2 Installing and Configuring Conversion Manager

This chapter describes how to install Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Conversion Manager.

See also "Understanding Conversion Manager".

Installing Conversion Manager

Conversion Manager is available for the Linux operating system and for the Oracle database.


If you already installed the product, you must uninstall its features before reinstalling them.

Ensure that the libocijdbc11.so file is available in your system. Conversion Manager requires this OCI Instant JDBC Library.

To install Conversion Manager, see "Installing Individual BRM Components" in BRM Installation Guide.

Configuring the pin_cmt Utility

You use the pin_cmt utility to migrate the data. To configure performance, log file, and other settings for this utility, edit the Infranet.properties file in BRM_home/apps/cmt.


Many of the entries in the Infranet.properties file include default settings that are applicable for testing your data mapping; for example, the number of threads that the pin_cmt utility uses. You can change the settings when you load data into the production system.

In addition, you need to edit the pin.conf file for the cmt_mta_cycle_fees utility. This utility is run automatically by the pin_cmt utility to apply cycle fees. The pin.conf file is in BRM_home/apps/cmt. It includes the standard connection parameters and multithreaded application (MTA) performance setting. You can also specify to not apply cycle fees to accounts.

See "Applying Cycle Fees to Deployed Accounts".

Referencing JAR Files

To ensure that the pin_cmt utility finds all the necessary JAR files, include them in the pin_cmt file, in the line that invokes Java. The format is:
BRM_home/jre/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -cp "jar_A:jar_B:jar_C:jar_D" com.portal.cmt.Cmt $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9

where jar_A:jar_B:jar_C:jar_D is the list of Java class JAR files. Oracle library references are appended at the end.

Include all entries on one line with no line breaks. Separate JAR entries with a colon. Do not include any spaces in the list of JAR files. The number of elements is limited only by command-line length (approximately 8 kilobytes on most machines).

The following shows an example:
BRM_home/jre/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -cp "BRM_home/apps/cmt/cmt.jar:BRM_home/jars/xercesImpl.jar:BRM_home/jars/xmlParserAPIs.jar:BRM_home/jars/pcm.jar:BRM_home/jars/pcmext.jar:BRM_home/apps/cmt" com.portal.cmt.Cmt $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9

Defining Timestamp Validation for Finite Partitioned Classes

When you import data that is in finite partitioned classes, you can define the timestamp validation mode that is encoded in the POID of a finite partitioned class. You provide the timestamp validation mode as the value for the infranet.cmt.timestampvalidation entry in the Infranet.properties file for use by Conversion Manager.

Table 2-1 lists the valid entries for infranet.cmt.timestampvalidation.

Table 2-1 Valid Modes for Timestamp Validation

Input Value Timestamp Validation Mode


No timestamp validations are performed. If an entry is provided in created_t, that creation time is used for a finite partitioned class. Otherwise, the current system time is used for a finite partitioned class.


The created_t entry is mandatory for any finite partitioned class. It should be provided in the input XML file containing the legacy data to be imported. If created_t is not provided, Conversion Manager generates an error.

This is the default value for Infranet.cmt.timestampvalidation.


The default time is used for the POID encoding. If created_t is provided for any finite partitioned class, Conversion Manager generates an error.

To add the infranet.cmt.timestampvalidation entry to the Infranet.properties file:

  1. Open the BRM_home/apps/cmt/Infranet.properties file in a text editor.

  2. Add the following entry. Provide the required value for n. See Table 2-1.

    infranet.cmt.timestampvalidation = n


    If you provide an invalid input for infranet.cmt.timestampvalidation, BRM replaces that value with the default value (1).

  3. Save and close the Infranet.properties file.

Viewing Data before Deploying

When you import data, the data is migrated to your production database, but it is not accessible to normal BRM processes until it is deployed. To view the data, you need to configure one or more Oracle Data Manager (DMs) as scoped DMs. A scoped DM can view accounts according to their stage ID. You can configure multiple scoped DMs, one for each staging area.

In addition to configuring scoped DMs, you also need to configure the production Oracle DM to support DM scoping.

