5 Using Account Migration Manager

Learn how to use the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Account Migration Manager (AMM) software to migrate accounts from a source database schema to a destination database schema in the same database.

Topics in this document:

Overview of Account Migration Tasks

Migrating accounts includes the following general tasks. Although you can perform some tasks at any time, the following order is recommended:

  1. Create the account search configuration file.

    See "Creating the Account Search Configuration File" for more information.

  2. Submit the account migration job.

    See "Submitting the Account Search File" for more information.

  3. For account group migration, run a group_details report to verify that each account group includes all account members.

    See "Checking Account Group Details" for more information.


    You must verify that the job includes all accounts in the account group. Any missing accounts will be stored in a separate database schema from the account group, which severs the account's relationship with the group.

  4. Enable the account migration job.

    See "Enabling Migration Jobs in the Queue" for more information.

  5. Start the AMM Controller.

    See "Starting the AMM Controller" and "Monitoring the AMM Controller" for more information.

  6. Monitor the job's progress.

    See "Monitoring Account Migration" for more information.

  7. Fix account migration failures, when necessary.

    See "Handling Account Migration Failures" for more information.

  8. Purge the migrated accounts from the source database schema.

    See "Purging Migrated Objects from the Source Database Schema" for more information.

  9. Stop the AMM Controller.

    See "Stopping the AMM Controller" for more information.

See "Deleting Jobs from the Source Database Schema" for information on deleting jobs from the source database schema.

Creating the Account Search Configuration File

You use the account search configuration file to specify the source and destination database schemas, the search criteria, the maximum number of accounts in a job, and the number of accounts in each batch.

AMM can search for accounts that meet five default criteria:

  • Account creation date

  • Account status

  • Billing day of month

  • Charge offer name

  • POID

If you would like to migrate accounts that meet custom criteria, see "Creating Custom Account Search Criteria".

To create an account search configuration file:

  1. Copy the sample account search configuration file (BRM_home/apps/amt/account_search.cfg) and save it with another name. Use this file, which contains all of the configuration entries, as a template.

  2. Edit the entries listed in Table 5-1 in the file.


    Only the source database schema, destination database schema, batch size, and one other entry is required. If you do not want to use an entry, leave it blank.

    Table 5-1 account_search.cfg Parameters

    Parameter Description Required


    Specifies the source database schema, which is the schema from which you are migrating accounts. For example, enter

    This value must match one of the database numbers specified in the Infranet.properties file.



    Specifies the destination database schema, which is the schema to which you are migrating accounts. For example, enter

    This value must match one of the database numbers specified in the Infranet.properties file.



    Use this parameter to migrate accounts that were created in a specific date range. AMM migrates accounts created between midnight (00:00:00) on the start date and 23:59:59 on the end date. For example, to migrate accounts created after midnight on August 1, 2004, enter 08/01/2004.

    Important: If you set this parameter, you must also set the end_creation_date parameter.



    Use this parameter to migrate accounts that were created in a specific date range. AMM migrates accounts created between midnight (00:00:00) on the start date and 23:59:59 on the end date. For example, to migrate accounts created on or before 11:59:59 p.m. on August 10, 2004, enter 08/10/2004.

    Important: If you set this parameter, you must also set the start_creation_date parameter.



    Specifies whether to migrate account groups. When AMM finds an account that belongs to a hierarchical account or charge or discount sharing group, AMM migrates all accounts related to that account.

    • IncludeAccountGroup specifies to migrate accounts groups.

    • ExcludeAccountGroup specifies to exclude account groups from migrations.

    The default is ExcludeAccountGroup.

    Important: If you set this parameter, you must also set the max_group_size parameter.



    Specifies the maximum size of an account group that AMM can migrate. If an account group exceeds the maximum number of accounts, AMM excludes the account group from the job. The default is 100.



    Migrates accounts that purchased the specified charge offer. For example, Offer 1b - Email Account.



    Migrates accounts based on the specified account status:

    • Active specifies to migrate active accounts only.

    • Inactive specifies to migrate inactive accounts only.

    • Closed specifies to migrate closed accounts only.



    Migrates accounts that have the specified billing day of month. You can specify any number from 1 through 31. For example, enter 4 to migrate all accounts that are billed on the 4th of the month.



    Specifies the maximum number of accounts to move in a job.



    Specifies the number of accounts in each batch. You can specify any amount from 1 through 1,000. However, for optimal performance, set this to an integer between 50 and 100.


    • Using a batch size of more than 50 accounts does not improve performance.

    • If you set this to a number greater than 100, you must increase the size of your Oracle rollback segments. For more information, contact your Oracle BRM representative.



    Migrates accounts based on the POID. Use comma separators, for example, 22860, 22861, 22862. Limit the number of accounts to 1,000 or less.



    Specifies whether to migrate accounts that are members of a sharing group:

    • Enabled: AMM checks whether an account member is a member of a cross-schema sharing group. If an account is a member, AMM does not migrate it.

    • Disabled: AMM does not check whether an account is a member of a cross-schema sharing group.

