PinFlist Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ~PinFlist ()

Private Member Functions

void operator= (const PinFlist &)
void * _get (const u_int32 fldnum, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE) const
void * _take (const u_int32 fldnum, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
void _set (const u_int32 fldnum, const void *vp)
void _put (const u_int32 fldnum, const void *vp)
void _set (const u_int32 fldnum, const void *vp, const PinRecId id)
void _put (const u_int32 fldnum, const void *vp, const PinRecId id)
void _rename (const pin_fld_num_t srcfldnum, const pin_fld_num_t destfldnum)
bool _copyFrom (pin_flist_t *src_flistp, const pin_fld_num_t srcfldnum, const pin_fld_num_t destfldnum)
bool _copyFrom (pin_flist_t *src_flistp, const pin_fld_num_t srcfldnum, const PinRecId srcId, const pin_fld_num_t destfldnum, const PinRecId destId)
bool _moveFrom (pin_flist_t *src_flistp, const pin_fld_num_t srcfldnum, const pin_fld_num_t destfldnum)
bool _moveFrom (pin_flist_t *src_flistp, const pin_fld_num_t srcfldnum, const PinRecId srcId, const pin_fld_num_t destfldnum, const PinRecId destId)

Private Attributes

PinBool m_owns

Public Factory Methods

static PinFlistOwner create ()
static PinFlistObserver createAsObserved (pin_flist_t *flistp)
static PinFlistObserverConst createAsObservedConst (pin_flist_t *flistp)
static PinFlistOwner createAsOwned (pin_flist_t *flistp)
static PinFlistOwner createFromString (const char *flistStr)

Public Member Functions for INT fields

PinIntObserverConst get (const PinIntTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE) const
PinIntObserver get (const PinIntTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
PinIntOwner take (const PinIntTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
void set (const PinIntTypeField &fld, const PinInt val)
void set (const PinIntTypeField &fld, const PinIntBase &val)
void put (const PinIntTypeField &fld, PinIntOwner &)
void rename (const PinIntTypeField &srcFld, const PinIntTypeField &destFld)
bool copyFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinIntTypeField &srcFld, const PinIntTypeField &destFld)
bool moveFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinIntTypeField &srcFld, const PinIntTypeField &destFld)

Public Member Functions for UINT fields

See methods dealing with INT fields.

PinUintObserverConst get (const PinUintTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE) const
PinUintObserver get (const PinUintTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
PinUintOwner take (const PinUintTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
void set (const PinUintTypeField &fld, const PinUint)
void set (const PinUintTypeField &fld, const PinUintBase &)
void put (const PinUintTypeField &fld, PinUintOwner &)
void rename (const PinUintTypeField &srcFld, const PinUintTypeField &destFld)
bool copyFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinUintTypeField &srcFld, const PinUintTypeField &destFld)
bool moveFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinUintTypeField &srcFld, const PinUintTypeField &destFld)

Public Member Functions for ENUM fields

See methods dealing with INT fields.

PinEnumObserverConst get (const PinEnumTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE) const
PinEnumObserver get (const PinEnumTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
PinEnumOwner take (const PinEnumTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
void set (const PinEnumTypeField &fld, const PinEnum)
void set (const PinEnumTypeField &fld, const PinEnumBase &)
void put (const PinEnumTypeField &fld, PinEnumOwner &)
void rename (const PinEnumTypeField &srcFld, const PinEnumTypeField &destFld)
bool copyFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinEnumTypeField &srcFld, const PinEnumTypeField &destFld)
bool moveFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinEnumTypeField &srcFld, const PinEnumTypeField &destFld)

Public Member Functions for NUM fields.

See methods dealing with INT fields.

PinNumObserverConst get (const PinNumTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE) const
PinNumObserver get (const PinNumTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
PinNumOwner take (const PinNumTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional)
void set (const PinNumTypeField &fld, const PinNum)
void set (const PinNumTypeField &fld, const PinNumBase &)
void put (const PinNumTypeField &fld, PinNumOwner &)
void rename (const PinNumTypeField &srcFld, const PinNumTypeField &destFld)
bool copyFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinNumTypeField &srcFld, const PinNumTypeField &destFld)
bool moveFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinNumTypeField &srcFld, const PinNumTypeField &destFld)

Public Member Functions for DECIMAL fields

See methods dealing with INT fields.

