12 Rated Event Loader Manager Utility

Learn how to use the Rated Event Loader Manager (REL Manager) utility to control and get information about the rated events in the database.

It enables you to query the state of rated events loaded to BRM database and to resubmit any previously failed session for processing without needing to manipulate files on the BRM server. This utility can be used even if you are not using the Rated Event Manager (RE Manager), although the following commands will work or return data only if you are using the RE Manager in one of the modes that use ZIP files:

  • zip_detail
  • zip_file_reload
  • zip_file_search
  • zip_file_write
  • zip_summary_report

Using the Rated Event Loader Manager Utility

Before using REL Manager, you must configure it. See "Configuring REL Manager" for information about configuring REL Manager.

To start REL Manager, enter the following command in the BRM_HOME/apps/rel_manager directory, where BRM_home is the directory in which you installed BRM components:


The system will respond with the following prompt:


Enter the REL Manager commands at the prompt.

REL Manager Commands

The following commands are available in the REL Manager.

Table 12-1 REL Manager Commands

Command Description
help Provides information about the available commands.
purge Enables removing successfully completed items from the BRM database.
quit Exits the REL Manager utility.
retry_session Enables retrying rated events with specific Portal object IDs (POIDs).
search_complete Provides information about all of the successful sessions completed on a specified day, month, or year.
search_detail Provides information about sessions processed on a specified date, optionally with a specified status.
search_load_error Provides information about all of the sessions with load errors on a specified day, month, or year.
search_poid Provides information about rated events with specified POIDs.
search_update_error Provides information about all of the sessions with update errors on a specified day, month, or year.
summary_report Provides a summary report of the numbers and statuses of sessions processed on a specified day, month, or year.
zip_detail Provides information about ZIP files that have been processed on a specified day, month, or year, optionally with a specified status.
zip_file_reload Enables reloading of corrected data from the file system, ready for reprocessing.
zip_file_search Provides information about ZIP file data that has been extracted to the file system.
zip_file_write Extracts data for specified POIDs from the database to the file system, usually for correction and reloading
zip_summary_report Provides a summary report of the numbers and statuses of ZIP file objects processed on a specified day, month, or year.


All dates and times in this utility refer to the date and time set on the BRM server.


When you use the help command without a command name specified, it provides a list of the available commands in REL Manager. When you use the help command with a command name specified, it provides the syntax for the command.


help [command_name]



The REL Manager command for which you want more information.


The requested information is provided, for example:

RELManager> help
Available commands are:
   purge               : Purge fully completed /batch/rel records by age.
   retry_session       : Retry processing for the specified POID(s).
   search_complete     : Search for fully completed /batch/rel records.
   search_detail       : Search for specific /batch/rel records by date and status.
   search_load_error   : Search for loading errors in /batch/rel.
   search_poid         : Search for specific /batch/rel records by POID.
   search_update_error : Search for update errors in /batch/rel.
   summary_report      : Report on loading status grouped by day.
   zip_detail          : Search for specific /batch/rel records that are ZIP-managed by date and zip-statue.
   zip_file_reload     : Reload a given Zip file from the configured zip directory - into /batch/rel
   zip_file_search     : Search for ZIP file data that has been written to the file for manual modification.
   zip_file_write      : Write a given Zip file to the configured zip directory
   zip_summary_report  : Report on ZIP-loaded files grouped by status.
   help                : This message
   quit                : Exit the application (q, exit are also allowed)
Found 15 commands. Please choose one.


The purge command is used to remove successfully completed objects from the temporary tables in the BRM database. You can use this command periodically to remove obsolete data. It is particularly important to do this if you are loading ZIP files into the database and the delete_zip_after_load parameter is set to 0 in the ZIP processor section of the RE Manager REM.properties file. (See "RE Manager ZIP Processor Configuration" for more information about this parameter.) This data can use a significant amount of space in the database if it is not cleaned out.


purge YYYY-MM-DD



All data up to and including this date will be removed.


The purge command will delete all data for successfully processed records with a modified time earlier than or equal to the specified date.


The quit command exits the REL Manager utility.




There are no parameters for this command.


You will exit the REL Manager utility.


The retry_session command enables you to retry failed POIDs. You cannot use this command for POIDs that have completed successfully.


retry_session POID_1, POID_2, ...



The POID of a failed object in the Rated Event Manager tables in the BRM Database.


The retry_session command will move the objects for the specified POIDs to the retry table so that they can be retried You can use the search_poid command to see the result of the retry.


Use the search_complete command to provide information about successfully completed objects for a specified day, month, or year.


search_complete [YYYY[-MM[-DD]]] [limit]



Provide one of the following to specify the dates for which you want more information:

  • Year
  • Year and month
  • Year, month, and day

If no date value is provided, information for all dates will be returned. If you do not provide a date, consider using the limit parameter to prevent a huge data set from being returned.

