3 Using Unified Data Repository (UDR) Console

In this chapter, you will learn to login to CNC Console application and configure global and service parameters on UDR. The service configuration includes data repository service, notify service and NRF client service. The CNC Console also allows you to perform provisioning operations for profile-data, PCF, SLF, UDM and schema management.

Logging into CNC Console

A user can use UDR integrated with CNC Console only after logging successfully into the CNC Console application. In order to login successfully to the CNC Console, the user needs to make the following updates to the hosts file available at the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc location.

In the Windows system, user needs to open the hosts file in the notepad as an Administrator and append the following set of lines at the end:

Example: cncc-iam-ingress-gateway.cncc.svc.cluster.local cncc-core-ingress-gateway.cncc.svc.cluster.local


The IP Address in the above lines may change when deloyment cluster changes.

Save and close the notepad.

To login to CNC Console:
  1. Type http://cncc-core-ingress-gateway.cncc.svc.cluster.local:<PortNumber>/ in the web browser and press Enter. Following screen appears:

    Figure 3-1 CNC Console Login Screen

    CNC Console Login Screen
  2. Enter the Username and Password and click Log In. Following screen appears:

    Figure 3-2 CNC Console Home Page


    This is the CNC Console Home Page from where a user can navigate to different NF services. To use UDR services integrated with CNC Console, click UDR in the left navigation pane.

Global Configurations

To access the Global Configurations screen, click UDR → Global Configurations in the left navigation pane of the CNC Console application. The following screen appears:

Figure 3-3 Global Configurations

The Global Configurations screen displays value of some global parameters like:
  • DB Service Name: displays the name of the DB Service
  • UDR Services: displays 'All' when all the UDR services are engaged
  • Egress Gw Enabled: displays 'true' when egress gateway is enabled and 'false' when egress gateway is not enabled.
  • UDSF Enabled: displays 'true' when UDSF is enabled and 'false' when UDSF is not enabled.

These values are extracted from the database and on every Helm upgrade, users need to click the Refresh icon to view the latest values.

Service Configurations

To configure UDR services using CNC Console, you can use Service Configurations. In the left navigation pane of the CNC Console application, click UDR → Service Configurations.

Using Service Configurations, UDR users can configure following services:

Data Repository Service

Click UDR → Service Configurations → Data Repository Service. The Data Repository Service Configurations screen appears as shown below:

Figure 3-4 Data Repository Service Configurations

The following table explains the Data Repository Service Configurations screen in detail:
Field Name Default Value Attribute Description
Log Level WARN Editable This field shows the log level of the data repository service. Its possible values are:
  • WARN
  • INFO
Hikari Pool Size 25 Read-only The hikari pool connection size to be created at start uP
Auto Create Subscriber True Editable This field enables auto creation of a subscriber when creating data for a non existent subscriber.
VSA Level smpolicy Read-only This field displays the VSA level. It is a read-only value.
Tracing Enabled False Read-only By default, tracing is not enabled.

Editing Data Repository Service Configurations

To update or modify any configuration information related to data repository:
  1. Click Edit. The Edit Datarepository Service Configurations screen appears.

    Figure 3-5 Edit Datarepository Service Configurations

  2. Update the configuration details as required and click Save. A confirmation message, "Save successfully." appears.
  3. If you do not want to modify any configuration, click Cancel. You navigate back to the Data Repository Service Configurations screen.
  4. Click Refresh to reload the Data Repository Service Configurations screen.

Notify Service

Click UDR → Service Configurations → Notify Service. The Notify Service Configurations screen appears as shown below:

Figure 3-6 Notify Service Configurations

The following table explains the Notify Service Configurations screen in detail:
Field Name Default Value Attribute Description
Log Level WARN Editable This field shows the log level of the data repository service. Its possible values are:
  • WARN
  • INFO
Notif Retry Count 3 Editable Number of notification attempts to be done in case of notification failures.

Retries are based on notification.retryerrorcodes configuration.

HTTP Retry Count 2 Editable Number of retries when there is failure of connection to other services.
Notif Retry Interval 5 Editable The retry interval for notifications in case of failure. It is measured in seconds.

Retries are based on notification.retryerrorcodes configuration.

