3 Customizing OCNRF

This section includes information about OCNRF customization.

OCNRF Configuration

This section describes about the OCNRF customization.

The OCNRF deployment is customized by overriding the default values of various configurable parameters.

Follow the below steps to customize the ocnrf-custom-values-1.7.2.yaml file as per the required parameters:
  1. Go to the Oracle Help Center (OHC) Web site.
  2. Navigate to Industries->Communications->Cloud Native Core->Release 2.2.1.
  3. Click the NRF Custom Template link to download the zip file.
  4. Unzip the file to get ocnrf-custom-configTemplates- file that contains the ocnrf-custom-configTemplates- This file is used during installation.
    • ocnrf-custom-values-1.7.2.yaml: This file is used during installation.
    • NrfDashboard-1.7.2.json: This file is used by grafana.
    • NrfAlertrules-1.7.2.yaml: This file is used for prometheus.
    • OCNRF-MIB-TC-1.7.2.mib: This is considered as OCNRF top level mib file, where the Objects and their data types are defined.
    • OCNRF-MIB-1.7.2.mib: This file fetches the Objects from the top level mib file and based on the Alert notification, these objects can be selected for display.
    • OCNRF-Configuration-OpenAPI-1.7.2.yaml: This file is OPEN API specification for OCNRF configuration.
  5. Customize the ocnrf-custom-values-1.7.2.yaml file.
  6. Save the updated ocnrf-custom-values-1.7.2.yaml file in the helm chart directory.


Refer section OCNRF Configuration Parameters to know more about the configurable parameters.

OCNRF Images

Following are the OCNRF images:

Table 3-1 OCNRF Images

Services Image Tag
<helm-release-name>-nfregistration ocnrf-nfregistration 1.7.2
<helm-release-name>-nfsubscription ocnrf-nfsubscription 1.7.2
<helm-release-name>-nfdiscovery ocnrf-nfdiscovery 1.7.2
<helm-release-name>-nrfauditor ocnrf-nrfauditor 1.7.2
<helm-release-name>-nrfconfiguration ocnrf-nrfconfiguration 1.7.2
<helm-release-name>-appinfo ocnrf-appinfo 1.7.3
<helm-release-name>-nfaccesstoken configurationinit 1.2.0
configurationupdate 1.2.0
ocnrf-nfaccesstoken 1.7.2
<helm-release-name>-egressgateway configurationinit 1.2.0
configurationupdate 1.2.0
ocegress_gateway 1.7.7
<helm-release-name>-ingressgateway configurationinit 1.2.0
configurationupdate 1.2.0
ocingress_gateway 1.7.7


IngressGateway, EgressGateway and NFAccessToken uses same configurationinit and configurationupdates docker images.

ASM Specific Configuration

Perform the following configuration changes when the OCNRF is deployed with Aspen Service Mesh (ASM):
  1. Add the following annotation to ocnrf-custom-values-1.7.2.yaml file:
      # ********  Sub-Section Start: Custom Extension Global Parameters ********
          labels: {}
            sidecar.istio.io/inject: "false"
          labels: {}
          annotations: {}
          labels: {}
            sidecar.istio.io/inject: "true"
            oracle.com/cnc: "true"
          labels: {}
          annotations: {}
          labels: {}
            sidecar.istio.io/inject: "true"
            oracle.com/cnc: "true"
      # ********  Sub-Section End: Custom Extensions Global Parameters ********
  2. Enable Service Mesh Flag under ingress-gateway section in ocnrf-custom-values-1.7.2.yaml file:
      # Mandatory: This flag needs to set it "true" is Service Mesh would be present where NRF will be deloyed
      serviceMeshCheck: true
  3. Change Ingress-Gateway and OCNRF configuration service types to ClusterIP:

    Under ingress-gateway Section

        # Service Type
        type: ClusterIP

    Under nrfconfiguration Section

        # Service Type
        type: ClusterIP
  4. Enable HTTP rewrite Probe for appinfo service:
          labels: {}
            sidecar.istio.io/rewriteAppHTTPProbers: "true"
  5. Add Kubernetes API Server IP to excludeOutbondIP List under nfaccesstoken section:
          labels: {}
            traffic.sidecar.istio.io/excludeOutboundIPRanges: <Kubernetes API Server IP Address>

OCNRF Configuration Parameters

This section includes information about the configuration parameters of OCNRF.

OCNRF allows customization of parameters for the following services and related settings.

Mandatory Configurations

Following is the mandatory parameter, which must be configured before installing OCNRF:
  • nrfInstanceId: NFInstanceID of OCNRF.

Global Parameters

Table 3-2 Global Parameters

Parameter Description Default value Mandatory (M)/Optional (O) Range or Possible Values (If applicable) Notes
mysql.primary.host Primary DB Connection Service IP or Hostname mysql-connectivity-service.occne-infra M Primary DB Connection Service HostName or IP OCNRF connects to Primary DB Connection Service if not available then it connects to Secondary DB Connection Service. For NDB Cluster, use Host/IP of the DB Connection Service.
mysql.primary.port Primary DB Connection Service 3306 M Primary DB Connection Service Port Port that is used while connecting to Primary DB Connection Service.
mysql.secondary.host Secondary DB Connection Service IP or Hostname   O Secondary DB Connection Service HostName or IP OCNRF connects to Secondary DB Connection Service only if the Primary DB Connection Service is unavailable. It again switch pack to Primary DB Connection Service one it is available. For NDB Cluster, use Host/IP of the Remote DB Connection Service (if available).
mysql.secondary.port Secondary DB Connection Service Port O Secondary DB Connection Service Port Port that is used while connecting to Secondary DB Connection Service.
nrfInstanceId OCNRF's NF Instance ID   M

This is the NfInstanceId of OCNRF that will get deployed.

Format of NfInstanceId:

Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) version 4, as described in IETF RFC 4122

e.g.: 6faf1bbc-6e4a-4454-a507-a14ef8e1bc5c

This ID is used to uniquely identify this OCNRF instance in a Geo-Redundant Deployment.

Hence it is very important that the Instance ID MUST be unique across all OCNRF deployments.

dockerRegistry Registry for docker M Docker Registry's FQDN/Port where OCNRF's docker images are available.
database.nameSpace Namespace for database connection ocnrf M

The Namespace where the Kubernetes Secret is created which contains MYSQL details.

Note: See database.name configuration for more details.

database.name Secret name for OCNRF Application user used for APP-INFO appuser-secret M

The Kubernetes Secret which contains the Database name, Database User name and the Password for OCNRF Application user.

Note: Refer OCNRF Pre-requisites section for the file format.

database.appUserSecretName Secret name for OCNRF Application user appuser-secret M  

The Kubernetes Secret which contains the Database name, Database User name and the Password for OCNRF Application user.

Note: Refer OCNRF Pre­requisites section for the file format.

database.privilegedUserSecretName Secret name for OCNRF Privileged user privilegeduser-secret M  

The Kubernetes Secret which contains the Database name, Database User name and the Password for OCNRF Privileged user.

Note: Refer OCNRF Pre­requisites section for the file format.

hookJobResources.limits.cpu Maximum amount of CPU that K8s will allow the hook job resource to use 2 O   It is the maximum CPU resource allocated to hook job.
hookJobResources.limits.memory Maximum memory that K8s will allow the hook job resource to use 2Gi O   It is the maximum Memory allocated to hook job.
hookJobResources.requests.cpu The amount of CPU that the system will guarantee for the hook job resource, and K8s will use this value to decide on which node to place the pod 1 O   It is the maximum CPU resource for requests allocated to hook job.
hookJobResources.requests.memory The memory that the system will guarantee for the hook job resource, and K8s will use this value to decide on which node to place the pod 1Gi O   It is the maximum memory for requests allocated to hook job.

