21 Configuring Closed User Groups

Learn how to configure closed user groups for Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) in Pricing Design Center (PDC).

Topics in this document:

Configuring Closed User Groups

You can configure closed user groups for applying special prices for events that originate and terminate between a list of subscribers. For example, you can configure a closed user group for applying special rates on calls between employees of a small company.

To identify the members of a closed user group and apply special prices, you configure a custom rule and add it to a generic selector. The custom rule evaluates the groups to which the originating and terminating subscribers belong. If the originating and terminating subscribers belong to even one common closed user group, the custom rule evaluates as true. The generic selector guides the price based on how the custom rule is evaluated at runtime.

You can configure closed user groups at the account level or at the service level. To configure closed user groups at the account level, use the OOB_ProfileSpecifications.xml and OOB_CRs.xml files as templates. To configure closed users groups at the service level, use the Sample_ServiceCUG_ProfileSpecification.xml and Sample_ServiceCUG_CR.xml files as templates. See Table 21-1 for the usage and description of each element.

If you configure a closed user group at the account level, associate the closed user group names with the appropriate service identifiers for the account when the customer purchases the charge offer with a closed user group. For example, map the phone numbers to the appropriate closed user group names.

If you configure a closed user group at the service level, configure only the appropriate closed user group names when the customer purchases the charge offer with a closed user group.

Table 21-1 lists the elements in the custom rules XML file, the usage of each element, and a description of how to specify each element in the XML file.

Table 21-1 Elements in the Custom Rules XML File

Element Syntax Description



The root element of the rule.



RuleName specifies the custom rule name.



RuleDescription contains the description of the custom rule.


<priceListName>PriceListName </priceListName> 

PriceListName specifies the price list name. BRM uses only one internal price list. The only value is Default.



ProfileAttributeSpecificationName specifies the name of the profile attribute specification used for configuring the rule.



Contains the expression to evaluate closed user groups, where Operator specifies the operator to be used in the expression. The valid value is INTERSECT.



Contains the details to identify the fields for evaluating closed user groups, where Qualifier specifies the qualifier for identifying the fields. The valid values are:



In the <FieldIdentifier> element, you can define fields from the service, account, and event attribute specifications.



Identifies the closed user group names that match the given product identifier (PUID); for example, a phone number, for both the originating and terminating subscribers.

Note: You can use the <FieldSelector> element for configuring account-level closed user groups only.


  • ConditionOperator specifies the operator to be used in the condition. The valid value is EQUAL_TO.

    You must specify the ConditionOperator if you want to define the conditions for selecting fields. If the ConditionOperator is null, you cannot specify ConditionFieldName and ConditionFieldKind.

  • SelectorFieldName specifies the selector field name. You must define the selector fields based on the condition fields.

  • SelectorFieldKind specifies the type of attributes used for field selection. You can specify any service, event, or account attribute.

  • ConditionFieldName specifies the condition field name.

  • ConditionFieldKind specifies the type of attributes used for selection. You can specify any service, event, or account attribute.