11 Pricing Design Center 15.0 Release Post-Upgrade Tasks

Learn how to perform post-installation tasks after upgrading from an earlier release of Oracle Communications Pricing Design Center (PDC) 15.0 to a later release of PDC 15.0.

After installing a later PDC 15.0 release on top of an existing PDC 15.0 installation, do the following:

  1. Upgrade the PDC database schema to the release of PDC 15.0 that you installed. See "Upgrading the PDC Database Schema".

  2. If you are using Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Elastic Charging Engine (ECE) for usage rating, upgrade to the compatible version of ECE on the machine on which ECE is installed. See "Installing Elastic Charging Engine" in ECE Installation Guide.

    See "BRM Suite Compatibility" in BRM Compatibility Matrix for more information about compatible versions.

  3. (Optional) Restrict the tablespace quota for a schema user. The default tablespace quota is unlimited. See "Restricting Tablespace Quota for a Schema User".

  4. Configure Oracle WebLogic Server to use the SSL-enabled data source. See "Configuring WebLogic Server to use SSL-Enabled Data Source".

  5. Configure PDC to use the secure sockets layer (SSL)-enabled data source. See "Configuring PDC to Connect to SSL-Enabled Database".

  6. (Optional) Configure SAML to enable single sign-on (SSO) for PDC. See "Setting Up Single Sign-On for Pricing Design Center".

  7. Run additional SQL scripts. See "Running the BRM Integration Pack Scripts".

  8. Update the JAVA_HOME path for the PDC and BRM Integration Pack utilities. See "Updating the JAVA_HOME Path for PDC Utilities".

  9. Start the transformation engines. See "Starting the Transformation Engines".

  10. Run the SyncPDC utility. See "Running SyncPDC".

    This synchronizes the setup components defined in other BRM components with PDC.

Upgrading the PDC Database Schema

To upgrade the PDC database schema:

  1. Go to the PDC_home/server/upgrade/schema/pdc directory.

  2. Enter the following command, which opens SQL*Plus:

    sqlplus pdcUser@databaseName
    Enter password: password


    • pdcUser is the PDC database user name.

    • password is the PDC database user password.

    • databaseName is the service name or database alias of the PDC database.

  3. Run the following command, which upgrades the PDC database schema:

    SQL> @PricingDesignCenter.sql  
  4. Exit SQL*Plus.

Restricting Tablespace Quota for a Schema User

PDC grants unlimited tablespace quota to the following schema users:

  • PDC schema

  • Transformation cross-reference schema

  • Migration cross-reference schema

You can restrict the quota limit for a schema user in a tablespace by using SQL*Plus.

To restrict the tablespace quota for a schema user:

  1. Connect to your database using SQL*Plus:

    sqlplus pdcUser@databaseName
    Enter password: password


    • pdcUser is the PDC database user name.

    • password is the PDC database user password.

    • databaseName is the service name or database alias of the PDC database.

  2. At the SQL*Plus prompt, enter the following command:

    SQL> alter user schema_user_name  quota size on tablespace_name;


    • schema_user_name is the PDC schema user name.

    • size is the tablespace quota size.

    • tablespace_name is the name of the tablespace for the PDC schema user.

    For example:

    SQL> alter user schema_user_name quota 500k on data_ts;
  3. Type exit to quit SQL*Plus.

Configuring WebLogic Server to use SSL-Enabled Data Source

To use the SSL-enabled data source in WebLogic Server:

  1. Log in to WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  2. In the Domain Structure panel, click Services and then Datasources.

    The available data sources are displayed.

  3. Select the following data sources for which you want to enable SSL:

    • PricingDB

    • JobDispatcherDS

    • JobDispatcherPersistentDS

  4. In the Configuration tab, select Connection Pool.

  5. Modify the connection URL:

    jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCPS)(HOST = hostname)(PORT = ssl-port))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=SID)))


    • hostname is the name of the machine on which the database is installed.

    • ssl-port is the SSL-enabled port to use for connecting to the database.

    • SID is the unique name of the Oracle database.

