4 Installing Pricing Design Center

Learn how to install one or more of the following Oracle Communications Pricing Design Center (PDC) components: the PDC software, Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Integration Pack, or PDC REST Services Manager.

Topics in this document:

About the PDC Installer and PDC Schema

The PDC installer provides the option to install the PDC software, BRM Integration Pack, PDC REST Services Manager, or all three PDC components. For more information about these components, see "PDC System Architecture" in BRM Concepts.

The PDC installer also allows you to create a new PDC database schema or reuse your existing PDC database schema. It determines whether to create or reuse the schema by checking the PDC tablespace you provide during the installation process:

  • If you point to an empty PDC tablespace, the installer creates a new PDC schema.

  • If you point to a PDC tablespace with an existing schema, the installer validates the PDC schema. If the validation succeeds, PDC reuses the existing PDC schema.


    If you choose to reuse an existing PDC schema, you must also choose the same rating engine as the existing PDC installation. That is, if your existing PDC installation uses Elastic Charging Engine (ECE) for usage rating, you cannot switch to the Realtime Rating and Batch Rating Engines. Likewise, if your existing PDC installation uses the Realtime Rating and Batch Rating Engines for usage rating, you cannot switch to ECE. If you attempt to switch rating engines, the PDC installer generates an error and prevents you from proceeding with the installation process.

About Installing PDC

You can install PDC in GUI mode or silent mode. Installing PDC in silent mode lets you perform a non-interactive install of PDC. You can use the silent mode to install PDC quickly.

PDC installation must be performed by a user who has permissions to write to the oraInventory directory and the Middleware_home/user_projects/domains directory, where Middleware_home is the directory in which the Oracle Middleware components are installed.

Downloading the PDC Software

You can download and install full versions of the PDC software from the Oracle software delivery website (https://edelivery.oracle.com).

Search for and download the Oracle Communications Pricing Design Center software. The package includes the pdcserver- installer.

Installing PDC in GUI Mode

The steps for installing PDC by using the GUI depend on the PDC components you choose to install:

Installing All PDC Components

To install the PDC software, BRM Integration Pack, and PDC REST Services Manager on the same machine:

  1. Obtain the PDC software. See "Downloading the PDC Software".

  2. Start the Oracle WebLogic Server domain administration server or the WebLogic Server domain managed server on which you want to deploy PDC, if it is not already started.

  3. Ensure that the PDC database is running.


    Ensure that the Oracle Database server is in Running state. The Installer connects to the Oracle Database server to verify the information you entered is valid.

  4. Go to the temp_dir directory, and run one of the following commands:

    • To start the GUI installer:

      Java_home/bin/java -jar pdcserver-

      where Java_home is the directory in which you installed the latest supported Java version.

    • To start the GUI installer and install PDC using the oraInventory directory in a different location:

      Java_home/bin/java -jar pdcserver- -invPtrLoc FilePath/oraInst.loc

      where FilePath is the path to the directory in which the oraInst.loc file is located.

    • To start the GUI installer and create a silent installer response file during the installation:

      Java_home/bin/java -jar pdcserver- -record -destinationFile path

      where path is the response file location and name.

    The Welcome screen appears.

  5. Click Next.

    The Specify Inventory Directory and Credentials screen appears if the oraInst.loc file is corrupt or not present. The default location of the oraInventory directory is in the /etc/oraInst.loc file.

    This screen displays the path to the default inventory directory and the default operating system group name.

  6. (Optional) To change the default inventory directory details, do the following:

    1. Enter the full path of the inventory directory.

    2. Specify the name of the operating system group that has write permission to the inventory directory.

  7. Click Next.

    The Installation Location screen appears.

  8. Enter the full path or browse to the directory in which to install PDC.

  9. Click Next.

    The Installation Type screen appears.

  10. Select Complete and click Next.

    The PDC Pre-requisite Libraries Location screen appears.

  11. In the Prerequisite library location field, enter the full path or browse to the directory in which you copied all of the PDC JAR files. See "Copying Library JAR Files for PDC Installation" for more information.

  12. Click Next.

    The PDC WebLogic Server screen appears.

  13. Enter the following details for the WebLogic Server domain in which you want to deploy PDC:

    1. In the Host Name field, enter the IP address or the host name of the machine on which the WebLogic Server domain is configured.

    2. In the Port Number field, enter the port number assigned to the WebLogic Server domain administration server.

    3. In the User Name field, enter the WebLogic Server domain administrator user name.

    4. In the Password field, enter the WebLogic Server domain administrator user password.

    5. In the WebLogic Home field, enter the path to the directory in which the WebLogic Server software is installed. For example, Middleware_home/wlserver.

    6. To enable secure communication for PDC, select the Enable SSL? (Recommended) check box, and in the KeyStore Location field, enter the path of the client-side KeyStore file generated from the exported public certificate using the keytool utility.

      For more information, see "Configuring SSL for the WebLogic Server Domain".

    7. To allow the import and export of large XML files into PDC, select Apply WebLogic tuning parameters. For information about the WebLogic tuning parameters, see the installer Help.


      If you select this check box, you must restart the WebLogic Server domain after PDC installs successfully.

  14. Click Next.

    The WebLogic Server/Cluster screen appears.

  15. Do one of the following:

    • To deploy PDC on a WebLogic Server domain administration server, select a WebLogic Server domain administration server from the list.

    • To deploy PDC on a WebLogic Server domain managed server, select a WebLogic Server domain managed server from the list.


    Oracle recommends that you deploy PDC on a WebLogic Server managed server. If you select a WebLogic Server managed server, ensure that the WebLogic Server managed server and the node manager are running.

  16. Click Next.

    The PDC Wallet Location and Password screen appears.

  17. Enter the following details for the PDC wallet:

    1. In the Wallet Location field, enter the path to the directory in which the PDC wallet is located or is to be installed.

    2. In the Wallet Password field, enter the PDC wallet password.

    3. In the Confirm Wallet Password field, enter the PDC wallet password again.

  18. Click Next.

    The Pricing Design Center Schema User screen appears.

  19. Do one of the following:

    • If you want to create a PDC schema user during installation, select Yes and proceed to step 20.

    • If you want to use an existing PDC schema user, select No and proceed to step 24.

  20. Click Next.

    The Pricing Design Center System Database Connection screen appears.

  21. Enter the following information required to connect to the PDC database:

    1. In the Host Name field, enter the IP address or the host name of the machine on which the PDC database is configured.

    2. In the Port Number field, enter the port number assigned to the PDC database service.


      If the database is SSL-enabled, enter the SSL port number in the Port Number field.

    3. In the User Name field, enter the PDC database user name.

      This user should be the SYSDBA user or should have the following capabilities on the PDC database: grant create user, grant any role, grant any privileges, select any table to username, and grant sysdba to username.

    4. In the Password field, enter the PDC database user password.

    5. In the Service Name field, enter the name of the PDC database service.


      Ensure that the Oracle Database server is in Running state. The Installer connects to the Oracle Database server to verify the information you entered is valid.

    6. From the SSL list, select the type of SSL connection required for connecting to the PDC database:

      • No: SSL authentication is not required.

      • Yes-One Way: One-way SSL authentication is required. In this case, the client must authenticate the server's identity.

      • Yes-Two Way: Two-way SSL authentication is required. In this case, both the client and server must authenticate each others identity.

    7. If you selected Yes-One Way or Yes-Two Way, do the following:

      • From the Wallet Type list, select the type of wallet to use for secure communication with the database: SSO or PKCS12.

      • In the Truststore Wallet Location field, enter the full path to the directory in which the database wallet is located.

      • In the Truststore Wallet Password field, enter the TrustStore wallet password to be used for secure communication.

