6 Configuring Cloud Native Core Policy Using Cloud Native Core Console

This chapter describes how to configure different services in Oracle Communications CNC Policy and how to create policies and manageable objects in CNC Policy using Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Console.

Cloud Native Core Console Interface

This section provides an overview of the Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core (CNC) Console, which includes a interface to aid in creating policies and manageable objects in CNC Policy.

You use CNC Policy integrated with CNC Console only after logging successfully into the CNC Console application. To login successfully into the CNC Console, you need to make the following updates to the hosts file available at the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc location.

In the Windows system, user needs to open the hosts file in the notepad as an Administrator and append the following set of lines at the end:

Example: cncc-iam-ingress-gateway.cncc.svc.cluster.local cncc-core-ingress-gateway.cncc.svc.cluster.local


The IP Address in the above lines may change when deployment cluster changes.

Save and close the notepad.


Before logging into CNC Console, it is important to create a CNC user and password. Using this user details, you can login to the CNC Console application. For information on creating a CNC Console user and password, see Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Console Installation Guide.
To login to CNC Console :
  1. Open a web browser and enter the URL: http://host name:port number and press Enter.

    The login page opens.

    where, host name is cncc-iam-ingress-ip and port number is cncc-iam-ingress-port

  2. Enter your Username.
  3. Enter your Password.
  4. Click Login.
    Tha main page opens.

    Figure 6-1 CNC Console Interface

    CNC Console Interface

    This is the CNC Console Home Page from where you can navigate to different NF services. All the Policy related configurations are available in the left navigation menu under Policy.

Session Viewer

The Session Viewer displays detailed session information for a specific subscriber. Within the session viewer, you can enter query parameters to render session data for a specific subscriber. This section provides information about viewing the sessions.

To view the sessions:

  1. From the navigation menu, under Policy, click Session Viewer. The Session Viewer page appears.
  2. From the Session Type drop-down menu, select the service whose sessions you want to view. Possible values are:
    • SM Policy Association
    • AM Policy Association
    • PA Policy Association
    • PCRF-Core Session
    • Binding Session
    1. From the Identifier Type drop-down menu, select the identifier type for the selected session type. Possible values for SM Policy Association, AM Policy Association, PA Policy Association, andBinding Session are:
      • SUPI
      • GPSI
      • IPV4
      • IPV6
      • MAC


      AM Policy Association and PA Policy Association fetches session data using POLICY_ASSOC_ID (Session ID) only.
    2. From the Identifier Type drop-down menu, select the identifier type for the selected session type. Possible values for PCRF-Core Session are:
      • IMSI
      • MSISDN
      • IPV4
      • IPV6
  3. Enter the value in the Identifier Value field for the selected identifier type.
  4. Click Query. Information about the subscriber session(s) is displayed.

Following screen capture is an example of Query result:Example of Query result

If session data is not available, the error is displayed along with No session found.

General Configurations

You can manage and view the General Configurations from this page.

To edit the General Configurations:
  1. From the navigation menu, under Policy, click General Configurations.

    The General Configurations screen appears.

  2. Click Edit to edit the general configurations.
  3. Enter the following information:
    • Enable Tracing- Specifies whether to enable/disable tracing. The default value is true.
    • Enable Metrics- Specifies whether to enable/disable system metrics. The default value is true.
    • API Gateway Host- The name of the API gateway host. This field is not used.
    • API Gateway Port- The port number of the API gateway (if a port other than the default is being used). The default value is 80. This field is not used.
    • Enable TLS- Specifies whether to enable/disable TLS. The default value is false.
    • Enable Subscriber Activity Logging- Specifies whether to enable/disable subscriber activity logging. The default value is false.
    • Enable Policy Event Record- Specifies whether to enable/disable Policy Event Record (PER) feature. The default value is false.
    • Policy Event Record Host- Specifies the valid url of PER host to receive the PER record. The format of the url is: http://per-host:per-port, where per-host specifies the PER host and per-port specifies the PER port. For example, http://localhost:8101/v1/echo
  4. Click Save.

Service Configurations

You can tailor the Policy services as per network operator's requirements using the Service configuration pages. The configurations include setting up end point addresses, setting up log levels and other debug information like tracing etc. and customizing and/or optimizing NF interactions for example with UDR etc.


  • The NAS Message Maximum Packet Size field is not supported in this release of PCF and will not take effect.
  • The Validate User and Query User fields must always be set to false in this release of PCF.

Managing Retry Profiles

This chapter describes how to create and manage retry profiles in the CNCPolicy system.

A retry profile specifies when and how the signaling message from one network function to another are retried and/or rerouted on failures. For example, if heartbeat messages that PCF send to NRF fail consistently, the PCF should choose a different (secondary/next priority) NRF that is available to send the subsequent heartbeat messages. Similar retry/reroute mechanisms are required for messages going towards UDR, CHF etc. Even the notifications to SMF may need to be retried and/or rerouted based on the configuration.

Retry: Retry is initiated when the Policy Control Function (PCF) microservices initiates an egress request but, it fails to reach the egress gateway. The reason can be connection failure or Aspen Service Mesh failure. Session retry enables alternate recovery mechanisms to mitigate impact of any unavailable resource. Policy system provides flexible and configurable retry behavior for selected interfaces. You can configure retry profile for the following destination NFs: UDR, CHF, BSF, SMF, AMF, and AF through CNC Console.

Below screen capture shows a scenario when the Policy Control Function (PCF) microservices initiates an egress request but, it fails to reach the egress gateway. retry

Alternate routing: Alternate routing is initiated when egress gateway fails to reach external network function (NF) or external NFs fail with an error code, or external NFs do not respond. Alternate destination can be chosen by using static configuration or by using DNS-SRV records. For more information on DNS-SRV records, see Configurable Parameters for DNS-SRV section in the Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Policy Installation Guide.

Below screen capture shows a scenario when egress gateway reaches the NF, but NF responds with an error code.alternate routing

You can create and manage Retry Profiles from the Retry Profile screen. The page displays the list of defined retry profiles. You can add, import, export or refresh the Retry Profiles from this page.

To configure the retry profile:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Service Configurations, and then Common Data, and then Retry Profiles.
    The Retry Profile page opens, displaying the list of defined retry profiles. You can add or import new retry profile from this page.


    Click Export to download the available listings to your system.
  2. Click Add.

    The Create Retry Profile page opens.

  3. Enter the unique Name for the retry profile. The name can only contain the characters A–Z, a–z, 0–9, period (.), hyphen (-), and underline (_). The maximum length is 255 characters.
  4. Enable or disable the Retry on Internal Send Failure. On enabling, Retry Settings group is effective.
  5. Enable or disable the Enable Alternate Routing. On enabling, Alternate Routing Settings group is effective.
  6. Expand the Retry Settings group group to enter the Maximum Number Of Retries.

    The maximum number of retry attempts during a retry cycle in the range from 1 to 10.

  7. Expand the Alternate Routing Settings group to enter the following information:
    • Maximum Number Of Alternate Routing Attempts - The maximum number of alternate routing attempts during a alternate routing cycle in the range from 1 to 10.
    • Error Codes List - The error codes received from the destination network function. Error Codes can be any HTTP error code.
    • Use Alternate SCP for Alternate Routing - If enabled, PCF egress gateway tries to chose alternate SCP to reach the alternate destination.
    • Enable Fallback to Higher Priority Destination - If enabled, higher priority destination that had been failed will be reused after the retry interval.
    • Retry After Interval (in milliseconds) - The length of time to wait, in milliseconds, after a reported failure before falling back. Enter a value from 1 to 1440 milliseconds.
  8. Click Save

    The retry profile is defined in the Policy database and can now be used in a policy.

    The retry profile gets listed on the Retry Profile screen.


    Use Edit or Delete buttons available in the next column to update or delete the retry profile.