    The default is Disabled.


  3. Save the file.

Sample Account Search Configuration File

The following sample account search configuration file specifies to:

  • Migrate accounts from database schema to database schema

  • Migrate in batches of 50 accounts.

  • Migrate only nonmember accounts.

  • Migrate accounts that meet the following criteria:

    • Created between January 1, 2004 and June 31, 2004

    • Have an active account status

    • Purchased the Offer 1b - Email Account charge offer

product_name=Offer 1b - Email Account

Submitting the Account Search File

When you submit an account search file, the pin_amt utility searches the source database schema and populates the job management tables on the primary, source, and destination database schemas with a list of accounts meeting the specified criteria.

  1. Submit your account search information to the pin_amt utility:

    % pin_amt -s AccountSearchFile
    submitted job

    The pin_amt utility notifies you if it successfully submitted the file and gives you the job ID number.

  2. Write down the job ID number, because you will need it later.

Enabling Migration Jobs in the Queue

The AMM Controller can only begin processing an account migration job after it's enabled in the queue.

To enable a job in the queue, enter this command:

% pin_amt -e JobID
enabled job

Starting the AMM Controller

After it is started, the AMM Controller runs as a server process, continuously checking for jobs to process in the queue.

To start the AMM Controller:

  1. Go to the BRM_home/sys/amt directory.


    The default location of the AMM Infranet.properties file is BRM_home/sys/amt. If the AMM Infranet.properties file is located in a different directory, start the AMM controller from that location.

  2. Run the following command:

    % pin_amt -c start [-a ControllerID]
    controller is started


If your system contains multiple AMM Controllers, use the -a option to specify which AMM Controller to start. By default, pin_amt starts Controller 1.

The pin_amt utility notifies you if the AMM Controller started successfully and which AMM Controller is active.

Monitoring the AMM Controller

You can monitor the AMM Controller's status at any time by using the pin_amt utility or checking the AMM Controller log file.

Checking the AMM Controller Status

To check whether the AMM Controller is up and running, enter this command:

% pin_amt -c status [-a ControllerID]
controller status is up


If your system contains multiple AMM Controllers, use the -a option to specify which AMM Controller to check.

The pin_amt utility notifies you that the AMM Controller is up or down. If the AMM Controller is down or cannot be started, check the AMM Controller log file for more information.

Checking the AMM Controller Log File

The AMM Controller log file contains a detailed list of all transactions executed by the AMM Controller. This log is created in the directory specified in the controller_N_log_directory entry of the Infranet.properties file. You can open the log file by using a text editor.

Monitoring the AMM Controller in Real Time

You can use the pin_amt utility to see what the AMM Controller is doing in real time.

To monitor the AMM Controller in real time, enter this command:

% pin_amt -c log [-a ControllerID]


If your system contains multiple AMM Controllers, use the -a option to specify which AMM Controller to check.

A separate Xterm window opens. For best viewing, set the Xterm width to 120. If an Xterm window fails to open, make sure your DISPLAY environment variable is set correctly.

Monitoring Account Migration

You can monitor the status of jobs in the queue by running three special AMM reports: list_jobs, job_details, and group_details.

Monitoring Job Status

The list_jobs report provides the status of each job in the queue, including the number of batches that failed to migrate.

To run the list_jobs report, enter this command:

% pin_amt -r list_jobs

Sample output from a list_jobs report:

Tue Mar 12                                                                                         page 1
                                                AMT jobs
                               Total   Failed    Succ.
                             Account  Account  Account                  Proc.  Job creation              
Job Name  User Name  Job ID  batches  batches  batches  Job Status  time[sec]  time              Accounts
--------  ---------  ------  -------  -------  -------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  --------
test.cfg  pin             1        6        0        6  FINISHED           40  02/02/2002 13:39       100
srch.cfg  pin             2        3        0        3  FINISHED           25  02/15/2002 12:00        50
mar1.cfg  pin             3        8        1        7  FINISHED          205  03/01/2002 18:42       400

If any batches failed, you can see greater detail on why the batch failed by running the job_details report.

Checking Job Details

The job_details report provides detailed information about a job's status, including why a batch failed.

To run the job_details report, enter this command:

% pin_amt -r job_details
enter job id:

Sample output from a job_details report:

Tue Mar 12                                                                                         page 1
                                             AMT job details
        Account                                         Processing start  Batch processing
Job ID  batches  Status    Error Message                date                     time[sec]  Accounts
------  -------  --------  ---------------------------  ----------------  ----------------  --------
     3        1  FINISHED                               03/01/2002 18:42                25        50
              2  FAILED    ORA-02055: distributed       03/01/2002 18:42                 5         0
                           update operation failed; 
                           rollback required
                           ORA-02049: timeout:
                           distributed transaction
                           waiting for lock
                           ORA-06512: at “PIN.AMT_MV",
                           line 454
                           ORA-06512: at line 1
              3  FINISHED                               03/01/2002 18:42                25        50
              4  FINISHED                               03/01/2002 18:43                25        50
              5  FINISHED                               03/01/2002 18:43                25        50
              6  FINISHED                               03/01/2002 18:44                25        50
              7  FINISHED                               03/01/2002 18:44                25        50
              8  FINISHED                               03/01/2002 18:45                25        50

The report lists any error messages from the Oracle database. For information, see the Oracle documentation.

