2 Pricing Design Center System Requirements

Learn about the software and hardware requirements for installing Oracle Communications Pricing Design Center (PDC).

Topics in this document:

Software Requirements

PDC is an application that is deployed in an Oracle WebLogic Server domain. You must install and connect all required software for optimal performance. For more information on the supported operating systems, additional software required, and compatible software versions, see "PDC Software Compatibility" in BRM Compatibility Matrix.

Hardware Requirements

The number and configuration of the computers that you employ for your PDC installation depend on the scale and the kind of deployment you have planned according to your networks.

Table 2-1 provides the minimal hardware requirement for PDC installed on a single managed server in a WebLogic Server domain.

Table 2-1 PDC Minimum Hardware Requirements

Component Requirement

Hard disk

1.5 GB of free disk space

Note: A minimum of 1.5 GB should be free in the Oracle WebLogic Server domain home.


Oracle recommends using twin cores, each running at 1.5 GHz CPU.


A minimum of 4 GB physical memory and 4 GB swap.

If you plan to have the database installed on the same server as PDC, the minimum memory requirements increase to 6 GB physical memory and 6 GB swap.

Information Requirements

This section describes the information that you will be required to provide during the PDC installation procedure. You define some of these configuration values when you install and configure Oracle Database and WebLogic Server.


Oracle recommends that you print the tables and record the values for future reference.

Pricing Design Center WebLogic Server Connection Information

Table 2-2 lists the details for the WebLogic Server domain (the domain on which you deploy PDC) that are required during the PDC software installation.

Table 2-2 Pricing Design Center WebLogic Server Connection Information

Field Description Value

Host Name

The IP address or the host name of the machine on which the WebLogic Server domain is configured.


Port Number

The port number assigned to the WebLogic Server domain administration server.


User Name

The WebLogic Server domain administrator user name.



The WebLogic Server domain administrator user password.


WebLogic Home

The path of the directory in which the WebLogic Server software is installed. For example, Middleware_home/wlserver, where Middleware_home is the directory in which the Oracle Middleware components are installed.


PDC Database Connection Information

Table 2-3 lists PDC database details that are required during the PDC software installation.

Table 2-3 PDC Database Connection Information

Field Description Value

Host Name

The IP address or the host name of the machine on which the PDC database is configured.


Port Number

The port number assigned to the PDC database service.


User Name

The PDC database user name. This user should have the following capabilities on the PDC database: create user, grant any role, grant any privileges, select any table for Enterprise edition, and DBA for XE.



The database user password.


Service Name

The name of the PDC database service.


Wallet Location

The directory in which the database wallet is located.


Wallet Type

The type of wallet, such as SSO and PKCS12.


Wallet Password

The database wallet password.


PDC Schema Information

Table 2-4 lists the tablespace details that are required to create the PDC schema during the PDC software installation.

Table 2-4 PDC Schema Information

Field Description Value

PDC Tablespace

The name of the tablespace for the PDC schema. This field is case-sensitive.


Temp Tablespace

The name of the temporary tablespace for the PDC schema. This field is case-sensitive.


BRM Server Information

Table 2-5 lists the BRM server details that are required during the PDC BRM Integration Pack installation.

Table 2-5 BRM Server Information

Field Description Value


The path to the directory in which BRM is installed. The path is defined in the $PIN_HOME environment variable.


BRM Pipeline

The path to the directory in which Pipeline Manager is installed. The path is defined in the $IFW_HOME environment variable.


Perl Home

The path to the directory in which the Perl libraries are installed.


BRM Pipeline Manager Database Information

Table 2-6 lists the Pipeline Manager database details that are required during the PDC BRM Integration Pack installation.

Table 2-6 BRM Pipeline Database Information

Field Description Value

Host Name

The IP address or the host name of the machine on which the BRM pipeline database is configured.


Port Number

The port number assigned to the BRM pipeline database service.


User Name

The BRM pipeline database schema user name.



The BRM pipeline database schema user password.


Service Name

The name of the BRM pipeline database service.


Wallet Location

The directory in which the database wallet is located.


Wallet Type

Type of the wallet, such as SSO and PKCS12.


Wallet Password

The database wallet password.


Transformation Cross-Reference Database Information

Table 2-7 lists transformation cross-reference database details that are required during the PDC BRM Integration Pack installation.

Table 2-7 Transformation Cross-Reference Database Information

Field Description Value


The IP address or the host name of the machine on which the transformation cross-reference database is configured.


Port number

The port number assigned to the transformation cross-reference database service.


User name

The transformation cross-reference database user name. This user should have the following capabilities on the transformation cross-reference database: create user, grant any role, grant any privileges, select any table for Enterprise edition, and DBA for XE.



The transformation cross-reference database user password.


Service Name

The name of the transformation cross-reference database service.


Wallet Location

The directory in which the database wallet is located.


Wallet Type

Type of the wallet, such as SSO and PKCS12.


Wallet Password

The database wallet password.


Transformation Cross-Reference Schema Information

Table 2-8 lists the tablespace details that are required to create the transformation cross-reference schema during the PDC BRM Integration Pack installation.

Table 2-8 Transformation Cross-Reference Schema Information

Field Description Value

PDC Tablespace

The name of the PDC tablespace for the transformation cross-reference schema. This field is case-sensitive.


Temp Tablespace

The name of the temporary tablespace for the transformation cross-reference schema. This field is case-sensitive.


Migration Cross-Reference Database Information

Table 2-9 lists the migration cross-reference database details that are required during the PDC BRM Integration Pack installation.


The migration cross-reference database details are required only if you want to migrate pricing and setup components from the BRM database to the PDC database.

Table 2-9 Migration Cross-Reference Database Information

Field Description Value

Host Name

The IP address or the host name of the machine on which the migration cross-reference database is configured.


Port Number

The port number assigned to the migration cross-reference database service.


User Name

The migration cross-reference database user name.



The migration cross-reference database user password.


Service Name

The name of the migration cross-reference database service.


Wallet Location

The directory in which the database wallet is located.


Wallet Type

Type of the wallet, such as SSO and PKCS12.


Wallet Password

The database wallet password.


Migration Cross-Reference Schema Information

Table 2-10 lists the tablespace details that are required to create the migration cross-reference schema during PDC BRM Integration Pack installation.


The migration cross-reference schema details are required only if you want to migrate price lists from the BRM database to the PDC database.

Table 2-10 Migration Cross-Reference Schema Information

Field Description Value

PDC Tablespace

The name of the PDC tablespace for the migration cross-reference schema. This field is case-sensitive.


Temp Tablespace

The name of the temporary tablespace for the migration cross-reference schema. This field is case-sensitive.