ServiceAccount which is having permission for get, watch and list operation for following kubernetes resources; services, configmaps, pods, secrets and endpoints

This SeviceAccount is used for:
  • fetching MYSQL DB Details from configured kubernetes secret

  • fetching OCNRF's Private Key, OCNRF's Certificate and CA Certificate from configured kubernetes secret

  • fetching OCNRF's Private and OCNRF's Public Keys for Digitally Signing AccessTokenClaims.

  • fetching Producer/Consumer NF's Service/Endpoint details for routing messages from/to Egress/Ingress Gateways.

Refer to prerequisites for command details.
customExtension.allResources.labels Custom Labels that needs to be added to all the OCNRF k8s resources   O   This can be used to add custom label(s) to all k8s resources that will be created by OCNRF helm chart.
customExtension.allResources.annotations Custom Annotations that needs to be added to all the OCNRF k8s resources   O   This can be used to add custom annotation(s) to all k8s resources that will be created by OCNRF helm chart.
customExtension.lbServices.labels Custom Labels that needs to be added to OCNRF Services that are considered as Load Balancer type   O   This can be used to add custom label(s) to all Load Balancer Type Services that will be created by OCNRF helm chart.
customExtension.lbServices.annotations Custom Annotations that needs to be added to OCNRF Services that are considered as Load Balancer type   O   This can be used to add custom annotation(s) to all Load Balancer Type Services that will be created by OCNRF helm chart.
customExtension.lbDeployments.labels Custom Labels that needs to be added to OCNRF Deployments that are associated to a Service which is of Load Balancer type   O   This can be used to add custom label(s) to all Deployments that will be created by OCNRF helm chart which are associated to a Service which if of Load Balancer Type.
customExtension.lbDeployments.annotations Custom Annotations that needs to be added to OCNRF Deployments that are associated to a Service which is of Load Balancer type   O   This can be used to add custom annotation(s) to all Deployments that will be created by OCNRF helm chart which are associated to a Service which if of Load Balancer Type.
customExtension.nonlbServices.labels Custom Labels that needs to be added to OCNRF Services that are considered as not Load Balancer type   O   This can be used to add custom label(s) to all non-Load Balancer Type Services that will be created by OCNRF helm chart.
customExtension.nonlbServices.annotations Custom Annotations that needs to be added to OCNRF Services that are considered as not Load Balancer type   O   This can be used to add custom annotation(s) to all non-Load Balancer Type Services that will be created by OCNRF helm chart.
customExtension.nonlbDeployments.labels Custom Labels that needs to be added to OCNRF Deployments that are associated to a Service which is not of Load Balancer type   O   This can be used to add custom label(s) to all Deployments that will be created by OCNRF helm chart which are associated to a Service which if not of Load Balancer Type.
customExtension.nonlbDeployments.annotations Custom Annotations that needs to be added to OCNRF Deployments that are associated to a Service which is not of Load Balancer type   O   This can be used to add custom annotation(s) to all Deployments that will be created by OCNRF helm chart which are associated to a Service which if not of Load Balancer Type.
k8sResource.container.prefix Value that will be prefixed to all the container names of OCNRF.   O   This value will be used to prefix to all the container names of OCNRF.
k8sResource.container.suffix Value that will be suffixed to all the container names of OCNRF.   O   This value will be used to suffix to all the container names of OCNRF.

Ingress Gateway Global Parameters

Table 3-3 Ingress Gateway Global Parameters

Parameter Description Default value Mandatory (M)/Optional (O) Range or Possible Values (If applicable) Notes
staticIpAddressEnabled Static load balancer IP enabled flag false O true/false
staticIpAddress Static IP address assigned to the Load Balancer from the metalLB IP pool. <ipaddress> M, when staticIpAddressEnabledis true If Static load balancer IP needs to be set, then set staticIpAddressEnabled flag to true and provide value for staticIpAddress. Else random IP will be assigned by the metalLB from its IP Pool.
staticNodePortEnabled Static Node Port enabled flag false O true/false If Static node port needs to be set, then set staticNodePortEnabled flag to true and provide value for staticHttpNodePort or staticHttpsNodePort. Else random node port will be assigned by K8.
staticHttpNodePort HTTP node port 30080

M, when staticNodePortEnabled is true and ingress-gateway.enableIncomingHttp is true

staticHttpsNodePort HTTPs node port 30443

M, when staticNodePortEnabled is true and ingress-gateway.enableIncomingHttps is true

publicHttpSignalingPort Service Port on which OCNRF's Ingress Gateway is exposed 80 O If enableIncomingHttp is true, publicHttpSignalingPort will be used as HTTP/2.0 Port (unsecured)
publicHttpsSignallingPort Service Port on which OCNRF's Ingress Gateway is exposed 443 O If enableIncomingHttps is true, publicHttpsSignallingPort Port will be used as HTTPS/2.0 Port (secured TLS)

Ingress Gateway

Table 3-4 Ingress Gateway

Parameter Description Default value Mandatory (M)/Optional (O) Range or Possible Values (If applicable) Notes
ingress-gateway.enableIncomingHttp This flag is for enabling/disabling HTTP/2.0 (insecure) in Ingress Gateway. true O true/false

If the value is set to false, OCNRF will not accept any HTTP/2.0 (unsecured) Traffic. If the value is set to true, OCNRF will accept HTTP/2.0 (unsecured) Traffic

ingress-gateway.enableIncomingHttps This flag is for enabling/disabling HTTPS/2.0 (secure) in Ingress Gateway. false O true/false

If the value is set to false, OCNRF will not accept any HTTPS/2.0 (unsecured) Traffic. If the value is set to true, OCNRF will accept HTTPS/2.0 (unsecured) Traffic

ingress-gateway.serviceMeshCheck This flag needs to be set to "true" if Service Mesh exists where OCNRF is deployed. false O true/false If the value is set to false, OCNRF's ingress-gateway will try to create connection directly with the backend micro-services's PODs. If the value is set to true, OCNRF's ingress-gateway will try to create connection using Service FQDN of the backend micro-services.
ingress-gateway.image.name Ingress Gateway image name. ocingress_gateway O
ingress-gateway.image.tag Tag name of Ingress Gateway image OCNRF images O
ingress-gateway.image.pullPolicy This setting will tell if image need to be pulled or not IfNotPresent O Always, IfNotPresent, Never
ingress-gateway.initContainersImage.name Image Name for Ingress Gateway init container configurationinit O
ingress-gateway.initContainersImage.tag Tag name of Ingress Gateway init container OCNRF images O
ingress-gateway.initContainersImage.pullPolicy This setting will tell if image need to be pulled or not IfNotPresent O Always, IfNotPresent, Never
ingress-gateway.updateContainersImage.name Image Name for Ingress Gateway update container configurationupdate O
ingress-gateway.updateContainersImage.tag Tag name of Ingress Gateway update container OCNRF images O
ingress-gateway.updateContainersImage.pullPolicy This setting will tell if image need to be pulled or not IfNotPresent O Always, IfNotPresent, Never
ingress-gateway.jaegerTracingEnabled Flag to enable or disable the Jaeger Tracing at ingress-gateway false O true / false While making this flag as true, update the below attributes with correct values.
ingress-gateway.opentracing.jaeger.udpsender.host Host name of Jaeger Agent Service jaeger-agent.cne-infra M, if ingress-gateway.jaegerTracingEnabled is true
ingress-gateway.opentracing.jaeger.udpsender.port Port of Jaeger Agent Service 6831 M, if ingress-gateway.jaegerTracingEnabled is true
ingress-gateway.opentracing.jaeger.probabilisticSampler Jaeger message sampler 0.5 O 0 to 1 # Jaeger message sampler. Value range: 0 to 1 # e.g. Value 0: No Trace will be sent to Jaeger collector # e.g. Value 0.3: 30% of message will be sampled and will be sent to Jaeger collector # e.g. Value 1: 100% of message (i.e. all the messages) will be sampled and will be sent to Jaeger collector
ingress-gateway.cipherSuites Allowed CipherSuites for TLS1.2 M, if ingress-gateway.enableIncomingHttps is true - TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384





ingress-gateway.service.ssl.privateKey.k8SecretName Secret name that contains OCNRF Ingress gateway Private Key ocingress-secret