Configuring PCF Session Management Service

Perform the following steps to configure the PCF Session Management Service:
  1. From the navigation menu, under Policy, click Service Configurations, and then click PCF Session Management.

    The PCF Session Management service screen appears.

  2. Click Edit to configure the PCF Session Management service.
  3. Check the default configuration for the fields available in respective groups and edit as necessary.

    The following table describes the fields along with their valid input values under each group:

    Field Name Description

    Log Level

    Indicates the log level of PCF Session Management (SM) service.

    Default Value: WARN

    Allowed Values: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR

    Component Tracing

    Determines if component tracing is enabled. Component tracing is used to evaluate system process latency in detail level.

    Default Value: FALSE

    Server Root URL Specifies the callback URI for notifications to be received by the user.


    This is the PCF FQDN used by the PCF to register Binding data to BSF. AF may use this FQDN to communicate with PCF on N5 reference point. FQDN needs to be in a standard FQDN format (RFC 1035).

    Default Value: pcf-smservice.oracle.com

    Note : If we have multiple PCF, Diameter identity and FQDN must be unique.

    Diameter Realm

    This is the PCF diameter realm used by the PCF to register Binding data to BSF. Diameter based AF may use this diameter realm to communicate with PCF on Rx reference point.

    Default Value: oracle.com

    Diameter Identity

    This is the PCF diameter identity used by the PCF to register Binding data to BSF. Diameter based AF may use this diameter identity to communicate with PCF on Rx reference point.

    Default Value: pcf-smservice.oracle.com

    Note : If we have multiple PCF, Diameter identity and FQDN must be unique.


    Used to register Binding data to BSF by PCF.

    AF/BSF may use this SNSSAI to discover proper PCF.

    Default Value: 0,000000

    Enable Metrics

    This determines if system metrics is enabled. This will take priority on global metrics configuration. Default Value: True

    Override Supported Features

    Default Value: PRA

    PRA is only supported in this release.

    SMF Terminate Uri Segment Segment in the URI to identify the SM Session TERMINATE operation.

    Default Value: terminate
    SMF Update Uri Segment Segment in the URI to identify the SM Session UPDATE operation. To be configured when the SMF uses anything other than the segment string mentioned in the standards.

    Default Value: update
    Process 400 as 200 Default Value: False
    Enable Custom Json This determines if custom JSON is enabled.

    Default Value: False

    SMF Notification Retry Profile Defines the retry profile configuration for session management. See Managing Retry Profilesfor configuring retry profile.

    Validate User

    When this option is enabled, and the subscriber is not found in the UDR, or PCF is not able to query an available/eligible UDR, PCF shall fail the SM Association creation request with a 400 USER_UNKNOWN error.

    When this option is disabled, and the subscriber is not found in the UDR, or PCF is not able to query an available/eligible UDR, PCF shall not fail the SM Association creation request, but continue policy processing.

    Default Value: FALSE

    Query User

    Determines if user query from UDR is enabled. When this option is enabled, PCF shall query the UDR about the subscriber contained in the SM Association create request by sending a GET request for “sm-data” resource on the nudr-dr service.


    The PCF User Service caches the subscriber profile when “Subscribe To Notify” option is enabled, in that case, the PCF may not always reach the UDR when the subscriber profile is found in the local cache.

    Default Value: TRUE

    Query User On Update

    Determines if user query from UDR on update is enabled. When this option is enabled, PCF shall query the UDR about the subscriber present in the SM Association update request by sending a GET request for “sm-data” resource on the nudr-dr service.


    The PCF User Service caches the subscriber profile when “Subscribe To Notify” option is enabled, in that case, the PCF may not always reach the UDR when the subscriber profile is found in the local cache.

    Default Value : FALSE

    Query User On Delete

    Determines if user query from UDR on delete is enabled. When this option is enabled, PCF shall query the UDR about the subscriber present in the SM Association delete request by sending a GET request for “sm-data” resource on the nudr-dr service.


    The PCF User Service caches the subscriber profile when “Subscribe To Notify” option is enabled, in that case, the PCF may not always reach the UDR when the subscriber profile is found in the local cache.

    Default Value : FALSE

    Query User On Reauth

    Determines if user query from UDR on reauth is enabled. When this option is enabled, PCF shall query the UDR about the subscriber, when it receives a Reauthorization request (like an Rx or Policy Authorization request) by sending a GET request for “sm-data” resource on the nudr-dr service.


    The PCF User Service caches the subscriber profile when “Subscribe To Notify” option is enabled, in that case, the PCF may not always reach the UDR when the subscriber profile is found in the local cache.

    Default Value : FALSE

    Subscribe to Notify

    When this flag is enabled, PCF shall subscribe with the UDR to get notified on changes in subscriber profile.

    Default Value: TRUE

    Ignore Subs Notification Check

    Default Value: FALSE

    Enable CHF Query All

    When this option is enabled, PCF shall fetch the status of Policy Counters (Spending Limit Status Information) and subscribe with the CHF to get notified on change in status by sending a POST request to the nchf-spendinglimitcontrol service. Default Value: FALSE
    Include Snssai in user query Default Value: true
    Include Dnn in user query Default Value: true
    Enable Operator Specific Data Query When this option is set to true, PCF interacts with UDR for OperatorSpecificData in SM service. Default Value: false

    This determines if policy evaluate is enabled.

    Default Value: TRUE

    Policy Control Request Trigger

    Default Policy Control Request Triggers

    Values: PLMN_CH, UE_IP_CH, DEF_QOS_CH, and AC_TY_CH
    Binding Configuration

    Binding Operation

    Determines if binding operation (register and deregister) to the BSF is enabled.

    Default Value: TRUE

    Binding Use Local Configured Bsf Always

    Whether to use local configured BSF without Always discovering.

    Default Value: FALSE

    Binding Use Local Configured Bsf When Not Discovered

    Whether to use local configured (if having) BSF when not discovered or discover failed. Local configuration can be done using custom yaml.

    Default Value: FALSE

    Use HTTP2

    Determines if using http/2 to communicate with BSF. Otherwise use http/1.1. Default Value : TRUE

    BSF Retry Profile Defines the retry profile configuration for Binding service. See Managing Retry Profilesfor configuring retry profile.

    Qos Data Id Prefix

    This is the prefix of qos data id used by PCF to generate qos data id. For example, prefix is "qosdata_", the generated qos data id is qosdata_0.

    Default Value : qosdata_

    update Default Pcf Rule With Auth Def Qos

    This determines whether to update Qos of default PccRule with the authDefQos of session rule.

    Default Value : TRUE

    Install Default Qos If Not Requested

    This determines whether to install default Qos to the PDU session if UE not requested.

    Default Value : TRUE

    Default Qos 5qi

    This is the 5Qi of default Qos which will be applied if no default Qos is requested by UE.

    Default Value: 9

    Default Qos Arp Preempt Cap

    This is the ARP Preemption Capability of default Qos which will be applied if no default Qos is requested by UE.

    Default Value : MAY_PREEMPT

    Default Qos Arp Preempt Vuln

    This is the ARP PreemptionVulnerability of default Qos which will be applied if no default Qos is requested by UE.

    Default Value : NOT_PREEMPTABLE

    Default Qos Arp Priority Level

    This is the ARP Priority Level of default Qos which will be applied if no default Qos is requested by UE.

    Default Value: 1


    Install Default Pcc Rule

    Default Value : IF_NO_RULE
    Default PCC Rule Profile  

    Rule Id Prefix

    Default Value : 0_

    Default Pcc Rule 5qi

    This is the 5Qi of default pcc rule.

    Default Value: 9

    Default Pcc Rule Precedence

    This is the precedence of default pcc rule.

    Default Value : 3000

    Default Pcc Rule Arp Preempt Cap

    This is the ARP Preemption Capability of qos of default PCC rule.

    Default Value : NOT_PREEMPT

    Default Pcc Rule Arp Preempt Vuln

    This is the ARP PreemptionVulnerability of qos of default pcc rule.

