11 Roaming Manager Reports

This document describes the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) reports that support TAP (Transfer Account Procedure) Roaming Manager that are implemented with Oracle Analytics Publisher. These reports enable roaming partners that have not implemented Near Real Time Roaming Data Exchange (NRTRDE) to exchange high-usage roaming information with each other.

For general information on how to install and run BRM reports, see "About BRM Reports".

Topics in this document:

About TAP Roaming Manager Reports

TAP Roaming Manager reports list the visiting mobile subscribers that exceed their daily usage threshold (usage limit) specified in the roaming agreements. These reports adhere to the standards specified in the GSM Association official document version FF.0424.

The TAP Roaming Management reports are:

  • Roaming High-Usage reports

  • SMS Interworking High-Usage reports

  • Combined Roaming and SMS Interworking High-Usage reports

About Roaming High-Usage Reports

The Roaming High-Usage reports enable you to track the visiting mobile subscribers that exceed their daily usage limit specified in the roaming agreements.

A Visited Public Mobile Network Operator (VPMNO) or Associated Public Mobile Network Operator (APMNO) monitors roaming usage of each roaming subscriber on the visited network and generates a Roaming High-Usage report when the Home Public Mobile Network Operator's (HPMNO) criteria for the usage threshold are met.

Depending on the event details that are available on the VPMNO or the APMNO systems, the Roaming report displays one of the following:

  • Summary report: The summary report lists the totals of all events (incoming and outgoing) per day for each International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) as a single line item.

  • Detail report: The detail report displays a summary of the events followed by details of each incoming and outgoing event and their totals.

About Roaming High-Usage Summary Report

For each HPMNO, the Roaming High-Usage summary report displays the following columns for each IMSI for the period during which the usage activity was monitored:

  • R (Record Type): The record type. Table 11-1 lists the valid entries for record type.

    Table 11-1 Valid Entries for Record Type

    Entry Type of Record


    Circuit Switched (voice, data, and SMS) record


    Header record


    Content Transaction record


    Packet Switched record


    SMS record


    Trailer record

  • Sender: Identifier of the VPMNO or the APMNO sending the report.

  • Recipient: Identifier of the HPMNO receiving the report.

  • Sequence No: The report sequence number in the format NNNNYYYY, where:

    • NNNN represents the report number

    • YYYY represents the year of the event

    For example, 02142005 represents Roaming High-Usage report number 0214 sent by the VPMNO or the APMNO to the HPMNO in the year 2005.

  • Threshold: The high-usage limit specified in the roaming agreement.

  • Date and Time of Analysis: The date and time the Roaming High-Usage report was analyzed, in the format YYYYMMDDHHmmSS, where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

    • HH represents hours

    • mm represents minutes

    • SS represents seconds

    For example, 20050304011803 represents 4 March 2005 at 18 minutes and 3 seconds past 1:00 A.M.

  • Date and Time of Report Creation: The date and time the Roaming High-Usage report was created, in the YYYYMMDDHHmmSS format.

  • IMSI: The visiting subscriber's IMSI. The first five digits of the HPMNO's IMSI are made up of the Mobile Country Code (MCC) and the Mobile Network Code (MNC).

  • Date first event: The date of the first incoming or outgoing event for the IMSI, in the format YYYYMMDD, where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

  • (Optional) Time first event: The time of the first incoming or outgoing event for the IMSI, in the format HHMMSS, where:

    • HH represents hours

    • MM represents minutes

    • SS represents seconds

  • Date Last event: The date of the last incoming or outgoing event for the IMSI, in the format YYYYMMDD, where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

  • (Optional) Time Last event: The time of the last incoming or outgoing event for the IMSI, in the format HHMMSS, where:

    • HH represents hours

    • MM represents minutes

    • SS represents seconds

  • NC: The total number of incoming and outgoing events.

  • (Optional) Volume: The total number of bytes of data. For record type denoted by:

    • C and S, the value of volume is not present.