M, if ingress-gateway.enableIncomingHttps is true

ingress-gateway.service.ssl.privateKey.k8NameSpace Namespace in which k8SecretName is present ocnrf

M, if ingress-gateway.enableIncomingHttps is true

ingress-gateway.service.ssl.privateKey.rsa.filename OCNRF's Private Key (RSA type) file name rsa_private_key_pkcs1.pem M, if ingress-gateway.enableIncomingHttps is true and ingress-gateway.service.ssl.initialAlgorithm is RS256 If initialAlgorithm is configured as RSA, then rsa file name must be configured. Otherwise OCNRF's ingress gateway will not comeup.
ingress-gateway.service.ssl.privateKey.ecdsa.filename OCNRF's Private Key (ECDSA type) file name ssl_ecdsa_private_key.pem

M, if ingress-gateway.enableIncomingHttps is true and ingress-gateway.service.ssl.initialAlgorithm is ES256

If initialAlgorithm is configured as ECDSA, then rsa file name must be configured. Otherwise OCNRF's ingress gateway will not comeup.
ingress-gateway.service.ssl.certificate.k8SecretName Secret name that contains OCNRF's Certificate for HTTPS ocingress-secret M, if ingress-gateway.enableIncomingHttps is true This is a Secret object for OCNRFcertificate details for HTTPS.
ingress-gateway.service.ssl.certificate.k8NameSpace Namespace in which OCNRF's Certificate is present ocnrf M, if ingress-gateway.enableIncomingHttps is true
ingress-gateway.service.ssl.certificate.rsa.filename OCNRF's Certificate (RSA type) file name ssl_rsa_certificate.crt

M, if ingress-gateway.enableIncomingHttps is true and ingress-gateway.service.ssl.initialAlgorithm is RS256

If initialAlgorithm is configured as RSA, then rsa file name must be configured. Otherwise OCNRF's ingress gateway will not comeup.
ingress-gateway.service.ssl.certificate.ecdsa.filename OCNRF's Certificate (ECDSA type) file name ssl_ecdsa_certificate.crt

M, if ingress-gateway.enableIncomingHttps is true and ingress-gateway.service.ssl.initialAlgorithm is ES256

If initialAlgorithm is configured as ECDSA, then rsa file name must be configured. Otherwise OCNRF's ingress gateway will not comeup.
ingress-gateway.service.ssl.caBundle.k8SecretName Secret name that contains OCNRF's CA details for HTTPS ocingress-secret

M, if ingress-gateway.enableIncomingHttps is true

ingress-gateway.service.ssl.caBundle.k8NameSpace Namespace in which OCNRF's CA details is present ocnrf

M, if ingress-gateway.enableIncomingHttps is true

ingress-gateway.service.ssl.caBundle.filename OCNRF's CA bundle filename caroot.cer

M, if ingress-gateway.enableIncomingHttps is true

ingress-gateway.service.ssl.keyStorePassword.k8SecretName Secret name that contains keyStorePassword ocingress-secret

M, if ingress-gateway.enableIncomingHttps is true

ingress-gateway.service.ssl.keyStorePassword.k8NameSpace Namespace in which OCNRF's keystore password is present ocnrf

M, if ingress-gateway.enableIncomingHttps is true

ingress-gateway.service.ssl.keyStorePassword.fileName OCNRF's Key Store password Filename ssl_keystore.txt

M, if ingress-gateway.enableIncomingHttps is true

ingress-gateway.service.ssl.trustStorePassword.k8SecretName Secret name that contains trustStorePassword ocingress-secret

M, if ingress-gateway.enableIncomingHttps is true

ingress-gateway.service.ssl.trustStorePassword.k8NameSpace Namespace in which trustStorePassword is present ocnrf

M, if ingress-gateway.enableIncomingHttps is true

ingress-gateway.service.ssl.trustStorePassword.fileName OCNRF's trustStorePassword Filename ssl_truststore.txt

M, if ingress-gateway.enableIncomingHttps is true

ingress-gateway.service.ssl.initialAlgorithm Initial Algorithm for HTTPS RS256 O ES256, RS256 Algorithm that will be used in TLS handshake
ingress-gateway.service.log.level.root setting logging level WARN O OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL
ingress-gateway.service.log.level.ingress setting logging level WARN O OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL  
ingress-gateway.service.log.level.oauth setting logging level WARN O OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL  
ingress-gateway.service.customExtension.labels Custom Labels that needs to be added to ingress-gateway specific Service.   O   This can be used to add custom label(s) to ingress-gateway Service.
ingress-gateway.service.customExtension.annotations Custom Annotations that needs to be added to ingress-gateway specific Services.   O   This can be used to add custom annotation(s) to ingress-gateway Service.
ingress-gateway.global.type Kind of Service that will be used for this deployment LoadBalancer O ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer and ExternalName It is not recommended to change the Service Type.
ingress-gateway.deployment.customExtension.labels Custom Labels that needs to be added to ingress-gateway specific Deployment.   O   This can be used to add custom label(s) to ingress-gateway Deployment.
ingress-gateway.deployment.customExtension.annotations Custom Annotations that needs to be added to ingress-gateway specific Deployment.   O   This can be used to add custom annotation(s) to ingress-gateway Deployment.
ingress-gateway.resources.limits.cpu Maximum amount of CPU that K8s will allow the ingress-gateway service container to use 4 O   It is the maximum CPU resource allocated to ingress-gateway.
ingress-gateway.resources.limits.initServiceCpu Maximum amount of CPU that K8s will allow the ingress-gateway init container to use 1 O   It is the CPU resource allocated to ingress-gateway init container.
ingress-gateway.resources.limits.updateServiceCpu Maximum amount of CPU that K8s will allow the ingress-gateway update container to use 1 O   It is the CPU resource allocated to ingress-gateway update container.
ingress-gateway.resources.limits.memory Maximum memory that K8s will allow the ingress-gateway service container to use 4Gi O   It is the maximum Memory allocated to ingress-gateway.
ingress-gateway.resources.limits.initServiceMemory Memory Limit for ingress-gateway init container 1Gi O   It is the memory allocated to ingress-gateway init container.
ingress-gateway.resources.limits.updateServiceMemory Memory Limit for ingress-gateway update container 1Gi O   It is the memory allocated to ingress-gateway update container.
ingress-gateway.resources.requests.cpu The amount of CPU that the system will guarantee for the ingress-gateway service container, and K8s will use this value to decide on which node to place the pod 4 O   It is the maximum CPU resource allocated to ingress-gateway.
ingress-gateway.resources.requests.initServiceCpu The amount of CPU that the system will guarantee for the ingress-gateway init container, and K8s will use this value to decide on which node to place the pod 1 O   It is the CPU resource allocated to ingress-gateway init container.
ingress-gateway.resources.requests.updateServiceCpu The amount of CPU that the system will guarantee for the ingress-gateway update container, and K8s will use this value to decide on which node to place the pod 1 O   It is the CPU resource allocated to ingress-gateway update container.
ingress-gateway.resources.requests.memory The memory that the system will guarantee for the ingress-gateway service container, and K8s will use this value to decide on which node to place the pod 4Gi O   It is the maximum memory for requests allocated to ingress-gateway.
ingress-gateway.resources.requests.initServiceMemory Memory Limit for ingress-gateway init container 1Gi O   It is the memory allocated to ingress-gateway init container.
ingress-gateway.resources.requests.updateServiceMemory Memory Limit for ingress-gateway update container 1Gi O   It is the memory allocated to ingress-gateway update container.
ingress-gateway.resources.target.averageCpuUtil Target CPU utilization after which Horizontal Pod Autoscaler will be triggered. 80 O    
ingress-gateway.minReplicas Minimum number of pod that will be deployed 2 O    
ingress-gateway.maxReplicas Maximum number of pod that will be scaled up 5 O    

