3 NF ATS Installation Procedure

In this chapter, you will learn to install ATS for different network function platforms like,
  • NRF
  • PCF
  • SCP

NRF ATS Installation Procedure

The NRF ATS installation procedure covers two steps:
  1. Locating and downloading ATS and Simulator Images
  2. Deploying ATS and Stub Pod in K8s Cluster as per NRF

Locating and Downloading ATS Images

The steps to locate and download ATS Images are as follows:

  1. Login to My Oracle Support using the appropriate credentials.
  2. Select Patches & Updates tab.
  3. In Patch Search console, select Product or Family (Advanced) tab.
  4. Enter Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core - 5G in Product field and select the product from the Product drop-down.
  5. Select Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Network Repository Function <release_number> in Release field.
  6. Click Search. The Patch Advanced Search Results list appears.
  7. Select the required ATS patch from the list. The Patch Details window appears.
  8. Click on Download. File Download window appears.
  9. Click on the <p********_<release_number>_Tekelec>.zip file.
  10. Extract the ATS release package zip file to download the ATS images to the system where network function must be installed.
  11. The ocats-nrf directory has following files:
    • ocats-nrf-tools-pkg-
    • ocats-nrf-tools-pkg-
  12. The ocats-nrf-tools-pkg- file contains all the information required for the package.
  13. The ocats-nrf-tools-pkg- file has following images and charts packaged as tar files:
          |_ _ _ocats-nrf-pkg-
          |        |_ _ _ _ _ _ ocats-nrf-1.6.1.tgz (Helm Charts)
          |        |_ _ _ _ _ _ ocats-nrf-image-1.6.1.tar (Docker Images)
          |        |_ _ _ _ _ _ Readme.txt
          |_ _ _ocstub-python-pkg-
                   |_ _ _ _ _ _ ocstub-1.6.1.tgz (Helm Charts)
                   |_ _ _ _ _ _ ocstub-python-image-1.6.1.tar (Docker Images)
                   |_ _ _ _ _ _ Readme.txt
  14. The user can copy the tar file from here and copy in their OCCNE/ OCI/k8s cluster where they want to deploy ATS.

Deploying ATS in K8s Cluster

The steps to deploy ATS in K8s Cluster are as follows:

  1. Execute the following command to extract tar file content.

    tar -xvf ocats-nrf-tools-pkg-

    The output of this command is:



  2. Execute the given command to extract final helm charts and docker images of ATS.

    tar -xvf ocats-nrf-pkg-

    The output of this command is:




  3. In your cluster, load the ATS image, 'ocats-nrf-image-1.6.1.tar' and push to your registry.

    docker load -i ocats-nrf-image-1.6.1.tar

  4. Untar the helm charts, ocats-nrf-1.6.1.tgz

    tar -xvf ocats-nrf-1.6.1.tgz

  5. Update the image name and tag in the ocats-nrf/values.yaml file as required.

    For this, you need to open the values.yaml file and update the image.repository and image.tag

  6. Deploy ATS using the updated helm charts after performing the previous step 5.

    helm install ocats-nrf --name <release_name> --namespace <namespace_name> -f ocats-nrf/values.yaml

    For example:helm install ocats-nrf --name ocats --namespace ocnrf -f ocats-nrf/values.yaml

  7. Verify ATS deployment by executing the following command.

    helm status <release_name>

A sample screen showing ATS HELM Release is given below:

Figure 3-1 Checking ATS Deployment


Deploying Stub Pod in K8s Cluster

The steps to deploy Stub Pod are as follows:

  1. Execute the command to extract ocstub tar file content.

    tar -xvf ocstub-python-pkg-

    The output of this command is:




  2. In your cluster, load the STUB image, ocstub-python-image-1.6.1.tar and push to your registry.

    docker load -i ocstub-python-image-1.6.1.tar

  3. Untar the helm charts, ocstub-python-1.6.1.tgz.

    tar -xvf ocstub-python-1.6.1.tgz

  4. Update the image name and tag in ocstub/values.yaml file as required.

    Open the values.yaml file and update the image.repository and image.tag

  5. Deploy Stub

    helm install ocstub-python --set service.name=<stub-service-name> --name <release_name> --namespace <namespace_name> -f ocstub-python/values.yaml

    For example:helm install ocstub-python --set service.name=notify-stub-service --name ocstub --namespace ocnrf -f ocstub/values.yaml


    In this version of ATS, you are provided with SLF and Forwarding functionality cases of NRF, which requires two STUBS to be deployed in the related scenarios. The service name can be updated using the above command. The service name for the STUBS must be "notify-stub-service" and "notify-stub-service02".
  6. Check the Stub deployment using given command.

    helm status <release_name>

A sample screen showing how to check Stub HELM Release is given below:

Figure 3-2 Checking Stub Helm Release


PCF ATS Installation Procedure

The PCF ATS installation procedure covers two steps:

  1. Locating and downloading the ATS images.
  2. Deploying ATS images.
This includes installation of stubs (nf1stub, nf2stub and nf3stub) in any namespace and ATS in PCF's namespace. The release of ATS supports in-cluster deployment of PCF and ATS with both TLS (server side) enabled and disabled mode.


The Nrf-client pod of PCF has been restarted for UDR and CHF discovery as part of each test case.

Locating and Downloading ATS Images

The steps to locate and download ATS Images are as follows:

  1. Login to My Oracle Support using the appropriate credentials.
  2. Select Patches & Updates tab.
  3. In Patch Search console, select Product or Family (Advanced) tab.
  4. Enter Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core - 5G in Product field and select the product from the Product drop-down.
  5. Select Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Policy <release_number> in Release field.
  6. Click Search. The Patch Advanced Search Results list appears.
  7. Select the required ATS patch from the list. The Patch Details window appears.
  8. Click on Download. File Download window appears.
  9. Click on the <p********_<release_number>_Tekelec>.zip file.
  10. Extract the ATS release package zip file to download the ATS images to the system where network function must be installed.
  11. The ocats-pcfdirectory has following files:


  12. The ocats-pcf-tools- file has following images and charts packaged as tar files:
          |_ _ _ocats-pcf-pkg-
          |        |_ _ _ _ _ _ ocats-pcf-1.1.0.tgz (Helm Charts)
          |        |_ _ _ _ _ _ ocats-pcf-images-1.1.0.tar (Docker Images)
          |_ _ _ocstub-pkg-
                   |_ _ _ _ _ _ ocstub-go-1.1.0.tgz(Helm Charts)
                   |_ _ _ _ _ _ ocstub-go-image-1.0.0.tar (Docker Images)
  13. The user can copy the tar file from here to their K8s cluster where, they want to deploy ATS.

Deploying ATS in K8s Cluster

The steps to deploy ATS in K8s Cluster are as follows:
  1. Execute the following command to extract the tar file content.

    tar -xvf ocats-pcf-tools-

    The output of this command is:



  2. Go to the ocats-pcf-tools- folder and execute the given command to extract final helm charts and docker images of ATS.

    tar -xvf ocats-pcf-pkg-

    The output of this command is:



  3. In your cluster, execute the given command to load the ATS image.

    docker load --input ocats-pcf-images-1.1.0.tar

  4. Execute the following commands to tag and push the ATS images
    docker tag ocatspcf:1.1.0 <registry>/ocatspcf:1.1.0
    	  docker push <registry>/ocatspcf:1.1.0


    docker tag ocatspcf:1.1.0 localhost:5000/ocatspcf:1.1.0
    	  docker push localhost:5000/ocatspcf:1.1.0
  5. Untar the helm charts, ocats-pcf-1.1.0.tgz

    tar -xvf ocats-pcf-1.1.0.tgz

  6. Update the image name and tag in the ocats-pcf/values.yaml file as required.

    For this, you need to open the values.yaml file and update the image.repository and image.tag