    • M, the value of volume is optional.

    • P, the value of volume is required.

  • Special Drawing Right (SDR): The total Roaming usage amount in SDR currency, expressed as a maximum-12-digit numeral, with the last 3 places as decimals. For example, 413021 represents 413.021.

Roaming High-Usage Summary Report Parameters

You can change the following parameters to modify the output of the Roaming High-Usage summary reports:

  • Observation start date

  • Observation end date

  • Roaming partner name

About Roaming High-Usage Detail Report

For each HPMNO, the Roaming High-Usage detail report displays the following summary and detail columns for each IMSI for the period during which the usage activity was monitored:

  • R (Record Type): The record type. Table 11-2 lists the valid entries for record type.

    Table 11-2 Valid Entries for Record Type

    Entry Type of Record


    Details of a Circuit Switched (voice, data, and SMS) record


    Circuit Switched (voice, data, and SMS) record


    Header record


    Content Transaction record


    Packet Switched record


    SMS record


    Trailer record

  • Sender: Identifier of the VPMNO or the APMNO sending the report.

  • Recipient: Identifier of the HPMNO receiving the report.

  • Sequence No: The report sequence number in the format NNNNYYYY, where:

    • NNNN represents the report number

    • YYYY represents the year of the event

    For example, 02142005 represents Roaming High-Usage report number 0214 sent by the VPMNO or the APMNO to the HPMNO in the year 2005.

  • Threshold: The high-usage limit specified in the roaming agreement.

  • Date and Time of Analysis: The date and time the Roaming High-Usage report was analyzed, in the format YYYYMMDDHHmmSS, where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

    • HH represents hours

    • mm represents minutes

    • SS represents seconds

    For example, 20050304011803 represents 4 March 2005 at 18 minutes and 3 seconds past 1:00 A.M.

  • Date and Time of Report Creation: The date and time the Roaming High-Usage report was created, in the YYYYMMDDHHmmSS format.

  • IMSI: The visiting subscriber's IMSI. The first five digits of the HPMNO's IMSI is made up of the Mobile Country Code (MCC) and the Mobile Network Code (MNC).

  • Date first event: The date of the first incoming or outgoing event for the IMSI, in the format YYYYMMDD, where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

  • (Optional) Time first event: The time of the first incoming or outgoing event for the IMSI, in the format HHMMSS, where:

    • HH represents hours

    • MM represents minutes

    • SS represents seconds

  • Date Last event: The date of the last incoming or outgoing event for the IMSI, in the format YYYYMMDD, where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

  • (Optional) Time Last event: The time of the last incoming or outgoing event for the IMSI, in the format HHMMSS, where:

    • HH represents hours

    • MM represents minutes

    • SS represents seconds

  • NC: The total number of incoming and outgoing events.

  • (Optional) Volume: The total number of bytes of data. For record type denoted by:

    • C and S, the value of volume is not present.

    • M, the value of volume is optional.

    • P, the value of volume is required.

  • Special Drawing Right (SDR): The total Roaming usage amount in SDR currency, expressed as a maximum-12-digit numeral, with the last 3 places as decimals. For example, 413021 represents 413.021.

  • IMSI: The visiting subscriber's IMSI. The first five digits of the HPMNO's IMSI is made up of the Mobile Country Code (MCC) and the Mobile Network Code (MNC).

  • Date First event: The date of the first event.

    • For outgoing events, it is the date of the first outgoing event.

    • For incoming events, it is the date of the first incoming event.

  • Date Last event: The date of the first event.

    • For outgoing events, it is the date of the first outgoing event.

    • For incoming events, it is the date of the first incoming event.

  • Destination of Events:

    • For outgoing events, it is the country code of the called country. PR refers to outgoing events directed towards Premium Rate numbers.

    • For incoming events, it is always '*****'.

  • NC: The total number of events.