Egress Gateway

Table 3-5 Egress Gateway

Parameter Description Default value Mandatory (M)/ Optional (O) Range or Possible Values (If applicable) Notes
egress-gateway.enableOutgoingHttps This flag is for enabling/disabling HTTPS/2.0 (secured TLS) in Egress Gateway. false O true/false

If the value is set to false, OCNRF will not accept any HTTPS/2.0 (unsecured) Traffic. If the value is set to true, OCNRF will accept HTTPS/2.0 (unsecured) Traffic

egress-gateway.deploymentegressgateway.image Egress Gateway image name ocegress_gateway O
egress-gateway.deploymentegressgateway.imageTag tag name of image OCNRF images O
egress-gateway.deploymentegressgateway.pullPolicy This setting will tell if image need to be pulled or not IfNotPresent O Always, IfNotPresent, Never
egress-gateway.initContainersImage.name Image Name for Egress Gateway init container configurationinit O
egress-gateway.initContainersImage.tag Tag name of Egress Gateway init container OCNRF images O
egress-gateway.initContainersImage.pullPolicy This setting will tell if image need to be pulled or not IfNotPresent O Always, IfNotPresent, Never
egress-gateway.updateContainersImage.name Image Name for Egress Gateway update container configurationupdate O
egress-gateway.updateContainersImage.tag Tag name of Egress Gateway update container OCNRF images O
egress-gateway.updateContainersImage.pullPolicy This setting will tell if image need to be pulled or not IfNotPresent O Always, IfNotPresent, Never
egress-gateway.jaegerTracingEnabled Flag to enable or disable the Jaeger Tracing at egress gateway false O true / false While making this flag as true, update the below attributes with correct values.
egress-gateway.opentracing.jaeger.udpsender.host Host name of Jaeger Agent Service jaeger-agent.cne-infra

M, if egress-gateway.jaegerTracingEnabled is enabled

egress-gateway.opentracing.jaeger.udpsender.port Port of Jaeger Agent Service 6831

M, if egress-gateway.jaegerTracingEnabled is enabled

egress-gateway.opentracing.jaeger.probabilisticSampler Jaeger message sampler 0.5 O 0 to 1 # Jaeger message sampler. Value range: 0 to 1

# e.g. Value 0: No Trace will be sent to Jaeger collector

# e.g. Value 0.3: 30% of message will be sampled and will be sent to Jaeger collector

# e.g. Value 1: 100% of message (i.e. all the messages) will be sampled and will be sent to Jaeger collector

egress-gateway.scpIntegrationEnabled Using SCP as an Proxy in Egress Gateway false O true/false If it is configured as false, SCP will not be used as an proxy. Messages will be directly sent to the Producers/HTTP Servers. If it is configured as true, SCP will be used as an Proxy for delivering messages to the Producers/HTTP Servers.
egress-gateway.scpHttpHost SCP Configuration For Egress Gateway localhost

M, if egress-gateway.scpIntegrationEnabled is true

All the SCP related configuration will be used only if scpIntegrationEnabled is set to true. SCP's HTTP Host/IP and Port Combination. This will be while sending HTTP/2.0 (unsecured) traffic.
egress-gateway.scpHttpPort SCP's HTTP Port 80

M, if egress-gateway.scpIntegrationEnabled is true

egress-gateway.scpHttpsHost SCP Configuration For Egress Gateway localhost

M, if egress-gateway.scpIntegrationEnabled is true

All the SCP related configuration will be used only if scpIntegrationEnabled is set to true. SCP's HTTP Host/IP and Port Combination. This will be while sending HTTP/2.0 (unsecured) traffic.
egress-gateway.scpHttpsPort SCP's HTTPS Port 443

M, if egress-gateway.scpIntegrationEnabled is true

This will be while sending HTTPS/2.0 (unsecured) traffic.
egress-gateway.scpApiPrefix SCP's API Prefix. (Applicable only for SCP with TLS enabled) / O This will be used for constructing the Egress messgage's APIROOT while proxying message to SCP. Change this value to SCP's apiprefix. "/" is not expected to be provided along.
egress-gateway.scpDefaultScheme SCP's default scheme when 3gpp-sbi-target-apiroot header is missing https O
egress-gateway.cipherSuites Allowed CipherSuites for TLS1.2 M, if egress-gateway.enableOutgoingHttps is true - TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384