    Default Value : PREEMPTABLE

    App Rule Precedence Min

    This value defines the minimum value for precedence of a PCC rule as authorized by the establishment of an application flow by the AF. If multiple rules are applied to the same packet flow or UE resource (i.e., overlapping rules) a rule with lower precedence value takes the priority over a rule with higher precedence value. The value of -1 is used to not set the precedence of a rule (NOT RECOMMENDED).

    Default Value: 400

    App Rule Precedence Max

    This value defines the maximum value for precedence of a PCC rule as authorized by the establishment of an application flow by the AF. If multiple rules are applied to the same packet flow or UE resource (i.e., overlapping rules) a rule with lower precedence value takes the priority over a rule with higher precedence value. The value of -1 is used to not set the precedence of a rule (NOT RECOMMENDED).

    Default Value: 899

    Default Pcc Rule Arp Priority Level

    This is the ARP Priority Level of qos of default pcc rule The range is 1 to 15. Values are ordered in decreasing order of priority, for example, with 1 as the highest priority and 15 as the lowest priority. Default Value : 15

    Switch Flow In To Out Enabled

    Default Value: FALSE

    Set PacketFilterUsage to true for Preliminary Service Info Default Value: FALSE

    Charging Data Id Prefix

    Default Value: chgdata_

    Primary CHF Address

    Address of the primary CHF

    Secondary CHF Address

    Address of the secondary CHF


    Indicates the online charging is applicable to the PDU session.


    Indicates the offline charging is applicable to the PDU session.
    Traffic Control
    Traffic Control Id Prefix

    Default Value: tcdata_

    IMS Emergency Session

    Emergency DNNs

    Priority Level

    Defines the relative importance of a resource request.

    Default Value: 1

    Preemption Capability

    Defines whether a service data flow may get resources that were already assigned to another service data flow with a lower priority level.

    Default Value: MAY_PREEMPT

    Preemption Vulnerability

    Defines whether a service data flow may lose the resources assigned to it in order to admit a service data flow with higher priority level.

    Default Value: NOT_PREEMPTABLE

    Enabled Determines whether to send registration request to Audit service or not.

    Default Value: True

    Notification Rate (per second) Defines the number of stale records which Audit service will notify to Session Management (SM) service in one second.

    Default Value: 50

    Policy Association Age (in minutes) Defines the age of a SM policy association after which a record is considered to be stale on PCF and the SMF is queried for presence of such associations.

    Default Value: 1440

    Policy Association Maximum Age (in minutes) Defines the maximum age of a SM policy association after which a record is purged from PCF SM database without sending further queries to SM.

    Default Value: 2880

    Minimum Audit Passes Interval (in minutes) Defines the time when next audit for the SM service table will begin after delta time if auditing this table has been finished before this specified time.

    Default Value: 330

  4. Click Save.

Configuring PCF Access and Mobility Service

You can configure the PCF access and mobility service from this page.

To configure the PCF Access and Mobility Service:
  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Service Configurations, and then PCF Access and Mobility.

    The PCF Access and Mobility Service screen appears.

  2. Click Edit to edit the PCF access and mobility service configurations.
  3. Check the default configuration for all the fields in all groups and edit as necessary.

    The following table describes the input fields available under each group:

    Field Name Description
    Root Log Level

    Default Value: WARN

    AMF Notification Retry Profile Defines the retry profile configuration for Access and Mobility service. See Managing Retry Profiles for configuring retry profile.
    Log Level

    Use Policy Service

    Default Value: true

    Use User Service

    Default Value: true


    Default Value: true

    Enable HTTP2.0

    Default Value: false

    Validate User

    Determines if user validate is enabled. HTTP 400 with cause USER_UNK NOWN returns, if this is enabled and user not found in UDR.

    Default Value: false


    Default Service Area Restriction

    Default Rfsp

    Default Triggers

  4. Click Save.

Configuring PCF Policy Authorization Service

You can configure the PCF policy authorization service from this page.

To configure the PCF Policy Authorization Service:
  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Service Configurations, and then PCF Policy Authorization.

    The PCF Policy Authorization Service screen appears.

  2. Click Edit to edit the PCF policy authorization service configurations.
  3. Check the default configuration for all the fields in all groups and edit as necessary.

    The following table describes the input fields displayed under each group:

    Field Name Description

    Af Direct Reply

    Default Value: true

    Override Supported Features

    AF Terminate Uri Segment

    Default Value: termination

    AF Subscriber Notify Segment

    Default Value: termination
    Rx Resource Allocation Partial Failure Report Prefence After PCF triggers a notification to Diameter Connector, the connector generates a RAR message. The partial failed specific action in the RAR message will depend on the priority of the action subscribed in the AAR message. The priority of the actions is INDICATION_OF_FAILED_RESOURCES_ALLOCATION > INDICATION_OF_RELEASE_OF_BEARER > INDICATION_OF_LOSS_OF_BEARER.

    If you want to assign the action not depend on the priority, you can assign the action in this field. The default configuration is empty, you can choose one action from the below mentioned three options. Once the value is defined in this field, the connector will use the configured action not depend on the priority.

    Valid Options are:
    AF Notifications Retry Profile Defines the retry profile configuration for Policy Authorization. See Managing Retry Profiles for configuring retry profile.
    IMS Emergency Session

    Emergency Service URNs

    Reservation Priority Types

    Default Value: PRIO_6
  4. Click Save.

Configuring PCF UE Policy Service

You can configure the PCF UE policy service from this page.

To configure the PCF UE Policy Service:
  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Service Configurations, and then PCF UE Policy.

    The PCF UE Policy Service screen appears.

  2. Click Edit to edit the PCF UE policy service configurations.
  3. In the Notification URI Root field, enter the callback URI for notifications to be received by the PCF UE Policy service (For example, while creating a subscription for the NAS Message Transfer with the AMF)
  4. Check the default configuration for all the fields in all groups and edit as necessary.

    The following table describes the input fields displayed under each group:

    Field Name Description

    Log Level

    Default Value: WARN

    Notification URI Root


    Enable HTTP/1.1

    Default Value: false

    NAS Message Maximum Packet Size (bytes)

    enter a range in [0-65535] number

    Validate User

    Default Value: false

    Query User

    Default Value: false
  5. Click Save.

Configuring PCF User Connector Service

You can configure the PCF user connector service from this page.

To configure the PCF User Connector Service:
  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Service Configurations, and then PCF User Connector.

    The PCF User Connector Service screen appears.

  2. Click Edit to edit the PCF user connector service configurations.
  3. In the Server Root URL field, enter the callback URI for notifications to be received by the User service (For example, while creating a subscription for the user with the UDR)
  4. Check the default configuration for all the fields in all groups and edit as necessary.

    The following table describes the input fields displayed under each group:

    Field Name Description

    Log Level

    Default Value: WARN

    Server Root URL


    Resource Get Subscribe

    Default Value: false

    Request Timeout

    Default Value: 1000

    Keys Precedence

    User Index Keys


    Index By Msisdn

    Default Value: true

    Index By Extid

    Default Value: true

    Index By Imsi

    Default Value: true

    Index By Nai

    Default Value: true

    Base Uri

    Default Value: /nudr-dr/v1

    Supported Features

    Default Value: f

    AM Data Uri

    Default Value: /policy-data/ues/{ueId}/am-data

    UE Policy Set Uri

    Default Value: /policy-data/ues/{ueId}/ue-policy-set

    SM Data Uri

    Default Value: /policy-data/ues/{ueId}/sm-data

    Usage Mon Uri

    Default Value: /policy-data/ues/{ueId}/sm-data/{usageMonId}

    Subs To Notify Uri

    Default Value: /policy-data/subs-to-notify

    Subs To Notify Subs Id Uri

    Default Value: /policy-data/subs-to-notify/{subsId}
    SM Data Subscription Resource Default value would be 1 on selection of "Sm-data" and other value is 2 on selection of "As requested by SM service".

