2 ATS Deployment Models

In this chapter, you will learn about ATS Deployment Models. They are:
  • In-Cluster Deployment
  • Out-of Cluster Deployment

In-Cluster Deployment Model

According to In-Cluster deployment model, ATS can co-exist in the same cluster where the NFs are deployed. This deployment model is useful for In-Cluster testing.


The ATS 1.1.0 package supports only in-cluster deployment.

Figure 2-1 In-Cluster Deployment Model

In-cluster Deployment Model


GO Language is used to create stubs for PCF ATS and SCP ATS.

Out-of-Cluster Deployment Model

According to Out-of-Cluster deployment model, you can deploy ATS in a separate cluster other than the one where NFs are deployed.

This deployment model is useful to perform "Out-of-cluster" testing as it is:
  • More aligned with the production use cases
  • Rare for all NFs to co-exist in the same cluster

Figure 2-2 Out-of-Cluster Deployment Model

Out-of-Cluster Deployment Model


GO Language is used to create stubs for PCF ATS and SCP ATS.