egress-gateway.service.ssl.privateKey.k8SecretName Secret name that contains OCNRF Egress gateway Private Key ocegress-secret M, if egress-gateway.enableOutgoingHttps is true
egress-gateway.service.ssl.privateKey.k8NameSpace Namespace in which k8SecretName is present ocnrf M, if egress-gateway.enableOutgoingHttps is true
egress-gateway.service.ssl.privateKey.rsa.filename OCNRF's Private Key (RSA type) file name ssl_rsa_private_key.pem M, if egress-gateway.enableOutgoingHttps is true and egress-gateway.service.ssl.initialAlgorithm is RS256 If initialAlgorithm is configured as RSA, then rsa file name must be configured. Otherwise OCNRF's egress gateway will not comeup.
egress-gateway.service.ssl.privateKey.ecdsa.filename OCNRF's Private Key (ECDSA type) file name ssl_ecdsa_private_key.pem M, if egress-gateway.enableOutgoingHttps is true and egress-gateway.service.ssl.initialAlgorithm is ES256 If initialAlgorithm is configured as ECDSA, then rsa file name must be configured. Otherwise OCNRF's egress gateway will not comeup.
egress-gateway.service.ssl.certificate.k8SecretName Secret name that contains OCNRF's Certificate for HTTPS ocegress-secret M, if egress-gateway.enableOutgoingHttps is true This is a Secret object for OCNRFcertificate details for HTTPS.
egress-gateway.service.ssl.certificate.k8NameSpace Namespace in which OCNRF's Certificate is present ocnrf M, if egress-gateway.enableOutgoingHttps is true
egress-gateway.service.ssl.certificate.rsa.filename OCNRF's Certificate (RSA type) file name ssl_rsa_certificate.crt M, if egress-gateway.enableOutgoingHttps is true and egress-gateway.service.ssl.initialAlgorithm is RS256 If initialAlgorithm is configured as RSA, then rsa file name must be configured. Otherwise OCNRF's egress gateway will not comeup.
egress-gateway.service.ssl.certificate.ecdsa.filename OCNRF's Certificate (ECDSA type) file name ssl_ecdsa_certificate.crt M, if egress-gateway.enableOutgoingHttps is true and egress-gateway.service.ssl.initialAlgorithm is ES256 If initialAlgorithm is configured as ECDSA, then rsa file name must be configured. Otherwise OCNRF's egress gateway will not comeup.
egress-gateway.service.ssl.caBundle.k8SecretName Secret name that contains OCNRF's CA details for HTTPS ocegress-secret M, if egress-gateway.enableOutgoingHttps is true
egress-gateway.service.ssl.caBundle.k8NameSpace Namespace in which OCNRF's CA details is present ocnrf M, if egress-gateway.enableOutgoingHttps is true
egress-gateway.service.ssl.caBundle.filename OCNRF's CA bundle filename ssl_cabundle.crt M, if egress-gateway.enableOutgoingHttps is true
egress-gateway.service.ssl.keyStorePassword.k8SecretName Secret name that contains keyStorePassword ocegress-secret M, if egress-gateway.enableOutgoingHttps is true
egress-gateway.service.ssl.keyStorePassword.k8NameSpace Namespace in which OCNRF's keystore password is present ocnrf M, if egress-gateway.enableOutgoingHttps is true
egress-gateway.service.ssl.keyStorePassword.fileName OCNRF's Key Store password Filename ssl_keystore.txt M, if egress-gateway.enableOutgoingHttps is true
egress-gateway.service.ssl.trustStorePassword.k8SecretName Secret name that contains trustStorePassword ocegress-secret M, if egress-gateway.enableOutgoingHttps is true
egress-gateway.service.ssl.trustStorePassword.k8NameSpace Namespace in which trustStorePassword is present ocnrf M, if egress-gateway.enableOutgoingHttps is true
egress-gateway.service.ssl.trustStorePassword.fileName OCNRF's trustStorePassword Filename ssl_truststore.txt M, if egress-gateway.enableOutgoingHttps is true
egress-gateway.service.ssl.initialAlgorithm Initial Algorithm for HTTPS RS256 O ES256, RS256 Algorithm that will be used in TLS handshake
egress-gateway.service.log.level.root setting logging level WARN O OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL
egress-gateway.service.log.level.egress setting logging level WARN O OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL  
egress-gateway.service.log.level.oauth setting logging level WARN O OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL  
egress-gateway.service.customExtension.labels Custom Labels that needs to be added to egress-gateway specific Service   O   This can be used to add custom label(s) to egress-gateway Service
egress-gateway.service.customExtension.annotations Custom Annotations that needs to be added to egress-gateway specific Services   O   This can be used to add custom annotation(s) to egress-gateway Service
egress-gateway.service.type Kind of Service that will be used for this Deployment LoadBalancer O ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer and ExternalName It is not recommended to change the Service Type.
egress-gateway.deployment.customExtension.labels Custom Labels that needs to be added to egress-gateway specific Deployment   O   This can be used to add custom label(s) to egress-gateway Deployment.
egress-gateway.deployment.customExtension.annotations Custom Annotations that needs to be added to egress-gateway specific Deployment   O   This can be used to add custom annotation(s) to egress-gateway Deployment.
egress-gateway.resources.limits.cpu Maximum amount of CPU that K8s will allow the egress-gateway service container to use 4 O   It is the maximum CPU resource allocated to egress-gateway.
egress-gateway.resources.limits.initServiceCpu Maximum amount of CPU that K8s will allow the egress-gateway init container to use 1 O   It is the CPU resource allocated to egress-gateway init container.
egress-gateway.resources.limits.updateServiceCpu Maximum amount of CPU that K8s will allow the egress-gateway update container to use 1 O   It is the CPU resource allocated to egress-gateway update container.
egress-gateway.resources.limits.memory Maximum memory that K8s will allow the egress-gateway update container to use 4Gi O   It is the maximum Memory allocated to egress-gateway.
egress-gateway.resources.limits.initServiceMemory Memory Limit for egress-gateway init container 1Gi O   It is the memory allocated to egress-gateway init container.
egress-gateway.resources.limits.updateServiceMemory Memory Limit for egress-gateway update container 1Gi O   It is the memory allocated to egress-gateway update container.
egress-gateway.resources.requests.cpu The amount of CPU that the system will guarantee for the egress-gateway service container, and K8s will use this value to decide on which node to place the pod 4 O   It is the maximum CPU resource allocated to egress-gateway.
egress-gateway.resources.requests.initServiceCpu The amount of CPU that the system will guarantee for the egress-gateway init container, and K8s will use this value to decide on which node to place the pod 1 O   It is the CPU resource allocated to egress-gateway init container.
egress-gateway.resources.requests.updateServiceCpu The amount of CPU that the system will guarantee for the egress-gateway update container, and K8s will use this value to decide on which node to place the pod 1 O   It is the CPU resource allocated to egress-gateway update container.
egress-gateway.resources.requests.memory The memory that the system will guarantee for the egress-gateway service container, and K8s will use this value to decide on which node to place the pod 4Gi O   It is the maximum memory for requests allocated to egress-gateway.
egress-gateway.resources.requests.initServiceMemory Memory Limit for egress-gateway init container 1Gi O   It is the memory allocated to egress-gateway init container.
egress-gateway.resources.requests.updateServiceMemory Memory Limit for egress-gateway update container 1Gi O   It is the memory allocated to egress-gateway update container.
egress-gateway.resources.target.averageCpuUtil Target CPU utilization after which Horizontal Pod Autoscaler will be triggered. 80 O    
egress-gateway.minReplicas Minimum number of pod that will be deployed 2 O    
egress-gateway.maxReplicas Maximum number of pod that will be scaled up 5 O    

NF Registration Micro service (nfregistration)

Table 3-6 NF Registration

Parameter Description Default value Mandatory (M) /Optional (O) Range or Possible Values (If applicable) Notes
nfregistration.image.name Full Image Path ocnrf-nfregistration O Full image path of image
nfregistration.image.tag Tag of Image OCNRF images O Tag of image in docker repository
nfregistration.image.pullPolicy This setting will tell if image need to be pulled or not IfNotPresent O Always, IfNotPresent, Never
nfregistration.log.level Logging level WARN O OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL Logging level
nfregistration.service.customExtension.labels Custom Labels that needs to be added to nfregistration specific Service   O   This can be used to add custom label(s) to nfregistration Service
nfregistration.service.customExtension.annotations Custom Annotations that needs to be added to nfregistration specific Services   O   This can be used to add custom annotation(s) to nfregistration Service
nfregistration.service.type Service that will be used for this Deployment ClusterIP O ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer and ExternalName It is not recommended to change the Service Type.
nfregistration.deployment.customExtension.labels Custom Labels that needs to be added to nfregistration specific Deployment   O   This can be used to add custom label(s) to nfregistration Deployment
nfregistration.deployment.customExtension.annotations Custom Annotations that needs to be added to nfregistration specific Deployment   O   This can be used to add custom annotation(s) to nfregistration Deployment
nfregistration.resources.limits.cpu Maximum amount of CPU that K8s will allow the nfregistration service container to use 4 O   It is the maximum CPU resource allocated to nfregistration Deployment.
nfregistration.resources.limits.memory Maximum memory that K8s will allow the nfregistration service container to use 2Gi O   It is the maximum Memory allocated to nfregistration Deployment.
nfregistration.resources.requests.cpu The amount of CPU that the system will guarantee for the nfregistration service container, and K8s will use this value to decide on which node to place the pod 4 O   It is the maximum CPU resource allocated to nfregistration Deployment.
nfregistration.resources.requests.memory The memory that the system will guarantee for the nfregistration, and K8s will use this value to decide on which node to place the pod 2Gi O   It is the maximum memory for requests allocated to nfregistration Deployment.
nfregistration.resources.target.averageCpuUtil Target CPU utilization after which Horizontal Pod Autoscaler will be triggered. 80 O    
nfregistration.minReplicas Minimum number of pod that will be deployed 2 O    
nfregistration.maxReplicas Maximum number of pod that will be scaled up 7 O    
nfregistration.responseCompressionGzip To enable/disable gzip compression true O true/false  