      • In the Keytore Wallet Location field, enter the full path or browse to the directory in which the database wallet is located.

      • In the Keystore Wallet Password field, enter the KeyStore wallet password to be used for secure communication.

  22. Click Next.

    The Pricing Design Center Schema screen appears.

  23. Enter the following information required to create the PDC schema in the PDC database and proceed to step 26:
    1. In the User Name field, enter a PDC schema user name.

    2. In the Password field, enter a PDC schema user password.

    3. In the Confirm Password field, enter the PDC schema user password again.

    4. In the PDC Tablespace field, enter the name of the tablespace for the PDC schema.

    5. In the Temp Tablespace field, enter the name of the temporary tablespace for the PDC schema.


    If you point to a PDC tablespace with an existing schema, the installer validates the PDC schema. If the validation succeeds, PDC re-uses the existing PDC schema. If you point to an empty PDC tablespace, the installer creates a new PDC schema.

  24. Click Next.

    The Pricing Design Center Schema screen appears.

  25. Enter the following information required to connect to a PDC database for an existing PDC user:

    1. In the Host Name field, enter the IP address or the host name of the machine on which the PDC database is configured.

    2. In the Port Number field, enter the port number assigned to the PDC database service.


      If the database is SSL-enabled, enter the SSL port number in the Port Number field.

    3. In the User Name field, enter the PDC database user name.

      This user should be the SYSDBA user or should have the following capabilities on the PDC database: grant create user, grant any role, grant any privileges, select any table to username, and grant sysdba to username.

    4. In the Password field, enter the PDC database user password.

    5. In the Service Name field, enter the name of the PDC database service.


      Ensure that the Oracle Database server is in Running state. The Installer connects to the Oracle Database server to verify the information you entered is valid.

    6. From the SSL list, select the type of SSL connection required for connecting to the PDC database:

      • No: SSL authentication is not required.

      • Yes-One Way: One-way SSL authentication is required. In this case, the client must authenticate the server's identity.

      • Yes-Two Way: Two-way SSL authentication is required. In this case, both the client and server must authenticate each others identity.

    7. If you selected Yes-One Way or Yes-Two Way, do the following:

      • From the Wallet Type list, select the type of wallet to use for secure communication with the database: SSO or PKCS12.

      • In the Truststore Wallet Location field, enter the full path to the directory in which the database wallet is located.

      • In the Truststore Wallet Password field, enter the TrustStore wallet password to be used for secure communication.

      • In the Keytore Wallet Location field, enter the full path or browse to the directory in which the database wallet is located.

      • In the Keystore Wallet Password field, enter the KeyStore wallet password to be used for secure communication.

  26. Click Next.

    The Pricing Design Center System User screen appears.

  27. Enter the following information to create a PDC user to access the PDC GUI:

    1. In the User Name field, enter a PDC user name.

    2. In the Password field, enter a PDC user password.


      • The PDC user password can be a maximum of 12 characters long and should contain at least one non-alphabetic character.

      • The user name must not be a part of the password.

    3. In the Confirm Password field, enter the PDC user password again.

  28. Click Next.

    The Select Charging Engine for Usage Rating appears.

  29. Do one of the following:

    • To use Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Elastic Charging Engine (ECE) for usage rating, select Elastic Charging Engine.

    • To use BRM real-time rating and batch rating engines for usage rating, select Realtime Rating and Batch Rating Engines.


    If you choose to reuse an existing PDC schema, you must also choose the same rating engine as the existing PDC installation. That is, if your existing PDC installation uses Elastic Charging Engine (ECE) for usage rating, you cannot switch to the Realtime Rating and Batch Rating Engines. Likewise, if your existing PDC installation uses the Realtime Rating and Batch Rating Engines for usage rating, you cannot switch to ECE. If you attempt to switch rating engines, the PDC installer generates an error and prevents you from proceeding with the installation process.

  30. Click Next.

    The PDC Prerequisite Libraries Location screen appears.

  31. In the Prerequisite library location field, enter the full path or browse to the directory in which you copied all of the PDC JAR files. See "Copying Library JAR Files for PDC Installation" for more information.

  32. Click Next.

    The Migration Option screen appears.

  33. Do one of the following:

    • If you do not want to migrate data, select Do not install Migration Utility and proceed to step 38.

    • To migrate the BRM real-time and batch rating engines pricing data to a PDC system that supports BRM real-time and batch rating engines, select Migrate RRE and BRE Pricing Data to PDC and proceed to step 38.

    • To migrate the BRM real-time and batch rating engines pricing data to a PDC system that supports ECE, select Migrate RRE and BRE Pricing Data to PDC with ECE and proceed to step 38.

    • To migrate the PDC pricing data to a PDC system that supports ECE, select Migrate PDC Pricing Data to PDC with ECE and continue with the next step.

  34. Click Next.

    The Source WebLogic Administration Server Connection screen appears.

  35. If you are migrating the PDC pricing data to a PDC system that supports ECE, enter the following details for the WebLogic Server domain in which you deployed the source PDC system:

    1. In the Host Name field, enter the IP address or the host name of the machine on which the WebLogic Server domain for the source PDC system is configured.

    2. In the Port Number field, enter the port number assigned to the WebLogic Server domain administration server.


      If you selected a WebLogic Server domain managed server in step 15, enter the port number to the managed server.

    3. In the User Name field, enter the WebLogic Server domain administrator user name.

    4. In the Password field, enter the WebLogic Server domain administrator user password.

    5. In the WebLogic Home field, enter the path of the directory where the Oracle WebLogic Server software is installed.

    6. Do one of the following:

      • If you do not want to enable secure communication for PDC, deselect the Enable SSL? check box.

      • To enable secure communication for PDC, leave the Enable SSL? check box selected, and in the KeyStore Location field, enter the path of the client-side KeyStore file generated from the exported public certificate using the keytool utility.

        For more information, see "Configuring SSL for the WebLogic Server Domain".

  36. Click Next.

    The Target Pricing Design Center WebLogic Server Connection screen appears.

  37. If you are migrating the PDC pricing data to a PDC system that supports ECE, enter the following details for the WebLogic Server domain in which you deployed the target PDC system:

    1. In the Host Name field, enter the IP address or the host name of the machine on which the WebLogic Server domain for the target PDC system is configured.

    2. In the Port Number field, enter the port number assigned to the WebLogic Server domain administration server.

    3. In the User Name field, enter the WebLogic Server domain administrator user name.

    4. In the Password field, enter the WebLogic Server domain administrator user password.

    5. Do one of the following:

      • If you do not want to enable secure communication for PDC, deselect the Enable SSL? check box.

      • To enable secure communication for PDC, leave the Enable SSL? check box selected, and in the KeyStore Location field, enter the path of the client-side KeyStore file generated from the exported public certificate using the keytool utility.

        For more information, see "Configuring SSL for the WebLogic Server Domain".

  38. Click Next.

    The Pricing Design Center WebLogic Server Connection screen appears.

  39. Enter the following details for the WebLogic Server domain in which you deployed PDC:

    1. In the Host Name field, enter the IP address or the host name of the machine on which the WebLogic Server domain is configured.

    2. In the Port Number field, enter the port number assigned to the WebLogic Server domain administration server.

    3. In the User Name field, enter the WebLogic Server domain administrator user name.

    4. In the Password field, enter the WebLogic Server domain administrator user password.

    5. Do one of the following:

      If you do not want to enable secure communication for PDC, deselect the Enable SSL? check box.

      To enable secure communication for PDC, leave the Enable SSL? check box selected, and in the KeyStore Location field, enter the path of the client-side KeyStore file generated from the exported public certificate using the keytool utility.

      For more information, see "Configuring SSL for the WebLogic Server Domain".

  40. Click Next.

    The BRM Integration Pack Wallet Location and Password screen appears.