Retry Error Codes 400,429,500,503 Editable This field displays comma separated error codes. These error codes are eligible for retry notifications in case of failures.
Hikari Pool Size 25 Read-only The hikari pool connection size to be created at start up.
Tracing Enabled False Read-only By default, tracing is not enabled.

Editing Notify Service Configurations

To update or modify any configuration information related to notify service:
  1. Click Edit. The Edit Datarepository Service Configurations screen appears.

    Figure 3-7 Edit Notify Service Configurations

  2. Update the configuration details as required and click Save. A confirmation message, "Save successfully." appears.
  3. If you do not want to modify any configuration, click Cancel. You are navigated back to the Notify Service Configurations screen.
  4. Click Refresh to reload the Notify Service Configurations screen.

NRF Client Service

Click UDR → Service Configurations → NRF Client Service. The NRF Client Configurations screen appears as shown below:

Figure 3-8 NRF Client Configurations

The following table explains the NRF Client Configurations screen in detail:
Field Name Default Value Attribute Description
Log Level WARN Editable This field shows the log level of the data repository service. Its possible values are:
  • WARN
  • INFO
Heartbeat Timer 90 Editable  
Allowed Nf Types PCF,UDM Read-only The types of NF that are allowed to use this NRF client service.
UDR GroupId udr-1 Editable Group ID of UDR
Supported DataSets POLICY,SUBSCRIPTION Read-only The types of datasets that are allowed.
SSL False Read-only SSL flag to enable SSL with udr nrf client pod
Liveness Probe Max Retry 5 Editable The maximum number of times to retry liveness probe of NRF client service.
NRF Base Url "http://ocnrf-ingressgateway.mynrf.svc.cluster.local/nnrf-nfm/v1/nf-instances" Read-only NRF URL for registration
Tracing Enabled False Read-only By default, tracing is not enabled.
Scheme Http Read-only scheme in which udr supports
UDR IP Endpoint udr-1 Editable IP alotted to ocudr-endpoint pod
Priority 10 Editable Priority to be sent in registration request
Pod Capacity Multiplier 500 Editable Capacity multiplier of UDR based on number of UDR pods running
PLMN List "[{mnc": "14", "mcc": "310"}]" Editable Plmn values range that it supports. Plmn values are sent to nrf during regisration from UDR.
SUPI Ranges [{"start": "10000000000", "end": "20000000000"}]" Editable SUPI range supported with UDR
GPSI "[{"start": "10000000000", "end": "20000000000"}]" Editable Gpsi Range supported with UDR

Editing NRF Client Configurations

To update or modify any configuration information related to NRF client:
  1. Click Edit. The Edit NRF Client Configurations screen appears.

    Figure 3-9 Edit NRF Client Configurations

  2. Update the configuration details as required and click Save. A confirmation message, "Save successfully." appears.
  3. If you do not want to modify any configuration, click Cancel. You navigate back to the NRF Client Configurations screen.
  4. Click Refresh to reload the NRF Client Configurations screen.

Provisioning - Profile Data

In this section, you will learn to operate provisioning operations for Profile Data.

In the CNC Console application, click UDRProvisioningProfile Data in the left navigation pane. Following screen appears:

Figure 3-10 Provisioning - Profile Data

In the Provisioning Operations for Profile Data screen, user can:
  • Extract profile data from UDR database on the basis of UE ID entered
  • Add new profile data to the UDR database
  • Modify an existing profile data on the basis of UE ID
  • Delete an existing profile data that is no more needed in the UDR database

Extracting Profile Data

To extract a profile data:
  1. Ensure Resource Name is set to 'Profile Data'.
  2. Type an appropriate UE ID. For example: msisdn-1111111114
  3. Click Get. A confirmation message, 'Fetched Successfully' appears for a second and the result appears in the Response text area as follows:

    Figure 3-11 Sample Screen: Get - Profile Data - Response

    Get - Profile Data - Response
  4. An Error message summary appears in case of incorrect UE ID entered.

Adding a Profile Data

To add a profile data:
  1. Ensure Resource Name is set to 'Profile Data'.
  2. Type an appropriate UE ID. For example: msisdn-1111111114
  3. Click Add. The Request text area appears.
  4. Type-in the profile data that you want to add to the UDR database.
  5. Click Submit. The 'Saved Successfully.' message appears.


    If a user enters any incorrect input, an Error message summary appears.