PinBigDecimalObserverConst get (const PinBigDecimalTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE) const
PinBigDecimalObserver get (const PinBigDecimalTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
PinBigDecimalOwner take (const PinBigDecimalTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
void set (const PinBigDecimalTypeField &fld, const PinBigDecimal &)
void set (const PinBigDecimalTypeField &fld, const PinBigDecimalBase &)
void rename (const PinBigDecimalTypeField &srcFld, const PinBigDecimalTypeField &destFld)
bool copyFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinBigDecimalTypeField &srcFld, const PinBigDecimalTypeField &destFld)
bool moveFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinBigDecimalTypeField &srcFld, const PinBigDecimalTypeField &destFld)

Public Member Functions for STR fields

See methods dealing with INT fields.

PinStrObserverConst get (const PinStrTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE) const
PinStrObserver get (const PinStrTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
PinStrOwner take (const PinStrTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
void set (const PinStrTypeField &fld, PinStrConst)
void set (const PinStrTypeField &fld, const PinStrBase &)
void put (const PinStrTypeField &fld, PinStrOwner &)
void rename (const PinStrTypeField &srcFld, const PinStrTypeField &destFld)
bool copyFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinStrTypeField &srcFld, const PinStrTypeField &destFld)
bool moveFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinStrTypeField &srcFld, const PinStrTypeField &destFld)

Public Member Functions for BINSTR fields

See methods dealing with INT fields.

PinBinstrObserverConst get (const PinBinstrTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE) const
PinBinstrObserver get (const PinBinstrTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
PinBinstrOwner take (const PinBinstrTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
void set (const PinBinstrTypeField &fld, const PinBinstrStruct)
void set (const PinBinstrTypeField &fld, const PinBinstrBase &)
void put (const PinBinstrTypeField &fld, PinBinstrOwner &)
void rename (const PinBinstrTypeField &srcFld, const PinBinstrTypeField &destFld)
bool copyFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinBinstrTypeField &srcFld, const PinBinstrTypeField &destFld)
bool moveFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinBinstrTypeField &srcFld, const PinBinstrTypeField &destFld)

Public Member Functions for POID fields.

See methods dealing with INT fields.

PinPoidObserverConst get (const PinPoidTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE) const
PinPoidObserver get (const PinPoidTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
PinPoidOwner take (const PinPoidTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
void set (const PinPoidTypeField &fld, const PinPoidBase &)
void put (const PinPoidTypeField &fld, PinPoidOwner &)
void rename (const PinPoidTypeField &srcFld, const PinPoidTypeField &destFld)
bool copyFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinPoidTypeField &srcFld, const PinPoidTypeField &destFld)
bool moveFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinPoidTypeField &srcFld, const PinPoidTypeField &destFld)

Public Member Functions for TSTAMP fields

See methods dealing with INT fields.

PinTstampObserverConst get (const PinTstampTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE) const
PinTstampObserver get (const PinTstampTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
PinTstampOwner take (const PinTstampTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
void set (const PinTstampTypeField &fld, PinTstamp)
void set (const PinTstampTypeField &fld, const PinTstampBase &)
void put (const PinTstampTypeField &fld, PinTstampOwner &)
void rename (const PinTstampTypeField &srcFld, const PinTstampTypeField &destFld)
bool copyFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinTstampTypeField &srcFld, const PinTstampTypeField &destFld)
bool moveFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinTstampTypeField &srcFld, const PinTstampTypeField &destFld)

Public Member Functions for INT64 fields

See methods dealing with INT fields.

PinInt64ObserverConst get (const PinInt64TypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE) const
PinInt64Observer get (const PinInt64TypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
PinInt64Owner take (const PinInt64TypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
void set (const PinInt64TypeField &fld, int64)
void set (const PinInt64TypeField &fld, const PinInt64Base &)
void put (const PinInt64TypeField &fld, PinInt64Owner &)
void rename (const PinInt64TypeField &srcFld, const PinInt64TypeField &destFld)
bool copyFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinInt64TypeField &srcFld, const PinInt64TypeField &destFld)
bool moveFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinInt64TypeField &srcFld, const PinInt64TypeField &destFld)

Public Member Functions for EBUF fields

See methods dealing with INT fields.

PinErrorBufObserverConst get (const PinErrTypeField &fld, PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE) const
PinErrorBufObserver get (const PinErrTypeField &fld, PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
PinErrorBufOwner take (const PinErrTypeField &fld, PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
void set (const PinErrTypeField &fld, const PinErrorBuf &)
void set (const PinErrTypeField &fld, const PinErrorBufBase &)
void rename (const PinErrTypeField &srcFld, const PinErrTypeField &destFld)
bool copyFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinErrTypeField &srcFld, const PinErrTypeField &destFld)
bool moveFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinErrTypeField &srcFld, const PinErrTypeField &destFld)