  41. Enter the following details for the BRM Integration Pack wallet:

    1. In the Wallet Location field, enter the path to the directory in which the BRM Integration Pack wallet is located or is to be installed.

    2. In the Wallet Password field, enter the BRM Integration Pack wallet password.

    3. In the Confirm Wallet Password field, enter the BRM Integration Pack wallet password again.

  42. Click Next.

    The BRM Server Location screen appears.

  43. Enter the BRM batch and real-time rating engine details:

    1. In the BRM field, enter the full path or browse to the directory in which BRM is installed.

    2. In the BRM Pipeline field, enter the full path or browse to the directory in which Pipeline Manager is installed.

    3. In the Perl Home field, enter the full path or browse to the directory in which the Perl libraries for BRM are installed.

  44. Click Next.

    The BRM Database Connection screen appears.

  45. Enter the following information required to connect to the BRM database:

    1. In the Host Name field, enter the IP address or the host name of the machine on which the BRM database is configured.

    2. In the Port Number field, enter the port number assigned to the BRM database service.


      If the database is SSL-enabled, enter the SSL port number in the Port Number field.

    3. In the User Name field, enter the BRM database user name.

      This user should be the SYSDBA user or should have the following capabilities on the BRM database: grant create user, grant any role, grant any privileges, select any table to username, and grant sysdba to username.

    4. In the Password field, enter the BRM database user password.

    5. In the Service Name field, enter the name of the BRM database service.


      Ensure that the Oracle Database server is in Running state. The Installer connects to the Oracle Database server to verify the information you entered is valid.

    6. From the SSL list, select the type of SSL connection required for connecting to the BRM database:

      • No: SSL authentication is not required.

      • Yes-One Way: One-way SSL authentication is required. In this case, the client must authenticate the server's identity.

      • Yes-Two Way: Two-way SSL authentication is required. In this case, both the client and server must authenticate each others identity.

    7. If you selected Yes-One Way or Yes-Two Way, do the following:

      • From the Store Type list, select the type of wallet to use for secure communication with the database: SSO or PKCS12.

      • In the Truststore Wallet Location field, enter the full path to the directory in which the database wallet is located.

      • In the Truststore Wallet Password field, enter the TrustStore wallet password to be used for secure communication.

      • In the Keytore Wallet Location field, enter the full path or browse to the directory in which the database wallet is located.

      • In the Keystore Wallet Password field, enter the KeyStore wallet password to be used for secure communication.

  46. Click Next.

    The PDC Cross-Reference Schema User screen appears.

  47. Do one of the following:

    • If you want to create a transformation cross-reference schema user during installation, select Yes and proceed to step 48.

    • If you want to use an existing transformation cross-reference schema user, select No and proceed to step 52.

  48. Click Next.

    The Transformation Cross-Reference Database Connection screen appears.

  49. Enter the following information required to connect to the transformation cross-reference database:

    1. In the Host Name field, enter the IP address or the host name of the machine on which to create the transformation cross-reference schema.

    2. In the Port Number field, enter the port number assigned to the transformation cross-reference database service.


      If the database is SSL-enabled, enter the SSL port number in the Port Number field.

    3. In the User Name field, enter the transformation cross-reference database user name.

      This user should be the SYSDBA user or should have the following capabilities on the transformation cross-reference database: grant create user, grant any role, grant any privileges, select any table to username, and grant sysdba to username.

    4. In the Password field, enter the transformation cross-reference database user password.

    5. In the Service Name field, enter the name of the transformation cross-reference database service.


      Ensure that the Oracle Database server is in Running state. The Installer connects to the Oracle Database server to verify the information you entered is valid.

    6. From the SSL list, select the type of SSL connection required for connecting to the transformation cross-reference database:

      • No: SSL authentication is not required.

      • Yes-One Way: One-way SSL authentication is required. In this case, the client must authenticate the server's identity.

      • Yes-Two Way: Two-way SSL authentication is required. In this case, both the client and server must authenticate each others identity.

    7. If you selected Yes-One Way or Yes-Two Way, do the following:

      • From the Store Type list, select the type of wallet to use for secure communication with the database: SSO or PKCS12.

      • In the Truststore Wallet Location field, enter the full path to the directory in which the database wallet is located.

      • In the Truststore Wallet Password field, enter the TrustStore wallet password to be used for secure communication.

      • In the Keytore Wallet Location field, enter the full path or browse to the directory in which the database wallet is located.

      • In the Keystore Wallet Password field, enter the KeyStore wallet password to be used for secure communication.

  50. Click Next.

    The Transformation Cross-Reference Schema screen appears.

  51. Enter the following information required to create the transformation cross-reference schema in the transformation cross-reference database and proceed to step 54:


    If you are migrating the pricing data from a source PDC system to a target PDC system that supports ECE, provide the details of the transformation cross-reference schema that you created for the source PDC system.

    1. In the User Name field, enter a transformation cross-reference schema user name.

    2. In the Password field, enter a transformation cross-reference schema user password.

    3. In the Confirm Password field, enter the transformation cross-reference schema user password again.

    4. In the PDC Tablespace field, enter the name of the tablespace for the transformation cross-reference schema.

    5. In the Temp Tablespace field, enter the name of the temporary tablespace for the transformation cross-reference schema.

  52. Click Next.

    The Transformation Cross-Reference Schema screen appears.

  53. Enter the following information required to connect to the transformation cross-reference database:


    If you are migrating the pricing data from a source PDC system to a target PDC system that supports ECE, provide the details of the transformation cross-reference schema that you created for the source PDC system.

    1. In the Host Name field, enter the IP address or the host name of the machine on which the transformation cross-reference database is configured.

    2. In the Port Number field, enter the port number assigned to the transformation cross-reference database service.


      If the database is SSL-enabled, enter the SSL port number in the Port Number field.

    3. In the Service Name field, enter the name of the transformation cross-reference database service.

    4. In the User Name field, enter the transformation cross-reference schema user name.

    5. In the Password field, enter the transformation cross-reference schema user password.

    6. Do one of the following:

      If you do not want to enable secure communication for the transformation cross-reference database, leave the SSL Enabled check box deselected. This is deselected by default.

      To enable secure communication for the transformation cross-reference database, select the SSL Enabled check box.

    7. If you selected SSL Enabled, do the following:

      In the Wallet Location field, enter the full path or browse to the directory in which the database wallet is located. For example, wallet_home/cwallet.sso or wallet_home/ewallet.p12.

      From the Wallet Type list, select the wallet type.

      In the Wallet Password field, enter the database wallet password if the wallet type is PKCS12.

  54. Click Next.

    The PDC User screen appears.

  55. Enter the PDC user information.

    1. In the User Name field, enter the PDC user name.

    2. In the Password field, enter the PDC user password.

  56. Do one of the following:

    • Click Next.

      The Migration Cross-Reference Database Connection screen appears.

    • If you selected Do not install Migration utility in step 13, proceed to step 66.

  57. Enter the following information required to connect to the migration cross-reference database:

    1. In the Host Name field, enter the IP address or the host name of the machine on which to create the migration cross-reference database.

    2. In the Port Number field, enter the port number assigned to the migration cross-reference database service.


      If the database is SSL-enabled, enter the SSL port number in the Port Number field.

    3. In the User Name field, enter the migration cross-reference database user name.

      This user should be the SYSDBA user or should have the following capabilities on the migration cross-reference database: grant create user, grant any role, grant any privileges, select any table to username, and grant sysdba to username.

    4. In the Password field, enter the migration cross-reference database user password.

    5. In the Service Name field, enter the name of the migration cross-reference database service.


      Ensure that the Oracle Database server is in Running state. The Installer connects to the Oracle Database server to verify the information you entered is valid.

