2 Changing a Customer's Billing Configuration

Learn how to manage changes to customer billing information, such as changes to billing dates, credit limits, and payment methods.

Topics in this document:

Changing a Customer's Billing Day of Month

Use Billing Care or Customer Center to change the billing day of month.

A change to a billing day of month (DOM) takes effect in the next billing cycle. This means that there will be a partial billing cycle to handle the difference in days between the end of the current billing cycle and the start of the new billing cycle. For more information, see "Specifying How to Handle Partial Accounting Cycles" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

When you change the billing date and create a partial billing cycle, BRM prorates all cycle fees for that cycle.

Changing a Customer's Accounting Type

A bill unit's accounting type can be changed at any time. However, BRM does not validate the change nor take any actions other than changing the accounting type in the next billing cycle. You must ensure that the impact of any accounting type changes do not confuse your customers. For example:

  • If the accounting type is changed from open item accounting to balance forward accounting, the customer's next bill would include all open and unpaid items. Your customer should be informed that the bill now includes any past due charges from previous billing cycles.

  • If the accounting type is changed from balance forward accounting to open item accounting, the customer's next bill would not include any unpaid items. Your customer should be informed that charges from previous bills are still past due, even though they do not appear on the current bill.

Changing an Account's Bill Unit to Nonpaying

If you change a child account bill unit's payment method to nonpaying after creating the account, the billing information for the nonpaying bill unit changes to match the parent account. A nonpaying bill unit must use the same currency, billing date, billing frequency, and accounting type as its parent account. If the accounts use two currencies, the parent account and the nonpaying bill unit in the child account must use the same primary currency.

Changing a Closed Child Account's Bill Unit to Nonpaying

You can change a closed child account bill unit's payment method to nonpaying (subordinate) if either of the following conditions is true:

  • The closed child account was billed for all the previous cycles.

  • The closed child account was not billed because you have disabled billing of closed accounts and the child account's total balance due for the bill unit is zero. See "Suspending Billing of Closed Accounts" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing for more information about disabling the billing of closed accounts.