4 Executing NF Test Cases using ATS

In this chapter, you will learn to execute NF (NRF, PCF and SCP) Test Cases using ATS.

Executing NRF Test Cases using ATS

To execute NRF Test Cases using NRF ATS 1.6.1, you need to ensure that following prerequisites are fulfilled.


  • The user should create certificates/keys (public and private) for AccessToken micro-service before deploying NRF.
  • The user MUST copy the public keys (RSA and ECDSA) created in the above step to the ATS pod at the /var/lib/jenkins/ocnrf_tests/public_keys location.
  • Deploy NRF 1.6.1 with default helm configurations using helm charts.
  • All micro-services of NRF should be up and running including Accesstoken micro-service.
  • Deploy ATS using helm charts.
  • Deploy Stub using helm charts.
  • Deploy ATS and Stub in the same namespace as of OCNRF.
  • Ensure Prometheus service is up and running.
  • For NRF ATS 1.6.1, you need to deploy two stub servers for executing SLF and Forwarding functionality test cases. The service name for both the STUB servers should be notify-stub-service and notify-stub-service02.

Logging into ATS

Before logging into ATS, you need to ensure that ATS is deployed successfully using HELM charts. A sample screen is given below:

Figure 4-1 Verifying ATS Deployment


There are two ways to login to ATS Jenkins GUI.

  • When an external load balancer (metalLB in case of OCCNE) is available and an external IP is provided to the ATS service, user can login to ATS GUI using <External-IP>:8080.
  • When an external IP is not provided to the ATS service, user can open the browser and provide the external IP of the worker node and nodeport of the ATS service to login to ATS GUI.



    In the Verifying ATS Deployment screen, ATS nodeport is highlighed in red as 32660. For more details on ATS deployment, refer to NRF ATS Installation Procedure.

    Open a browser and provide IP and port details as <Worker-Node-IP>:<Node-Port-of-ATS> (As per above example: The ATS login screen appears.

Executing ATS

To execute ATS:
  1. Enter the username as "Oracle" and password as "Welcome@123". Click Sign in. A sample screen is shown below.

    Figure 4-2 Sample Screen: Logging into ATS GUI

    ATS Login Screen

  2. Following screen appears showing pre-configured pipelines for NRF, PCF and SCP individually (9 Pipelines).
    • New-Features
    • Performance
    • Regression

    Figure 4-3 ATS First Logged-in Screen

    By default, you are in the All tab. To test the NRF test cases, click the NRF tab. The NRF tab displays the pipelines related to NRF only.

    Figure 4-4 NRF Tab - Pre-Connfigured pipelines


Jenkins ATS Pre-configured Pipelines

In the NRF tab, there are three pre-configured pipelines.
  • NRF-NewFeatures: This pipeline has all the test cases, which are delivered as part of NRF ATS - 1.6.1
  • NRF-Performance: This pipeline is not operational as of now. It is reserved for future releases of ATS.
  • NRF-Regression: This pipleine has all the test cases, which were delivered in NRF ATS - 1.0.0

They are explained below:

NRF-NewFeatures Pipeline

After identifying the NRF pipelines, the user needs to do one-time configuration in ATS as per their SUT deployment. In this pipeline, all the new testcases related to NRF are executed. To configure its parameters:

  1. Click NRF-NewFeatures in the Name column. Following screen appears:

    Figure 4-5 NRF-NewFeatures-Configure

    In the above screen:
    • If you click Configure, you are navigated to the screen where configuration needs to be done.
    • If you click Documentation, you are navigated to the screen that has documented test cases, which are part of this NRF release.
    • If you click on blue dots inside Build History box, you are redirected to the success console logs of the "All" and "Sanity" respectively.
    • The Stage View represents the already executed pipeline for the customer reference.
  2. Click Configure. The following screen appears:

    Figure 4-6 NRF-NewFeatures - On Configure

    NRF-NewFeatures Configure - General tab
  3. User MUST wait for the page to load completely. Once the page loads completely, click the Pipeline tab to reach the Pipeline configuration as shown below:


    Figure 4-7 Pipeline Script

    In the above screen, the values of the 'Pipeline script' needs to be changed. The content of the pipeline script is as follows:
    node ('master'){
        //a = SELECTED_NF    b = NF_NAMESPACE    c = FT_ENDPOINT      d = GATEWAY_IP
        //e = GATEWAY_PORT   f = CONFIG_IP       g = CONFIG_PORT      h = STUB_IP
        //m = RERUN_COUNT
        sh '''
            sh /var/lib/jenkins/ocnrf_tests/preTestConfig.sh \
            -a NRF \
            -b ocnrf \
            -c ocnrf-ingressgateway.ocnrf.svc.cluster.local:80 \
            -d ocnrf-ingressgateway.ocnrf \
            -e 80 \
            -f ocnrf-nrfconfiguration.ocnrf \
            -g 8080 \
            -h notify-stub-service.ocnrf \
            -i 8080 \
            -j 6faf1bbc-6e4a-4454-a507-a14ef8e1bc5c \
            -k occne-prometheus-server.occne-infra \
            -l 80 \
            -m 2
        load "/var/lib/jenkins/ocnrf_tests/jenkinsData/Jenkinsfile-NewFeatures"


    The User MUST NOT change any other value apart from line number 8 to line 20.
    The parameters marked as "a" to "m" are only that you need to change as per the user requirement. The details about these parameters are provided as comments in line number 2 - to -5.
    • a - Name of the NF to be tested in capital (NRF).
    • b - Namespace in which the NRF is deployed
    • c - endPointIP:endPointPort value used while deploying the NRF using the helm chart
    • d - Name_of_NRF_ingressgateway_service.namespace (ocnrf-nrfconfiguration.ocnrf) - this is also known as as cluster_domain.
    • e - Port of ingressgateway service (80)
    • f - Name_of_NRF_configuration_service.namespace (ocnrf-nrfconfiguration.ocnrf)
    • g - Port of configuration service (8080)
    • h - Name_of_stub_service.namespace (notify-stub-service.ocnrf)
    • i - Port of stub service (8080)
    • j - NRF_Instance ID (6faf1bbc-6e4a-4454-a507-a14ef8e1bc5c)
    • k - Name_of_Prometheus_service.namespace (occne-prometheus-server.occne-infra)
    • l - Port of Prometheus service (80)
    • m - Number of times the re-run of failed case is allowed (default as 2).


    You do not have to change any value if OCCNE cluster is used and NRF, ATS and STUB are deployed in ocnrf namespace.
    Click Save after making neccesary changes. You are navigated back to the NRF-NewFeatures screen. Click Build with Parameters. Following screen appears:

    Figure 4-8 NRF-NewFeatures - Build with Parameters


Executing NRF Test Cases

To execute NRF test cases:
  1. Click the Schedule a Build with parameters for NRF-NewFeatures icon present in extreme right column corresponding to NRF-NewFeatures row as shown below.

    Figure 4-9 New-Features Pipeline Icon

    NRF-NewFeatures Pipeline Icon
  2. The following screen appears.

    Figure 4-10 Build Requires Parameters

    NRF-NewFeatures - Build with Parameters
    In the above screen, there are three Select_Option(s), which are:
    • All: By default, all the NRF test cases are selected for execution. User just need to scroll down and click Build to execute all the test cases.
    • Sanity: It is recommended to execute Sanity before executing any test case. This helps to ensure that all the deployments are done properly or not. When you select Sanity, the following screen appears:

      Figure 4-11 Build Requires Parameters - Sanity

      NRF-NewFeatures - Build Requires Parameters - Sanity option

      Click Build to execute all the sanity test cases.

    • Single/MultipleFeatures: This option allows you to select any number of test cases that you want to execute from the list of total test cases available for execution. After selecting the test cases, scroll-down and click Build. The selected NRF test cases are executed.
    The NRF testcases are divided into NRF Service operations as follows:
    • AccessToken - These feature files are listed with a prefix as "oAuth".
    • Configuration - These feature files are lited with a prefix as "Config".
    • Discovery - These feature files are lited with a prefix as "Disc".
    • NRF Forwarding - These feature files are lited with a prefix as "Forwarding".
    • Registration - These feature files are lited with a prefix as "Upd". These are related to update operation of registered profiles.
    • NRF SLF - These feature files are lited with a prefix as "SLF".
    • NRF Sanity - This feature file contains all the basic sanity cases for NRF ATS 1.6.1.
    • Subscription - These feature files are lited with a prefix as "Subs".