A BRM system that includes scoped DMs is called a scoped system.

To configure a scoped system:

  1. Run the pin_convert_nonunique.sql script in BRM_home/apps/cmt/scripts. This script drops unique constraints for indexes used in account creation.


    By default, the pin_convert_nonunique.pl script uses PINX00 to identify tablespaces for indexes. If you use a name other than PINX00, edit the pin_convert_nonunique.pl script to change PINX00 to your tablespace name.

  2. Run the BRM_home/sys/dd/data/cmt_copy_group_planlists_oracle.sql stored procedure. This procedure duplicates the /group/plan_list object with the staged database number, which enables you to create accounts by using Billing Care.

    The stored procedure uses the following parameters:

    • Database number; for example, 5

    • Return code (number)

    • Return message (varchar2(100))

    The following shows a sample call using PL/SQL:
    p_return_code number;
    p_return_mesg varchar2(100);
  3. Create a pin.conf file for each scoped Oracle DM. To do so, edit the Oracle DM pin.conf file in BRM_home/sys/dm_oracle.

    Edit the following entries:

    • Set the scoped_system entry to 1. This enables database scoping.

    • Set the production_system entry to 0. This identifies the DM as a scoped DM.

    • Set the staging_db_number entry to the stage ID used for importing data. If you use a multischema system, the stage ID must be larger than the largest schema database number.

    • Include the table names for the data you are importing in the scoped_exception_tables entry.

    For example, a scoped DM for stage ID 11 has the following entries:
    - dm scoped_system 1
    - dm production_system 0
    - dm staging_db_number 11
    - dm scoped_exception_tables channel_event_t channel_t config_t data_t deal_t plan_t product_t rate_plan_selector_t rate_plan_t rate_t search_t zonemap_t
  4. Repeat the DM pin.conf configuration for each scoped DM, using a different stage ID for each one.

  5. Configure the production Oracle DM by editing the following entries:

    • Set the scoped_system entry to 1.

    • Set the production_system entry to 1. This identifies the DM as the production DM.

    • Include the table names for the data you are importing in the scoped_exception_tables entry.

    The configuration for the production system looks like this:
    - dm scoped_system 1
    - dm production_system 1
    - dm scoped_exception_tables channel_event_t channel_t config_t data_t deal_t plan_t product_t rate_plan_selector_t rate_plan_t rate_t search_t zonemap_t
  6. Start the scoped DMs.

  7. Create a root account for each stage ID:

    1. Start the scoped Oracle DMs.

    2. Open the load_pin_acct script in BRM_home/apps/cmt/scripts.

    3. Edit the first line of the script to point to a valid Perl path. For example:

    4. Edit the $dm_port entry to point to the Oracle DM port number. For example:

      $dm_port = 22251
    5. Make sure the $db_no entry points to the production database. For example, if the production database number is, and the staged database number is, use the following entry:

      $db_no =
    6. Save and close the file.

    7. Run the load_pin_acct script using the following command:

      load_pin_acct -I pin_init_acct


      The input flist used when the root account is created still refers to the production database number because the staging DM translates it to the staging database number.

  8. Stop and restart all Connection Managers and Oracle DMs used for accessing the staged data.

Enabling Multischema Loading

If you are migrating data to a multischema system, edit the entries shown in Table 2-2 in the BRM_home/apps/cmt/Infranet.properties file:

Table 2-2 Infranet.properties File Entries to Enable Multischema Loading

Entry Description


Enables or disables data migration in a multischema system. Enter true or false.


Specifies the database schema name (for example, pindb1).


Specifies the schema login name.


Specifies the schema login password.


Specifies the database number for the primary schema (for example,

Enabling XML Validation

The pin_cmt utility can validate the input files to ensure that the data has the correct structure. However, this decreases performance. If you validate the XML prior to loading the data, you can leave validation disabled.


You can test the data mapping by enabling validation when you migrate data to a test database. You can also test the data mapping by using the Conversion Manager XSD file with an online XML validator or third-party tool.

