rated Event Loader pin_rel Utility

Learn how to use the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Rated Event Loader (RE Loader) pin_rel utility.

This information applies only to the original processing method.

The pin_rel utility loads batches of rated event records into the BRM database.

There are two ways to use this utility. When you initially run pin_rel, use the command without any options and use the file name as the only command-line parameter. You use the override option when the utility has not successfully completed its process and must be rerun.

The pin_rel utility looks for the event record file in the directory specified in the Infranet.rel.rated_event_file entry in the Infranet.properties file. Before you run the pin_rel utility, make sure the input event record file is in the specified directory and the Infranet.properties file is configured. See "Configuring the Rated Event Loader Infranet.properties File".




pin_rel [-override] event_file_name



This option starts a new pin_rel process. Use this option to restart pin_rel when it has abnormally stopped or you have stopped it manually.


Use this option only when you know there are no other RE Loader processes running.

RE Loader maintains the status of its operations. Because only one RE Loader process can load events into the same database at the same time, the status must indicate the loading process is complete before another process can start loading. If you manually stop pin_rel, its status may not reflect its true state. The -override parameter overrides the status and permits a new loading process to start, providing one is not already running.


The name of the event file to load, including its extension.


If pin_rel is successful, it returns PROCESSED SUCCESSFULLY in the RE Loader log file (BRM_home/apps/pin_rel/rel.pinlog).

If an error occurs during loading, this utility aborts the loading process. An error is logged in the rel.pinlog file, SQL loader errors are logged in a “bad" file (BRM_home/apps/pin_rel/event_file_name.bad), and the records loaded in this session are deleted from the database.

If an error occurs during account updating, the error is logged in the rel.pinlog file. Loaded records are not deleted from the database.