    Request Timeout

    Default Value: 1000

    Explode Snssai

    Default Value: false

    Enable HTTP1.1

    Default Value: false

    Enable Discovery On Demand

    Default Value: false
    Retry Profile Defines the retry profile configuration for UDR. See Managing Retry Profiles for configuring retry profile.
    Retry Profile Defines the retry profile configuration for CHF. See Managing Retry Profiles for configuring retry profile.
  5. Click Save.

Configuring PCRF Core Settings

You can configure the PCRF core settings from this page.

To configure the PCRF Core Settings:
  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Service Configurations, and then PCRF Core, and then Settings.

    The PCRF Core Settings screen appears.

  2. Click Edit to edit the PCRF Core settings configuration. This enables the Add button in Advanced Settings group.
  3. Click Add. The Add Advanced Settings window opens.
  4. Enter the values in Key and Value fields.
  5. Click Save.

Configuring Logs

This chapter describes how to configure log level for PCRF Core service through Cloud Native Core Console.


This section is only applicable when Oracle Engineering is trying to isolate an issue and requests one or more package names be added and logs collected after the reproduction of an issue.

To configure the log level:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Service Configurations, and then PCRF Core, and then Logs.

    The Logs page opens. You can add or edit the log level and package log level for PCRF Core service from this page.

  2. Click Edit.
  3. From the Root Log Level drop-down menu, select the PCRF Core's root log level. Possible values are:
    • Trace
    • Debug
    • Information
    • Warn
    • Error
    • Fatal


    The value for the Root Log Level field will be set only when the package log level is not configured.
  4. Expand the Package Log Level group to enter the package log level information:
    1. Click Add.

      The Add Package Log Level page opens.

    2. Enter the value in the Package field. The value of Package field is dependent on the package's name in the application. Before you set the value of Package field, you need to know what package is existed in that application. Possible values are:
      • ocpm
      • camiant
      • msc
      • customerspecific
      • Trace-Logging
      • Alarm-Logging
      • SyslogLogger
      • Subscriber-Logging
    3. From the Log Level drop-down menu, select the log level for the package. Possible values are:
      • Trace
      • Debug
      • Information
      • Warn
      • Error
      • Fatal
    4. Click Save.

      The Package log level information is saved.


      Use Edit or Delete buttons available in the next column to update or delete the package log level information.
  5. Click Save.

    The log level information for the PCRF Core is saved.

Policy Engine

You can view the Policy Engine services on this page. List of the services displayed on this page is based on your deployment.


Services should not be added or edited on this page.

To view the Policy Engine page: From the navigation menu, under Policy, then Service Configurations, and then click Policy Engine. The Policy Engine page appears.

Below is a screen capture of Policy Engine page.Policy engine screen

Configuring Audit Service

Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Policy (OCCNCP) signalling services (SM service, AM service, UE service, Binding Management service etc.) are stateless in nature, thereby offloading session state to a centralized database (DB) tier, in this case, it is Oracle MySQL. As the session processing micro-services and the DB tier are different components that communicate over a network there are chances for certain transactions to fail on the transit, for example, in overload situations and/or as a result of code bugs. The OCCNCP solution requires a database audit mechanism to monitor records getting stale and to clean them up so that the database memory does not eventually grow indefinitely. The audit mechanism also notifies the owner services about stale records so that they can trigger signalling messages in certain cases to ensure that the sessions detected as stale by the Audit service is actually released by other consumer NFs. Additionally in certain cases, releasing a session when found to be stale in a NF may require to release associated sessions in the same and/or other NFs. For Example, deleting a stale SM association may require to delete the associated PA sessions.

You can configure the audit service from this page.

To configure the Audit Service:
  1. From the navigation menu, under Policy, then under Service Configurations, click Audit.

    The Audit screen appears.

  2. Click Edit to edit the session management service configurations.
  3. Check the default configuration for the fields available and edit as necessary.

    The following table describes the input fields displayed under System group:

    Field Name Description

    Log Level

    Indicates the log level of Audit service.

    Default Value: Warn

    Allowed Values: Debug, Information, Warn, Error

    Audit Enabled

    Determines if auditing is enabled for all the registered services. Default Value: FALSE

    Audit Rate (records per second)

    Defines the number of records audited per second.

  4. Click Save.

Logging in Audit Service

At the end of each audit pass, an audit log is published on the Grafana dashboard with the following details of the pass:
  • Database and Table audited
  • Number of records found to be stale
  • Number of records removed (for DELETE action)
  • Number of notifications sent (for NOTIFY action)
  • Time taken to complete the audit pass
  • Any exceptions occurred
Sample of Audit Report
Audit Report {
"database" : "pcf_smservice_161",
"table" : "SmPolicyAssociation",
"staleRecords" : 18869,
"recordsDeleted" : 0,
"timeToCompletePass" : 20,
"recordsEnqueuedForNotification" : 18869,
"exceptions" : [ ]

Policy Data Configurations

This chapter describes how to create manageable objects in CNC Policy function.


You can configure the common services from this page. To configure the common service, click Policy, and then Policy Data Configurations, and then Common.

Managing Policy Tables

This chapter describes how to create, modify, delete, and view policy tables, which are independent objects that you can use to capture differences in policy structures.

You can manage multiple policies with small differences by abstracting the differences into tables. The process of modifying the policies, or creating new, similar policies, then becomes a matter of modifying the policy table, which is simpler and less prone to error.

About Policy Tables

In practical use, many policies are very similar, having only small differences between them. A policy table abstracts the differences between related policies. Using a policy table instead of creating many similar policies makes the tasks of adding new policies, modifying existing sets of policies, and checking consistency among related policies simpler and less prone to error


Policy Table is only supported for the Session Managment service.
Policy tables resemble database tables and contain the following elements:
  • Table name
  • Table description
  • Column definitions

    Every column has a definition that contains a name, data type, and indication if the column is a key column. Every entry in the column will be of the same data type as the column. Every table must have atleast one key column.

  • Data

    The contents of the table cells. (Blank cells are not allowed in a policy table.)

Each row in a policy table can be thought of as a scenario. Substitutions in policy condition and action parameters can include the values in a specified policy table.

Creating a Policy Table
When you define a policy table, it must contain at least one key column and one row, and you must populate every cell in the table.

To create a policy table:

  1. From the Policy Management section of the navigation pane, select Policy Table.
    The Policy Tables page opens.
  2. Click Create .
    The Create Policy Table page opens.
  3. Enter information as appropriate:
    1. Name (required) — The unique name you assign to the policy table.
      The name can only contain the characters A–Z, a–z, 0–9, period (.), hyphen (-), and underscore (_). The maximum length is 32 characters.
    2. Description — Free-form text that identifies the policy table. The maximum length is 255 characters.
    3. Click Save.
      The Policy Table is created and listed under the SM service related policy tables.


      You can create maximum 20 tables per service type.
  4. To add a column, click Open, then click Create Column.
    The Create Policy Table Column page opens.


    You must define at least one key column. You can define maximum five key columns in a policy table.
    Enter the following information:
    • Name (required) — The name you assign to the column. The name can only contain the characters A–Z, a–z, 0–9, space ( ), and underscore (_). The maximum length is 32 characters.


      Column Name must be unique.
    • Data Type (required) — The data type of cells in the column. You can select the required data type from the drop-down.
    • Key — If this is a key column, enable the switch.


      The first column is always the Key cloumn by default and you will not be able to change it.
    • Click Save.
    The column is created.


    You can create maximum 10 columns in a policy table.