To enable or disable XML validation, edit the infranet.cmt.preprocess.validation entry in the Infranet.properties file:

infranet.cmt.preprocess.validation = true

Configuring the Database Setup

Edit the following entries in the Infranet.properties file to match your typical account configuration:

  • Use the infranet.cmt.avgnoofservices entry to specify the average number of services that each account owns. This entry reserves Portal object IDs (POIDs) for the objects that will be created by the pin_cmt utility. The default is 5.

  • Use the infranet.cmt.avgnoofdevices entry to specify the average number of devices that each account owns. This entry reserves POIDs for the objects that will be created by the pin_cmt utility. The default is 2.

  • Use the infranet.cmt.noofrecords entry to specify the average number of account records in each input XML data file.

  • Use the infranet.cmt.dbnumber entry to set the staged database number (for example, Use the infranet.cmt.dbname, infranet.cmt.userid, and infranet.cmt.passwd entries for the rest of the staged database information.

  • Use the infranet.cmt.targetdbnumber entry to set the target database.


    If an account owns more or fewer services or devices than the numbers you specify, the objects are still loaded.

Setting the Default Credit Limit Profile

When accounts are imported, balance groups are created for the accounts.

You can specify which credit limit profile is assigned to each balance group in the following ways:

  • You can specify the default credit limit profile by editing the infranet.cmt.creditprofile entry in the Infranet.properties file:

    infranet.cmt.creditprofile = IndexID

    Each credit limit profile is stored in a PIN_FLD_PROFILES array in the /config/credit_profile object. Replace IndexID with the index ID of the appropriate PIN_FLD_PROFILES array. In this example, you would replace IndexID with 3:

    0 PIN_FLD_PROFILES                ARRAY [3] allocated 3, used 3
    1    PIN_FLD_CREDIT_LIMIT         DECIMAL [0] 133
  • You can assign a credit limit, credit floor, and credit threshold to each balance group when you run the pin_cmt utility. To do so, add the following XML elements to the input XML file that you import with pin_cmt:

    • <CrdLmt>

    • <CrdFlr>

    • <CrdTrsh>

    The values specified in the input XML file take higher precedence than the value of the infranet.cmt.creditprofile entry in the Infranet.properties file.

Applying Cycle Fees to Deployed Accounts

By default, the pin_cmt utility runs a separate utility, cmt_mta_cycle_fees, to apply cycle fees after deploying accounts. To disable this, edit the infranet.cmt.deploy.opcode entry in the BRM_home/apps/cmt/Infranet.properties file:

infranet.cmt.deploy.opcode = false

Migrating New Balances to an Account Without Deleting Existing Balances

By default, when you migrate new balances to an account that was previously migrated using Conversion Manager, the pin_cmt utility deletes the existing balances on the account and associates only the newly migrated balances to the account.

To migrate new balances to an account without deleting the existing balances:

  1. Open the BRM_home/apps/cmt/Infranet.properties file in a text editor.

  2. Add the following entry:

    infranet.cmt.deleteexistingbalances = false
  3. Save and close the file.

Supporting 31-Day Billing

If your BRM implementation uses 31-day billing, configure the following entries in the Infranet.properties file:

infranet.cmt.31daybilling = true
infranet.cmt.31daybilling.forward = true

If the infranet.cmt.31daybilling.forward entry is enabled, BRM performs forward billing if the billing day of month is greater than 28. If it is disabled, BRM performs backward billing.

For more information, see "About Using 31-Day Billing" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

Supporting Delayed Billing

If your BRM implementation uses delayed billing, configure the following entry in the Infranet.properties file:


For more information, see "Setting Up Delayed Billing" in BRM Configuring and Running Billing.

Improving Conversion Manager Performance

Conversion Manager performance depends on the data and features used for a given BRM implementation. Therefore, this documentation includes guidelines, but does not provide specific values for performance-related configuration settings.

XML File Formatting

Limit the number of accounts in an XML file to 10,000 accounts. Conversion Manager supports XML files with any number of accounts, but limiting the number of accounts enables you to debug the migration in the case of an error message.

When you create the XML files:

  • Validate the files with the Conversion Manager physical XML schema.

  • Use the proper tab (\t) and new line (\n).

