6 Collections Manager Reports

This document describes the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) reports that support Collections Manager, an optional component that you use to manage in-house debt collections. For more information, see "About Collections Manager" in BRM Collections Manager.

You can use these reports to manage collections information for accounts that are in collections and those that are exempt from collections.

Topics in this document:

Collection Report

The Collection report (Collection.rtf) shows information about all accounts that BRM has identified as being in collections for the specified time period. It groups information by a collections profile.

You can generate two versions of the Collection report. The value you select in the Report Type parameter determines which subreport is used to generate the report.

  • If you set Report Type to SUMMARY, the report shows bill unit (/billinfo object) status, number of accounts, delinquent amount, and total account balance without disclosing specific account information. For more information, see "Collection Summary Report".

  • If you set Report Type to DETAIL, the report shows account number, account name, bill unit status, date the action is due, delinquent amount, and balance for each account. For more information, see "Collection Detail Report".

You can find the SQL query data model for this report in the following directory:

Reports/BRM Reports/Collections Reports/Collection/Collection.xdm

Collection Summary Report

This report groups accounts in collections by Scenario Name, Resource (balance element), and Action.

The report shows the following information:

  • Bill Unit Status: Current bill unit status, such as active.

  • Number of Accounts: Number of accounts in each bill unit status category.

  • Delinquent Amount: Amount that is overdue.

  • Balance: Total account balance, including the delinquent amount.

  • Scenario Name: Scenario name.

  • Resource: Currency balance element, such as US Dollar.

  • Action: Collection action name.

  • Profile Name: Collection profile name.

  • Bill Unit: Name of the bill unit, such as US Dollar.

No charts are available for this report.


The Collection summary report displays all the data even if you set a filter on any of the parameters.

Collection Summary Parameters

You can change the following parameters to modify the output of the Collection summary report:

  • Report Type

  • Resource (balance element)

  • Bill Unit Status

  • Scenario

  • Start Date (date only, not date-time)

  • End Date (date only, not date-time)

For information on parameters not described in Table 6-1, see "Understanding the Standard Parameters".

Table 6-1 Collections Summary Parameters

Parameter Description Valid values Default value

Report Type

The type of information you want to show in the report:

SUMMARY shows the total number of accounts and the amount in the specified collections scenario without disclosing specific account information.

DETAIL specifies the account number, customer name, other account details, and the amount in the specified collections action.




The account currency.

Any valid ISO currency code in the CONFIG_BEID_BALANCES_T table or ALL.

The parameter list might not include all the currency codes in your BRM database. To add currency codes to the list, see "Adding Parameters in Oracle Analytics Publisher".



The collection state or risk that the customer is assigned to.

Select ALL or enter the name of any valid scenario. To check the spelling of a scenario, see the NAME field in the CONFIG_COLLECTIONS_SCENARIO_T table.


Bill Unit Status

The bill status.

Select ALL or enter the name of any valid status.


Bill Unit

The bill unit name.

Select ALL or enter the name of any valid bill unit. To check the spelling of the bill unit, see the BILL_INFO_ID field in the BILLINFO_T table.


Bill Day

Range of bill day.

Select the range from 1 to 28 and also the selected days only.


Days Overdue

Range of days overdue.

Select the range of days due or selected number of days overdue.



Profile name associated with the bill.

Select ALL or enter the name of any valid profile. To check the spelling of a scenario, see the PROFILE_NAME field in the CONFIG_COLLECTIONS_PROFILE_T table.


Amount Due

The amount due to the bill.

Select the range of amount or selected amount overdue.


Collection Detail Report

This report groups accounts in collections by Scenario Name, Resource (balance element), and Action.

The report shows the following information:

  • Account Number: Customer's account number.

  • Account Name: Customer's name on the account.

  • Bill Unit Status: Current bill unit status, such as active. (If the bill unit status parameter is not set to ALL, this information is not displayed.)

  • Date Action Due: Date that the action is due.

  • Delinquent Amount: Amount that is overdue.

  • Balance: Total account balance, including the delinquent amount.

  • Resource: Currency balance element, such as US Dollar.

  • Action: Collection action name.

  • Profile Name: Collection profile name.

  • Bill Unit: Name of the bill unit, such as US Dollar.

  • Days Overdue: Number of days the bill is overdue.

No charts are available for this report.

Collection Detail Parameters

You can change the following parameters to modify the output of the Collection detail report:

  • Report Type

  • Resource (balance element)

  • Bill Unit Status

  • Scenario

  • Start Date (date only, not date-time)

  • End Date (date only, not date-time)

For information on parameters not described in Table 6-2, see "Understanding the Standard Parameters".