NewFeatures - Documentation

To view NRF functionalities, go to NRF-NewFeatures pipeline and click Documentation link in the left navigation pane. The following screen appears:

Figure 4-12 NRF-NewFeatures - Documentation

Each one of the documentation feature is described below:
  • NF_BASIC_SANITY_CASES - Lists all the sanity cases, which are useful to identify whether all the NRF functionality works fine.
  • NF_CONFIGURATION_CASES - Lists all the cases related to NRF configuration.
  • NF_DISCOVERY_CASES - Lists all the discovery microservice related cases.
  • NF_FORWARDING_FEATURE_CASES - Lists all the forwarding related cases.
  • NF_OUTH_CASES - Lists all the accesstoken related cases.
  • NF_REGISTRATION_CASES - Lists all the registration related cases.
  • NF_SLF_FEATURE_CASES - Lists all the SLF related cases.
  • NF_SUBSCRIPTION_CASES - Lists all subscription related cases.
You can click any functionality to view its test cases and scenarios of each test case. A sample screen is given below:

Figure 4-13 NRF - Feature Detail

Based on the functionalities covered under Documentation, the Build Requires Parameters screen displays test cases. To navigate back to the Pipeline NRF-NewFeatures screen, click Back to NRF-NewFeatures link available on top left corner of the screen.

Figure 4-14 Build Requires Parameters in sync with Documentation

In the above screen, you can notice that the initials of test cases are similar to the functionalities listed in the contents of Documentation screen. The details are as follows:
  • oAuth01 to 0Auth20: These 20 feature files belong to the NF_OAUTH_CASES functionality.
  • Config01 to Config09: These 9 feature files belong to the NF_CONFIGURATION_CASES functionality.
  • Disc01 to Disc20: These 20 feature files belong to the NF_DISCOVERY_CASES functionality.
  • Forwarding01 to Forwarding05: These 5 feature files belong to the NF_FORWARDING_FEATURE_CASES functionality.
  • Upd01 to Upd20: These 20 feature files belong to the NF_REGISTRATION_CASES functionality.
  • SLF01 to SLF02: These 2 feature files belong to the NF_SLF_FEATURE_CASES functionality.
  • Sanity: This feature file belongs to the NF_BASIC_SANITY_CASES functionality.
  • Subs21 to Subs39: These 19 feature files belong to the NF_SUBSCRIPTION_CASES functionality.


    Here, the initials starts from Subs21 because the first 20 feature files covering Subs01 to Subs20 were delivered in ATS Release 1.0.0
  • SubsPatch01 to SubsPatch04: These 4 test cases also belong to the NF_SUBSCRIPTION_CASES functionality.

NRF-Regression Pipeline

This pre-configured pipeline has all the test cases of previous releases like ATS Release 1.0.0. The configuration method and parameters are same as the NewFeatures pipeline. Only difference in this pipeline is that it does not have "Sanity" option. This is so because these cases are already executed as part of previous release.

To view Regression pipeline details, click Build with Parameters in the left navigation pane. The following screen appears:

Figure 4-15 Regression - Build with Parameters

Regression - Build with Parameters
A sample screen of full successful execution is provided below as part of ATS image.

Figure 4-16 NRF Regression


Regression - Documentation

Click Documentation in the left navigation pane of the NRF-Regression pipeline. Following screen appears:Regression - Build with Parameters

This screen shows only those functionalities whose test cases were released in previous releases.

A sample screen showing documentation for NRF ATS - 1.6.1 is given below:

Figure 4-17 Sample Screen: Documentation for NRF ATS


Executing PCF Test Cases using ATS

To execute PCF Test Cases, you need to ensure that following prerequisites are fulfilled.


  • ATS 1.1.0 is compatible with PCF 1.6.0 and 1.6.1 for both TLS (only server side) enabled and disabled.
    • PCF with TLS disabled. In the PCF's custom values file, check if the following parameters are configured with the respective values:
      enableIncomingHttps: false
      enableOutgoingHttps: false
    • If TLS is enabled, then you first need to enable the Https support for Egress and Ingress gateway. For more details, refer to the Enabling Https support for Egress and Ingress Gateway section in this topic.
  • ATS is deployed using helm charts in the same namespace where PCF is deployed.
  • Prometheus server is installed with Loadbalancer as the pod type.
  • To get all configmaps in your namespace, execute the following command.

    kubectl get configmaps -n <pcf_namespace>

    In the application-config configmap, configure the following parameters with the respective values:


    Example: If stubs are deployed in "ocats" namespace,
  • Database cluster should be in a running state with all the required tables. You need to ensure that there are no previous entries in database before executing test cases.