Enter a number to limit the number of records returned.


The requested information is provided, for example:

RELManager> search_complete 2021-09-09 5
|         Poid | Mod Time            | Input Filename                                               | Status | State              |  Records | Start Time          | End Time            | Is ZIP?|
|    847818825 | 2021-09-09 09:05:37 | BRMCDR_GSM_2021-09-09T04:02:34Z_2021-09-09T04:02:39Z         |      0 | COMPLETE           |      125 | 2021-09-09 09:05:37 | 2021-09-09 09:05:37 | NO     |
|    847810436 | 2021-09-09 09:05:37 | BRMCDR_GSM_2021-09-09T04:02:29Z_2021-09-09T04:02:34Z         |      0 | COMPLETE           |      125 | 2021-09-09 09:05:36 | 2021-09-09 09:05:37 | NO     |
|    847827236 | 2021-09-09 09:05:38 | BRMCDR_GSM_2021-09-09T04:02:39Z_2021-09-09T04:02:44Z         |      0 | COMPLETE           |      125 | 2021-09-09 09:05:38 | 2021-09-09 09:05:38 | NO     |
|    847852436 | 2021-09-09 09:05:38 | BRMCDR_GSM_2021-09-09T04:02:54Z_2021-09-09T04:02:59Z         |      0 | COMPLETE           |      125 | 2021-09-09 09:05:38 | 2021-09-09 09:05:39 | NO     |
|    847835636 | 2021-09-09 09:05:38 | BRMCDR_GSM_2021-09-09T04:02:44Z_2021-09-09T04:02:49Z         |      0 | COMPLETE           |      125 | 2021-09-09 09:05:38 | 2021-09-09 09:05:38 | NO     |
|              |                     |                                                              |        |                    |      625 |                     |                     |        |
5 rows processed.


Use the search_detail command to provide information about objects, optionally for specified statuses and on a specified day, month, or year.


search_detail { YYYY[-MM[-DD]] | all } [status1 status2 …]



Provide one of the following to specify the dates for which you want more information:

  • Year
  • Year and month
  • Year, month, and day
Use to indicate that you would like information from all dates.
Provide one or more status codes for the objects you would like to see. For a list of the available statuses, see Table 9-13.


The requested information is provided, for example:

RELManager> search_detail 2021-09-10 1
|         Poid | Mod Time            | Input Filename                                               | Status | State              |  Records | Start Time          | End Time            | Is ZIP?|
|    847913365 | 2021-09-10 05:21:28 | BRMCDR_GSM_2021-09-10T12:21:09Z_2021-09-10T12:21:14Z         |      1 | LOAD_ERROR         |       58 | 2021-09-10 05:21:25 | 2021-09-10 05:21:25 | YES    |
|    847921617 | 2021-09-10 05:21:33 | BRMCDR_GSM_2021-09-10T12:21:14Z_2021-09-10T12:21:19Z         |      1 | LOAD_ERROR         |       42 | 2021-09-10 05:21:30 | 2021-09-10 05:21:30 | YES    |
|              |                     |                                                              |        |                    |      100 |                     |                     |        |
2 rows processed.


Use the search_load_error command to provide information about objects processed with a load error for a specified day, month, or year.


search_load_error [YYYY[-MM[-DD]]] [limit]



Provide one of the following to specify the dates for which you want more information:

  • Year
  • Year and month
  • Year, month, and day

If no date value is provided, information for all dates will be returned. If you do not provide a date, consider using the limit parameter to prevent a huge data set from being returned.

Enter a number to limit the number of records returned.


The requested information is provided, for example:

RELManager> search_load_error 2021-09-17
|         Poid | Mod Time            | Input Filename                                               | Status | State              |  Records | Start Time          | End Time            | Is ZIP?|
|    848185328 | 2021-09-17 03:50:08 | BRMCDR_GSM_2021-09-17T10:49:49Z_2021-09-17T10:49:54Z         |      1 | LOAD_ERROR         |      134 | 2021-09-17 03:50:08 | 2021-09-17 03:50:08 | YES    |
|    848193656 | 2021-09-17 03:50:09 | BRMCDR_GSM_2021-09-17T10:49:54Z_2021-09-17T10:49:59Z         |      1 | LOAD_ERROR         |      375 | 2021-09-17 03:50:09 | 2021-09-17 03:50:09 | YES    |
|    848202225 | 2021-09-17 03:50:14 | BRMCDR_GSM_2021-09-17T10:49:59Z_2021-09-17T10:50:04Z         |      1 | LOAD_ERROR         |      477 | 2021-09-17 03:50:14 | 2021-09-17 03:50:14 | YES    |
|              |                     |                                                              |        |                    |      986 |                     |                     |        |
3 rows processed.