    • For outgoing events, it is the total number of outgoing events generated by the roaming subscriber to the destination specified in the Destination of Events column.

    • For incoming events, it is the total number of events received by the roaming subscriber.

  • (Optional) DC (HHHHMMSS): The total duration of events

    • For outgoing events, it is the total duration of outgoing events generated by the roaming subscriber to the destination specified in the Destination of Events column.

    • For incoming events, it is the total duration of events received by the roaming subscriber.

  • Special Drawing Right (SDR): The total Roaming usage amount in SDR currency.

    • For outgoing events, it is the total amount in SDR currency of outgoing events generated by the roaming subscriber to the destination specified in the Destination of Events column.

    • For incoming events, it is the total amount in SDR currency of events received by the roaming subscriber.

Roaming High-Usage Detail Report Parameters

You can change the following parameters to modify the output of the Roaming High-Usage detail reports:

  • Observation start date

  • Observation end date

  • Roaming partner name

About Roaming High-Usage Notification Report

When there are no high-usage activities to report, a roaming notification report is generated to notify the visiting subscribers' home network operator that there are no high-usage reports. The notification report consists of header and trailer records, the observation period during which usage activity was monitored, and general comments.

For each HPMNO, the Roaming High-Usage notification report displays the following columns:

  • R (Record Type): The record type. Table 11-3 lists the valid entries for record type.

    Table 11-3 Valid Entries for Record Type

    Entry Type of Record


    Header record


    Notification record where no subscribers exceeded any thresholds


    Trailer record

  • Sender: Identifier of the VPMNO or the APMNO sending the report.

  • Recipient: Identifier of the HPMNO receiving the report.

  • Threshold: The high-usage limit specified in the roaming agreement.

  • Sequence No: The report sequence number in the format NNNNYYYY, where:

    • NNNN represents the report number

    • YYYY represents the year of the event

    For example, 02142005 represents Roaming High-Usage report number 0214 sent by the VPMNO or the APMNO to the HPMNO in the year 2005.

  • Date and Time of Report Creation: The date and time the Roaming High-Usage report was created, in the YYYYMMDDHHmmSS format where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

    • HH represents hours

    • mm represents minutes

    • SS represents seconds

    For example, 20050304011803 represents 4 March 2005 at 18 minutes and 3 seconds past 1:00 A.M.

  • Beginning of Observation Period: The date when observation of usage activity started, in the format YYYYMMDD, where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

  • End of Observation Period: The date when observation of usage activity ended, in the format YYYYMMDD, where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

Roaming High-Usage Notification Report Parameters

You can change the following parameters to modify the output of the Roaming High-Usage notification reports:

  • Observation start date

  • Observation end date

  • Roaming partner name

SMS Interworking High-Usage Reports

The SMS Interworking High-Usage reports enable you to track the aggregated information about SMS messages exchanged between the home network and other networks. Each report groups the SMS usage by the APMNO, which is the SMS originating carrier ID.

A VPMNO monitors SMS Interworking usage of each roaming subscriber on the visited network and generates an SMS Interworking High-Usage report when the HPMNO's criteria for the usage threshold are met. Depending on the event details that are available on the VPMNO's system, the SMS Interworking report displays one of the following:

  • Summary report: The summary report lists the totals of all events (incoming and outgoing) per day for each IMSI as a single line item.

  • Detail report: The detail report displays a summary of the events followed by details of each incoming and outgoing event and their totals.

About SMS Interworking High-Usage Summary Report

For each HPMNO, the Roaming High-Usage summary report displays the following columns for each IMSI for the period during which the usage activity was monitored:

  • R (Record Type): The record type. Table 11-4 lists the valid entries for record type.

    Table 11-4 Valid Entries for Record Type

    Entry Type of Record


    SMS record


    Circuit Switched (voice, data, and SMS) record


    Header record


    SMS record


    Trailer record

  • Sender: Identifier of the VPMNO or the APMNO sending the report.

