Send Requests

Use these guidelines when sending requests to the Oracle Communications Billing Care REST API.

URL Structure

Access the Billing Care REST resources by using this URL structure:



  • hostname:port is the IP address or host name and port of the Billing Care REST API server.
  • version is the version of the API you are using, such as 1.0.
  • resourcePath is the relative path to the resource.

Supported Methods

The Billing Care REST API supports these standard HTTP methods:

HTTP Method Description
GET Get information about one or more complete or partial Billing Care resources, such as accounts, bills, or subscriptions.
POST Create a Billing Care resource or search request, depending on the endpoint.
PUT Modify a resource by replacing existing attributes with a specified set of attributes.

Note: You can't use the PUT method to create new resources.

DELETE Delete a Billing Care resource, such as an invoice or a note. This isn't a temporary suspension or status change; it's a permanent deletion of an entire resource.

Supported Media Types

The Billing Care REST API supports these media types:

  • application/json
  • application/xml

Supported Headers

The Billing Care REST API supports these headers in a HTTP request:

Header Description Example
Content-Type The media type of the request body, which is required for POST and PUT requests. Content-Type: application/json
Accept The media type of the response body. Accept: application/json
Authorization The type of authorization. The Billing Care REST API uses the OAuth 2.0 bearer token framework. Authorization: Bearer accessToken

where accessToken is your client application's OAuth 2.0 access token. See "Request an OAuth Access Token".

CustomHeader A request and response header for passing additional information to your client.

Note: You must customize your system to process and persist any custom headers. For more information, see "Extending REST Services to Filter Custom Headers" in Billing Care SDK Guide.

MyCustomHeader: custom-001

Additional Parameters

The Billing Care REST API supports sorting, expansion, and pagination parameters for some endpoints. Each endpoint described in this document lists which parameters are supported.

The additional parameters are:

Parameter type Parameter Location Description
Sorting order Request Specifies the order in which the results in the response are sorted.
Expansion expand Request Specifies the extra details to include in the response.
Pagination limit Request Sets the maximum number of results to return in a single response. If you don't set this, the default is 20.

If you set this to 0 or 1, the full set of results is returned in the response.

Pagination count Response Indicates the number of results in the current response.

Extended Response Objects

You can extend the Billing Care REST API to return data from BRM database objects in its response objects. For example, you could extend it to return all fields in an /account object or a /service object. For more information, see "Extending REST API Response Objects" in Billing Care SDK Guide.