Public Member Functions for ARRAY fields

int count (const PinArrayTypeField &fld) const
PinFlistObserver add (const PinArrayTypeField &fld, PinRecId id)
PinFlistObserverConst get (const PinArrayTypeField &fld, const PinRecId id, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE) const
PinFlistObserver get (const PinArrayTypeField &fld, const PinRecId id, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
PinFlistOwner take (const PinArrayTypeField &fld, PinRecId id, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
void set (const PinArrayTypeField &fld, const PinFlistBase &val, const PinRecId id)
void put (const PinArrayTypeField &fld, PinFlistOwner &val, const PinRecId id)
void drop (const PinArrayTypeField &fld, const PinRecId id)
void rename (const PinArrayTypeField &srcFld, const PinArrayTypeField &destFld)
bool copyFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinArrayTypeField &srcFld, const PinArrayTypeField &destFld)
bool copyFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinArrayTypeField &srcFld, const PinRecId srcId, const PinArrayTypeField &destFld, const PinRecId destId)
bool moveFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinArrayTypeField &srcFld, const PinArrayTypeField &destFld)
bool moveFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinArrayTypeField &srcFld, const PinRecId srcId, const PinArrayTypeField &destFld, const PinRecId destId)
PinElemObservingIteratorConst getElements (const PinArrayTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_TRUE) const
PinElemObservingIterator getElements (const PinArrayTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_TRUE) const
PinElemObservingIterator getElements (const PinArrayTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_TRUE)
PinElemDroppingIterator getDroppableElements (const PinArrayTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_TRUE)
PinElemOwningIterator takeElements (const PinArrayTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_TRUE)

Public Member Functions for SUBSTRUCT fields

PinFlistObserver add (const PinSubTypeField &fld)
void drop (const PinSubTypeField &fld)
PinFlistObserverConst get (const PinSubTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE) const
PinFlistObserver get (const PinSubTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
PinFlistOwner take (const PinSubTypeField &fld, const PinBool optional=PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE)
void set (const PinSubTypeField &fld, const PinFlistBase &)
void put (const PinSubTypeField &fld, PinFlistOwner &)
void rename (const PinSubTypeField &srcFld, const PinSubTypeField &destFld)
bool copyFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinSubTypeField &srcFld, const PinSubTypeField &destFld)
bool moveFrom (const PinFlistBase &srcFlist, const PinSubTypeField &srcFld, const PinSubTypeField &destFld)

Other Public Member Functions

void drop (const PinAnyTypeField &fld)
void appendFlist (PinFlistBase &flist)
int count () const
PinAnyObservingIterator getFields ()
void sort (const PinFlistBase &sortlist, const int32 descending=0, const int32 sortDefault=0)
void sortRecursively (const PinFlistBase &sortlist, const int32 descending=0, const int32 sortDefault=0)
PinFlistOwner clone () const
PinBool isNull () const
const pin_flist_tget () const
pin_flist_tget () const
pin_flist_tget ()
pin_flist_trelease ()

Semi-public constructors and member Functions

 PinFlist ()
void grab (pin_flist_t *flistp, int owns)
void takeFrom (PinFlist &)
void copyFrom (const PinFlist &)

Detailed Description

The PinFlist class manage a C flist pointer. This class is intended to be used via a PinFlistObserver or PinFlistOwner wrapper class.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PinFlist::~PinFlist (  ) 


PinFlist::PinFlist (  ) 

Make a new PinFlist.

This is intended for use by PinBase. Use the public factory methods instead.

Member Function Documentation

PinFlistOwner PinFlist::create (  )  [static]

Create an empty flist

PinFlistOwner : Instance of the flist owner wrapper

PinFlistObserver PinFlist::createAsObserved ( pin_flist_t flistp  )  [static]

Create a C++ observer wrapper for a C-style flist. This means that the flist will not be deleted when the object goes out of scope

flistp Pointer to flist to wrap
PinFlistObserver Instance of the flist observer wrapper

PinFlistObserverConst PinFlist::createAsObservedConst ( pin_flist_t flistp  )  [static]

Create a C++ const observer wrapper for a C-style flist. This means that the flist will not be deleted when the object goes out of scope. Also, only const operations will be allowed.

flistp Pointer to flist to wrap
PinFlistObserverConst Instance of the flist observer wrapper

PinFlistOwner PinFlist::createAsOwned ( pin_flist_t flistp  )  [static]

Create a C++ owner wrapper for a C-style flist. This means that the flist will be deleted when the object goes out of scope

flist Pointer to the flist to wrap
PinFlistOwner Instance of the flist owner wrapper

PinFlistOwner PinFlist::createFromString ( const char *  flistStr  )  [static]

Create an flist object from the string that contains a serialized string of the flist

flistStr pointer to the flist string represetnation
PinFlistOwner Instance of the flist owner wrapper

PinIntObserverConst PinFlist::get ( const PinIntTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 
) const

Get access to the value of integer field from the flist and leaves the flist unchanged.

fld name of field to retrieve (eg tsf_PIN_FLD_XXXX)
optional indicator of whether the field is optional or not, indicates the field is required if the param is not passed in
PinIntObserverConst observer of the integer value
PinDeterminateException If the field is not present and the optional indicator is set to FALSE, then an exception occurs.