Enabling TLS in ATS Pod

You can enable TLS in ATS pod after successful deployment of PCF (TLS enabled server side) and ATS. To enable TLS in ATS Pod:
  1. Execute the following command to copy the caroot.cer generated while PCF deployment to ATS pod in "cert" directory.
    kubectl cp  <path_to_file>/caroot.cer <namespace>/<ATS-Pod-name>: 
    /var/lib/jenkins/cert/ -n <namespace>


    kubcetl cp cert/caroot.cer ocpcf/ocpcf-ocats-pcf-56754b9568-rkj8z:
  2. Execute the following command to login to your ATS Pod.
     kubectl exec -it <ATS-Pod-name> bash -n <namespace>
  3. Execute the following commands from cert directory to create private key and certificates:
    1. openssl req -x509 -nodes -sha256 -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout 
      rsa_private_key_client -out rsa_certificate_client.crt 

      Figure 4-18 Command 1



      You need to provide appropriate values and specify fqdn of PCF Ingress Gateway service i.e. <ingress-servicename>.<pcf_namespace>.svc in Common Name.
    2. openssl rsa -in rsa_private_key_client -outform PEM -out

      Figure 4-19 Command 2

    3. openssl req -new -key rsa_private_key_client -out ocegress_client.csr -config 


    You can either use or copy the ssl.conf file, which was used while deploying PCF to ATS pod for this step.

    Figure 4-20 Command 3

  4. Execute the following command to copy the ocegress_client.csr to the bastion.
    openssl x509 -CA caroot.cer -CAkey cakey.pem -CAserial serial.txt -req
          -in ocegress_client.csr -out ocegress_client.cer -days 365 -extfile 
    	ssl.conf -extensions req_ext

    Figure 4-21 Copying ocegress_client.csr to bastion

  5. Copy the ocegress_client.cer from Bastion to the ATS Pod.
  6. Restart the ingress and egress gateway pods from the Bastion.

Logging into ATS

Before logging into ATS, you need to ensure that ATS is deployed successfully using HELM charts. A sample screen is given below:

Figure 4-22 Sample Screen: Verifying ATS Deployment

Verifying ATS Deployment

There are two ways to login to ATS Jenkins GUI.

  • When an external load balancer is available and an external IP is provided to the ATS service, user can login to ATS GUI using <External-IP>:8080.
  • When an external IP is not provided to the ATS service, user can open the browser and provide the external IP of the worker node and nodeport of the ATS service to login to ATS GUI.



    In the Verifying ATS Deployment screen, the nodeport, '32732' is highlighted in red. For more information on ATS deployment in PCF, refer to Policy ATS Installation Procedure.

Executing ATS

To execute ATS:

  1. Enter the username as "Oracle" and password as "Welcome@123". Click Sign in. A sample screen is shown below.

    Figure 4-23 Sample Screen: Logging into ATS GUI

    ATS Login Screen

  2. Following screen appears showing pre-configured pipelines for NRF, PCF and SCP individually (9 Pipelines).
    • New-Features
    • Performance
    • Regression

    Figure 4-24 Jenkins First Screen on Login

    Jenkins First Screen on Login

    By default, you are in the All tab. To test the PCF test cases, click the PCF tab. The PCF tab displays the pipelines related to PCF only.

    Figure 4-25 PCF Tab


Jenkins ATS Pre-configured Pipelines

In the PCF tab, there are three pre-configured pipelines.
  • PCF-NewFeatures
  • PCF-Performance: This pipeline is not operational as of now. It is reserved for future releases of ATS.
  • PCF-Regression

They are explained below:

PCF-New Features Pipeline

This is a pre-configured pipeline where all the PCF test cases are executed. To configure its parameters, which is a one time activity:
  1. Click PCF-NewFeatures in the Name column and then, click Configure in the left navigation pane as shown below:

    Figure 4-26 PCF-NewFeatures - Configure

  2. The PCF-NewFeatures, General tab appears. Make sure that the screen loads completely.
  3. Scroll-down to the end. The control moves from General tab to the Advanced Project Options tab as shown below:

    Figure 4-27 Advanced Project Options

    PCF - Advanced Project Option
    In the Script area of the Pipeline section:
    • Change parameter "b" to update the namespace where PCF was deployed in the bastion.
    • Change parameter "c" for prometheus server service name.
    • Change parameter 'd' option for gostub namespace.
    • If you intend to run ATS in TLS disabled mode, then you need to set parameter "e" as "unsecure", else set parameter e as "secure".
    • Parameter "f" is to set nfInstanceId provided in application configmap of PCF.
    • Parameter "g" should not be set less than 20 secs. This is because the default time for the nrf-client-management pod to come up on restart is set to 20 secs and every TC requires nrf-client-management pod to be restarted.
    • Parameter "h" should not be set less than 60 secs. This is the default wait time given for the configured policy to be added to the Database.
    • Parameter "i" should not be set less than 140 secs. The default wait time for Nf_Notification Test Cases is set to 140 secs. You can modify this as per requirement.
    • Press Save after updating the parameters value.