  • Recipient: Identifier of the HPMNO receiving the report.

  • Sequence No: The report sequence number in the format NNNNYYYY, where:

    • NNNN represents the report number

    • YYYY represents the year of the event

    For example, 02142005 represents SMS Interworking High-Usage report number 0214 sent by the VPMNO or the APMNO to the HPMNO in the year 2005.

  • Threshold: The high-usage limit specified in the roaming agreement.

  • Date and Time of Analysis: The date and time the Roaming High-Usage report was analyzed, in the format YYYYMMDDHHmmSS, where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

    • HH represents hours

    • mm represents minutes

    • SS represents seconds

    For example, 20050304011803 represents 4 March 2005 at 18 minutes and 3 seconds past 1:00 A.M.

  • Date and Time of Report Creation: The date and time the Roaming High-Usage report was created, in the YYYYMMDDHHmmSS format.

  • IMSI: The visiting subscriber's IMSI. The first five digits of the HPMNO's IMSI is made up of the Mobile Country Code (MCC) and the Mobile Network Code (MNC).

  • Date first event: The date of the first incoming or outgoing event for the IMSI, in the format YYYYMMDD, where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

  • (Optional) Time first event: The time of the first incoming or outgoing event for the IMSI, in the format HHMMSS, where:

    • HH represents hours

    • MM represents minutes

    • SS represents seconds

  • Date Last event: The date of the last incoming or outgoing event for the IMSI, in the format YYYYMMDD, where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

  • (Optional) Time Last event: The time of the last incoming or outgoing event for the IMSI, in the format HHMMSS, where:

    • HH represents hours

    • MM represents minutes

    • SS represents seconds

  • (Optional) DC (HHHHMMSS): The total duration of incoming and outgoing events, in the format HHHMMSS, where:

    • HH represents hours

    • MM represents minutes

    • SS represents seconds

  • NC: The total number of incoming and outgoing events.

  • (Optional) Volume: The total number of bytes of data.

  • Special Drawing Right (SDR): The total Roaming usage amount in SDR currency, expressed as a maximum-12-digit numeral, with the last 3 places as decimals. For example, 413021 represents 413.021.

SMS Interworking High-Usage Summary Report Parameters

You can change the following parameters to modify the output of the SMS Interworking High-Usage summary reports:

  • Observation start date

  • Observation end date

  • Roaming partner name

SMS Interworking High-Usage Detail Report

For each HPMNO, the SMS Interworking High-Usage detail report displays the following columns for each IMSI for the period during which the usage activity was monitored:

  • R (Record Type): The record type. Table 11-5 lists the valid entries for record type.

    Table 11-5 Valid Entries for Record Type

    Entry Type of Record


    SMS record


    Circuit Switched (voice, data, and SMS) record


    Header record


    SMS record


    Trailer record

  • Sender: Identifier of the VPMNO or the APMNO sending the report.

  • Recipient: Identifier of the HPMNO receiving the report.

  • Sequence No: The report sequence number in the format NNNNYYYY, where:

    • NNNN represents the report number

    • YYYY represents the year of the event

    For example, 02142005 represents SMS Interworking High-Usage report number 0214 sent by the VPMNO or the APMNO to the HPMNO in the year 2005.

  • Threshold: The high-usage limit specified in the roaming agreement.

  • Date and Time of Analysis: The date and time the SMS Interworking High-Usage report was analyzed, in the format YYYYMMDDHHmmSS, where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

    • HH represents hours

    • mm represents minutes

    • SS represents seconds

    For example, 20050304011803 represents 4 March 2005 at 18 minutes and 3 seconds past 1:00 A.M.

  • Date and Time of Report Creation: The date and time the SMS Interworking High-Usage report was created, in the YYYYMMDDHHmmSS format.

  • IMSI: The visiting subscriber's IMSI. The first five digits of the HPMNO's IMSI is made up of the Mobile Country Code (MCC) and the Mobile Network Code (MNC).