    6. From the SSL list, select the type of SSL connection required for connecting to the migration cross-reference database:

      • No: SSL authentication is not required.

      • Yes-One Way: One-way SSL authentication is required. In this case, the client must authenticate the server's identity.

      • Yes-Two Way: Two-way SSL authentication is required. In this case, both the client and server must authenticate each others identity.

    7. If you selected Yes-One Way or Yes-Two Way, do the following:

      • From the Wallet Type list, select the type of wallet to use for secure communication with the database: SSO or PKCS12.

      • In the Truststore Wallet Location field, enter the full path to the directory in which the database wallet is located.

      • In the Truststore Wallet Password field, enter the TrustStore wallet password to be used for secure communication.

      • In the Keytore Wallet Location field, enter the full path or browse to the directory in which the database wallet is located.

      • In the Keystore Wallet Password field, enter the KeyStore wallet password to be used for secure communication.

  58. Click Next.

    The Migration Cross-Reference Schema screen appears.

  59. Enter the following information required to create the migration cross-reference schema in the migration cross-reference database:

    1. In the User Name field, enter a migration cross-reference schema user name.

    2. In the Password field, enter a migration cross-reference schema user password.

    3. In the PDC Tablespace field, enter the name of the PDC tablespace for the migration cross-reference schema.

    4. In the Temp Tablespace field, enter the name of the temporary tablespace for the migration cross-reference schema.

  60. Do one of the following:

    • Click Next.

      The Migration User screen appears.

    • If you are migrating the PDC pricing data to a PDC system that supports ECE, proceed to step 62.

  61. Enter the migration user details and proceed to step 66.

    1. In the User Name field, enter a migration user name.

    2. In the Password field, enter a migration user password.

    3. In the Confirm Password field, enter the migration user password again.

  62. Click Next.

    The Source Migration User screen appears.

  63. If you are migrating the PDC pricing data to a PDC system that supports ECE, enter the migration user details that you use to run the migration utility in the source PDC system:

    1. In the User Name field, enter the migration user name.

    2. In the Password field, enter the migration user password.

    3. In the Confirm Password field, enter the migration user password again.

  64. Click Next.

    The Target Migration User screen appears.

  65. If you are migrating the PDC pricing data to a PDC system that supports ECE, enter the migration user details that you want to use to run the migration utility in the target PDC system:

    1. In the User Name field, enter the migration user name.

    2. In the Password field, enter the migration user password.

  66. Click Next.

    The Installation Summary screen appears.

  67. Review the selections you have made in the preceding screens, and click Install.

    The Installation Progress screen appears.


    After the installation begins, clicking Stop installation stops the installation process, but the files that are already copied are not removed.

  68. When the installation is done, click Next. The Installation Complete screen appears.

    Note down the provided URL, because you will need it to access PDC.

  69. Click Finish to complete and exit.

  70. If you selected Apply WebLogic tuning parameters, you must restart the WebLogic Server domain.

See "Verifying the Pricing Design Center Installation" for information on verifying the successful installation of PDC.

See "About Installation Logs" for information on PDC Installer logs.

Installing Only the PDC Software

To install only the PDC software:

  1. Obtain the PDC software. See "Downloading the PDC Software".

  2. Start the Oracle WebLogic Server domain administration server or the WebLogic Server domain managed server on which you want to deploy PDC, if it is not already started.

  3. Ensure that the PDC database is running.


    Ensure that the Oracle Database server is in Running state. The Installer connects to the Oracle Database server to verify the information you entered is valid.

  4. Go to the temp_dir directory, and run one of the following commands:

    • To start the GUI installer:

      Java_home/bin/java -jar pdcserver-

      where Java_home is the directory in which you installed the latest supported Java version.

    • To start the GUI installer and install PDC using the oraInventory directory in a different location:

      Java_home/bin/java -jar pdcserver- -invPtrLoc FilePath/oraInst.loc

      where FilePath is the path to the directory in which the oraInst.loc file is located.

    • To start the GUI installer and create a silent installer response file during the installation:

      Java_home/bin/java -jar pdcserver- -record -destinationFile path

      where path is the response file location and name.

    The Welcome screen appears.

  5. Click Next.

    The Specify Inventory Directory and Credentials screen appears if the oraInst.loc file is corrupt or not present. The default location of the oraInventory directory is in the /etc/oraInst.loc file.

    This screen displays the path to the default inventory directory and the default operating system group name.

  6. (Optional) To change the default inventory directory details, do the following:

    1. Enter the full path of the inventory directory.

    2. Specify the name of the operating system group that has write permission to the inventory directory.

  7. Click Next.

    The Installation Location screen appears.

  8. Enter the full path or browse to the directory in which to install PDC.

  9. Click Next.

    The Installation Type screen appears.

  10. Select Pricing Design Center and click Next.

    The PDC WebLogic Server screen appears.

  11. Enter the following details for the WebLogic Server domain in which you want to deploy PDC:

    1. In the Host Name field, enter the IP address or the host name of the machine on which the WebLogic Server domain is configured.

    2. In the Port Number field, enter the port number assigned to the WebLogic Server domain administration server.

    3. In the User Name field, enter the WebLogic Server domain administrator user name.

    4. In the Password field, enter the WebLogic Server domain administrator user password.

    5. In the WebLogic Home field, enter the path to the directory in which the WebLogic Server software is installed. For example, Middleware_home/wlserver.

    6. To enable secure communication for PDC, select the Enable SSL? (Recommended) check box, and in the KeyStore Location field, enter the path of the client-side KeyStore file generated from the exported public certificate using the keytool utility.

      For more information, see "Configuring SSL for the WebLogic Server Domain".

    7. To allow the import and export of large XML files into PDC, select Apply WebLogic tuning parameters. For information about the WebLogic tuning parameters, see the installer Help.


      If you select this check box, you must restart the WebLogic Server domain after PDC installs successfully.

  12. Click Next.

    The PDC Wallet Location and Password screen appears.

  13. Enter the following details for the PDC wallet:

    1. In the Wallet Location field, enter the path to the directory in which the PDC wallet is located or is to be installed.

    2. In the Wallet Password field, enter the PDC wallet password.

    3. In the Confirm Wallet Password field, enter the PDC wallet password again.

  14. Click Next.

    The WebLogic Server screen appears.

  15. Do one of the following:

    • To deploy PDC on a WebLogic Server domain administration server, select a WebLogic Server domain administration server from the list.

    • To deploy PDC on a WebLogic Server domain managed server, select a WebLogic Server domain managed server from the list.


    Oracle recommends that you deploy PDC on a WebLogic Server managed server. If you select a WebLogic Server managed server, ensure that the WebLogic Server managed server and the node manager are running.

  16. Click Next.

    The Pricing Design Center Schema User screen appears.

  17. Do one of the following:

    • If you want to create a PDC schema user during installation, select Yes and proceed to step 18.

    • If you want to use an existing PDC schema user, select No and proceed to step 22.

  18. Click Next.

    The Pricing Design Center System Database Connection screen appears.

  19. Enter the following information required to connect to the PDC database:

    1. In the Host Name field, enter the IP address or the host name of the machine on which to create the PDC database schema.

    2. In the Port Number field, enter the port number assigned to the PDC database service.


      If the database is SSL-enabled, enter the SSL port number in the Port Number field.

    3. In the User Name field, enter the PDC database user name.

      This user should be the SYSDBA user or should have the following capabilities on the PDC database: grant create user, grant any role, grant any privileges, select any table to username, and grant sysdba to username.

    4. In the Password field, enter the PDC database user password.

    5. In the Service Name field, enter the name of the PDC database service.


      Ensure that the Oracle Database server is in Running state. The Installer connects to the Oracle Database server to verify the information you entered is valid.