Use the search_poid command to provide information about objects with specified POIDs.


search_poid poid1 poid2


Enter the POIDs for the objects you would like to see.


The requested information is provided, for example:

RELManager> search_poid 848025372 847818825
|         Poid | Mod Time            | Input Filename                                               | Status | State              |  Records | Start Time          | End Time            | Is ZIP?|
|    848025372 | 2021-09-13 09:45:11 | BRMCDR_GSM_2021-09-13T04:44:54Z_2021-09-13T04:44:59Z         |      1 | LOAD_ERROR         |       50 | 2021-09-13 09:45:11 | 2021-09-13 09:45:11 | YES    |
|    847818825 | 2021-09-09 09:05:37 | BRMCDR_GSM_2021-09-09T04:02:34Z_2021-09-09T04:02:39Z         |      0 | COMPLETE           |      125 | 2021-09-09 09:05:37 | 2021-09-09 09:05:37 | NO     |
|              |                     |                                                              |        |                    |      175 |                     |                     |        |
2 rows processed.


Use the search_update_error command to provide information about objects processed with an update error for a specified day, month, or year.


search_update_error [YYYY[-MM[-DD]]] [limit]



Provide one of the following to specify the dates for which you want more information:

  • Year
  • Year and month
  • Year, month, and day

If no date value is provided, information for all dates will be returned. If you do not provide a date, consider using the limit parameter to prevent a huge data set from being returned.

Enter a number to limit the number of records returned.


The requested information is provided, for example:

RELManager> search_update_error
|         Poid | Mod Time            | Input Filename                                               | Status | State              |  Records | Start Time          | End Time            | Is ZIP?|
|    112498699 | 2022-06-10 08:29:11 | BRMCDR_GSM_2022-06-10T15:28:42Z_2022-06-10T15:28:52Z         |      2 | UPDATE_ERROR       |       10 | 2022-06-10 08:29:10 | 2022-06-10 08:29:10 | NO     |
|    112523297 | 2022-06-10 08:32:21 | BRMCDR_GSM_2022-06-10T15:32:02Z_2022-06-10T15:32:12Z         |      2 | UPDATE_ERROR       |       12 | 2022-06-10 08:32:21 | 2022-06-10 08:32:21 | NO     |
|              |                     |                                                              |        |                    |       22 |                     |                     |        |
2 rows processed.


Use the summary_report command to provide summary information about objects processed on a specified day, month, or year.


summary_report [YYYY[-MM[-DD]]]



Provide one of the following to specify the dates for which you want more information:

  • Year
  • Year and month
  • Year, month, and day


The requested information is provided, for example:

RELManager> summary_report
| Day Processed | Status | State              |      Files |     Events |
| 2021-09-09    |      0 | COMPLETE           |          8 |       1000 |
| 2021-09-09    |      1 | LOAD_ERROR         |          5 |          6 |
| 2021-09-10    |      1 | LOAD_ERROR         |          3 |        200 |
| 2021-09-13    |      0 | COMPLETE           |          8 |         71 |
| 2021-09-13    |      1 | LOAD_ERROR         |          2 |         99 |
| 2021-09-13    |      9 | CREATED            |          1 |         20 |
| 2021-09-16    |      0 | COMPLETE           |         16 |        172 |
| 2021-09-17    |      0 | COMPLETE           |         34 |      18194 |
| 2021-09-17    |      1 | LOAD_ERROR         |          3 |        986 |
| 2021-09-17    |   1280 | PREUPDATING        |          1 |        290 |
|               |        |                    |         81 |      21038 |


Use the zip_detail command to provide information about ZIP-file objects, optionally for specified statuses and on a specified day, month, or year. The ZIP-file objects can be created either because you are using the ZIP_DB mode or because you are using the DIRECT mode, the original processing failed, and you have set next_mode for retry to ZIP_DB. See "ECE RE Manager Plug-in Retry Configuration" for more information about retry configuration.


zip_detail { YYYY[-MM[-DD]] | all } [status1 status2 …]



Provide one of the following to specify the dates for which you want more information:

  • Year
  • Year and month
  • Year, month, and day
Use to indicate that you would like information from all dates.
Provide one or more status codes for the objects you would like to see. For a list of the available statuses, see "Troubleshooting ZIP File Processing".