  • Do not use spaces.

  • Make sure all the required tags are present in the XML.

Running Multiple Instances of the pin_cmt Utility

Use multiple instances of the pin_cmt utility to load multiple XML files simultaneously.

For example, you can write a batch/shell script similar to this:

cat >> run.sh << EOF
date > start.txt
pin_cmt -import -file one.xml 1 &
pin_cmt -import -file two.xml 1 &
pin_cmt -import -file three.xml 1 &
pin_cmt -import -file four.xml 1 &
pin_cmt -import -file five.xml 1 &
date > end.txt

While running the script, measure the CPU load and time taken by the pin_cmt utility for this entire batch. You can then increase the number of pin_cmt instances until the CPU load reaches 90%.

Using Connection Pooling with Conversion Manager

To improve performance, you can use connection pooling with Conversion Manager. Configure the following entries in the Infranet.properties file:

  • infranet.cmt.minconns

  • infranet.cmt.maxconns

  • infranet.cmt.timeout

For example:

infranet.cmt.minconns = 15
infranet.cmt.maxconns = 30
infranet.cmt.timeout = 1000

For more information, see "About Connection Pooling" in BRM System Administrator's Guide.

Configuring Log File Levels

For test migrations, the default log file settings are set to return troubleshooting information. For better performance, you should change those settings to report less information.

  • In the BRM_home/apps/cmt/pin.conf file, change the pin_mta loglevel entry to 1.

  • In the BRM_home/apps/cmt/Infranet.properties file, change the infranet.log.level entry to 1.

System Resources

Migrating data can use a lot of system resources. Performance can depend on:

  • RAM size

  • Number of CPUs

  • Disk quotas

  • File system usage

Conversion Manager Preload Tuning

After you have validated the XML files and are ready to load data, edit the BRM_home/apps/cmt/Infranet.properties file to maximize performance.

  • Turn off XML validation:

    infranet.cmt.preprocess.validation = false
  • Set the following entries to correspond to the amount of data in the XML files. The infranet.cmt.noofrecords entry specifies the number of accounts.

    infranet.cmt.noofrecords      = 1000
    infranet.cmt.avgnoofservices  = 5
    infranet.cmt.avgnoofdevices   = 2
  • Configure sufficient threads in the preprocess thread pool.

    infranet.cmt.preprocess.num_of_threads = 5

    The default value is 5, which is the optimal value in most cases.

  • Make sure there are enough connections in the staging database connection pool:

    infranet.cmt.minconns   = 15
    infranet.cmt.maxconns   = 30
    infranet.cmt.timeout    = 1000
Increasing Memory Allocation to Prevent a System Hang

To test your mapping, you can run the pin_cmt utility with the default memory allocation. However, when migrating a production database, you might need to increase the memory allocation to prevent a system hang.

Edit the pin_cmt script to avoid system hangs.


Depending on your system configuration and load, your settings might be different.

JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xms1024m -Xmx2048m"
BRM_home/jre/bin/java $JAVA_OPTIONS -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 –cp "BRM_home/apps/cmt/cmt.jar:BRM_home/jars/xercesImpl.jar:BRM_home/jars/xmlParserAPIs.jar:BRM_home/jars/pcm.jar:BRM_home/jars/pcmext.jar:BRM_home/apps/cmt"com.portal.cmt.Cmt $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9

Conversion Manager Load Tuning

In the BRM_home/apps/cmt/Infranet.properties file, verify the command line parameters for the SQL*Loader.

infranet.cmt.sqlldr = sqlldr streamsize=2621440 readsize=2621440 columnarrayrows=5000

When you use the flag direct="true", make sure the BRM user has DBMS_LOCK permission.

Conversion Manager Deploy Tuning

Before you deploy data, edit the following entries in the Conversion Manager pin.conf file. The file is located in BRM_home/apps/cmt.

  • Set the log level to 1:

    - pin_mta loglevel 1
  • Specify the appropriate capacity settings for your system; for example:

    - pin_mta   children     5
    - pin_mta   per_batch    500
    - pin_mta   per_step     1000
    - pin_mta   fetch_size   5000