NF Subscription Micro service (nfsubscription)

Table 3-7 NF Subscription

Parameter Description Default value Mandatory (M) /Optional (O) Range or Possible Values (If applicable) Notes
nfsubscription.image.name Full Image Path ocnrf-nfsubscription O Full image path of image  
nfsubscription.image.tag Tag of Image OCNRF images O Tag of image in docker repository  
nfsubscription.image.pullPolicy This setting will tell if image need to be pulled or not IfNotPresent O Always, IfNotPresent, Never  
nfsubscription.log.level Logging level WARN O OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL  
nfsubscription.service.customExtension.labels Custom Labels that needs to be added to nfsubscription specific Service   O   This can be used to add custom label(s) to nfsubscription Service
nfsubscription.service.customExtension.annotations Custom Annotations that needs to be added to nfsubscription specific Services   O   This can be used to add custom annotation(s) to nfsubscription Service
nfsubscription.service.type Kind of Service that will be used for this Deployment ClusterIP O ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer and ExternalName It is not recommended to change the Service Type.
nfsubscription.deployment.customExtension.labels Custom Labels that needs to be added to nfsubscription specific Deployment   O   This can be used to add custom label(s) to nfsubscription Deployment.
nfsubscription.deployment.customExtension.annotations Custom Annotations that needs to be added to nfsubscription specific Deployment   O   This can be used to add custom annotation(s) to nfsubscription Deployment.
nfsubscription.resources.limits.cpu Maximum amount of CPU that K8s will allow the nfsubscription service container to use 2 O   It is the maximum CPU resource allocated to nfsubscription Deployment.
nfsubscription.resources.limits.memory Maximum memory that K8s will allow the nfsubscription service container to use 2Gi O   It is the maximum Memory allocated to nfsubscription Deployment.
nfsubscription.resources.requests.cpu The amount of CPU that the system will guarantee for the nfsubscription service container, and K8s will use this value to decide on which node to place the pod 2 O   It is the maximum CPU resource allocated to nfsubscription Deployment.
nfsubscription.resources.requests.memory The memory that the system will guarantee for the nfsubscription, and K8s will use this value to decide on which node to place the pod 2Gi O   It is the maximum memory for requests allocated to nfsubscription Deployment.
nfsubscription.resources.target.averageCpuUtil Target CPU utilization after which Horizontal Pod Autoscaler will be triggered. 80 O    
nfsubscription.minReplicas Minimum number of pod that will be deployed 2 O    
nfsubscription.maxReplicas Maximum number of pod that will be scaled up 7 O    

OCNRF Auditor Micro service (nrfauditor)

Table 3-8 OCNRF Auditor

Parameter Description Default value Mandatory (M) /Optional (O) Range or Possible Values (If applicable) Notes
nrfauditor.image.name Full Image Path ocnrf-nrfauditor O Full image path of image  
nrfauditor.image.tag Tag of Image OCNRF images O Tag of image in docker repository  
nrfauditor.image.pullPolicy This setting indicates if the image needs to be pulled or not IfNotPresent O Always, IfNotPresent, Never  
nrfauditor.log.level Logging level WARN O OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL  
nrfauditor.service.customExtension.labels Custom Labels that needs to be added to nrfauditor specific Service   O   This can be used to add custom label(s) to nrfauditor Service
nrfauditor.service.customExtension.annotations Custom Annotations that needs to be added to nrfauditor specific Services   O   This can be used to add custom annotation(s) to nrfauditor Service
nrfauditor.service.type Kind of Service that will be used for this Deployment ClusterIP O ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer and ExternalName It is not recommended to change the Service Type
nrfauditor.deployment.customExtension.labels Custom Labels that needs to be added to nrfauditor specific Deployment   O   This can be used to add custom label(s) to nrfauditor Deployment
nrfauditor.deployment.customExtension.annotations Custom Annotations that needs to be added to nrfauditor specific Deployment   O   This can be used to add custom annotation(s) to nrfauditor Deployment
nrfauditor.resources.limits.cpu Maximum amount of CPU that K8s will allow the nrfauditor service container to use 6 O   It is the maximum CPU resource allocated to nrfauditor Deployment.
nrfauditor.resources.limits.memory Maximum memory that K8s will allow the nrfauditor service container to use 3Gi O   It is the maximum Memory allocated to nrfauditor Deployment.
nrfauditor.resources.requests.cpu The amount of CPU that the system will guarantee for the nrfauditor service container, and K8s will use this value to decide on which node to place the pod 6 O   It is the maximum CPU resource allocated to nrfauditor Deployment.
nrfauditor.resources.requests.memory The memory that the system will guarantee for the nrfauditor, and K8s will use this value to decide on which node to place the pod 3Gi O   It is the maximum memory for requests allocated to nrfauditor Deployment.

NF Discovery Micro service (nfdiscovery)

Table 3-9 NF Discovery

Parameter Description Default value Mandatory (M) /Optional (O) Range or Possible Values (If applicable) Notes
nfdiscovery.image.name Full Image Path ocnrf-nfdiscovery O Full image path of image  
nfdiscovery.image.tag Tag of Image OCNRF images O Tag of image in docker repository  
nfdiscovery.image.pullPolicy This setting determines if image needs to be pulled or not IfNotPresent O Always, IfNotPresent, Never  
nfdiscovery.log.level Logging level WARN O OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL  
nfdiscovery.service.customExtension.labels Custom Labels that needs to be added to nfdiscovery specific Service   O   This can be used to add custom label(s) to nfdiscovery Service
nfdiscovery.service.customExtension.annotations Custom Annotations that needs to be added to nfdiscovery specific Services   O   This can be used to add custom annotation(s) to nfdiscovery Service
nfdiscovery.service.type Kind of Service that will be used for this Deployment ClusterIP O ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer and ExternalName  
nfdiscovery.deployment.customExtension.labels Custom Labels that needs to be added to nfdiscovery specific Deployment   O   This can be used to add custom label(s) to nfdiscovery Deployment
nfdiscovery.deployment.customExtension.annotations Custom Annotations that needs to be added to nfdiscovery specific Deployment   O   This can be used to add custom annotation(s) to nfdiscovery Deployment
nfdiscovery.resources.limits.cpu Maximum amount of CPU that K8s will allow the nfdiscovery service container to use 4 O   It is the maximum CPU resource allocated to nfdiscovery Deployment.
nfdiscovery.resources.limits.memory Maximum memory that K8s will allow the nfdiscovery service container to use 2Gi O   It is the maximum Memory allocated to nfdiscovery Deployment.
nfdiscovery.resources.requests.cpu The amount of CPU that the system will guarantee for the nfdiscovery service container, and K8s will use this value to decide on which node to place the pod 4 O   It is the maximum CPU resource allocated to nfdiscovery Deployment.
nfdiscovery.resources.requests.memory The memory that the system will guarantee for the nfdiscovery, and K8s will use this value to decide on which node to place the pod 2Gi O   It is the maximum memory for requests allocated to nfdiscovery Deployment.
nfdiscovery.resources.target.averageCpuUtil Target CPU utilization after which Horizontal Pod Autoscaler will be triggered. 80 O    
nfdiscovery.minReplicas Minimum number of pod that will be deployed 2 O    
nfdiscovery.maxReplicas Maximum number of pod that will be scaled up 7 O    