  7. Deploy ATS using the updated helm charts after performing the previous step 5.

    helm install <chart_directory> --name <release_name> --namespace <namespace_name> -f <custom_values_filename>

    For example:helm install ocats-pcf --name ocats --namespace ocpcf -f ocats-pcf/values.yaml

  8. Verify ATS deployment by executing the given command.
    helm status <release_name>

    Figure 3-3 Helm Status

    Helm Status

Deploying Stub Pod in K8s Cluster

The steps to deploy Stub Pod in K8s cluster are as follows:

  1. Go to the ocats-pcf-tools- folder and execute the command to extract the ocstub tar file content.

    tar -xvf ocstub-pkg-

    The output of this command is:



  2. In your cluster, execute the following command to load the STUB image and then, push it to your registry.

    docker load --input ocstub-go-image-1.0.0.tar

  3. Untar the helm charts, ocstub-go-1.1.0.tgz.

    tar -xvf ocstub-go-1.1.0.tgz

  4. Update the registry name, image name and tag (if required) in the ocstub/values.yaml file as required.

    Open the values.yaml file and update the image.repository and image.tag

  5. Deploy Stub.

    helm install <chart_directory> --set service.name=<service_name> --name <release_name> --namespace <namespace_name> -f <custom_values_filename>

    For example: helm install ocstub-go --set service.name=nf1stub --name nf1stub --namespace ocats -f ocstub-go/values.yaml

  6. Similarly, execute the following commands to install all the stubs.

    helm install ocstub-go --set service.name=nf2stub --name nf2stub --namespace ocats -f ocstub-go/values.yaml

    helm install ocstub-go --set service.name=nf3stub --name nf3stub --namespace ocats -f ocstub-go/values.yaml

    Figure 3-4 Stub - Check Helm Status

    Check Helm Status
  7. Execute the following command to check the Stub deployment.

    helm status <release_name>

A sample screen showing stubs deployment is given below:

Figure 3-5 Stubs After Installation

Stubs After Installation

Figure 3-6 Sample Screen: PCF Namespace with PCF and ATS after Installation

PCF Namespace with PCF and ATS after Installation

SCP ATS Installation Procedure

The SCP ATS installation procedure covers two steps:

  1. Locating and downloading the ATS images.
  2. Deploying ATS images.

Locating and Downloading ATS Images

To locate and download ATS Images:

  1. Login to My Oracle Support using the appropriate credentials.
  2. Select Patches & Updates tab.
  3. In Patch Search console, select Product or Family (Advanced) tab.
  4. Enter Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core - 5G in Product field and select the product from the Product drop-down.
  5. Select Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Service Communication Proxy <release_number> in Release field.
  6. Click Search. The Patch Advanced Search Results list appears.
  7. Select the required ATS patch from the list. The Patch Details window appears.
  8. Click on Download. File Download window appears.
  9. Click on the <p********_<release_number>_Tekelec>.zip file.
  10. Extract the ATS release package zip file to download the ATS images to the system where network function must be installed.
  11. The ocats-scp directory has a following files:


    The ocats-scp-custom-configtemplates- file contains all the information required for the package.
    The ocats-scp-pkg- file has following images and charts packaged as tar files:
          |_ _ _ocats-scp-pkg-
          |        |_ _ _ _ _ _ ocats-scp-1.9.0.tgz (Helm Charts)
          |        |_ _ _ _ _ _ ocats-scp-images-1.9.0.tar (Docker Images)
          |        |_ _ _ _ _ _ Readme.txt
    The ocats-scp-custom-configtemplates- file has following images and charts packaged as tar files:
                |_ _ _ _ _ _ ocats-scp-custom-serviceaccount-1.9.0.yaml (Template to create custom service account)
                |_ _ _ _ _ _ ocats-scp-values-1.9.0.yaml (Custom values file for installation)
                |_ _ _ _ _ ocats-scp-tests-jenkinsjobs.tgz (ocscp_tests and jenkins jobs folder to be copied if persistent volume is deployed)

    The user can copy the tar file from here to their kubernetes cluster where, they want to deploy ATS.