    6. From the SSL list, select the type of SSL connection required for connecting to the PDC database:

      • No: SSL authentication is not required.

      • Yes-One Way: One-way SSL authentication is required. In this case, the client must authenticate the server's identity.

      • Yes-Two Way: Two-way SSL authentication is required. In this case, both the client and server must authenticate each others identity.

    7. If you selected Yes-One Way or Yes-Two Way, do the following:

      • From the Wallet Type list, select the type of wallet to use for secure communication with the database: SSO or PKCS12.

      • In the Truststore Wallet Location field, enter the full path to the directory in which the database wallet is located.

      • In the Truststore Wallet Password field, enter the TrustStore wallet password to be used for secure communication.

      • In the Keytore Wallet Location field, enter the full path or browse to the directory in which the database wallet is located.

      • In the Keystore Wallet Password field, enter the KeyStore wallet password to be used for secure communication.

  20. Click Next.

    The Pricing Design Center Schema screen appears.

  21. Enter the following information required to create the PDC schema in the PDC database and proceed to step 24:

    1. In the User Name field, enter a PDC schema user name.

    2. In the Password field, enter a PDC schema user password.

    3. In the Confirm Password field, enter the PDC schema user password again.

    4. In the PDC Tablespace field, enter the name of the tablespace for the PDC schema.

    5. In the Temp Tablespace field, enter the name of the temporary tablespace for the PDC schema.


    If you point to a PDC tablespace with an existing schema, the installer validates the PDC schema. If the validation succeeds, PDC re-uses the existing PDC schema. If you point to an empty PDC tablespace, the installer creates a new PDC schema.

  22. Click Next.

    The Pricing Design Center Schema screen appears.

  23. Enter the following information required to connect to an existing PDC schema:

    1. In the Host Name field, enter the IP address or the host name of the machine with the PDC database schema.

    2. In the Port Number field, enter the port number assigned to the PDC database service.


      If the database is SSL-enabled, enter the SSL port number in the Port Number field.

    3. In the User Name field, enter the PDC database user name.

      This user should be the SYSDBA user or should have the following capabilities on the PDC database: grant create user, grant any role, grant any privileges, select any table to username, and grant sysdba to username.

    4. In the Password field, enter the PDC database user password.

    5. In the Service Name field, enter the name of the PDC database service.


      Ensure that the Oracle Database server is in Running state. The Installer connects to the Oracle Database server to verify the information you entered is valid.

    6. From the SSL list, select the type of SSL connection required for connecting to the PDC database:

      • No: SSL authentication is not required.

      • Yes-One Way: One-way SSL authentication is required. In this case, the client must authenticate the server's identity.

      • Yes-Two Way: Two-way SSL authentication is required. In this case, both the client and server must authenticate each others identity.

    7. If you selected Yes-One Way or Yes-Two Way, do the following:

      • From the Wallet Type list, select the type of wallet to use for secure communication with the database: SSO or PKCS12.

      • In the Truststore Wallet Location field, enter the full path to the directory in which the database wallet is located.

      • In the Truststore Wallet Password field, enter the TrustStore wallet password to be used for secure communication.

      • In the Keytore Wallet Location field, enter the full path or browse to the directory in which the database wallet is located.

      • In the Keystore Wallet Password field, enter the KeyStore wallet password to be used for secure communication.

  24. Click Next.

    The Pricing Design Center System Database Connection screen appears.

  25. Enter the following information required to connect to the PDC database:

    1. In the Host Name field, enter the IP address or the host name of the machine on which to create the PDC database schema.

    2. In the Port Number field, enter the port number assigned to the PDC database service.


      If the database is SSL-enabled, enter the SSL port number in the Port Number field.

    3. In the User Name field, enter the PDC database user name.

      This user should be the SYSDBA user or should have the following capabilities on the PDC database: grant create user, grant any role, grant any privileges, select any table to username, and grant sysdba to username.

    4. In the Password field, enter the PDC database user password.

    5. In the Service Name field, enter the name of the PDC database service.


      Ensure that the Oracle Database server is in Running state. The Installer connects to the Oracle Database server to verify the information you entered is valid.

    6. From the SSL list, select the type of SSL connection required for connecting to the PDC database:

      • No: SSL authentication is not required.

      • Yes-One Way: One-way SSL authentication is required. In this case, the client must authenticate the server's identity.

      • Yes-Two Way: Two-way SSL authentication is required. In this case, both the client and server must authenticate each others identity.

    7. If you selected Yes-One Way or Yes-Two Way, do the following:

      • From the Wallet Type list, select the type of wallet to use for secure communication with the database: SSO or PKCS12.

      • In the Truststore Wallet Location field, enter the full path to the directory in which the database wallet is located.

      • In the Truststore Wallet Password field, enter the TrustStore wallet password to be used for secure communication.

      • In the Keytore Wallet Location field, enter the full path or browse to the directory in which the database wallet is located.

      • In the Keystore Wallet Password field, enter the KeyStore wallet password to be used for secure communication.

  26. Click Next.

    The Pricing Design Center Schema screen appears.

  27. Enter the following information required to create the PDC schema in the PDC database:

    1. In the User Name field, enter a PDC schema user name.

    2. In the Password field, enter a PDC schema user password.

    3. In the PDC Tablespace field, enter the name of the tablespace for the PDC schema.

    4. In the Temp Tablespace field, enter the name of the temporary tablespace for the PDC schema.

  28. Click Next.

    The Pricing Design Center System User screen appears.

  29. Enter the following information to create a PDC user to access the PDC GUI:

    1. In the User Name field, enter a PDC user name.

    2. In the Password field, enter a PDC user password.


      • The PDC user password can be a maximum of 12 characters long and should contain at least one non-alphabetic character.

      • The user name must not be a part of the password.

    3. In the Confirm Password field, enter the PDC user password again.

  30. Click Next.

    The Select Charging Engine for Usage Rating appears.

  31. Do one of the following:

    • To use Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Elastic Charging Engine (ECE) for usage rating, select Elastic Charging Engine.

    • To use BRM real-time rating and batch rating engines for usage rating, select Realtime Rating and Batch Rating Engines.


    If you choose to reuse an existing PDC schema, you must also choose the same rating engine as the existing PDC installation. That is, if your existing PDC installation uses Elastic Charging Engine (ECE) for usage rating, you cannot switch to the Realtime Rating and Batch Rating Engines. Likewise, if your existing PDC installation uses the Realtime Rating and Batch Rating Engines for usage rating, you cannot switch to ECE. If you attempt to switch rating engines, the PDC installer generates an error and prevents you from proceeding with the installation process.

  32. Click Next.

    The Installation Summary screen appears.

  33. Review the selections you have made in the preceding screens, and click Install.

    The Installation Progress screen appears.


    After the installation begins, clicking Stop installation stops the installation process, but the files that are already copied are not removed.

  34. When the installation is done, click Next. The Installation Complete screen appears.

    Note down the provided URL, because you will need it to access PDC.

  35. Click Finish to complete and exit.

  36. If you selected Apply WebLogic tuning parameters, you must restart the WebLogic Server domain.

See "Verifying the Pricing Design Center Installation" for information on verifying the successful installation of PDC.

See "About Installation Logs" for information on PDC Installer logs.

Installing Only BRM Integration Pack

BRM Integration Pack is a set of utilities that transform and transfer pricing components configured in PDC to the BRM system. If BRM and Pipeline Manager are installed on different machines, you must also install Pipeline Configuration Manager. For instructions on how to install Pipeline Configuration Manager, see BRM Installation Guide.


BRM Integration Pack installation must be performed as the Linux user who installed BRM; for example, pin_user.