PinIntObserver PinFlist::get ( const PinIntTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 

Get access to the value of integer field from the flist and leaves the flist unchanged.

fld name of field to retrieve (eg tsf_PIN_FLD_XXXX)
optional indicator of whether the field is optional or not, indicates the field is required if the param is not passed in
PinIntObserver observer of the integer value
PinDeterminateException If the field is not present and the optional indicator is set to FALSE, then an exception occurs.

PinIntOwner PinFlist::take ( const PinIntTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 

Remove an integer field from the flist and take ownership of the value via an integer owner wrapper which manages the memory.

fld name of field to retrieve (eg tsf_PIN_FLD_XXXX)
optional indicator of whether the field is optional or not indicates the field is required if the param is not passed in
PinIntOwner owner of the integer value
PinDeterminateException If the field is not present and the optional indicator is set to FALSE, then an exception occurs.
Since the flist uses its own internal heap in 6.7, this actually results in an unnecessary copy of the value. Use get() instead.

void PinFlist::set ( const PinIntTypeField fld,
const PinInt  val 

Add a new integer field to the flist. If the field already exists, just change the value. The value is copied into the flist.

fld name of field to add or change (eg tsf_PIN_FLD_XXXX)
val integer value of the field
PinDeterminateException Throw on errors, usually fatal.

void PinFlist::set ( const PinIntTypeField fld,
const PinIntBase val 

Add a new integer field to the flist. If the field already exists, just change the value. The value is copied into the flist. Used when "getting" a value from one flist and "setting" it into another via a wrapper.

fld name of field to add or change (eg tsf_PIN_FLD_XXXX)
val int wrapper for the value.
PinDeterminateException Throw on errors, usually fatal.

void PinFlist::put ( const PinIntTypeField fld,
PinIntOwner owner 

Add a new integer field to the flist. If the field already exists, just change the value. The value is copied into the flist. Used when "taking" a value from one flist and "puting" it into another via a wrapper. The ownership is usurped over from te passed in owner wrapper "val". Note that "val" will no longer be valid after this method.

fld name of field to add or change (eg tsf_PIN_FLD_XXXX)
val int owner wrapper for the value.
PinDeterminateException Throw on errors, usually fatal.

void PinFlist::rename ( const PinIntTypeField srcFld,
const PinIntTypeField destFld 

rename an integer field on the flist if it exists to a new field of same type Throws an exception if source field is not found

fld name of field to rename(eg tsf_PIN_FLD_XXXX)
new fld name.
PinDeterminateException Throw on errors, usually fatal.

bool PinFlist::copyFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinIntTypeField srcFld,
const PinIntTypeField destFld 

copy an integer field from the given src flist over to this flist, using destFld as the new field name If destFld is already present, overwrite it

src flist to copy from
fld name of field to copy(eg tsf_PIN_FLD_XXXX)
fld name on this flist
boolean indicator of whether src field was found. When not found it is not considered an error.
PinDeterminateException Throw on errors, usually fatal.

bool PinFlist::moveFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinIntTypeField srcFld,
const PinIntTypeField destFld 

move an integer field from the given src flist over to this flist, using destFld as the new field name If destFld is already present, overwrite it

src flist to move from
fld name of field to move(eg tsf_PIN_FLD_XXXX)
fld name on this flist
boolean indicator of whether src field was found. When not found it is not considered an error.
PinDeterminateException Throw on errors, usually fatal.

PinUintObserverConst PinFlist::get ( const PinUintTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 
) const

PinUintObserver PinFlist::get ( const PinUintTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 

PinUintOwner PinFlist::take ( const PinUintTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 

void PinFlist::set ( const PinUintTypeField fld,
const PinUint  i 

void PinFlist::set ( const PinUintTypeField fld,
const PinUintBase observer 

void PinFlist::put ( const PinUintTypeField fld,
PinUintOwner owner 

void PinFlist::rename ( const PinUintTypeField srcFld,
const PinUintTypeField destFld 

bool PinFlist::copyFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinUintTypeField srcFld,
const PinUintTypeField destFld 

bool PinFlist::moveFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinUintTypeField srcFld,
const PinUintTypeField destFld 

PinEnumObserverConst PinFlist::get ( const PinEnumTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 
) const

PinEnumObserver PinFlist::get ( const PinEnumTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 

