B Using a Policy Source File to Set Up Provisioning

This document describes how to enable provisioning by using a policy opcode in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM). This method does not use the provisioning tag framework; provisioning tags are configured in the opcode.

See also:

Using a Policy Source File to Set Up Provisioning

You can define provisioning tags directly in the fm_subscription_pol_provisioning.c file without using the provisioning tag framework. This file is the single source file for all provisioning operations.


The provisioning tags framework is the preferable method for creating provisioning tags.

To define provisioning tags directly in source code, follow these steps:

  1. Open the BRM_home/source/sys/fm_subscription_pol/fm_subscription_pol_provisioning.c file.

  2. Define your provisioning tags by following the instructions in the file.

    1. In each entry in the provisioning_tags table, include the name of the service associated with the tag, the tag name, and calls to service-specific functions.

    2. Ensure that each function included in the table does the following:

      Changes fields in the service object when customers purchase the service

      Clears the appropriate fields when customers cancel the service

  3. Compile and save the file.

If you create a provisioning tag in the policy source file, you must modify and recompile the source file to modify or delete the tag.