    Note the following tips while adding a new column in a policy table, when the policy table contains the rows:
    • Add/Modify/Delete operations are allowed on the non-key columns only while the policy table contain row(s).
    • Key switch will be in disabled mode while adding a column when the policy table contain row(s).
    • The row values for the corresponding column and its data type have Empty/Null Values, you have to manually update the rows, except for boolean data type, which is set to false.
    • A warning is issued to update the policies manually, if the column is deleted.
  5. (Optional) You can create rows as follows:
    1. Click Create Row. The Create Policy Table Row page opens.
    2. You can enter the value for the cell. The data in the cell must match the data type of the column.
    3. Enter the value and click OK. You can also enter a comma-separated list of values.
    The row is created and appears below the previous row.


    You can create maximum 100 rows in a policy table.


    Make sure that the key column does not hold a combination of duplicate entries, that is, combination of two or more columns in a policy table can be used to uniquely identify each row.
  6. Click Save.
    The policy table is created and is displayed on the Policy Tables page.


    One or more wildcarded values in the key column cell are compared to the values in the policy context data. If there is any match, the row is matched. The asterisk (*) character represents any number of characters, and the question mark (?) character represents any single character.
Policy table is updated with columns and rows. You can now use the table in a policy.

Below screenshot is a sample policy table, PolicyTable1, with four columns and three rows:Policy Table sample

Associating a Policy Table with a Policy

To associate a policy table with a new or existing policy, the policy table must already be created.

To associate a policy table with a policy rule:

  1. From the navigation menu, under Policy Management, click Policy Projects.

    The Policy Projects page displays all the created policies.

  2. Select the policy.
  3. Click Open for the selected policy. The policy page is displayed. You can access Policy Table blocks under the Public category. The following screen capture shows an example of the SM Policies policy page with Policy Table blocks:

    control panel

  4. In the first block, select the policy table from the Policy Table drop-down and the corresponding key columns are displayed in the key(s). The following screen capture shows an example in which Policy Table T1 has been selected and the OperationType and RatType are the corresponding key columns in the table T1.

    Key columns display
  5. Select the operator from the operator drop-down and associate the value or policy condition with the key column. You can select the value or policy condition from Public and PCF-SM topics. The following screen capture shows an example of associating policy conditions with the key columns, OperationType and RatType.

    Assigning value to key columns

    If all the values associated with the key columns match its column data from policy table based on the operator used ("="), then it will return the complete row data.


    This block can return only single row.
  6. In the second block, select the policy table from the Policy Table Column drop-down and the corresponding non-key columns are displayed in the no itemdrop-down. The following screen capture shows an example in which policy table T1 is selected and the non-key column, pccRule is displayed in the drop-down.

    non-key columns

    This block returns the value of the non-key column selected by taking row data as input from the first block.
  7. In the third block, select the policy table from the Policy Table drop-down and the corresponding key and non-key columns are displayed in the key(s). The following screen capture shows an example in which Policy Table REGEXPT has been selected and the rat and supi are the corresponding columns in the table REGEXPT. Select the operator from the operator drop-down and associate the value or policy condition with the columns. You can select the value or policy condition from Public and PCF-SM topics. The following screen capture shows an example of associating policy conditions with the columns, rat and supi.

    use case

    If all the values associated with the columns match its column data from policy table based on the operator used ("=") and Matches, then it will return the complete row data.


    This block can return multiple rows.


    For this block, "=", "!=", Matches, and Ignore opearotrs are supported.
  8. Click Save.
The selected policy tables are associated with this policy rule.
Modifying a Policy Table

To modify a policy table:

  1. From the Policy Management section of the navigation pane, select Policy Table.
    The Policy Tables page opens, displaying information about the policy table.
  2. Click Edit next to the policy table you want to edit.
    The table fields become editable.
  3. Make required changes and click Save.
The policy table content is modified.
Deleting a Policy Table

To delete a policy table:

  1. From the Policy Management section of the navigation pane, select Policy Table .
    The Policy Tables page opens, displaying information about the policy table.
  2. Click Delete next to the policy table you want to delete.
    A confirmation message appears.
  3. Click OK.
The policy table is deleted.
Dropdown Blocks

To create the Dropdown blocks from this page:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Policy Data Configurations, and then Common, and then click Dropdown Blocks.
    The Dropdown Blocks screen appears with the listing of all the dropdown blocks created. You can create or import new dropdown blocks from this page.


    Click the Export button to download the available listings to your system.
  2. Click Add.

    The Create Dropdown Block screen appears.

  3. On the Create Dropdown Block screen, enter values for the input fields.
    The following table describes the fields:
    Field Name Description
    Attribute Name Name of the attribute
    Description Description of the attribute
    Type Select one of the values: static or dynamic
  4. In the Block Options group, click Add to add the field details:
    1. Enter the applicable values in the input fields available on the window.

      The following table describes the fields:

      Field Name Description
      Label Name Name of the block
      Value Specify the value


      Click Remove to cancel the changes.
    2. Click Save.
  5. Click Save.
    The value gets listed on the Dropdown Blocks screen.


    Use Edit or Delete buttons available in the next column to update or delete the listing.

Importing the Dropdown Blocks

To import the dropdown blocks:

  1. Click Import.

    The File Upload window appears on the screen.

  2. Upload the files in required format by clicking Drop Files here or click to upload.
PCF Presence Reporting Area

You can manage, view, import, export and create the PCF Presence Reporting Area using this screen.

To configure the service:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Policy Data Configurations, and then Common, and then PCF Presence Reporting Area.
    The PCF Presence Reporting Area screen appears with the listing of all the available reports. You can create or import new reports from this page.


    Click Export to download the available reports to your system.
  2. Click Add.

    The Create PCF Presence Reporting Area screen appears.

  3. Enter values for the input fields common to all the groups available on the screen. .
    The following table describes the fields:
    Field Name Description
    Name The unique name assigned to the PRA.
    Pra Id The unique identifying number of the PRA list. The ID must be numeric value between 0 and 16777125. This field is present if the Area of Interest subscribed or reported is a Presence Reporting Area.
  4. Expand the Tracking Area List group.
    The expanded window displays the available tracking area lists. To create new lists:
    1. Click Add.

      The Add Tracking Area List window appears on the screen.

    2. Enter the applicable values in the input fields available on the window.

      The following table describes the fields:

      Field Name Description
      Mnc Defines the Mobile Network Code. Two to three digit number.
      Mcc Defines the Mobile Country Code. Three digit number.
      Tac 28-bit string identifying an E-UTRAN Cell Id as specified, in hexadecimal representation. Each character in the string shall take a value of "0" to "9" or "A" to "F" and shall represent 4 bits. The most significant character representing the 4 most significant bits of the Cell Id shall appear first in the string, and the character representing the 4 least significant bit of the Cell Id shall appear last in the string.

      Pattern: '^[A-Fa-f0-9]{7}$'


      An E-UTRAN Cell Id 0x5BD6007 shall be encoded as "5BD6007".


      Click Cancel to cancel the changes.
    3. Click Save.
      The value gets listed in the Tracking Area List.


      Use Edit or Delete buttons available in the next column to update or delete the listing.
  5. Expand the Ecgi List group.
    The expanded window displays the available Eutra Cell Ids. To create new Ids:
    1. Click Add.

      The Add Ecgi List window appears on the screen.

    2. Enter the applicable values in the input fields available on the window.

      The following table describes the fields:

      Field Name Description
      Mnc Defines the Mobile Network Code of the PLMN. Two to three digit number.
      Mcc Defines the Mobile Country Code of the PLMN. Three digit number.
      Eutra Cell Id

      28-bit string identifying an E-UTRA Cell Id as specified in hexadecimal representation. Each character in the string shall take a value of "0" to "9" or "A" to "F" and shall represent 4 bits. The most significant character representing the 4 most significant bits of the Cell Id shall appear first in the string, and the character representing the 4 least significant bit of the Cell Id shall appear last in the string.

      Pattern: '^[A-Fa-f0-9]{7}$'


      An E-UTRA Cell Id 0x5BD6007 shall be encoded as "5BD6007".