PinEnumOwner PinFlist::take ( const PinEnumTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 

void PinFlist::set ( const PinEnumTypeField fld,
const PinEnum  i 

void PinFlist::set ( const PinEnumTypeField fld,
const PinEnumBase observer 

void PinFlist::put ( const PinEnumTypeField fld,
PinEnumOwner owner 

void PinFlist::rename ( const PinEnumTypeField srcFld,
const PinEnumTypeField destFld 

bool PinFlist::copyFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinEnumTypeField srcFld,
const PinEnumTypeField destFld 

bool PinFlist::moveFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinEnumTypeField srcFld,
const PinEnumTypeField destFld 

PinNumObserverConst PinFlist::get ( const PinNumTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 
) const

PinNumObserver PinFlist::get ( const PinNumTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 

PinNumOwner PinFlist::take ( const PinNumTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional 

void PinFlist::set ( const PinNumTypeField fld,
const PinNum  i 

void PinFlist::set ( const PinNumTypeField fld,
const PinNumBase observer 

void PinFlist::put ( const PinNumTypeField fld,
PinNumOwner owner 

void PinFlist::rename ( const PinNumTypeField srcFld,
const PinNumTypeField destFld 

bool PinFlist::copyFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinNumTypeField srcFld,
const PinNumTypeField destFld 

bool PinFlist::moveFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinNumTypeField srcFld,
const PinNumTypeField destFld 

PinBigDecimalObserverConst PinFlist::get ( const PinBigDecimalTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 
) const

PinBigDecimalObserver PinFlist::get ( const PinBigDecimalTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 

PinBigDecimalOwner PinFlist::take ( const PinBigDecimalTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 

void PinFlist::set ( const PinBigDecimalTypeField fld,
const PinBigDecimal rebel 

void PinFlist::set ( const PinBigDecimalTypeField fld,
const PinBigDecimalBase observer 

void PinFlist::rename ( const PinBigDecimalTypeField srcFld,
const PinBigDecimalTypeField destFld 

bool PinFlist::copyFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinBigDecimalTypeField srcFld,
const PinBigDecimalTypeField destFld 

bool PinFlist::moveFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinBigDecimalTypeField srcFld,
const PinBigDecimalTypeField destFld 

PinStrObserverConst PinFlist::get ( const PinStrTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 
) const

PinStrObserver PinFlist::get ( const PinStrTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 

PinStrOwner PinFlist::take ( const PinStrTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 

void PinFlist::set ( const PinStrTypeField fld,
PinStrConst  i 

void PinFlist::set ( const PinStrTypeField fld,
const PinStrBase observer 

void PinFlist::put ( const PinStrTypeField fld,
PinStrOwner owner 

void PinFlist::rename ( const PinStrTypeField srcFld,
const PinStrTypeField destFld 

bool PinFlist::copyFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinStrTypeField srcFld,
const PinStrTypeField destFld 

bool PinFlist::moveFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinStrTypeField srcFld,
const PinStrTypeField destFld 

PinBinstrObserverConst PinFlist::get ( const PinBinstrTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 
) const

PinBinstrObserver PinFlist::get ( const PinBinstrTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 

PinBinstrOwner PinFlist::take ( const PinBinstrTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 

void PinFlist::set ( const PinBinstrTypeField fld,
const PinBinstrStruct  i 

void PinFlist::set ( const PinBinstrTypeField fld,
const PinBinstrBase observer 

void PinFlist::put ( const PinBinstrTypeField fld,
PinBinstrOwner owner 

void PinFlist::rename ( const PinBinstrTypeField srcFld,
const PinBinstrTypeField destFld 

bool PinFlist::copyFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinBinstrTypeField srcFld,
const PinBinstrTypeField destFld 

bool PinFlist::moveFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinBinstrTypeField srcFld,
const PinBinstrTypeField destFld 

PinPoidObserverConst PinFlist::get ( const PinPoidTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 
) const

PinPoidObserver PinFlist::get ( const PinPoidTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 

PinPoidOwner PinFlist::take ( const PinPoidTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 

void PinFlist::set ( const PinPoidTypeField fld,
const PinPoidBase observer 

void PinFlist::put ( const PinPoidTypeField fld,
PinPoidOwner owner 

void PinFlist::rename ( const PinPoidTypeField srcFld,
const PinPoidTypeField destFld 

bool PinFlist::copyFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinPoidTypeField srcFld,
const PinPoidTypeField destFld 

bool PinFlist::moveFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinPoidTypeField srcFld,
const PinPoidTypeField destFld 

PinTstampObserverConst PinFlist::get ( const PinTstampTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 
) const

PinTstampObserver PinFlist::get ( const PinTstampTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 