  • Date first event: The date of the first incoming or outgoing event for the IMSI, in the format YYYYMMDD, where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

  • (Optional) Time first event: The time of the first incoming or outgoing event for the IMSI, in the format HHMMSS, where:

    • HH represents hours

    • MM represents minutes

    • SS represents seconds

  • Date Last event: The date of the last incoming or outgoing event for the IMSI, in the format YYYYMMDD, where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

  • (Optional) Time Last event: The time of the last incoming or outgoing event for the IMSI, in the format HHMMSS, where:

    • HH represents hours

    • MM represents minutes

    • SS represents seconds

  • (Optional) DC (HHHHMMSS): The total duration of incoming and outgoing events, in the format HHHMMSS, where:

    • HH represents hours

    • MM represents minutes

    • SS represents seconds

  • NC: The total number of incoming and outgoing events.

  • (Optional) Volume: The total number of bytes of data.

  • Special Drawing Right (SDR): The total usage amount in SDR currency, expressed as a maximum-12-digit numeral, with the last 3 places as decimals. For example, 413021 represents 413.021.

  • Date first event: The date of the first incoming or outgoing SMS message for the IMSI, in the format YYYYMMDD, where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

  • Date Last event: The date of the last incoming or outgoing SMS message for the IMSI, in the format YYYYMMDD, where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

  • Destination of Events:

    • For outgoing events, it is the country code of the called country. PR refers to outgoing events directed towards Premium Rate numbers.

    • For incoming events, it is always '*****'.

  • (Optional) DC (HHHHMMSS): The total duration of incoming and outgoing events, in the format HHHMMSS, where:

    • HH represents hours

    • MM represents minutes

    • SS represents seconds

  • NC: The total number of incoming and outgoing SMS messages.

  • Special Drawing Right (SDR): The total Roaming usage amount in SDR currency.

    • For outgoing events, it is the total amount in SDR currency of outgoing SMS messages generated by the roaming subscriber to the destination specified in the Destination of Events column.

    • For incoming SMS messages, it is the total amount in SDR currency of events received by the roaming subscriber.

SMS Interworking High-Usage Detail Report Parameters

You can change the following parameters to modify the output of the SMS Interworking High-Usage detail reports:

  • Observation start date

  • Observation end date

  • Roaming partner name

About SMS Interworking High-Usage Notification Report

When there are no high-usage activities to report, an SMS Interworking notification report is generated to notify the visiting subscribers' home network operator that there are no high-usage reports. The notification report consists of header and trailer records, the observation period that usage activity was monitored, and general comments.

For each HPMNO, the SMS Interworking High-Usage notification report displays the following columns:

  • R (Record Type): The record type. Table 11-6 lists the valid entries for record type.

    Table 11-6 Valid Entries for Record Type

    Entry Type of Record


    Header record


    Notification record where no subscribers exceeded any thresholds


    Trailer record

  • Sender: Identifier of the VPMNO or the APMNO sending the report.

  • Recipient: Identifier of the HPMNO receiving the report.

  • Threshold: The high-usage limit specified in the roaming agreement.

  • Sequence No: The report sequence number in the format NNNNYYYY, where:

    • NNNN represents the report number

    • YYYY represents the year of the event

    For example, 02142005 represents SMS Interworking High-Usage report number 0214 sent by the VPMNO or the APMNO to the HPMNO in the year 2005.

  • Date and Time of Report Creation: The date and time the SMS Interworking High-Usage report was created, in the YYYYMMDDHHmmSS format where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

    • HH represents hours

    • mm represents minutes

    • SS represents seconds

    For example, 20050304011803 represents 4 March 2005 at 18 minutes and 3 seconds past 1:00 A.M.