  6. Add the following properties:

    javax.net.ssl.trustStore = path to client wallet
    javax.net.ssl.trustStoreType = wallet type


    • path to client wallet is the location of the client wallet that is used to connect to the database.

    • wallet type is the type of the client wallet, such as SSO or PKCS12. If the extension of the client wallet is .sso, the wallet type is SSO. If the extension of the client wallet is .p12, the wallet type is PKCS12.

  7. If wallet type is PKCS12, add the following property:

    javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword = wallet password
  8. Restart the WebLogic Server domain.

  9. Log in to the PDC application.

    If you cannot log in to the PDC application, verify the WebLogic Server configurations that you have performed.

Configuring PDC to Connect to SSL-Enabled Database

To connect to the SSL-enabled database securely for synchronizing, transforming, and migrating the PDC data, you must specify the SSL port number and the database TrustStore details in the following configuration files:

  • SyncPDCConfiguration.xml

  • TransformationConfiguration.xml

  • MigrationConfiguration.xml

To connect to the SSL-enabled database:

  1. Open the BRM_Integration_Pack_home/apps/configurationfile file.


    • BRM_Integration_Pack_home is the directory in which BRM Integration Pack is installed. BRM Integration Pack is a set of utilities that transform and transfer pricing components configured in PDC to the BRM system.

    • configurationfile is:

      • SyncPDCConfiguration.xml

      • TransformationConfiguration.xml

      • MigrationConfiguration.xml

  2. Uncomment the trustStore and truststoreType elements to connect to the database securely:



    • databaseTruststoreLocation is the path to the client wallet, which is used to connect to the database securely.

    • databaseTruststoreType is the type of TrustStore used to connect to the database securely:

      • If databaseTruststoreLocation is Wallet_Home/cwallet.sso, set databaseTruststoreType to SSO.

      • If databaseTruststoreLocation is Wallet_Home/ewallet.p12, set databaseTruststoreType to PKCS12.

  3. Specify the SSL port number in the connectionInfo section for all the databases, such as the migration cross-reference database and transformation cross-reference database. For example:

  4. Save and close the file.

  5. Go to the BRM_Integration_Pack_home/apps/bin directory.

  6. Run the following command, which updates the database TrustStore password in the BRM Integration Pack wallet:

    ./PDCBRMWalletUtil.sh walletlocation walletpassword DB_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD password


    • walletlocation is the location in which the BRM Integration Pack wallet is located.

    • walletpassword is the BRM Integration Pack wallet password.

    • password is the database TrustStore password.

  7. At the command prompt, enter Y.

    The database TrustStore password is added to the BRM Integration Pack wallet.

Running the BRM Integration Pack Scripts

Perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the BRM_Integration_Pack_home/sqlscripts/pdc_brm directory, where BRM_Integration_Pack_home is the directory in which BRM Integration Pack is installed.

  2. Enter the following command, which opens SQL*Plus:

    sqlplus XrefUser@XrefDBName
    Enter password: password


    • XrefUser is the user name for the XREF database schema.

    • XrefDBName is the database alias of the XREF database.

    • password is the password for XrefUser.

  3. Run the following command:

    SQL> @CreateXrefRREPriceTagConfigTable.sql
  4. Type exit to exit SQL*Plus.

Updating the JAVA_HOME Path for PDC Utilities

Update the JAVA_HOME path to the latest recommended Java Development Kit (JDK) version for the following PDC and BRM Integration Pack utility files:

  • PDC_home/apps/bin/setEnv.sh

  • BRM_Integration_Pack_home/apps/bin/startRRETransformer

  • BRM_Integration_Pack_home/apps/bin/startBRETransformer

  • BRM_Integration_Pack_home/apps/bin/startSyncPDC

  • BRM_Integration_Pack_home/apps/bin/MigrateBRMPricing

Starting the Transformation Engines

The transformation engines do not automatically start when you start the PDC server. You must start them manually. See "Starting the Transformation Engines" in BRM System Administrator's Guide for more information.

Running SyncPDC

You must run the SyncPDC utility to synchronize the setup components defined outside of PDC.

See "Synchronizing Pricing Setup Components" in PDC Creating Product Offerings for more information.