PinTstampOwner PinFlist::take ( const PinTstampTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 

void PinFlist::set ( const PinTstampTypeField fld,
PinTstamp  i 

void PinFlist::set ( const PinTstampTypeField fld,
const PinTstampBase observer 

void PinFlist::put ( const PinTstampTypeField fld,
PinTstampOwner owner 

void PinFlist::rename ( const PinTstampTypeField srcFld,
const PinTstampTypeField destFld 

bool PinFlist::copyFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinTstampTypeField srcFld,
const PinTstampTypeField destFld 

bool PinFlist::moveFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinTstampTypeField srcFld,
const PinTstampTypeField destFld 

PinInt64ObserverConst PinFlist::get ( const PinInt64TypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 
) const

PinInt64Observer PinFlist::get ( const PinInt64TypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 

PinInt64Owner PinFlist::take ( const PinInt64TypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 

void PinFlist::set ( const PinInt64TypeField fld,
int64  i 

void PinFlist::set ( const PinInt64TypeField fld,
const PinInt64Base observer 

void PinFlist::put ( const PinInt64TypeField fld,
PinInt64Owner owner 

void PinFlist::rename ( const PinInt64TypeField srcFld,
const PinInt64TypeField destFld 

bool PinFlist::copyFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinInt64TypeField srcFld,
const PinInt64TypeField destFld 

bool PinFlist::moveFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinInt64TypeField srcFld,
const PinInt64TypeField destFld 

PinErrorBufObserverConst PinFlist::get ( const PinErrTypeField fld,
PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 
) const

PinErrorBufObserver PinFlist::get ( const PinErrTypeField fld,
PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 

PinErrorBufOwner PinFlist::take ( const PinErrTypeField fld,
PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 

void PinFlist::set ( const PinErrTypeField fld,
const PinErrorBuf rebel 

void PinFlist::set ( const PinErrTypeField fld,
const PinErrorBufBase observer 

void PinFlist::rename ( const PinErrTypeField srcFld,
const PinErrTypeField destFld 

bool PinFlist::copyFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinErrTypeField srcFld,
const PinErrTypeField destFld 

bool PinFlist::moveFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinErrTypeField srcFld,
const PinErrTypeField destFld 

int PinFlist::count ( const PinArrayTypeField fld  )  const

Return the number of array elements of the given name.

fld name of array field
int number of array elements.

PinFlistObserver PinFlist::add ( const PinArrayTypeField fld,
PinRecId  id 

Add an empty array element to the flist. Note that in the flist world, there is no notion of just adding an array; you must specify an element.

fld name of array field
id element id

PinFlistObserverConst PinFlist::get ( const PinArrayTypeField fld,
const PinRecId  id,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 
) const

Get a const flist observer wrapper to an array element in the flist. Note that the array element is itself an flist.

fld name of array field
id element id
optional indicator of whether the field is optional or not, indicates the field is required if the param is not passed in
PinFlistObserverConst flist observer instance
PinDeterminateException If the field is not present and the optional indicator is set to FALSE, then an exception occurs.

PinFlistObserver PinFlist::get ( const PinArrayTypeField fld,
const PinRecId  id,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 

Get a non-const flist observer wrapper to an array element in the flist. Note that the array element is itself an flist.

The flist observer allows you to modify the underlying C flist. If you want to prevent that, declare the return value to be a const observer so that the return value would be of type PinFlistObserverConst.
fld name of array field
id element id
optional indicator of whether the field is optional or not, indicates the field is required if the param is not passed in
PinFlistObserver flist observer instance
PinDeterminateException If the field is not present and the optional indicator is set to FALSE, then an exception occurs.

PinFlistOwner PinFlist::take ( const PinArrayTypeField fld,
PinRecId  id,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 

Remove an array element from the flist and take ownership of the content (which is another flist) via a flist owner wrapper which manages the memory. To just drop the array element, use the drop method.

fld name of array field
id element id
optional indicator of whether the field is optional or not, indicates the field is required if the param is not passed in
PinFlistOwner flist owner instance
PinDeterminateException If the field is not present and the optional indicator is set to FALSE, then an exception occurs.

void PinFlist::set ( const PinArrayTypeField fld,
const PinFlistBase val,
const PinRecId  id 

Add a new array element to the flist. If the element already exists, just change the value. The value is copied and the original passed in parameter is untouched.

fld name of array field
val flist observer or owner instance for the source value
id element id

void PinFlist::put ( const PinArrayTypeField fld,
PinFlistOwner val,
const PinRecId  id 

Add a new array element to the flist. If the element already exists, just change the value. The value is usurped from the input parameter "val".