To install only BRM Integration Pack:

  1. Obtain the PDC software. See "Downloading the PDC Software".

  2. Start the Oracle WebLogic Server domain administration server or the managed server on which you want to deploy PDC, if it is not already started.

  3. Verify that you are able to connect to the BRM database.

  4. Go to the temp_dir directory, and run one of the following commands:

    • To start the GUI installer:

      Java_home/bin/java -jar pdcserver-

      where Java_home is the directory in which you installed the latest supported Java version.

    • To start the GUI installer and install PDC using the oraInventory directory in a different location:

      Java_home/bin/java -jar pdcserver- -invPtrLoc FilePath/oraInst.loc

      where FilePath is the path to the directory in which the oraInst.loc file is located.

    • To start the GUI installer and create a silent installer response file during the installation:

      Java_home/bin/java -jar pdcserver- -record -destinationFile path

      where path is the response file location and name.

    The Welcome screen appears.

  5. Click Next.

    The Specify Inventory Directory and Credentials screen appears if the oraInst.loc file is corrupt or not present. The default location of the oraInventory directory is in the /etc/oraInst.loc file.

    This screen displays the path to the default inventory directory and the default operating system group name.

  6. (Optional) To change the default inventory directory details, do the following:

    1. Enter the full path of the inventory directory.

    2. Specify the name of the operating system group that has write permission to the inventory directory.

  7. Click Next.

    The Installation Location screen appears.

  8. Enter the full path or browse to the directory in which to install BRM Integration Pack.


    If you are installing BRM Integration Pack on the machine on which PDC is installed, then you must provide a different name and path for the BRM Integration Pack installation.

  9. Click Next.

    The Installation Type screen appears.

  10. Select BRM Integration Pack and click Next.

    The BRM Integration Pack Pre-requisite Libraries Location screen appears.

  11. In the Prerequisite library location field, enter the full path or browse to the directory in which you copied all of the PDC JAR files. See "Copying Library JAR Files for PDC Installation" for more information.

  12. Click Next.

    The Migration Option screen appears.

  13. Do one of the following:

    • If you do not want to migrate data, select Do not install Migration Utility and proceed to step 18.

    • To migrate the BRM real-time and batch rating engines pricing data to a PDC system that supports BRM real-time and batch rating engines, select Migrate RRE and BRE Pricing Data to PDC and proceed to step 18.

    • To migrate the BRM real-time and batch rating engines pricing data to a PDC system that supports ECE, select Migrate RRE and BRE Pricing Data to PDC with ECE and proceed to step 18.

    • To migrate the PDC pricing data to a PDC system that supports ECE, select Migrate PDC Pricing Data to PDC with ECE and proceed to step 14.

  14. Click Next.

    The Source WebLogic Administration Server Connection screen appears.

  15. If you are migrating the PDC pricing data to a PDC system that supports ECE, enter the following details for the WebLogic Server domain in which you deployed the source PDC system:

    1. In the Host Name field, enter the IP address or the host name of the machine on which the WebLogic Server domain for the source PDC system is configured.

    2. In the Port Number field, enter the port number assigned to the WebLogic Server domain administration server.


      If you selected a WebLogic Server domain managed server during the PDC installation, enter the port number to the managed server.

    3. In the User Name field, enter the WebLogic Server domain administrator user name.

    4. In the Password field, enter the WebLogic Server domain administrator user password.

    5. In the WebLogic Home field, enter the path of the directory where the Oracle WebLogic Server software is installed.

    6. Do one of the following:

      • If you do not want to enable secure communication for PDC, deselect the Enable SSL? check box.

      • To enable secure communication for PDC, leave Enable SSL? check box selected, and in the KeyStore Location field, enter the path of the client-side KeyStore file generated from the exported public certificate using the keytool utility.

        For more information, see "Configuring SSL for the WebLogic Server Domain".

  16. Click Next.

    The Target Pricing Design Center WebLogic Server Connection screen appears.

  17. If you are migrating the PDC pricing data to a PDC system that supports ECE, enter the following details for the WebLogic Server domain in which you deployed the target PDC system:

    1. In the Host Name field, enter the IP address or the host name of the machine on which the WebLogic Server domain for the target PDC system is configured.

    2. In the Port Number field, enter the port number assigned to the WebLogic Server domain administration server.

    3. In the User Name field, enter the WebLogic Server domain administrator user name.

    4. In the Password field, enter the WebLogic Server domain administrator user password.

    5. Do one of the following:

      • If you do not want to enable secure communication for PDC, deselect the Use SSL? check box.

      • To enable secure communication for PDC, leave the Use SSL? check box selected, and in the KeyStore Location field, enter the path of the client-side KeyStore file generated from the exported public certificate using the keytool utility.

        For more information, see "Configuring SSL for the WebLogic Server Domain".

  18. Click Next.

    The Pricing Design Center WebLogic Server Connection screen appears.

  19. Enter the following details for the WebLogic Server domain in which you deployed PDC:

    1. In the Host Name field, enter the IP address or the host name of the machine on which the WebLogic Server domain is configured.

    2. In the Port Number field, enter the port number assigned to the WebLogic Server domain administration server.

    3. In the User Name field, enter the WebLogic Server domain administrator user name.

    4. In the Password field, enter the WebLogic Server domain administrator user password.

    5. Do one of the following:

      • If you do not want to enable secure communication for PDC, deselect the Use SSL? check box.

      • To enable secure communication for PDC, leave the Use SSL? check box selected, and in the KeyStore Location field, enter the path of the client-side KeyStore file generated from the exported public certificate using the keytool utility.

        For more information, see "Configuring SSL for the WebLogic Server Domain".

  20. Click Next.

    The BRM Integration Pack Wallet Location and Password screen appears.

  21. Enter the following details for the BRM Integration Pack wallet:

    1. In the Wallet Location field, enter the path to the directory in which the BRM Integration Pack wallet is located or is to be installed.

    2. In the Wallet Password field, enter the BRM Integration Pack wallet password.

    3. In the Confirm Wallet Password field, enter the BRM Integration Pack wallet password again.

  22. Click Next.

    The BRM Server Location screen appears.

  23. Enter the BRM batch and real-time rating engine details:

    1. In the BRM field, enter the path to the directory in which BRM is installed.

    2. In the BRM Pipeline field, enter the path to the directory in which Pipeline Manager is installed.

    3. In the Perl Home field, enter the path to the directory in which the Perl libraries are installed.

  24. Click Next.

    The BRM Pipeline Database Connection screen appears.

  25. Enter the following information required to connect to the BRM database:

    1. In the Host Name field, enter the IP address or the host name of the machine on which the BRM database is configured.

    2. In the Port Number field, enter the port number assigned to the BRM database service.


      If the database is SSL-enabled, enter the SSL port number in the Port Number field.

    3. In the User Name field, enter the BRM database user name.

      This user should be the SYSDBA user or should have the following capabilities on the BRM database: grant create user, grant any role, grant any privileges, select any table to username, and grant sysdba to username.

    4. In the Password field, enter the BRM database user password.

    5. In the Service Name field, enter the name of the BRM database service.


      Ensure that the Oracle Database server is in Running state. The Installer connects to the Oracle Database server to verify the information you entered is valid.

    6. From the SSL list, select the type of SSL connection required for connecting to the BRM database:

      • No: SSL authentication is not required.

      • Yes-One Way: One-way SSL authentication is required. In this case, the client must authenticate the server's identity.

      • Yes-Two Way: Two-way SSL authentication is required. In this case, both the client and server must authenticate each others identity.

    7. If you selected Yes-One Way or Yes-Two Way, do the following:

      • From the Wallet Type list, select the type of wallet to use for secure communication with the database: SSO or PKCS12.

      • In the Truststore Wallet Location field, enter the full path to the directory in which the database wallet is located.

