5 Configuring Cloud Native Core Policy

This section provides the information for configuring Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Policy (CNC Policy) for various services.

CNC Policy offers the following interfaces to configure the CNC Policy solution:

For more information on configurations using GUI, see Configuring Cloud Native Core Policy Using Cloud Native Core Console.

For REST API information, please refer Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Policy REST Specification Document.

Configuring PCRF-Core Host in Config Map

To Configure PCRF-Core host in config map:
  1. Edit the "ocpm-diam-gateway-config-peers" config map by executing the following command: kubectl edit configmap ocpm-diam-gateway-config-peers -n <namespace>
  2. In the configmap, configure the pcrf-core host with the headless service name of pcrf-core.
    For Example,
          - name: 'pcrf-core'
            type: 'pcrf'
            responseOnly: true
            host: "ocpcrf-pcrf-core"
            port: 3868
            realm: ''
            identity: ''
    PCRF-Core Service Name:
    NAME                      TYPE          CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                                       AGE
    ocpcrf-pcrf-core                   ClusterIP      None            <none>        3868/TCP,5809/TCP,9000/TCP                                    65m
    ocpcrf-pcrf-core-service           NodePort   <none>        3868:31787/TCP,9080:31463/TCP,5809:30513/TCP,9000:32401/TCP   65m