fld name of array field
val flist owner instance for the source value
id element id

void PinFlist::drop ( const PinArrayTypeField fld,
const PinRecId  id 

Drop an array element from the flist. If the field is not found, it is not considered an error.

fld name of field to drop
id element id
PinDeterminateException for any errors that occur

void PinFlist::rename ( const PinArrayTypeField srcFld,
const PinArrayTypeField destFld 

Rename all elements of an array from one field name to another

src fld name of field to rename
dest fld name to use
PinDeterminateException If the element is not found or any other error occurs.

bool PinFlist::copyFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinArrayTypeField srcFld,
const PinArrayTypeField destFld 

Copy all elements of an array from another flist to this flist. The field name can be changed while performing the copy

src flist to copy array from
src array fld name to copy from srcFlist
dest array fld name to use here
boolean indicator of whether any src array elems were found. When not found it is not considered an error.
PinDeterminateException If the element is not found or any other error occurs.

bool PinFlist::copyFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinArrayTypeField srcFld,
const PinRecId  srcId,
const PinArrayTypeField destFld,
const PinRecId  destId 

Copy single element of an array from another flist to this flist. The field name and recid can be changed while performing the copy

src flist to copy array element from
src array fld name to copy from srcFlist
src element id to copy
dest array fld name to use here
dest element id to use here
boolean indicator of whether src array element was found. When not found it is not considered an error.
PinDeterminateException if any error occurs, usually Fatal

bool PinFlist::moveFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinArrayTypeField srcFld,
const PinArrayTypeField destFld 

Move all elements of an array from another flist to this flist. The field name can be changed while performing the move

src flist to move array from
src array fld name to move from srcFlist
dest array fld name to use here
boolean indicator of whether any src array elements were found. When not found it is not considered an error.
PinDeterminateException if any error occurs, usually Fatal

bool PinFlist::moveFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinArrayTypeField srcFld,
const PinRecId  srcId,
const PinArrayTypeField destFld,
const PinRecId  destId 

Move single element of an array from another flist to this flist. The field name and recid can be changed while performing the move

src flist to move array from
src array fld name to move from srcFlist
src element id
dest array fld name to use here
dest element id to use here
boolean indicator of whether src array element was found. When not found it is not considered an error.
PinDeterminateException if any error occurs, usually Fatal

PinElemObservingIterator PinFlist::getElements ( const PinArrayTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_TRUE 
) const

Walk through the elements in an array.

fld name of field
optional indicator of whether the field is optional or not, indicates the field is required if the param is not passed in
PinElemObservingIteratorConst iterator object
PinDeterminateException If the element is not present.

PinElemObservingIterator PinFlist::getElements ( const PinArrayTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_TRUE 
) const

PinElemObservingIterator PinFlist::getElements ( const PinArrayTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_TRUE 

Walk through the elements in an array.

fld name of field
optional indicator of whether the field is optional or not, indicates the field is required if the param is not passed in
PinElemObservingIterator iterator object
PinDeterminateException If the element is not present.

PinElemDroppingIterator PinFlist::getDroppableElements ( const PinArrayTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_TRUE 

Walk through the elements in an array.

fld name of field
optional indicator of whether the field is optional or not, indicates the field is required if the param is not passed in
PinElemDroppingIterator iterator object
PinDeterminateException If the element is not present.

PinElemOwningIterator PinFlist::takeElements ( const PinArrayTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_TRUE 

Remove the elements in an array one by one via an iterator.

fld name of field
optional indicator of whether the field is optional or not, indicates the field is required if the param is not passed in
PinElemOwningIterator iterator object
PinDeterminateException If the element is not present.

PinFlistObserver PinFlist::add ( const PinSubTypeField fld  ) 

void PinFlist::drop ( const PinSubTypeField fld  ) 

PinFlistObserverConst PinFlist::get ( const PinSubTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 
) const

PinFlistObserver PinFlist::get ( const PinSubTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 

PinFlistOwner PinFlist::take ( const PinSubTypeField fld,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 

void PinFlist::set ( const PinSubTypeField fld,
const PinFlistBase observer 

void PinFlist::put ( const PinSubTypeField fld,
PinFlistOwner owner 

void PinFlist::rename ( const PinSubTypeField srcFld,
const PinSubTypeField destFld 

bool PinFlist::copyFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinSubTypeField srcFld,
const PinSubTypeField destFld 

bool PinFlist::moveFrom ( const PinFlistBase srcFlist,
const PinSubTypeField srcFld,
const PinSubTypeField destFld 

void PinFlist::drop ( const PinAnyTypeField fld  ) 

Drop a field from the flist. For ARRAY or SUBSTRUCT fields, use other methods.

fld name of field to drop
PinDeterminateException If the field is not present.

void PinFlist::appendFlist ( PinFlistBase flist  ) 

Append (concatenate) the flist to the end of the current one.

flist flist to append

int PinFlist::count (  )  const

Return the number of fields in the flist at the top level. Note that this does not traverse down array elements or substructs. Also, each individual array element is counted.

int number of fields in the flist

PinAnyObservingIterator PinFlist::getFields (  ) 

Walk through the fields in the flist. Has specialized uses in debuggers, generic flist translators etc.