Editing a Profile Data

To edit a profile data:
  1. Ensure Resource Name is set to 'Profile Data'.
  2. Type an appropriate UE ID. For example: msisdn-1111111114
  3. Click Edit. The Request text area displays an existing profile data.
  4. Type-in the updated profile data.
  5. Click Submit. The 'Saved Successfully.' message appears.


    If a user enters any incorrect input, an Error message summary appears.

Deleting a Profile Data

To delete a profile data:
  1. Ensure Resource Name is set to 'Profile Data'.
  2. Type an appropriate UE ID. For example: msisdn-1111111114
  3. Click Delete.
  4. The 'Deleted Successfully' message appears.


    If a user enters any incorrect input, an Error message summary appears.

Clearing a Profile Data

Click the Clear option to clear all the text fields and text areas of the Provisioning Operations for Profile Data.

Provisioning - PCF Data

In this section, you will learn to operate provisioning operations for PCF (Policy Control Function) Data.

In the CNC Console application, click UDRProvisioningPCF Data in the left navigation pane. The following screen appears:

Figure 3-12 Provisioning Operations for PCF Data

In the Provisioning Operations for PCF Data screen, user can:
  • Select Resource Name as either Access And Mobility Policy Data, Session Management Policy Data or UE Policy Set.
  • Extract PCF data from UDR database on the basis of UE ID entered
  • Modify an existing PCF data on the basis of UE ID
  • Delete an existing PCF data that is no more needed in the UDR database

Extracting PCF Data

To extract the PCF data:
  1. Select Resource Name as either Access And Mobility Policy Data, Session Management Policy Data or UE Policy Set.
  2. Type an appropriate UE ID. For example: msisdn-9111111112.
  3. Enter Query Parameters.
  4. Click Get. A confirmation message, 'Fetched Successfully.' appears and the result appears in the Response text area as follows:

    Figure 3-13 Provisioning PCF Get Response

    Provisioning - PCF - Get - Response
  5. An Error message summary appears in case of incorrect UE ID entered.

Adding or Editing a PCF Data

To add or edit a PCF data:
  1. Select the Resource Name as either Access And Mobility Policy Data, Session Management Policy Data or UE Policy Set.
  2. Type an appropriate UE ID. For example: msisdn-9111111112.
  3. Enter the Query Parameters.
  4. Click Edit. The Request text area displays an existing PCF data.
  5. Type-in the updated profile data.
  6. Click Submit. The 'Saved Successfully.' message appears.


    If a user enters any incorrect input, an Error message summary appears.

Deleting a PCF Data

To delete a PCF Data:
  1. Select the Resource Name as either Access And Mobility Policy Data, Session Management Policy Data or UE Policy Set.
  2. Type an appropriate UE ID. For example: msisdn-9111111112.
  3. Enter the Query Parameters.
  4. Click Delete.
  5. The 'Deleted Successfully.' message appears.


    If a user enters any incorrect input, an Error message summary appears.

Clearing a Profile Data

Click the Clear option to clear the text fields and text areas of the Provisioning Operations for PCF screen.

Provisioning - SLF Data

In this section, you will learn to operate provisioning operations for SLF (Subscriber Location Function) Data.

In the CNC Console application, click UDRProvisioningSLF Data in the left navigation pane. The following screen appears:

Figure 3-14 Provisioning - SLF Data

In the Provisioning Operations for SLF Data screen, user can:
  • Extract SLF data from UDR database on the basis of UE ID entered.
  • Modify an existing SLF data on the basis of UE ID.
  • Delete an existing SLF data that is no more needed in the UDR database.

Extracting SLF Data

To extract the SLF data:
  1. Select the Resource Name as either SLF GroupName or NFGroupID Map.
  2. Type an appropriate UE ID. For example: msisdn-1111111112
  3. Enter the Query Parameters.
  4. Click Get. A confirmation message, 'Fetched Successfully.' appears and the result appears in the Response text area as follows:

    Figure 3-15 Provisioning - SLF - Get Response

    Provisioning - SLF - Get Response
  5. An Error message summary appears in case of incorrect UE ID entered.

Adding or Editing a SLF Data

To add or edit a SLF data:
  1. Select the Resource Name as either SLF GroupName or NFGroupID Map.
  2. Type an appropriate UE ID. For example: msisdn-1111111112
  3. Click Edit. The Request text area displays an existing SLF data.
  4. Type-in the updated SLF data.
  5. Click Submit. The 'Saved Successfully.' message appears.