OCNRF Configuration

Table 3-10 OCNRF Configuration

Parameter Description Default value Mandatory (M) /Optional (O) Range or Possible Values (If applicable) Notes
image.name Full Image Path nrfconfiguration O Full image path of image
image.tag Tag of Image OCNRF images O Tag of image in docker repository
image.pullPolicy This setting determines if image needs to be pulled or not IfNotPresent O Always, IfNotPresent, Never
log.level Logging level WARN O OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE
service.staticIpAddressEnabled Static load balancer IP enabled flag false O If Static load balancer IP needs to be set, then set staticIpAddressEnabled flag to true and provide value for staticIpAddress. Else random IP will be assigned by the metalLB from its IP Pool
service.staticIpAddress Static load balancer IP <ipaddress>

M, if nrfconfiguration.service.metalLbIpAllocationEnabled is true

Static IP address assigned to the Load Balancer from the metalLB IP pool.
service.staticNodePortEnabled Static Node Port enabled flag false O If Static node port needs to be set, then set staticNodePortEnabled flag to true and provide value for staticNodePort, else random node port will be assigned by K8
service.staticNodePort Static Node Port 30076

M, if nrfconfiguration.service.staticIpAddressEnabled is enabled.

If Static node port needs to be set, then set staticNodePortEnabled flag to true and provide value for staticNodePort

Else random node port will be assigned by K8

nrfconfiguration.service.customExtension.labels Custom Labels that needs to be added to nrfconfiguration specific Service   O   This can be used to add custom label(s) to nrfconfiguration Service
nrfconfiguration.service.customExtension.annotations Custom Annotations that needs to be added to nrfconfiguration specific Services   O   This can be used to add custom annotation(s) to nrfconfiguration Service
nrfconfiguration.service.type Kind of Service that will be used for this Deployment LoadBalancer O ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer and ExternalName It is not recommended to change the Service Type.
nrfconfiguration.deployment.customExtension.labels Custom Labels that needs to be added to nrfconfiguration specific Deployment   O   This can be used to add custom label(s) to nrfconfiguration Deployment
nrfconfiguration.deployment.customExtension.annotations Custom Annotations that needs to be added to nrfconfiguration specific Deployment   O   This can be used to add custom annotation(s) to nrfconfiguration Deployment.
nrfconfiguration.resources.limits.cpu Maximum amount of CPU that K8s will allow the nrfconfiguration service container to use 2 O   It is the maximum CPU resource allocated to nrfconfiguration Deployment.
nrfconfiguration.resources.limits.memory Maximum memory that K8s will allow the nrfconfiguration service container to use 2Gi O   It is the maximum Memory allocated to nrfconfiguration Deployment.
nrfconfiguration.resources.requests.cpu The amount of CPU that the system will guarantee for the nrfconfiguration service container, and K8s will use this value to decide on which node to place the pod 2 O   It is the maximum CPU resource allocated to nrfconfiguration Deployment.
nrfconfiguration.resources.requests.memory The memory that the system will guarantee for the nrfconfiguration, and K8s will use this value to decide on which node to place the pod 2Gi O   It is the maximum memory for requests allocated to nrfconfiguration Deployment.
nrfconfiguration.resources.target.averageCpuUtil Target CPU utilization after which Horizontal Pod Autoscaler will be triggered. 80 O    

NF Access Token (nfaccesstoken)