The requested information is provided, for example:

RELManager> zip_detail 2021-09-13
|         Poid | Mod Time            | Input Filename                                               | Status | State              |  Records | Zip Status | Zip State          | Zip Size(Mb) | Extracted? |
|    848000640 | 2021-09-13 09:29:39 | BRMCDR_GSM_2021-09-13T04:22:49Z_2021-09-13T04:22:54Z         |      1 | LOAD_ERROR         |       20 |          4 | DATA_ERROR         |        0.010 | NO         |
|    848025372 | 2021-09-13 09:45:11 | BRMCDR_GSM_2021-09-13T04:44:54Z_2021-09-13T04:44:59Z         |      1 | LOAD_ERROR         |       50 |          4 | DATA_ERROR         |        0.015 | NO         |
|              |                     |                                                              |        |                    |       70 |            |                    |        0.025 |            |
2 rows processed.


Use the zip_file_reload command to reload corrected data from the file system where REL Manager is running and replace the equivalent session data in the Oracle Database for reprocessing.


zip_file_reload retry poid1 poid2


Set to true to set the loaded data to READY state, so that it will automatically be reprocessed. Set to false to set the data to PROCESS_ERROR. In that case you will need to run retry_session when you are ready to reprocess the data.
Enter the POIDs for the objects you would like to reprocess.


The corrected items will be compressed and the resulting ZIP files will be loaded into the BRM database. The original directory names will be appended with .reloaded_timestamp. This data is now ready to be reprocessed using the retry_session command. Once the data has been successfully reprocessed in BRM, you may delete the data in the directory.


Use the zip_file_search command to provide information about ZIP files that have been extracted from the database for reprocessing using the zip_file_write command. You can optionally retrieve data only for specified statuses and on a specified day, month, or year.


zip_file_search [limit]


Use to limit the number of results returned.


The requested information is provided, for example:

RELManager> zip_file_search 3
|         Poid | Mod Time            | Input Filename                                               | Status | State              |  Records | Start Time          | End Time            | Is ZIP?|
|    847929853 | 2021-09-10 05:31:21 | BRMCDR_GSM_2021-09-10T12:31:04Z_2021-09-10T12:31:09Z         |      1 | LOAD_ERROR         |      100 | 2021-09-10 05:31:20 | 2021-09-10 05:31:20 | YES    |
|    848000640 | 2021-09-13 09:29:39 | BRMCDR_GSM_2021-09-13T04:22:49Z_2021-09-13T04:22:54Z         |      1 | LOAD_ERROR         |       20 | 2021-09-13 09:23:03 | 2021-09-13 09:23:03 | YES    |
|    848025372 | 2021-09-13 09:45:11 | BRMCDR_GSM_2021-09-13T04:44:54Z_2021-09-13T04:44:59Z         |      1 | LOAD_ERROR         |       50 | 2021-09-13 09:45:11 | 2021-09-13 09:45:11 | YES    |
|              |                     |                                                              |        |                    |      170 |                     |                     |        |
3 rows processed.


Use the zip_file_write command to extract the contents of ZIP files from the database and expand them onto the local file system. You specify the POIDs of files that have not been processed successfully. This enables you to edit the CDR data to correct any load errors. You can then reload the data using the zip_file_reload command.


You should use the zip_file_write command to write files only for POIDs that are in the LOAD_ERROR (1) or CREATED (9) states. The system will not allow you to reload files in any other state.


zip_file_write poid1 poid2


Enter the POIDs for the objects you would like to extract.


The entries for the specified POIDs are retrieved from the database, extracted from the ZIP file, and written to the file system. The command also indicates the location of the extracted files. The directory that will contain the extracted files is set using the zip_directory parameter in the RELM.properties file. See "General REL Manager Configuration" for more information about this parameter. If the directory for a particular POID already exists, the command will fail. This will prevent overwriting data that may already have been edited.


Use the zip_summary_report command to provide summary information about ZIP-file-based objects processed on a specified day, month, or year.


zip_summary_report [YYYY[-MM[-DD]]] [limit]



Provide one of the following to specify the dates for which you want more information:

  • Year
  • Year and month
  • Year, month, and day

If no date value is provided, information for all dates will be returned. If you do not provide a date, consider using the limit parameter to prevent a huge data set from being returned.

Enter a number to limit the number of records returned.


The requested information is provided, for example:

RELManager> zip_summary_report 2021-09-09
| Day Processed | Status | State              | Load State         |      Files |     Events |   Size(Mb) |
| 2021-09-09    |      4 | DATA_ERROR         | LOAD_ERROR         |          1 |          1 |      0.006 |
| 2021-09-09    |      5 | PROCESS_ERROR      | LOAD_ERROR         |          2 |          3 |      0.012 |
|               |        |                    |                    |          3 |          4 |      0.018 |
2 rows processed.