
This document contains reference information to help you work with the Oracle Communications Billing Care REST API.

Status Codes

When you call any of the Billing Care REST resources, the response header returns one of these standard HTTP status codes:

HTTP Status Code Description
200 OK The request was successfully completed:
  • For GET requests, the requested information was found and returned in the response.
  • For PATCH requests, the resource was updated and returned in the response.
  • For PUT requests, the resource was canceled and returned in the response.
201 Created The POST request was successfully completed and the newly created resource is returned in the response.
204 No Content The DELETE request was successfully completed and the resource was deleted.
400 Bad Request The request couldn't be processed because it includes missing or invalid information, such as an invalid parameter or a missing required value.
401 Unauthorized You're not authorized to make the request. Your authentication credentials are missing or invalid.
403 Forbidden The user can't be authenticated and doesn't have authorization to perform this request.
404 Not Found A requested resource doesn't exist.

This code usually appears for GET requests, but it can also appear for PUT or DELETE requests (when the specified contract or payment profile doesn't exist).

405 Method Not Allowed The HTTP method specified in the request (DELETE, GET, POST, PUT) isn't supported for the endpoint.
406 Not Acceptable The resource identified by this request is not capable of generating a representation corresponding to one of the media types in the Accept header of the request. For example, the client's Accept header requests XML to be returned, but the resource can only return JSON.
415 Unsupported Media Type The Content-Type header sent by the client isn't correct. For example, the request was sent in XML, but the resource only accepts JSON.
500 Internal Server Error The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
503 Service Unavailable The server can't handle the request due to temporary overloading or server maintenance. The REST web application isn't currently running.

Error Messages

Here are some common types of errors and possible workarounds:

Type of Error Description Resolution
Validation errors A required parameter is missing, a value isn't supported, a value is in an invalid format, or an unexpected parameter was provided.

Fix the invalid data and resubmit the request.

The method descriptions in this document or the Swagger indicate which parameters are required for each method, and the error message guides you to the parameter where the error occurred.

Resource not found errors A resource ID you provided, such as an account ID, doesn't match anything in the database.

Confirm your resource IDs and resubmit the request.

For example, if you try to update account 1234, but accidentally enter 1235 (and no account with number 1235 exists), you get a 404 error in the response stating that the account wasn't found. Before resubmitting the request, you can use a GET request to check that 1234 was the one you intended to use instead.

Authentication errors Your OAuth access token isn't correct.

Confirm your authentication details and resubmit the request.

Authorization errors You aren't authorized to make a request.

Ask your user administrator to grant your client the missing permissions.

Access to different methods on different endpoints is controlled by the scope assigned to your REST client.

Connection errors A generic system or connection error occurred. Common system errors include:
  • 10004: Can't connect to BRM.
  • 10016: Can't connect to the BI Publisher URL for the invoice.

Check the BRM server connection and then resubmit the request.