Table 3-11 NF Access Token

Parameter Description Default value Mandatory (M) / Optional (O) Range or Possible Values (If applicable) Notes
nfaccesstoken.enabled Flag to disable Oauth functionality true O true / false If AccessToken service is not required, operator can choose to set it as false so that nfAccessToken micro-service will not be deployed.
nfaccesstoken.image.name Full Image Path for access token service container ocnrf-nfaccesstoken O Full image path of image
nfaccesstoken.image.tag Tag of Image OCNRF images O Tag of image in docker repository
nfaccesstoken.image.pullPolicy This setting will tell if image need to be pulled or not IfNotPresent O Always IfNotPresent Never
nfaccesstoken.initContainersImage.name Full Image Path for init container configurationinit O Image Name for Access token Key certificate infrastructure This image is used by OCNRF gateway for Key/Certificate infrastructure.
nfaccesstoken.initContainersImage.tag Tag of Image OCNRF images O Tag of image in docker repository
nfaccesstoken.initContainersImage.pullPolicy This setting will tell if image need to be pulled or not IfNotPresent O Always IfNotPresent Never
nfaccesstoken.updateContainersImage.name Full Image Path for update container configurationupdate O Image Name for Access token Key certificate infrastructure
nfaccesstoken.updateContainersImage.tag Tag of Image OCNRF images O Tag of image in docker repository
nfaccesstoken.updateContainersImage.pullPolicy This setting will tell if image need to be pulled or not IfNotPresent O Always IfNotPresent Never
nfaccesstoken.oauth.nrfInstanceId OCNRF's NF Instance ID that is used for signing AccessTokenClaim 6faf1bbc-6e4a-4454-a507-a14ef8e1bc5c M   This is NRF Instance ID that will be used for signing AccessTokenClaim (is IE of AccessTokenClaim). If NRF needs to issue AccessTokenClaim using its own NF instance ID then the nrfInstanceId configured in the global section (global.nrfInstanceId) needs to configured here again. If NRF needs to issue AccessTokenClaim using a common/virtual then a common/virtual NF instance ID needs to be configured here (along with the common/virtual PrivateKey and Certificate Pair). The same NF instance id and PrivateKey and Certificate Pair needs to be configured in all other NRFs as well so that tokens issues by all the NRF can be validated using a Single NfInstanceId and KeyPair.
nfaccesstoken.oauth.privateKey.k8SecretName Secret name that contains OCNRF Private key ocnrfaccesstoken-secret M, if nfaccesstoken.enabled is true This is a Secret object for OCNRFPrivate Key.
nfaccesstoken.oauth.privateKey.k8NameSpace Namespace in which OCNRF Private key is present ocnrf M, if nfaccesstoken.enabled is true
nfaccesstoken.oauth.privateKey.rsa.filename OCNRF's Private Key (RSA type) file name rsa_private_key.pem M, if nfaccesstoken.enabled is true and nfaccesstoken.oauth.initialAlgorithm is RS256 If initialAlgorithm is configured as RSA, then rsa file name must be configured. Otherwise OCNRF gateway will not comeup.
nfaccesstoken.oauth.privateKey.ecdsa.filename ECDSA key file names ecdsa_private_key.pem M, if nfaccesstoken.enabled is true and nfaccesstoken.oauth.initialAlgorithm is ES256 If initialAlgorithm is configured as ECDSA, then rsa file name must be configured. Otherwise OCNRF's NFAccessToken microservice will not comeup.
nfaccesstoken.oauth.certificate.k8SecretName Secret name that contains OCNRF's certificate ocnrfaccesstoken-secret M, if nfaccesstoken.enabled is true This is a Secret object for OCNRFcertificate details for HTTPS.
nfaccesstoken.oauth.certificate.k8NameSpace Namespace in which k8SecretName is present ocnrf M, if nfaccesstoken.enabled is true
nfaccesstoken.oauth.certificate.rsa.filename OCNRF's certificate (RSA type) file name rsa_certificate.crt M, if nfaccesstoken.enabled is true and nfaccesstoken.oauth.initialAlgorithm is RS256 If initialAlgorithm is configured as RSA, then rsa file name must be configured. Otherwise OCNRF's NFAccessToken microservice will not comeup.
nfaccesstoken.oauth.certificate.ecdsa.filename OCNRF's certificate (ECDSA type) file name ecdsa_certificate.crt M, if nfaccesstoken.enabled is true and nfaccesstoken.oauth.initialAlgorithm is ES256 If initialAlgorithm is configured as ECDSA, then rsa file name must be configured. Otherwise OCNRF's NFAccessToken microservice will not comeup.
nfaccesstoken.oauth.keyStorePassword.k8SecretName Secret name that contains OCNRF's keystore password ocnrfaccesstoken-secret M, if nfaccesstoken.enabled is true
nfaccesstoken.oauth.keyStorePassword.k8NameSpace Namespace in which OCNRF's keystore password is present ocnrf M, if nfaccesstoken.enabled is true Password that is used for creating in-memory Java Key Store (JKS)
nfaccesstoken.oauth.keyStorePassword.filename KeyStore password file keystore_password.txt M, if nfaccesstoken.enabled is true
nfaccesstoken.oauth.initialAlgorithm Initial Algorithm for Access Token key certificate infrastructure ES256 O ES256, RS256
nfaccesstoken.log.level Logging level WARN O OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE
nfaccesstoken.service.customExtension.labels Custom Labels that needs to be added to nfaccesstoken specific Service   O   This can be used to add custom label(s) to nfaccesstoken Service
nfaccesstoken.service.customExtension.annotations Custom Annotations that needs to be added to nfaccesstoken specific Services   O   This can be used to add custom annotation(s) to nfaccesstoken Service
nfaccesstoken.service.type Kind of Service that will be used for this Deployment ClusterIP O ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer and ExternalName It is not recommended to change the Service Type.
nfaccesstoken.deployment.customExtension.labels Custom Labels that needs to be added to nfaccesstoken specific Deployment   O   This can be used to add custom label(s) to nfaccesstoken Deployment
nfaccesstoken.deployment.customExtension.annotations Custom Annotations that needs to be added to nfaccesstoken specific Deployment   O   This can be used to add custom annotation(s) to nfaccesstoken Deployment
nfaccesstoken.resources.limits.cpu Maximum amount of CPU that K8s will allow the nfaccesstoken service container to use 4 O   It is the maximum CPU resource allocated to nfaccesstoken.
nfaccesstoken.resources.limits.initServiceCpu Maximum amount of CPU that K8s will allow the nfaccesstoken initi container to use 1 O   It is the CPU resource allocated to nfaccesstoken init container.
nfaccesstoken.resources.limits.updateServiceCpu Maximum amount of CPU that K8s will allow the nfaccesstoken update container to use 1 O   It is the CPU resource allocated to nfaccesstoken update container.
nfaccesstoken.resources.limits.memory Maximum memory that K8s will allow the nfaccesstoken service container to use 2Gi O   It is the maximum Memory allocated to nfaccesstoken.
nfaccesstoken.resources.limits.initServiceMemory Memory Limit for nfaccesstoken init container 1Gi O   It is the memory allocated to nfaccesstoken init container.
nfaccesstoken.resources.limits.updateServiceMemory Memory Limit for nfaccesstoken update container 1Gi O   It is the memory allocated to nfaccesstoken update container.
nfaccesstoken.resources.requests.cpu The amount of CPU that the system will guarantee for the nfaccesstoken service container, and K8s will use this value to decide on which node to place the pod 4 O   It is the maximum CPU resource allocated to nfaccesstoken.
nfaccesstoken.resources.requests.initServiceCpu The amount of CPU that the system will guarantee for the nfaccesstoken initicontainer, and K8s will use this value to decide on which node to place the pod 1 O   It is the CPU resource allocated to nfaccesstoken init container.
nfaccesstoken.resources.requests.updateServiceCpu The amount of CPU that the system will guarantee for the nfaccesstoken update container, and K8s will use this value to decide on which node to place the pod 1 O   It is the CPU resource allocated to nfaccesstoken update container.
nfaccesstoken.resources.requests.memory The memory that the system will guarantee for the nfaccesstoken, and K8s will use this value to decide on which node to place the pod 2Gi O   It is the maximum memory for requests allocated to nfaccesstoken.
nfaccesstoken.resources.requests.initServiceMemory Memory Limit for nfaccesstoken init container 1Gi O   It is the memory allocated to nfaccesstoken init container.
nfaccesstoken.resources.requests.updateServiceMemory Memory Limit for nfaccesstoken update container 1Gi O   It is the memory allocated to nfaccesstoken update container.
nfaccesstoken.resources.target.averageCpuUtil Target CPU utilization after which Horizontal Pod Autoscaler will be triggered. 80 O    
nfaccesstoken.minReplicas Minimum number of pod that will be deployed 2 O    
nfaccesstoken.maxReplicas Maximum number of pod that will be scaled up 7 O    

Application Info

Table 3-12 Application Info (appinfo)

Parameter Description Default value Mandatory (M) /Optional (O) Range or Possible Values (If applicable) Notes
appinfo.image.name Full Image Path app_info O Full image path of image  
appinfo.image.tag Tag of Image OCNRF images O Tag of image in docker repository  
appinfo.pullPolicy This setting will tell if image need to be pulled or not IfNotPresent O Always IfNotPresent Never  
appinfo.resources.limits.cpu Maximum amount of CPU that K8s will allow the appinfo service container to use 200m O   It is the maximum CPU resource allocated to appinfo Deployment.
appinfo.resources.limits.memory Maximum memory that K8s will allow the appinfo service container to use 1Gi O   It is the maximum Memory allocated to appinfo Deployment.
appinfo.resources.requests.cpu The amount of CPU that the system will guarantee for the appinfo service container, and K8s will use this value to decide on which node to place the pod 200m O   It is the maximum CPU resource allocated to appinfo Deployment.
appinfo.resources.requests.memory The memory that the system will guarantee for the appinfo serv, and K8s will use this value to decide on which node to place the pod 1Gi O   It is the maximum memory for requests allocated to appinfo Deployment.
appinfo.service.type Kind of Service that will be used for this Deployment ClusterIP O ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer and ExternalName It is not recommended to change the Service Type
appinfo.service.customExtension.labels Custom Labels that needs to be added to appinfo specific Service   O   This can be used to add custom label(s) to nfaccesstoken Service
appinfo.service.customExtension.annotations Custom Annotations that needs to be added to appinfo specific Services   O   This can be used to add custom annotation(s) to nfaccesstoken Service
appinfo.deployment.customExtension.labels Custom Labels that needs to be added to appinfo specific Deployment   O   This can be used to add custom label(s) to nfaccesstoken Deployment
appinfo.deployment.customExtension.annotations Custom Annotations that needs to be added to appinfo specific Deployment   O   This can be used to add custom annotation(s) to nfaccesstoken Deployment