9 Getting Quality of Service Statistics

Learn how to configure Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) to collect opcode performance quality of service (QoS) statistics.

Topics in this document:

See also "Monitoring Your BRM System" and "Monitoring Connection Manager Activity".

Getting Quality of Service Statistics

You can collect statistics about CM opcode performance (for example, the number of times an opcode is called or the number of times an opcode returns an error). You can collect statistics on a per-opcode basis. The statistics are written to the CM log file whenever a client connection closes. You can enable and disable this feature by modifying the CM pin.conf file.

To measure latency for an opcode, you can specify up to seven maximum latency times, with each latency time period representing a QoS bucket. For example, if you specify latencies of 10, 20, and 100, the buckets are:

  • 0-10 milliseconds: QoS bucket 1

  • 10-20 milliseconds: QoS bucket 2

  • 20-100 milliseconds: QoS bucket 3

  • Greater than 100 milliseconds: QoS bucket 4

The QoS buckets are defined as follows:

  • QoS bucket 1: less than or equal to QoS time 1

  • QoS bucket 2: greater than QoS time 1 and less than or equal to QoS time 2

  • QoS bucket 3: greater than QoS time 2 and less than or equal to QoS time 3

  • QoS bucket 4: greater than QoS time 3

The information listed in Table 9-1 is collected per opcode:

Table 9-1 Quality Service Statistics from the CM

Statistic Description


The opcode that this information pertains to.

Interval timestamp

The starting timestamp of this interval.

Total opcode call count

The number of times this opcode has been called in this time interval.

Total error count

The number of times this opcode has returned an error in this time interval.

Minimum latency

The fastest elapsed time that this opcode took to complete without returning an error.

Timestamp of minimum latency

The timestamp when the minimum latency occurred.

Maximum latency

The slowest elapsed time that this opcode took to complete without returning an error.

Timestamp of maximum latency

The timestamp when the maximum latency occurred.

Total latency

Total latency of all successful calls to this opcode, not including the calls that returned an error.

Input flist of maximum latency

The input flist that was used when the maximum latency occurred.

QoS bucket count

The number of active QoS buckets for this opcode.

QoS bucket 1 counts

The number of times that the latency of a successful call to the opcode falls into each bucket. For example, 10 in bucket 1, 12 in bucket 2, and so forth.

QoS bucket times2 count

The maximum time in nanoseconds for each QoS bucket.

Timestamp of first received opcode

The timestamp when the first opcode was received.

Timestamp of last received opcode

The timestamp when the latest opcode was received.

Configuring CM QoS Statistics

To enable or disable the collection of opcode QoS statistics:

  1. Open the CM pin.conf file in BRM_home/sys/cm.

  2. Change the value of the cm_opcode_stats entry.

    The syntax is as follows:

    - cm cm_opcode_stats opcode QoS_1 [, QoS_2, ... QoS_7]

    where opcode can be an opcode name or opcode number.

    For example, to use an opcode name and four buckets, enter the following:

    - cm cm_opcode_stats PCM_OP_CUST_COMMIT_CUSTOMER 10, 20, 30

    For example, to use an opcode number and four buckets, enter the following:

    - cm cm_opcode_stats 63 10, 20, 30


    If the entry does not exist, you can add it anywhere in the file.

  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Stop and restart the CM.