Table 6-2 Collection Detail Parameters

Parameter Description Valid values Default value

Report Type

The type of information you want to show in the report:

SUMMARY shows the total number of accounts and the amount in the specified collections scenario without disclosing specific account information.

DETAIL specifies the account number, customer name, other account details, and the amount in the specified collections action.




The account currency.

Any valid ISO currency code in the CONFIG_BEID_BALANCES_T table or ALL

The parameter list might not include all the currency codes in your BRM database. To add currency codes to the list, see "Adding Parameters in Oracle Analytics Publisher".



The collection state or risk that the customer is assigned to.

Select ALL or enter the name of any valid scenario. To check the spelling of a scenario, see the NAME field in CONFIG_COLLECTIONS_SCENARIO_T table.


Bill Unit Status

The bill status.

Select ALL or enter the name of any valid status.


Bill Unit

The bill unit name.

Select ALL or enter the name of any valid bill unit. To check the spelling of the bill unit, see the BILL_INFO_ID field in the BILLINFO_T table.


Bill Day

Range of bill day.

Select the range from 1 to 28 and also the selected days only.


Days Overdue

Range of days overdue.

Select the range of days due or selected number of days overdue.



Profile name associated with the bill.

Select ALL or enter the name of any valid profile. To check the spelling of a scenario, see the PROFILE_NAME field in the CONFIG_COLLECTIONS_PROFILE_T table.


Amount Due

The amount due to the bill.

Select the range of amount or selected amount overdue.


CollectionExemptBillinfo Report

The CollectionExemptBillinfo report (CollectionExemptBillinfo.rtf) shows the accounts that are exempt from collections, such as accounts for employees. The report includes the current balance due for exempt accounts.

You can generate two versions of the CollectionExemptBillinfo report. The value you select in the Report Type parameter determines which subreport is used to generate the report.

  • If you set Report Type to SUMMARY, the report shows the total number of accounts and the amount for accounts that have the specified status without disclosing account information. For more information, see "CollectionExemptBillinfo Summary Report".

  • If you set Report Type to DETAIL, the report shows details such as the customer's name and account number. For more information, see "CollectionExemptBillinfo Detail Report".

You can find the SQL query data model for this report in the following directory:

Reports/BRM Reports/Collections Reports/CollectionExemptBillinfo/CollectionExemptBillinfo.xdm

CollectionExemptBillinfo Summary Report

This report groups bill unit status by balance element.

For each account, the report shows the following information:

  • Bill Unit Status: Current bill unit status, such as active

  • Number of Accounts: Number of exempt accounts in each bill unit status category

  • Balance: Total account balance

No charts are available for this report.

CollectionExemptBillinfo Summary Parameters

You can change the following parameters to modify the output of the CollectionExemptBillinfo summary report:

  • Report Type

  • Resource (balance element)

  • Bill Unit Status

For information on parameters not described in Table 6-3, see "Understanding the Standard Parameters".

Table 6-3 CollectionExemptBillinfo Summary Parameters

Parameter Description Valid values Default value

Report Type

The type of information you want to show in the report:

SUMMARY shows the total number of accounts and the amount in the specified collections scenario without disclosing specific account information.

DETAIL specifies the account number, customer name, other account details, and the amount in the specified collections action.




The account currency.

Any valid ISO currency code in the CONFIG_BEID_BALANCES_T table or ALL

The parameter list might not include all the currency codes in your BRM database. To add currency codes to the list, see "Adding Parameters in Oracle Analytics Publisher".


Bill Unit Status

The Bill Status

Select All or enter the name of any valid Status.


CollectionExemptBillinfo Detail Report

This report groups accounts by balance element and bill unit status.

For each account, the report shows the following information:

  • Account Number: Customer's account number

  • Account Name: Customer's name on the account

  • Balance: Total account balance

No charts are available for this report.

CollectionExemptBillinfo Detail Parameters

You can change the following parameters to modify the output of the CollectionExemptBillinfo detail report:

  • Report Type

  • Resource (balance element)

  • Bill Unit Status

For information on parameters not described in Table 6-4, see "Understanding the Standard Parameters".

Table 6-4 CollectionExemptBillinfo Detail Parameters

Parameter Description Valid values Default value

Report Type

The type of information you want to show in the report:

SUMMARY shows the total number of accounts and the amount in the specified collections scenario without disclosing specific account information.

DETAIL specifies the account number, customer name, other account details, and the amount in the specified collections action.




The account currency.

Any valid ISO currency code in the CONFIG_BEID_BALANCES_T table or ALL

The parameter list might not include all the currency codes in your BRM database. To add currency codes to the list, see "Adding Parameters in Oracle Analytics Publisher".


Bill Unit Status

The bill status.

Select All or enter the name of any valid status.