      Click Cancel to cancel the changes.
    3. Click Save.
      The value gets listed in the Ecgi List.


      Use Edit or Delete buttons available in the next column to update or delete the listing.
  6. Expand the Ncgi List group.
    The expanded window displays the available Nr Cell Ids. To create new Ids:
    1. Click Add.

      The Add Ncgi List window appears on the screen.

    2. Enter the applicable values in the input fields available on the window.

      The following table describes the fields:

      Field Name Description
      Mnc Defines the Mobile Network Code of the PLMN. Two to three digit number.
      Mcc Defines the Mobile Country Code of the PLMN. Three digit number.
      Nr Cell Id

      36-bit string identifying an NR Cell Id as specified in hexadecimal representation. Each character in the string shall take a value of "0" to "9" or "A" to "F" and shall represent 4 bits. The most significant character representing the 4 most significant bits of the Cell Id shall appear first in the string, and the character representing the 4 least significant bit of the Cell Id shall appear last in the string.

      Pattern: '^[A-Fa-f0-9]{9}$'


      An NR Cell Id 0x225BD6007 shall be encoded as "225BD6007".


      Click Cancel to cancel the changes.
    3. Click Save.
      The value gets listed in the Ncgi List.


      Use Edit or Delete buttons available in the next column to update or delete the listing.
  7. Expand the Global Ran NodeId List group.
    The expanded window displays the available N3 lwf Ids. To create new Ids:
    1. Click Add displayed in the window.

      The Add Global Ran NodeId List window appears on the screen.

    2. Enter the applicable values in the input fields available on the window.

      The following table describes the fields:

      Field Name Description
      Plmn Id
      Mnc Defines the Mobile Network Code of the PLMN. Two to three digit number.
      Mcc Defines the Mobile Country Code of the PLMN. Three digit number.
      N3 lwf Id

      This field is included if the RAN node belongs to non 3GPP access (i.e a N3IWF).

      If included, this field contains the FQDN of the N3IWF.

      gNb Id
      Bit Length

      Unsigned integer representing the bit length of the gNB ID within the range 22 to 32

      gNb Value

      This represents the identifier of the gNB.

      The string shall be formatted with following pattern:


      The value of the gNB ID shall be encoded in hexadecimal representation. Each character in the string shall take a value of "0" to "9" or "A" to "F" and shall represent 4 bits. The most significant character representing the 4 most significant bits of the gNB ID shall appear first in the string, and the character representing the 4 least significant bit of the gNB ID shall appear last in the string.


      "382A3F47" indicates a gNB ID with value 0x382A3F47

      Nge Nb Id This field is included if the RAN Node Id represents a NG-eNB. When present, this field contains the identifier of an NG-eNB.


      Click Cancel to cancel the changes.
    3. Click Save.
      The value gets listed under Global Ran NodeId List.


      Use Edit or Delete buttons available in the next column to update or delete the listing.
  8. Click Save.

    The Pra details are listed on the PCF Presence Reporting Area screen.


    Click Cancel to cancel the configuration.

Importing the PCF Presence Reports

To import the reports:

  1. Click Import.

    The File Upload window appears on the screen.

  2. Upload the files in required format by clicking Drop Files here or click to upload button.
Configuring Policy Counter Id

You can create and manage Policy Counter Ids from the Policy Counter Id screen. The page provides information about the existing Policy Counter Ids. You can create or refresh the Policy Counter Ids from this page.

To configure the service:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Policy Data Configurations, and then Common, and then Policy Counter Id.
    The Policy Counter Id screen appears with the listing of all the available rules. You can create or import new data from this page.


    Click the Export button to download the available listings to your system.
  2. Click Add.

    The Create Policy Counter Id screen appears.

  3. On the Create Policy Counter Id screen, enter values for the input fields common to all the groups available on the screen.
    The following table describes the fields:
    Field Name Description

    Policy Counter Id

    Policy Counter Id's Name.


    Policy Counter Id's description.

    Default Status

    Below screen capture shows a sample of Policy Counter Id:policy counter ID sample


    Click Cancel to cancel the configuration.
  4. Click Save.
    The value gets listed on the Policy Counter Id screen.


    Use Edit or Delete buttons available in the next column to update or delete the listing.

Importing the Policy Counter Id Data

To import the Policy Counter Ids:

  1. Click Import.

    The File Upload window appears on the screen.

  2. Upload the files in required format by clicking Drop Files here or click to upload.
Configuring Match Lists

In a wireless network, a match list is a set of defined values that can represent, for example, IDs or Internet addresses. Match lists provide whitelist and blacklist functions in policy rules. Match lists support wildcard matching.

A match list is a set of values in various categories, including access point names (APNs), subscriber IMSIs, location area codes (LACs), service area codes (SACs), Internet addresses, and user equipment identities. A match list can function as a whitelist (listing items to be included) or a blacklist (listing items to be excluded). By using a match list, you can, for example, apply a policy to all subscribers in a set of LACs, or block access to a list of Internet addresses known to be high risk. Match lists support wildcards. Using wildcards, a range of values can be specified compactly.

Creating a Match List

To create a match list:
  1. From the navigation pane, click Policy, and then Policy Data Configurations, and then Common, and then Match List.

    The Match List page opens in the work area.

  2. Click Create.

    The Create Match List page opens.

  3. Enter the following information:
    • ID: The ID assigned to the match list.
    • Name: The name assigned to the match list.

      The name can only contain the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, period (.), hyphen (-), and underline (_). The maximum length is 40 characters.

    • Description: Free-form text
    • Type: Select from the following:
      • string (default) - The list consists of strings.
      • wildcard string - The list consists of wildcard match patterns that use an asterisk (*) to match zero or more characters or a question mark (?) to match exactly one character.
    • Items:
  4. Click Save.

The match list is defined in the database and can now be used in a policy.

Below screen capture shows an example of Match List:

match list sample

Modifying a Match List

To modify a match list:
  1. From the navigation pane, click Policy, and then Policy Data Configurations, and then Common, and then Match List.

    The Match List page opens in the work area, displaying the list of defined match lists.

  2. Select the match list you want to modify.
  3. Click Edit.

    The Edit Match List page opens.

  4. Modify match list information as required.
  5. Click Save.

    The match list is modified.

Deleting a Match List

To delete a match list:
  1. From the navigation pane, click Policy, and then Policy Data Configurations, and then Common, and then Match List.

    The Match List page opens in the work area, displaying the list of defined match lists.

  2. Select the match list you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete.

    A confirmation message displays.

  4. Click OK.

    The match list is deleted.

Importing the Match Lists

To import the match lists:

  1. Click Import.

    The File Upload window appears on the screen.

  2. Upload the files in required format by clicking Drop Files here or click to upload.

Exporting the Match Lists

You can export the match lists by clicking Export All. The Match Lists will be downloaded in a local machine.

Managing Subscriber Logging

Subscriber logging lets you to define a list of the subscribers (identifier) that you are interested to troubleshoot and network fuction trace all the logs related to the subscribers separately to view. This allows you to use this functionality to troubleshoot problematic subscribers in production without having to enable logs/traces that can impact all subscribers. Using the subscriber logging, you can capture and monitor subscriber logs for UDR/CHF notifications and associated call flow in Session Management (SM) and egress gateway.

To enable the subscriber activity logging functionality, set the Enable Subscriber Activity Logging parameter as true in the General Configurations screen. By default, this functionality is disabled. General Configurations screen can be accessed via the left navigation menu under Policy.


This functionality is only supported by Session Management (SM) Associations in this release.
You can configure the list of subscribers using the Subscriber Logging screen.


The maximum number of subscribers that can be configured is 100.


You can not modified subscriber information once it is entered. If you need to modify the subscriber information, delete the subscriber information and add it again .