Deploying ATS in Kuberbetes Cluster

To deploy ATS in Kubernetes Cluster:


Deploy ATS and SCP in the same namespace.


ATS is deployed with role binding by default instead of cluster role binding.
  1. Execute the following command to extract the tar file content:

    tar -xvf ocats-scp-pkg-

    The output of this command is:

    The ocats-scp-images-1.9.0.tar file contains ocats-scp:1.9.0 (ATS Image) and ocats-gostub:1.9.0 (stub image).

  2. In your cluster, execute the given command to load the ATS image and then, push it to your registry:

    docker load --input ocats-scp-images-1.9.0.tar

    docker tag ocats/ocats-scp:1.9.0 <local_registry>/ocats/ocats-scp:1.9.0

    docker push <local_registry>/ocats/ocats-scp:1.9.0

  3. Execute the following command to extract the zip file content:
    Unzip "ocats-scp-custom-configtemplates-"
    The output of this command is:
  4. Update the image name and tag in the ocats-scp-values-1.9.0.yaml file as required:

    For this, you need to open the ocats-scp-values-1.9.0.yaml file and update the image.repository and image.tag

  5. ATS supports static port. By default, this feature is not available. To enable this feature:
    • In the ocats-scp-values-1.9.0.yaml file under service section, set the value of staticNodePortEnabled parameter as true and provide a valid nodePort value for staticNodePort.
    • A sample screen is given below:

      Figure 3-7 ocats-scp-values-1.9.0.yaml- service section

      ocats-scp-values-1.9.0.yaml- service section


      You can enable static node port at the time of deployment.
    • Add an appropriate value for the serviceMeshCheck parameter. Its value depends on whether ATS needs to be executed with aspen mesh or not.
  6. To enable persistence storage, customer should create a PVC and associate the same to the ATS pod. The steps to enable persistent storage are:
    1. Set PVEnabled flag to true.
    2. Set PVClaimName to PVC that user has created for ATS.
          labels: {}
          annotations: {}
        PVEnabled: true
        PVClaimName: "ocats-scp-1.9.0-pvc"

    For more details on Persistent Volume Storage, you can refer to unresolvable-reference.html#GUID-5A0F28BE-DBA8-4123-8806-7D8FD68CBAE1.

  7. Update the lbDeployments section of the helm deployment file in SCP ATS with the following annotations, wherein
    • 8091 port is added to fetch soothsayer pod metrics

      traffic.sidecar.istio.io/excludeOutboundPorts: "8091"


      This point is applicable only if you are planning to test ATS with service mesh. Also, do not modify this port.
  8. Execute the following command to deploy ATS:

    Using Helm 2: helm install ocats-scp-1.9.0.tgz --name <release_name> --namespace <namespace_name> -f ocats-scp-values-1.9.0.yaml

    Example: helm install ocats-scp-1.9.0.tgz --name ocats-scp --namespace scpsvc-f ocats-scp-values-1.9.0.yaml

    Using Helm 3: helm3 install <release_name> ocats-scp-1.9.0.tgz -n <namespace_name> -f ocats-scp-values-1.9.0.yaml

    Example: helm3 install ocscp-ats ocats-scp-1.9.0.tgz -n scpsvc -f ocats-scp-values-1.9.0.yaml


    If there are two Helm versions on your system then, specify the version number in the Helm commands. If there is only one Helm version then there is no need to mention the version number.
  9. Verify ATS deployment by executing the given command:

    helm3 status <release_name> -n <namespace_name>

    The following sample screen checks ATS helm release.


    If ATS is deployed in service mesh environment, the Ready field for pods shows 2/2.

    Figure 3-8 Checking ATS Helm Release

    Checking ATS Helm Release

    Figure 3-9 Helm Status Image

    Helm Status Image