PinAnyObservingIterator iterator object
See also:
Technically, we need a const version of this iterator!

void PinFlist::sort ( const PinFlistBase sortlist,
const int32  descending = 0,
const int32  sortDefault = 0 

Sort the flist. See PIN_FLIST_SORT description.

sortlist sorting key described as flist.
descending if 1, sort in descending order

void PinFlist::sortRecursively ( const PinFlistBase sortlist,
const int32  descending = 0,
const int32  sortDefault = 0 

Sort the flist. If there are ARRAY elements, each of them is sorted as well recursively. See PIN_FLIST_RECURSIVE_SORT description.

sortlist sorting key described as flist.
descending if 1, sort in descending order

PinFlistOwner PinFlist::clone (  )  const

Make a clone of the flist (deep copy).

PinFlistOwner Instance of the new flist owner handle

PinBool PinFlist::isNull (  )  const

Check if the underlying C flist is valid (not null pointer).

PinBool True If the underlying C flist is a null pointer

pin_flist_t * PinFlist::get (  )  const

Get the underlying C flist pointer.

Useful in situations when invoking safe C functions that in C++ code using this class. Make sure that the flist is not destroyed by the callee.
See also:
flist_t* the underlying C flist pointer

pin_flist_t* PinFlist::get (  )  const

pin_flist_t * PinFlist::get (  ) 

Get the underlying C flist pointer.

Useful in situations when invoking safe C functions that in C++ code using this class. Make sure that the flist is not destroyed by the callee.
See also:
flist_t* the underlying C flist pointer

pin_flist_t * PinFlist::release (  ) 

Take ownership of the underlying C flist pointer.

Useful in situations when invoking C functions that in C++ code using this class, and there is no reason for this C++ class to manage the C flist pointer. Make sure that the C flist is properly destroyed.
See also:

void PinFlist::grab ( pin_flist_t flistp,
int  owns 

Make a new PinFlist using the passed in C flist pointer.

flistp Pointer to the C flist
owns If 1, then this class takes ownership of the flistp
This is intended for use by PinBase. Use the public factory methods instead.

void PinFlist::takeFrom ( PinFlist other  ) 

Takes over the C flist pointer from the source object. Releases or destroys the C flist it is currently holding.

This is intended for use by PinBase.
See also:

void PinFlist::copyFrom ( const PinFlist other  ) 

Points to the C flist pointer from the source object. Releases or destroys the C flist it is currently holding.

This is intended for use by PinBase.
See also:

void PinFlist::operator= ( const PinFlist  )  [private]

void * PinFlist::_get ( const u_int32  fldnum,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 
) const [private]

void * PinFlist::_take ( const u_int32  fldnum,
const PinBool  optional = PIN_BOOLEAN_FALSE 
) [private]

void PinFlist::_set ( const u_int32  fldnum,
const void *  vp 
) [private]

void PinFlist::_put ( const u_int32  fldnum,
const void *  vp 
) [private]

void PinFlist::_set ( const u_int32  fldnum,
const void *  vp,
const PinRecId  id 
) [private]

void PinFlist::_put ( const u_int32  fldnum,
const void *  vp,
const PinRecId  id 
) [private]

void PinFlist::_rename ( const pin_fld_num_t  srcfldnum,
const pin_fld_num_t  destfldnum 
) [private]

bool PinFlist::_copyFrom ( pin_flist_t src_flistp,
const pin_fld_num_t  srcfldnum,
const pin_fld_num_t  destfldnum 
) [private]

bool PinFlist::_copyFrom ( pin_flist_t src_flistp,
const pin_fld_num_t  srcfldnum,
const PinRecId  srcId,
const pin_fld_num_t  destfldnum,
const PinRecId  destId 
) [private]

bool PinFlist::_moveFrom ( pin_flist_t src_flistp,
const pin_fld_num_t  srcfldnum,
const pin_fld_num_t  destfldnum 
) [private]

bool PinFlist::_moveFrom ( pin_flist_t src_flistp,
const pin_fld_num_t  srcfldnum,
const PinRecId  srcId,
const pin_fld_num_t  destfldnum,
const PinRecId  destId 
) [private]

Member Data Documentation

Indicator of whether or not the data is owned by the wrapper

pointer to the underlying C-style flist

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