To configure a list of subscribers for logging:

  1. From the navigation menu, under Policy, then under Policy Data Configurations, and then under Common, click Subscriber Logging.
    The Subscriber Logging screen appears with the listing of subscribers. You can create or import subscribers from this page.


    Click Export to download the available listing on your syatem.
  2. Click Add to add the subscriber item to the list..

    The Create Subscriber Logging screen appears.

  3. From the Identifier Type drop-down, select the subscriber identifier type. Supported subscriber identifier type are:
    • GPSI
    • SUPI
    • IPV4
    • IPV6
  4. Enter the subscriber identier value in the Identifier Value field for the selected identifier type.
  5. Select Enable to enable/disable the subscriber logging functionality for the selected subscriber.
  6. Click Save.


Use pencil icon or trash can icon available in the next column to update or delete the subscriber listing.
When the subscriber logging has been enabled, the trace log (displayed in the kibana dashboard) for that specified subscriber IDs has the following information:
  • Subscriber Identification including associated IP Address information
  • Message, Container name, Level
  • Policy related information (applied for the subscriber session)
  • Date and Timestamps for all messages logged

Below screen capture is a log sample (kibana dashboard) with filter "marker.name:SUBSCRIBER" and fields: message, level, kubernetes.container_name, and marker.name.log sample

Custom Attributes

Custom attributes lets you to accept the vendor's data that is in custom format, not in the standard format. This data can then be used to construct conditions and actions.

Configuring Custom Schema
This section describes how to import the custom schema in the Policy User Interface (UI). Custom attributes lets you to accept the vendor's data that is in custom format, not in the standard format. This data can then be used to construct conditions and actions .


Custom schema yaml file should follow Open API standards.

To import a custom schema file:

  1. Create a custom schema yaml file. Below is a sample yaml file:
    openapi: 3.0.0
      description: Customer
      version: "0.0.1"
      title: Customer
          operationId: get
          summary: get
            - get
              description: OK
                    $ref: '#/components/schemas/Customer'
          type: object
              type: array
                 type: string
              type: string
              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Address'
          type: object
              type: string
              type: string
              type: string
  2. Save the yaml file on your system.
  3. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Policy Data Configurations, and then Common, and then Custom Attributes, and then Custom Schema.
    The Custom Schema screen appears with the listing of custom schema.


    Click Export to downlaod the available listing on your system.
  4. Click Import to import the custom schema yaml file.

    The File Upload window opens.

  5. Click Drop Files here or click to upload. Locate the yaml file to be imported.
  6. Click Import. After the import is complete, the schemas are listed on the Custom Schema page.

You can use this custom schema in creating policy conditions and actions by using blockly interface under the Custom Attributes section in the Public section.

Custom AVP

About Custom AVP

An attribute-value pair (AVP) is used to encapsulate protocol-specific information with usage monitoring supported by the MPE device. Diameter messages such as RAA, CCA, CCR, and RAR are supported by third-party AVP policy conditions. The supported outgoing Diameter messages set or remove third-party AVPs.


The Diameter messages listed are examples only. There are many messages associated with Diameter.

You can create policy conditions to evaluate the presence of both standard (base) and third-party AVPs in Diameter messages or group AVPs during policy execution. A policy condition can check for the presence of both standard and third-party AVPs in incoming Diameter messages and evaluate their values. A policy action can use standard and third-party AVPs for routing, authentication, authorization, and accounting.

Standard AVPs can be included in third-party AVP conditions and actions. To include a standard (base) AVP in a nonstandard application message, or to use a pre-standard AVP as a standard AVP, define it as a custom AVP.

When defined, custom AVPs are located at the end of a parent Diameter message or group AVP. If the parent AVP is null, the custom AVP is inserted at the root level of the message. For example, a custom AVP definition appears at the end of this Charging-Rule-Install message:
 Charging-Rule-Install ::= < AVP Header: 1001 >
*[ Charging-Rule-Definition ]
*[ Charging-Rule-Name ]
*[ Charging-Rule-Base-Name ]
[ Bearer-Identifier ]
[ Rule-Activation-Time ]
[ Rule-Deactivation-Time ]
[ Resource-Allocation-Notification ]
[ Charging-Correlation-Indicator ]
*[ customAVP ]

A Set or Get SPR user attribute value can be set to the defined third-party AVP in Diameter messages. You can also set or remove defined third-party AVPs during the execution point.

A third-party AVP is identified by a unique identifier in the following format:

For example:

where the request AVP NEW_AVP3:555 value is numerically equal to 2012
The AVP name and vendor ID. In the example, the vendor ID is 555.
A well-defined AVP custom name is referred to if the vendor ID is not specified.

When entering and sending a new third-party AVP definition to an MPE or MRA device, the definition must include the AVP name, code, vendor ID, data type, and an optional AVP flag.

Validation of the AVP code, Name, and vendor ID prohibits a user from overwriting the existing base AVPs.

These AVP actions include the ability to perform the following:
  • Routing
  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Accounting

Configuring Custom AVP

To create a custom AVP:
  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Policy Data Configurations, and then Common, and then Custom Attributes, and then Custom AVP.

    The Custom AVP screen appears.


    Click Export to download the available listings to your system.
  2. Click Add.

    The Create Custom AVP page opens.

  3. Enter information as appropriate:
    1. AVP Name (required) — The name you assign to the AVP.

      The name can only contain the characters A–Z, a–z, 0–9, period (.), hyphen (-), and underline (_). The maximum length is 255 characters.

    2. Description — Free-form text that identifies the AVP. Enter up to 250 characters.
    3. AVP Code (required) — A unique numeric value assigned to the new AVP.
    4. Vendor — Select a vendor from the vendor list. To add a vendor to the list, see Custom Vendor.
    5. Mandatory Flag (optional) —
    6. Protect Flag (optional) — When checked, specifies the protected AVP values.
    7. May Encrypt Flag — The AVP is encrypted if the checkbox is specified.
    8. Vendor Specific Flag — The AVP is vendor specific if the checkbox is specified.