  • Beginning of Observation Period: The date when observation of usage activity started, in the format YYYYMMDD, where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

  • End of Observation Period: The date when observation of usage activity ended, in the format YYYYMMDD, where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

SMS Interworking High-Usage Notification Report Parameters

You can change the following parameters to modify the output of the SMS Interworking High-Usage notification reports:

  • Observation start date

  • Observation end date

  • Roaming partner name

Combined Roaming and SMS Interworking High-Usage Reports

The Combined Roaming and SMS Interworking High-Usage reports enable you to track the visiting mobile subscribers that exceed their daily usage limit and track the aggregated information about SMS messages exchanged between the home network and other networks in a single report.

A VPMNO monitors both the Roaming and SMS Interworking usage of each subscriber on the visited network and generates a Combined Roaming and SMS Interworking High-Usage report when the HPMNO's criteria for the usage threshold are met.

About Combined Roaming and SMS Interworking High-Usage Summary Report

For each HPMNO, the Combined Roaming and SMS Interworking (Combined) High-Usage summary report displays the following columns for each IMSI for the period during which the usage activity was monitored:

  • R (Record Type): The record type. Table 11-7 lists the valid entries for record type.

    Table 11-7 Valid Entries for Record Type

    Entry Type of Record


    Circuit Switched (voice, data, and SMS) record


    Header record


    Content Transaction record


    Packet Switched record


    SMS record


    Trailer record

  • Sender: Identifier of the VPMNO or the APMNO sending the report.

  • Recipient: Identifier of the HPMNO receiving the report.

  • Sequence No: The report sequence number in the format NNNNYYYY, where:

    • NNNN represents the report number

    • YYYY represents the year of the event

    For example, 02142005 represents Combined Roaming and SMS Interworking High-Usage report number 0214 sent by the VPMNO or the APMNO to the HPMNO in the year 2005.

  • Threshold: The high-usage limit specified in the roaming agreement.

  • Date and Time of Analysis: The date and time the Combined Roaming and SMS Interworking High-Usage report was analyzed, in the format YYYYMMDDHHmmSS, where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

    • HH represents hours

    • mm represents minutes

    • SS represents seconds

    For example, 20050304011803 represents 4 March 2005 at 18 minutes and 3 seconds past 1:00 A.M.

  • Date and Time of Report Creation: The date and time the Combined Roaming and SMS Interworking High-Usage report was created, in the YYYYMMDDHHmmSS format.

  • IMSI: The visiting subscriber's IMSI. The first five digits of the HPMNO's IMSI is made up of the Mobile Country Code (MCC) and the Mobile Network Code (MNC).

  • Date first event: The date of the first incoming or outgoing event for the IMSI, in the format YYYYMMDD, where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

  • (Optional) Time first event: The time of the first incoming or outgoing event for the IMSI, in the format HHMMSS, where:

    • HH represents hours

    • MM represents minutes

    • SS represents seconds

  • Date Last event: The date of the last incoming or outgoing event for the IMSI, in the format YYYYMMDD, where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

  • (Optional) Time Last event: The time of the last incoming or outgoing event for the IMSI, in the format HHMMSS, where:

    • HH represents hours

    • MM represents minutes

    • SS represents seconds

  • (Optional) DC (HHHHMMSS): The total duration of incoming and outgoing events, in the format HHHMMSS, where:

    • HH represents hours

    • MM represents minutes

    • SS represents seconds

  • NC: The total number of incoming and outgoing events.

  • (Optional) Volume: The total number of bytes of data. For record type denoted by:

    • C and S, the value of volume is not present.

    • M, the value of volume is optional.

    • P, the value of volume is required.

  • Special Drawing Right (SDR): The total Combined Roaming and SMS Interworking usage amount in SDR currency, expressed as a maximum-12-digit numeral, with the last 3 places as decimals. For example, 413021 represents 413.021.