      • In the Truststore Wallet Password field, enter the TrustStore wallet password to be used for secure communication.

      • In the Keytore Wallet Location field, enter the full path or browse to the directory in which the database wallet is located.

      • In the Keystore Wallet Password field, enter the KeyStore wallet password to be used for secure communication.

  26. Click Next.

    The PDC Cross-Reference Schema User screen appears.

  27. Do one of the following:

    • If you want to create a transformation cross-reference schema user during installation, select Yes and proceed to step 28.

    • If you want to use an existing transformation cross-reference schema user, select No and proceed to step 32.

  28. Click Next.

    The PDC Cross-Reference Database Connection screen appears.

  29. Enter the following information required to connect to the PDC cross-reference database:

    1. In the Host Name field, enter the IP address or the host name of the machine on which to create the PDC cross-reference schema.

    2. In the Port Number field, enter the port number assigned to the PDC cross-reference database service.


      If the database is SSL-enabled, enter the SSL port number in the Port Number field.

    3. In the User Name field, enter the PDC cross-reference database user name.

      This user should be the SYSDBA user or should have the following capabilities on the PDC cross-reference database: grant create user, grant any role, grant any privileges, select any table to username, and grant sysdba to username.

    4. In the Password field, enter the PDC cross-reference database user password.

    5. In the Service Name field, enter the name of the PDC cross-reference database service.


      Ensure that the Oracle Database server is in Running state. The Installer connects to the Oracle Database server to verify the information you entered is valid.

    6. From the SSL list, select the type of SSL connection required for connecting to the PDC cross-reference database:

      • No: SSL authentication is not required.

      • Yes-One Way: One-way SSL authentication is required. In this case, the client must authenticate the server's identity.

      • Yes-Two Way: Two-way SSL authentication is required. In this case, both the client and server must authenticate each others identity.

    7. If you selected Yes-One Way or Yes-Two Way, do the following:

      • From the Wallet Type list, select the type of wallet to use for secure communication with the database: SSO or PKCS12.

      • In the Truststore Wallet Location field, enter the full path to the directory in which the database wallet is located.

      • In the Truststore Wallet Password field, enter the TrustStore wallet password to be used for secure communication.

      • In the Keytore Wallet Location field, enter the full path or browse to the directory in which the database wallet is located.

      • In the Keystore Wallet Password field, enter the KeyStore wallet password to be used for secure communication.

  30. Click Next.

    The PDC Cross-Reference Schema screen appears.

  31. Enter the following information required to create the PDC cross-reference schema and proceed to step 34:


    If you are migrating the pricing data from a source PDC system to a target PDC system that supports ECE, provide the details of the PDC cross-reference schema that you created for the source PDC system.

    1. In the User Name field, enter a PDC cross-reference schema user name.

    2. In the Password field, enter a PDC cross-reference schema user password.

    3. In the Confirm Password field, enter the PDC cross-reference schema user password again.

    4. In the PDC Tablespace field, enter the name of the tablespace for the PDC cross-reference schema.

    5. In the Temp Tablespace field, enter the name of the temporary tablespace for the PDC cross-reference schema.

  32. Click Next.

    The PDC Cross-Reference Schema screen appears.

  33. Enter the following information required to connect to the PDC cross-reference database:


    If you are migrating the pricing data from a source PDC system to a target PDC system that supports ECE, provide the details of the PDC cross-reference schema that you created for the source PDC system.

    1. In the Host Name field, enter the IP address or the host name of the machine on which to create the PDC cross-reference schema.

    2. In the Port Number field, enter the port number assigned to the PDC cross-reference database service.


      If the database is SSL-enabled, enter the SSL port number in the Port Number field.

    3. In the User Name field, enter the PDC cross-reference database user name.

      This user should be the SYSDBA user or should have the following capabilities on the PDC cross-reference database: grant create user, grant any role, grant any privileges, select any table to username, and grant sysdba to username.

    4. In the Password field, enter the PDC cross-reference database user password.

    5. In the Service Name field, enter the name of the PDC cross-reference database service.


      Ensure that the Oracle Database server is in Running state. The Installer connects to the Oracle Database server to verify the information you entered is valid.
    6. From the SSL list, select the type of SSL connection required for connecting to the PDC cross-reference database:

      • No: SSL authentication is not required.

      • Yes-One Way: One-way SSL authentication is required. In this case, the client must authenticate the server's identity.

      • Yes-Two Way: Two-way SSL authentication is required. In this case, both the client and server must authenticate each others identity.

    7. If you selected Yes-One Way or Yes-Two Way, do the following:

      • From the Wallet Type list, select the type of wallet to use for secure communication with the database: SSO or PKCS12.

      • In the Truststore Wallet Location field, enter the full path to the directory in which the database wallet is located.

      • In the Truststore Wallet Password field, enter the TrustStore wallet password to be used for secure communication.

      • In the Keytore Wallet Location field, enter the full path or browse to the directory in which the database wallet is located.

      • In the Keystore Wallet Password field, enter the KeyStore wallet password to be used for secure communication.

  34. Click Next.

    The Pricing Design Center System User screen appears.

  35. Enter the PDC user information.

    1. In the User Name field, enter the PDC user name.

    2. In the Password field, enter the PDC user password.

  36. Do one of the following:

    • Click Next.

      The Migration Cross-Reference Database Connection screen appears.

    • If you selected Do not install Migration Utility in step 13, proceed to step 46.

  37. Enter the following information required to connect to the migration cross-reference database:

    1. In the Host Name field, enter the IP address or the host name of the machine on which to create the migration cross-reference database.

    2. In the Port Number field, enter the port number assigned to the migration cross-reference database service.


      If the database is SSL-enabled, enter the SSL port number in the Port Number field.

    3. In the User Name field, enter the migration cross-reference database user name.

      This user should be the SYSDBA user or should have the following capabilities on the migration cross-reference database: grant create user, grant any role, grant any privileges, select any table to username, and grant sysdba to username.

    4. In the Password field, enter the migration cross-reference database user password.

    5. In the Service Name field, enter the name of the migration cross-reference database service.


      Ensure that the Oracle Database server is in Running state. The Installer connects to the Oracle Database server to verify the information you entered is valid.

    6. From the SSL list, select the type of SSL connection required for connecting to the migration cross-reference database:

      • No: SSL authentication is not required.

      • Yes-One Way: One-way SSL authentication is required. In this case, the client must authenticate the server's identity.

      • Yes-Two Way: Two-way SSL authentication is required. In this case, both the client and server must authenticate each others identity.

    7. If you selected Yes-One Way or Yes-Two Way, do the following:

      • From the Wallet Type list, select the type of wallet to use for secure communication with the database: SSO or PKCS12.

      • In the Truststore Wallet Location field, enter the full path to the directory in which the database wallet is located.

      • In the Truststore Wallet Password field, enter the TrustStore wallet password to be used for secure communication.

      • In the Keytore Wallet Location field, enter the full path or browse to the directory in which the database wallet is located.

      • In the Keystore Wallet Password field, enter the KeyStore wallet password to be used for secure communication.

  38. Click Next.

    The Migration Cross-Reference Schema screen appears.

  39. Enter the following information required to create the migration cross-reference schema in the migration cross-reference database:

    1. In the User Name field, enter a migration cross-reference schema user name.

    2. In the Password field, enter a migration cross-reference schema user password.

    3. In the PDC Tablespace field, enter the name of the PDC tablespace for the migration cross-reference schema.

    4. In the Temp Tablespace field, enter the name of the temporary tablespace for the migration cross-reference schema.

  40. Do one of the following:

    • Click Next.

      The Migration User screen appears.

    • If you are migrating the PDC pricing data to a PDC system that supports ECE, proceed to step 42.