Checking Account Group Details

The group_details report lists the accounts in each account group and provides information about each group's migration status. You use this information to verify that all account members are included in a group.


All accounts in a hierarchical account or charge or discount sharing group must reside in the same database schema. Any accounts separated from a parent account will no longer be associated with the account group.

To run the group_details report, enter this command:

% pin_amt -r group_details
enter job id:
enter group id:

Sample output from a group_details report:

Tue Mar 12                                                                                         page 1
                                           AMT group details
        Account  Batch     Group      Group
Job ID  batches  Status    ID         Status
------  -------  --------  ---------  ----------------
     3        1  FINISHED  1          NOT_PROCESSED                   

Tue Mar 12                                                                                         page 1
                                       AMT group member details

batches  Accounts ID  Accounts DB
-------  -----------  -----------
      1  17009        2          
      1  17289        2          
      1  16489        2          
      1  17313        2          
      1  16465        2          
      1  17066        2          

Handling Account Migration Failures

An account batch may fail for several reasons. The most common reasons are as follows:

  • An application is accessing or modifying the data you are attempting to migrate.

  • The database is down.

Finding Debugging Information

For information on why a batch failed, you can run a job_details report or check any of the following files, which are located in the directories you specified in the Infranet.properties file.

  • AMM installation log file (pin_amt_install.log)

  • AMM Controller log file (controller_N_YYYYMMDDhhmm.log)

  • pin_amt log file (pin_amt.log)

  • AMM configuration file (Infranet.properties)

  • Account search configuration file (account_search.cfg)

  • AMM Mover log files (amt_migrate_JobID_BatchNumber.log)

  • AMM delete log file (amt_delete_JobID_BatchNumber.log)

If you need assistance in resolving migration failures, send these files along with any additional information about the problem to your Oracle BRM representative.

Reprocessing Failed Batches

To reprocess a batch that failed:

  1. Fix the problem.

  2. Change the status of the batch from FAILED to NOT PROCESSED:

    % pin_amt -b JobID:BatchNumber
  3. Enable the job in the queue again:

    % pin_amt -e JobID

    The AMM Controller processes all batches that have a NOT PROCESSED status and ignores batches with a FINISHED status.

Purging Migrated Objects from the Source Database Schema

After you successfully migrate your accounts, you can improve your overall system performance by purging the migrated (invalid) objects from your source database schema. Also, because the purging process uses only one thread, purges accounts sequentially, and doesn't affect data used by BRM, you can purge accounts at any time.

To purge successfully migrated objects from the source database schema, enter this command:

pin_amt -p SourceDatabaseSchema

Deleting Jobs from the Source Database Schema

You can use the delete option to:

  • Remove both failed and successfully migrated jobs from your database schemas

  • Free up disk space

The delete option performs the following actions listed in Table 5-2:

Table 5-2 Delete Job Actions

Job Type Action

Failed jobs

Deletes the job from the AMM job management tables.

Successfully migrated jobs

  • Deletes the job from the AMM job management tables.

  • Deletes account-related data from the source database schema.

To delete a job, run the pin_amt script with the delete option:

pin_amt -d JobID

Stopping the AMM Controller

You can stop the AMM Controller at any time. If you stop the AMM Controller while it is processing a batch, it finishes the batch before stopping.

To stop the AMM Controller, enter this command:

% pin_amt -c stop
controller is stopped

Pausing and Resuming Account Migration

If a job contains a large number of accounts, but you only have a limited amount of time in which to migrate accounts, you can migrate the job in stages. The AMM software allows you to start an account migration job and then pause it when your window of opportunity is over. When you reach the next window of opportunity, you can resume the job where it left off.


An AMT Controller must completely finish migrating one job before it can start migrating another job. Therefore, if you pause one job and then enable a second job, the AMT Controller cannot begin processing the second job until the first job is finished.

To pause an account migration job, enter this command:

% pin_amt -c pause
paused controller

To resume an account migration job, enter this command:

% pin_amt -c continue
continued controller

Automating Account Migration

You can use an external scheduler, such as cron, to automate account migration during your maintenance window. If you need to migrate a large number of accounts, you can set up cron to stop and restart account migration at specific times.

For example, scheduling account migration for every Sunday from 2:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. requires these tasks:

  1. Stop the AMM Controller.

  2. Create your account search configuration files.

  3. Submit your jobs.

  4. Enable your jobs in the queue.

  5. Configure one cron job to start the AMM Controller every Sunday at 2:00 a.m. and check for errors. See "AMM Return Codes and Messages".

  6. Configure a second cron job to stop the AMM Controller every Sunday at 4:00 a.m. and check for errors.