Combined Roaming SMS Interworking High-Usage Summary Report Parameters

You can change the following parameters to modify the output of the Combined Roaming and SMS Interworking High-Usage summary reports:

  • Observation start date

  • Observation end date

  • Roaming partner name

Combined Roaming and SMS Interworking High-Usage Detail Report

For each HPMNO, the Combined Roaming and SMS Interworking High-Usage detail report displays the following columns for each IMSI for the period during which the usage activity was monitored:

  • R (Record Type): The record type. Table 11-8 lists the valid entries for record type.

    Table 11-8 Valid Entries for Record Type

    Entry Type of Record


    Details of Circuit Switched record


    SMS record


    Circuit Switched (voice, data, and SMS) record


    Header record


    Content Transaction record


    Packet Switched record


    SMS record


    Trailer record

  • Sender: Identifier of the VPMNO or the APMNO sending the report.

  • Recipient: Identifier of the HPMNO receiving the report.

  • Sequence No: The report sequence number in the format NNNNYYYY, where:

    • NNNN represents the report number

    • YYYY represents the year of the event

    For example, 02142005 represents Combined Roaming and SMS Interworking High-Usage report number 0214 sent by the VPMNO or the APMNO to the HPMNO in the year 2005.

  • Threshold: The high-usage limit specified in the roaming agreement.

  • Date and Time of Analysis: The date and time the Combined Roaming and SMS Interworking High-Usage report was analyzed, in the format YYYYMMDDHHmmSS, where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

    • HH represents hours

    • mm represents minutes

    • SS represents seconds

    For example, 20050304011803 represents 4 March 2005 at 18 minutes and 3 seconds past 1:00 A.M.

  • Date and Time of Report Creation: The date and time the Combined Roaming and SMS Interworking High-Usage report was created, in the YYYYMMDDHHmmSS format.

  • IMSI: The visiting subscriber's IMSI. The first five digits of the HPMNO's IMSI is made up of the Mobile Country Code (MCC) and the Mobile Network Code (MNC).

  • Date first event: The date of the first incoming or outgoing event for the IMSI, in the format YYYYMMDD, where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

  • (Optional) Time first event: The time of the first incoming or outgoing event for the IMSI, in the format HHMMSS, where:

    • HH represents hours

    • MM represents minutes

    • SS represents seconds

  • Date Last event: The date of the last incoming or outgoing event for the IMSI, in the format YYYYMMDD, where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

  • (Optional) Time Last event: The time of the last incoming or outgoing event for the IMSI, in the format HHMMSS, where:

    • HH represents hours

    • MM represents minutes

    • SS represents seconds

  • (Optional) DC (HHHHMMSS): The total duration of incoming and outgoing events, in the format HHHMMSS, where:

    • HH represents hours

    • MM represents minutes

    • SS represents seconds

  • NC: The total number of incoming and outgoing events.

  • (Optional) Volume: The total number of bytes of data. For record type denoted by:

    • C and S, the value of volume is not present.

    • M, the value of volume is optional.

    • P, the value of volume is required.

  • Special Drawing Right (SDR): The total usage amount in SDR currency, expressed as a maximum-12-digit numeral, with the last 3 places as decimals. For example, 413021 represents 413.021.

  • IMSI: The visiting subscriber's IMSI. The first five digits of the HPMNO's IMSI is made up of the Mobile Country Code (MCC) and the Mobile Network Code (MNC).

  • Date First event: The date of the first event.

    • For outgoing events, it is the date of the first outgoing event.

    • For incoming events, it is the date of the first incoming event.

  • Date Last event: The date of the first event.

    • For outgoing events, it is the date of the first outgoing event.

    • For incoming events, it is the date of the first incoming event.

  • Destination of Events:

    • For outgoing events, it is the country code of the called country. PR refers to outgoing events directed towards Premium Rate numbers.

    • For incoming events, it is always '*****'.

  • NC: The total number of events.

    • For outgoing events, it is the total number of outgoing events generated by the roaming subscriber to the destination specified in the Destination of Events column.

    • For incoming events, it is the total number of events received by the roaming subscriber.

