Deprecated List

Member PinErrorBuf::PinErrorBuf (const pin_errbuf_t &, PinBool owns=PIN_BOOLEAN_TRUE)
Use createAsObserved() or createAsOwned() instead.

Member PinErrorBuf::PinErrorBuf (const pin_errbuf_t *, PinBool owns=PIN_BOOLEAN_TRUE)
Use createAsObserved() instead.

Member PinFlist::take (const PinIntTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
Since the flist uses its own internal heap in 6.7, this actually results in an unnecessary copy of the value. Use get() instead.

Member PinPoid::getType () const
This method is DEPRECATED in favor of getTypeConst().

Member PinPoid::getType () const
This method is DEPRECATED in favor of getTypeConst().

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