    If a user enters any incorrect input, an Error message summary appears.

Deleting a SLF Data

To delete a SLF Data:
  1. Select the Resource Name as either SLF GroupName or NFGroupID Map.
  2. Type an appropriate UE ID. For example: msisdn-1111111112
  3. Click Delete.
  4. The 'Deleted Successfully.' message appears.


    If a user enters any incorrect input, an Error message summary appears.

Clearing a Profile Data

Click the Clear option to clear the text fields and text areas of the Provisioning Operations for SLF screen.

Provisioning - UDM Data

In this section, you will learn to operate provisioning operations for UDM (Unified Data Management) Data.

In the CNC Console application, click UDRProvisioningUDM Data in the left navigation pane. The following screen appears:

Figure 3-16 Provisioning Operations for UDM Data


In the Provisioning Operations for UDM Data screen, user can extract, modify and delete UDM data on the basis of Resource Name, UE ID, PDU Session ID, Serving PLMN ID, Version and Query Parameters entered.

Extracting UDM Data

To extract the UDM data:
  1. Select the Resource Name from the drop-down list.
  2. Type an appropriate UE ID, PDU Session ID and Serving PLMN ID in their respective fields.
  3. Select an appropriate Version and enter Query Parameters.
  4. Click Get. A confirmation message, 'Fetched Successfully.' appears and the result appears in the Response text area.
  5. An Error message summary appears in case of incorrect UE ID entered.

Adding or Editing a UDM Data

To add or edit a UDM data:
  1. Select the Resource Name.
  2. Type an appropriate UE ID, PDU Session ID and Serving PLMN ID in their respective fields.
  3. Select an appropriate Version and enter Query Parameters.
  4. Click Edit. The Request text area displays an existing UDM data.
  5. Edit as required and click Submit. The 'Saved Successfully.' message appears.


    If a user enters any incorrect input, an Error message summary appears.

Deleting a UDM Data

To delete a UDM Data:
  1. Enter the Resource Name.
  2. Type an appropriate UE ID, PDU Session ID and Serving PLMN ID in their respective fields.
  3. Select an appropriate Version and enter Query Parameters.
  4. Click Delete.
  5. The 'Deleted Successfully.' message appears.


    If a user enters any incorrect input, an Error message summary appears.

Clearing a Profile Data

Click the Clear option to clear the text fields and text areas of the Provisioning Operations for UDM screen.

Provisioning - Schema Management Data

In this section, you will learn to operate provisioning operations for schemas.

In the CNC Console application, click UDRProvisioningSchema Management Data in the left navigation pane. The following screen appears:

Figure 3-17 Provisioning for Schema Management


In the Schema Management screen, user can extract, modify and delete a schema on the basis of Resource Name and Query Parameters. This resource name can be either PCF AM Data, PCF SM Data or PCF UE Policy Set.

Extracting a Schema

To extract a schema:
  1. Select the Resource Name. It can be either PCF AM Data, PCF SM Data or PCF UE Policy Set.
  2. Enter the Query Parameters.
  3. Click Get. A confirmation message, 'Fetched Successfully.' appears and the result appears in the Response text area as follows:

    Figure 3-18 Schema - Get - PCF AM Data

    Schema Management - Get Response
  4. An Error message summary appears in case of incorrect UE ID entered.

Adding or Editing a Schema

To add or edit a schema:
  1. Select the Resource Name.
  2. Enter the Query Parameters.
  3. Click Edit. The Request text area displays the selected schema.
  4. Edit as required and click Submit. The 'Saved Successfully.' message appears.


    If a user edits the schema inappropriately, an Error message summary appears.

Deleting a Schema

To delete a schema:
  1. Select the Resource Name.
  2. Enter the Query Parameters.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. The 'Deleted Successfully.' message appears.


    If a user selects a schema that does not exists, an Error message summary appears.

Clearing a Profile Data

Click the Clear option to clear the text fields and text areas of the Schema Management screen.

Logout of CNC Console

To logout of the CNC Console application, click the Sign Out link available at the top right corner. The following confirmation box appears:

Figure 3-19 CNC Console Logout

CNC Console Logout

Click Log Out. The user exits the application and the CNC Console login screen appears.