  • (Optional) DC (HHHHMMSS): The total duration of events

    • For outgoing events, it is the total duration of outgoing events generated by the roaming subscriber to the destination specified in the Destination of Events column.

    • For incoming events, it is the total duration of events received by the roaming subscriber.

  • Special Drawing Right (SDR): The total Roaming usage amount in SDR currency.

    • For outgoing events, it is the total amount in SDR currency of outgoing events generated by the roaming subscriber to the destination specified in the Destination of Events column.

    • For incoming events, it is the total amount in SDR currency of events received by the roaming subscriber.

SMS Interworking High-Usage Detail Report Parameters

You can change the following parameters to modify the output of the Combined Roaming and SMS Interworking High-Usage detail reports:

  • Observation start date

  • Observation end date

  • Roaming partner name

About Combined Roaming and SMS Interworking High-Usage Notification Report

When there are no high-usage activities to report, a Combined Roaming and SMS Interworking High-Usage notification report is generated to notify the visiting subscribers' home network operator that there are no high-usage reports. The notification report consists of header and trailer records, the observation period that usage activity was monitored, and general comments.

For each HPMNO, the Combined High-Usage notification report displays the following columns:

  • R (Record Type): The record type. Table 11-9 lists the valid entries for record type.

    Table 11-9 Valid Entries for Record Type

    Entry Type of Record


    Header record


    Notification record where no subscribers exceeded any thresholds


    Trailer record

  • Sender: Identifier of the VPMNO or the APMNO sending the report.

  • Recipient: Identifier of the HPMNO receiving the report.

  • Threshold: The high-usage limit specified in the roaming agreement.

  • Sequence No: The report sequence number in the format NNNNYYYY, where:

    • NNNN represents the report number

    • YYYY represents the year of the event

    For example, 02142005 represents SMS Interworking High-Usage report number 0214 sent by the VPMNO or the APMNO to the HPMNO in the year 2005.

  • Date and Time of Report Creation: The date and time the SMS Interworking High-Usage report was created, in the YYYYMMDDHHmmSS format where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

    • HH represents hours

    • mm represents minutes

    • SS represents seconds

    For example, 20050304011803 represents 4 March 2005 at 18 minutes and 3 seconds past 1:00 A.M.

  • Beginning of Observation Period: The date when observation of usage activity started, in the format YYYYMMDD, where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

  • End of Observation Period: The date when observation of usage activity ended, in the format YYYYMMDD, where:

    • YYYY represents a year

    • MM represents the month

    • DD represents the day of the month

Combined Roaming and SMS Interworking High-Usage Notification Report Parameters

You can change the following parameters to modify the output of the Combined Roaming and SMS Interworking High-Usage notification reports:

  • Observation start date

  • Observation end date

  • Roaming partner name

Setting Up TAP Roaming Manager Reports

To set up TAP Roaming Manager reports:

  1. Load the hur_create_table_report_sequence.source, hur_extract_country_code.source, and hur_seq_num_sp.source stored procedures from the OAP_Home\xmlp\XMLP\Reports\BRM Reports\Roaming Reports\StoredProcedures directory into the BRM database, where OAP_Home is the directory in which Publisher Reports are installed.

    For more information about loading stored procedures, see "Loading Stored Procedures".

  2. Set the value of the Sender parameter in the HURDetail and HURSummary report templates in the following way.


    The value of the Sender parameter cannot exceed five characters.

    For each report:

    1. Log on to Publisher

    2. Open Roaming Reports.

    3. Under report_name, click Edit, where report_name is the name of the report. The report properties are displayed.

    4. Under Data Model, select report_name.

    5. Under Data Template, search for PORTL.

    6. Replace PORTL with the name of the service provider.

Running Roaming Manager Reports

You can run Roaming Manager reports from the following Oracle Analytics Publisher components:

  • Oracle Analytics Publisher Enterprise

  • Oracle Analytics Publisher Desktop

For more information about running reports, see "Running BRM Reports".