      It is recommended to save the pipeline scipt in your local machine. This would be helpful in the event of ats pod restarts.

Executing PCF Test Cases

To execute PCF test cases:
  1. Click the Build with Parameters. The following screen appears.

    Figure 4-28 PCF - Build with Parameters

    In the above screen, there are three Select_Option(s), which are:
    • All: By default, all the PCF test cases are selected for execution. User just need to scroll down and click Build to execute all the test cases.
    • Sanity: This option is NOT AVAILABLE for PCF.
    • Single/MultipleFeatures: This option allows you to select any number of test cases that you want to execute from the list of total test cases available for execution. After selecting the test cases, scroll-down and click Build. The selected PCF test cases are executed.

    Figure 4-29 Sample Test Output in Console


Figure 4-30 Sample output of build status - Jenkins PCF-NewFeatures Pipeline


NewFeatures - Documentation

To view PCF functionalities, go to PCF-NewFeatures pipeline and click Documentation link in the left navigation pane as shown below:

Figure 4-31 PCF Documentation Option


The following screen appears:

Figure 4-32 PCF-NewFeatures - Documentation

You can click any functionality to view its test cases and scenarios of each test case. For example, on click of SM_Update_Event_Trigger_APP_STA, the following test description appears:

Figure 4-33 SM_Update_Event_Trigger_APP_STA Description

Based on the functionalities covered under Documentation, the Build Requires Parameters screen displays test cases. To navigate back to the Pipeline PCF-NewFeatures screen, click Back to PCF-NewFeatures link available on top left corner of the screen.

Figure 4-34 Build Requires Parameters in sync with Documentation


In the above screen, you can notice that the initials of test cases are similar to the functionalities listed in the contents of Documentation screen.

PCF-Regression Pipeline

This pre-configured pipeline has all the test cases of previous releases. For example, as part of Release 1.1.0, this pipeline has all the test cases that were released as part of release 1.0.0

To view Regression pipeline details, click Build with Parameters in the left navigation pane. The following screen appears:

Figure 4-35 PCF - Regression



The regression pipeline does not have any sanity option. However, you should perform all the steps as performed in NewFeatures pipeline. Configure the pipeline script changes to provide environment variables.

Regression - Documentation

Click Documentation in the left navigation pane of the PCF-Regression pipeline. Following screen appears:

Figure 4-36 PCF Regression Documentation


This screen shows only those functionalities whose test cases were released in previous releases.

Executing SCP Test Cases using ATS

To execute SCP Test Cases, you need to ensure that following prerequisites are fulfilled.


  • Deploy SCP 1.6.0 with following custom values in deployment file.
    • As you can provide NRF information only at time of deployment, Stub NRF details like nrf1svc and nrf2svc should also be provided at the time of deployment before executing these cases. For Example: If teststub namespace is ocats then SCP should have been deployed with primary nrf as nrf1svc.ocats.svc.<clusterDomain> and secondary nrf as nrf2svc.ocats.svc.<clusterDomain> for NRF test cases to work.
    • In the SCP deployment file, servingScope must have Reg1 and servingLocalities must have USEast and Loc9. In addition, the recommended auditInterval is 120 and guardTime is 10.
    • For ATS executio, you should deploy SCP with SCP-Worker replicas set to 1.
  • Deploy ATS using helm charts.

Logging into ATS

Before logging into ATS, you need to ensure that ATS is deployed successfully using HELM charts. A sample screen is given below:

Figure 4-37 Verifying ATS Deployment


There are two ways to login to ATS Jenkins GUI.

  • If a metalLB server is available and an external IP is provided to ATS service, user can login to ATS GUI using <External-IP>:8080
  • When an external IP is not provided to the ATS service, user can open the browser and provide the external IP of the worker node and nodeport of the ATS service to login to ATS GUI.