  41. Enter the migration user details and proceed to step 46.

    1. In the User Name field, enter a migration user name.

    2. In the Password field, enter a migration user password.

  42. Click Next.

    The Source Migration User screen appears.

  43. If you are migrating the PDC pricing data to a PDC system that supports ECE, enter the migration user details that you use to run the migration utility in the source PDC system:

    1. In the User Name field, enter the migration user name.

    2. In the Password field, enter the migration user password.

    3. In the Confirm Password field, enter the migration user password again.

  44. Click Next.

    The Target Migration User screen appears.

  45. If you are migrating the PDC pricing data to a PDC system that supports ECE, enter the migration user details that you want to use to run the migration utility in the target PDC system:

    1. In the User Name field, enter the migration user name.

    2. In the Password field, enter the migration user password.

    3. In the Confirm Password field, enter the migration user password again.

  46. Click Next.

    The Installation Summary screen appears.

  47. Review the selections you have made in the preceding screens, and click Install.

    The Installation Progress screen appears.


    After the installation begins, clicking Stop installation stops the installation process, but the files that are already copied are not removed.

  48. When the installation is done, click Next. The Installation Complete screen appears.

  49. Click Finish to complete and exit.

See "Verifying the Pricing Design Center Installation" for information on verifying the successful installation of BRM Integration Pack.

See "About Installation Logs" for information on PDC Installer logs.

Installing Only PDC REST Services Manager

To install only PDC REST Services Manager:

  1. Obtain the PDC software. See "Downloading the PDC Software".

  2. Start the Oracle WebLogic Server domain administration server or the managed server on which you want to deploy PDC REST Services Manager, if it is not already started.

  3. Ensure that the PDC database is running.

  4. Go to the temp_dir directory, and run one of the following commands:

    • To start the GUI installer:

      Java_home/bin/java -jar pdcserver-

      where Java_home is the directory in which you installed the latest supported Java version.

    • To start the GUI installer and install PDC using the oraInventory directory in a different location:

      Java_home/bin/java -jar pdcserver- -invPtrLoc FilePath/oraInst.loc

      where FilePath is the path to the directory in which the oraInst.loc file is located.

    • To start the GUI installer and create a silent installer response file during the installation:

      Java_home/bin/java -jar pdcserver- -record -destinationFile path

      where path is the response file location and name.

    The Welcome screen appears.

  5. Click Next.

    The Specify Inventory Directory and Credentials screen appears if the oraInst.loc file is corrupt or not present. The default location of the oraInventory directory is in the /etc/oraInst.loc file.

    This screen displays the path to the default inventory directory and the default operating system group name.

  6. (Optional) To change the default inventory directory details, do the following:

    1. Enter the full path of the inventory directory.

    2. Specify the name of the operating system group that has write permission to the inventory directory.

  7. Click Next.

    The Installation Location screen appears.

  8. Enter the full path or browse to the directory in which to install PDC REST Services Manager.

  9. Click Next.

    The Installation Type screen appears.

  10. Select PDC REST Services Manager and click Next.

    The PDC REST Services Manager screen appears.

  11. In the Listener Port field, enter the port number assigned to listen for API requests from the enterprise product catalog.

  12. Click Next.

    The PDC Instance Details screen appears.

  13. Enter the following information required to communicate with the PDC:

    1. In the Host Name field, enter the IP address or host name of the machine on which PDC is installed.
    2. In the Port Number field, enter the port number of the PDC T3 service receiving product offer configurations from the PDC REST Services Manager.
    3. In the User Name field, enter the PDC user name.
    4. In the Password field, enter the password for the PDC user.
    5. In the Admin User Name field, enter the PDC admin user name, which includes the Pricing Design Admin role.
    6. In the Admin Password field, enter the password for the Admin user.
    7. Do one of the following:

      • If you want to enable secure communication for the PDC database, leave the Enable SSL check box selected. This is selected by default.

      • To disable secure communication for the PDC database, deselect the Enable SSL check box.

  14. Click Next.

    The Installation Summary screen appears.

  15. Review the selections you have made in the preceding screens, and click Install.

    The Installation Progress screen appears.

  16. When the installation is done, click Next.

    The Installation Complete screen appears.

  17. Click Finish to complete and exit.

You can check the log files in the PDC_RSM_home/apps/log directory, where PDC_RSM_home is the directory in which you installed PDC REST Services Manager.

You can use the PDC_RSM_home/apps/bin/RestServicesManager.sh control script to start, stop, restart, or check the status of PDC REST Services Manager. You can use the following arguments with the script:

  • start: To start the REST Services Manager
  • stop: To stop the REST Services Manager
  • restart: To restart the REST Services Manager
  • hash [value]: To encrypt passwords or sensitive information

Installing PDC in Silent Mode

Use silent install mode when you are installing PDC using the same configuration repeatedly. Silent install mode does not use the GUI and it runs in the background.

In this mode, you use a response file template that contains a predefined set of values to install PDC, BRM Integration Pack, and PDC REST Services Manager. You can generate a response file that contains the parameters and values during the PDC GUI installation.

Creating a Response File

To create a response file:

  1. Create the response file by doing one of the following:

    • Create a copy of the response file that was generated during the GUI installation. See "Installing All PDC Components" for more information.


      The GUI Installer does not store passwords provided during installation in the response file. You must manually add the passwords after creating a copy of the response file.

    • Create a response file using the template by running the following command:

      Java_home/bin/java -jar pdcserver- -getResponseFileTemplates

      where Java_home is the directory in which you installed the latest supported Java version.

      The following response file is created with the default value: oracle.communications.pdc.PricingDesignCenter.rsp. Use this file template if you are installing PDC and BRM Integration Pack.

    You can create as many response files as needed.

  2. Open the file in a text editor.

  3. Modify the response file you copied by specifying the key-value information for the parameters you want in your installation.


    • The response file template contains guidelines and examples on how to enter the values in the parameters.

    • The Installer treats incorrect context, format, and type values in a response file as if no value were specified.

  4. Save and close the response file.

Installing PDC in Silent Mode

To install the PDC software, BRM Integration Pack, and PDC REST Services Manager in silent mode:

  1. Create the response file. See "Creating a Response File".

  2. Copy the response file you created to the machine on which you run the silent installation.

  3. On the machine on which you run the silent installation, go to the temp_dir directory to which you have downloaded the PDC server software pack, and run the following command:

    Java_home/bin/java -jar pdcserver- -debug -invPtrLoc Inventory_home/oraInventory/oraInst.loc [parameter=value] -responseFile path -silent


    • Java_home is the directory in which you installed the latest supported Java version.

    • parameter=value is the name-value pair for an installation parameter, such as INSTALL_TYPE=Complete.

    • path is the absolute path to the response file.

    For example:

    Java_home/bin/java -jar pdcserver- -debug -invPtrLoc Inventory_home/oraInventory/oraInst.loc INSTALL_TYPE=Complete -responseFile /tmp/oracle.communications.pdc.PricingDesignCenter.rsp -silent

    The installation runs silently in the background.

See "Verifying the Pricing Design Center Installation" for information on verifying the successful installation of PDC and BRM Integration Pack.

See "About Installation Logs" for information on the PDC Installer logs.

About Installation Logs

The installation logs are used for debugging purposes. You can check the log files in the oraInventory/logs directory. The default location of the oraInventory directory is in the /etc/oraInst.loc file.

You use the following log files to monitor installation and postinstallation processes:

  • installActionTimeStamp.log

  • oraInstallTimeStamp.err

  • oraInstallTimeStamp.out

  • dbScriptsgTimeStamp.log (for the scripts run using SQL*Plus and JDBC)

  • silentInstallTimeStamp.log (for silent mode installation)

    where TimeStamp is the date and time the log file was created.