    In the Verifying ATS Deployment screen, the ATS nodeport is highlighed in red as 30826. For more details on ATS deployment, refer to SCP ATS Installation Guide.

    Open a browser and provide IP and port details as <Worker-Node-IP>:<Node-Port-of-ATS> to get the ATS login page.

Executing ATS

To execute ATS:
  1. Enter the username as "Oracle" and password as "Welcome@123". Click Sign in. A sample screen is shown below.

    Figure 4-38 Sample Screen: Logging into ATS GUI

    ATS Login Screen

  2. Following screen appears showing pre-configured pipelines for NRF, PCF and SCP individually (9 Pipelines).
    • New-Features
    • Performance
    • Regression

    Figure 4-39 Jenkins Logged-in First Screen

    Jenkins First Screen after Login

    By default, you are in the All tab. To test the SCP test cases, click the SCP tab. The SCP tab displays the pipelines related to SCP only.

Jenkins ATS Pre-configured Pipelines

In the SCP tab, there are three pre-configured pipelines.
  • SCP-NewFeatures
  • SCP-Performance: This pipeline is not operational as of now. It is reserved for future releases of ATS.
  • SCP-Regression

They are explained below:

SCP-NewFeatures Pipeline

This is a pre-configured pipeline where all the SCP test cases are executed. To configure its parameters, which is a one time activity:
  1. Click SCP-NewFeatures in the Name column. The following screen appears:

    Figure 4-40 SCP-NewFeatures

  2. Click Configure in the left navigation pane to provide input parameters. The SCP-NewFeatures Configure - General tab appears.
    Make sure that the screen shown above loads completely before you perform any
    action on it.
  3. Scroll-down to the end. The control moves from General tab to the Advanced Project Options tab as shown below:

    Figure 4-41 Advanced Project Options



    The description of each parameter is as follows:
    • -a - Selected NF
    • -b - NameSpace in which SCP is Deployed
    • -c - K8s Cluster Domain where SCP is Deployed
    • -d - Test Stubs NameSpace
    • -e - Docker registry where test stub image is available
    • -f - Audit Interval provided in SCP Deployment file
    • -g - Guard Time provided SCP Deployment file
    • -h - Audit Interface SCP is deployed with - nnrf-nfm or nnrf-disc
    • -i - Flag for SCP to Register with NRF in default region Reg1 - true/false
    • -j - re-run count
    You can modify script pipeline parameters on the basis of your deployment environment and click Save.



Executing SCP Test Cases

To execute SCP test cases:
  1. Click the Schedule a Build with parameters for SCP-NewFeatures icon present in extreme right column corresponding to New-Features row. Following screen appears:

    Figure 4-42 SCP TestCases

    In the above screen, there are three Select_Option(s), which are:
    • All: By default, all the SCP test cases are selected for execution. User just need to scroll down and click Build to execute all the test cases.


      There is an exception to All option. Test cases, SCP_Audit_nnrf_disc and SCP_Audit_nnrf_nfm are based on the input provided for AUDITINTERFACE parameter and NRF_Registration test case executes only if SCPREGISTRATION flag is set to true in input parameters of configure pipeline.
    • Sanity: This option is NOT AVAILABLE for SCP.
    • Single/MultipleFeatures: This option allows you to select any number of test cases that you want to execute from the list of total test cases available for execution. After selecting the test cases, scroll-down and click Build. The selected SCP test cases are executed.

NewFeatures - Documentation

To view SCP functionalities, go to SCP-NewFeatures pipeline and click Documentation link in the left navigation pane. The following screen appears:

Figure 4-43 SCP-NewFeatures Documentation

You can click any functionality to view its test cases and scenarios for each test case. For example, on click of udm_uecm_fwroute_apiroot_001_1, following screen appears:

Figure 4-44 Sample: SCP Functionality

Based on the functionalities covered under Documentation, the Build Requires Parameters screen displays test cases. To navigate back to the Pipeline SCP-NewFeatures screen, click Back to SCP-NewFeatures link available on top left corner of the screen.

Figure 4-45 Build Requires Parameters in sync with Documentation


In the above screen, you can notice that the initials of test cases are similar to the functionalities listed in the contents of Documentation screen.

SCP-Regression Pipeline

This pre-configured pipeline has all the test cases of previous releases. As this is the first release of SCP-ATS, this pipeline does not show any previous release testcases.