      This box is checked automatically if the value of the vendor ID is not 0.
    9. AVP Type (required) — Select the data type from the list:
      • address
      • enumerated
      • float32
      • float64
      • grouped
      • id
      • int32
      • int64
      • ipFilterRule
      • octetString
      • time
      • uint32
      • uint64
      • uri
      • utf8String
    10. Parent AVP — If the AVP is a member of a grouped AVP, then the parent AVP must be specified. Select one of the following from the list:
      • ADC-Rule-Definition:10415
      • ADC-Rule-Install:10415
      • ADC-Rule-Remove:10415
      • ADC-Rule-Report:10415
      • AF-Correlation-Information:10415
      • Acceptable-Service-Info:10415
      • Access-Network-Charging-Identifier-Gx:10415
      • Access-Network-Charging-Identifier:10415
      • Access-Network-Physical-Access-ID:10415
      • Allocation-Retention-Priority:10415
      • Application-Detection-Information:10415
      • CC-Money
      • Charging-Information:10415
      • Charging-Rule-Definition-3GPP2:5535
      • Charging-Rule-Definition:10415
      • Charging-Rule-Event-Cisco:9
      • Charging-Rule-Event-Trigger-Cisco:9
      • Charging-Rule-Install-3GPP2:5535
      • Charging-Rule-Install:10415
      • Charging-Rule-Remove:10415
      • Charging-Rule-Report-3GPP2:5535
      • Charging-Rule-Report:10415
      • Codec-Data-Tmp:10415
      • Codec-Data:10415
      • Cost-Information
      • Default-EPS-Bearer-Qos:10415
      • E2E-Sequence
      • Envelope:10415
      • Event-Report-Indication:10415
      • Explicit-Route-Record:21274
      • Explicit-Route:21274
      • Failed-AVP
      • Final-Unit-Indication
      • Flow-Description-Info:5535
      • Flow-Description:10415
      • Flow-Grouping:10415
      • Flow-Info:5535
      • Flow-Information:10415
      • Flow:10415
      • G-S-U-Pool-Reference
      • Granted-Qos:5535
      • Granted-Service-Unit
      • Juniper-Discovery-Descriptor:2636
      • Juniper-Provisioning-Descriptor:2636
      • LI-Indicator-Gx:12951
      • LI-TargetMFAddr:12951
      • Media-Component-Description:10415
      • Media-Sub-Component:10415
      • Multiple-Services-Credit-Control
      • Offline-Charging:10415
      • PCEF-Forwarding-Info:971
      • PCEF-Info:971
      • PS-Furnish-Charging-Information:10415
      • PS-information:10415
      • Packet-Filter-Information:10415
      • Qos-Information-3GPP2:5535
      • Qos-Information:10415
      • Qos-Rule-Install:10415
      • Qos-Rule-Definition:10415
      • Qos-Rule-Remove:10415
      • Qos-Rule-Report:10415
      • Reachable-Peer:21274
      • Redirect-Information:10415
      • Redirect-Server
      • Requested-Qos:5535
      • Requested-Service-Unit
      • Service-Information:10415
      • Service-Parameter-Info
      • Siemens-DL-SDP-Data:4329
      • Siemens-UL-SDP-Data:4329
      • Subscription Id
      • Subscription-Id-3GPP:10415
      • Supported-Features:10415
      • TDF-Information:10415
      • TFT-Packet-Filter-Information:10415
      • TMO-Redirect-Server-29168
      • Time-Quota-Mechanism:10415
      • Trigger:10415
      • Tunnel-Header-Filter:10415
      • Unit-Value
      • Usage-Monitoring-Control:21274
      • Usage-Monitoring-Information:10415
      • Used-Service-Unit
      • User-CSG-Information:10415
      • User-Equipment-Info
      • User-Location-Info-3GPP:10415
      • VZW-Access-Network-Physical-Access-ID:12951
      • Vendor-Specific-Application-Id
      • Vzw-Trigger:12951
  4. Click Save.
  5. If the AVP name matches the name of a standard AVP, a confirmation message displays. Click OK to overwrite the existing AVP.
The AVP is created.


Use Edit or Delete buttons available in the next column to update or delete the listing.

Importing Custom AVP

To import the custom vendor:

  1. Click Import.

    The File Upload window appears on the screen.

  2. Upload the files in required format by clicking Drop Files here or click to upload.
Custom Vendor

A custom vendor is used to define a vendor in the CNPCRF system. This dictionary includes vendor IDs and text descriptions. You can define custom vendors and add them to the dictionary.

To create a custom vendor:
  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Policy Data Configurations, and then Common, and then Custom Attributes, and then Custom Vendor.

    The Custom Vendor screen appears.


    Click Export to download the available listings to your system.
  2. Click Add.

    The Create Custom Vendor page opens.

  3. Enter information as appropriate:
    1. Vendor Name (required) — The name you assign to the vendor.

      The name can only contain the characters A–Z, a–z, 0–9, period (.), hyphen (-), and underline (_).

    2. Description — Free-form text that identifies the vendor.

      Enter up to 250 characters.

    3. Vendor Id — Enter the vendor ID.

      Enter a positive integer.

  4. Click Save.
The vendor is created.


Use Edit or Delete buttons available in the next column to update or delete the listing.

Importing Custom Vendor

To import the custom vendor:

  1. Click Import.

    The File Upload window appears on the screen.

  2. Upload the files in required format by clicking Drop Files here or click to upload.

PCF Session Management

The PCF Session Management configurations includes:

Configuring Session Rule

You can create and manage session rules from the Session Rule screen. The page provides information about the existing session rules. You can create or refresh the session rules from this page.

To configure the session rules from this page:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Policy Data Configurations, and then PCF Session Management, and then Session Rule.
    The Session Rule screen appears with the listing of all the available rules. You can create or import new rules details from this page.


    Click the Export button to download the available listings to your system.
  2. Click Add.

    The Create Session Rule screen appears.

  3. On the Create Session Rule screen, enter values for the input fields common to all the groups available on the screen.
    The following table describes the fields:
    Field Name Description
    Session Rule ID Specifies the Session Rule ID.
    Name Specifies the name assigned to the session rule.
    Description Free-form text that identifies the session rule.
  4. Under the Authorized Session AMBR group, add the AMBR details.
    1. Enter the applicable values in the input fields available on the window.

      The following table describes the fields:

      Field Name Description
      Uplink Bandwidth Specifies the bandwidth in uplink.
      Downlink Bandwidth Specifies the bandwidth in downlink.


      Click Remove to cancel the changes.
    2. Click Add to save changes.
  5. Select value for Condition Data from the drop down menu.
  6. Select value for Authorize Default Qos from the drop down menu.


    The drop down gets its data from the QoS Information created.


    Click Cancel to cancel the configuration.
  7. Click Save.
    The value gets listed on the Session Rule screen.


    Use Edit or Delete buttons available in the next column to update or delete the listing.

Importing the Session Rules

To import the session rules:

  1. Click Import.

    The File Upload window appears on the screen.

  2. Upload the files in required format by clicking Drop Files here or click to upload.
Configuring Session Rule Profile

You can manage and configure the session rule profiles from this page.

To configure the profile:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Policy Data Configurations, and then PCF Session Management, and then Session Rule Profile.
    The Session Rule Profile screen appears with the listing of all the available rules. You can create or import new profiles from this page.


    Click Export to download the available listings to your system.
  2. Click Add.

    The Create Session Rule Profile screen appears.

  3. On the Create Session Rule Profile screen, enter values for the input fields common to all the groups available on the screen.
    The following table describes the fields:
    Field Name Description
    Session Rule Profile NAME Specifies the name assigned to the session rule profile.
    Description Free-form text that identifies the session rule profile.
  4. Under the Authorized Session AMBR group, add the AMBR details:
    1. Enter the applicable values in the input fields available on the window.

      The following table describes the fields:

      Field Name Description
      Uplink Bandwidth Specifies the bandwidth in uplink.
      Downlink Bandwidth Specifies the bandwidth in downlink.


      Click Remove to cancel the changes.
    2. Click Add to save changes.
  5. Select value for Condition Data from the drop down menu.
  6. Select value for Authorize Default Qos from the drop down menu.


    Click Cancel to cancel the configuration.
  7. Click Save.
    The value gets listed on the Session Rule Profile screen.


    Use Edit or Delete buttons available in the next column to update or delete the listing.

Importing the Session Rule Profiles

To import the session rule profiles:

  1. Click Import.

    The File Upload window appears on the screen.

  2. Upload the files in required format by clicking Drop Files here or click to upload button.
Configuring QoS Information

You can manage, view, import, export and create the QoS Information from QoS Information screen.

To configure the QoS Information data:

  1. From the navigation menu, Policy, and then Policy Data Configurations, and then PCF Session Management, and then QoS Information.
    The QoS Information screen appears with the listing of all the available rules. You can create or import the QoS details from this page.


    Click Export to download the available listings to your system.
  2. Click Add.

    The Create QoS Information screen appears.

  3. On the Create QoS Information screen, enter values for the input fields common to all the groups available on the screen.
    The following table describes the fields:
    Field Name Description
    Name Specifies the name assigned to the QOS information.
    Description Free-form text that identifies the QOS information.
    Default 5G QoS Identifier Identifier for the authorized QoS parameters for the service data flow. It shall be included when the QoS information decision is initially provisioned.
    Priority Level Unsigned integer indicating the 5QI Priority Level, within a range of 1 to 127.
    Average Window Represents the duration over which the guaranteed and maximum bitrate shall be calculated (NOTE).
    Max DataBurstVol Denotes the largest amount of data that is required to be transferred within a period of 5GAN PDB (NOTE).
  4. Add arp details in fields listed under ARP group.:
    1. Enter the applicable values in the input fields available on the window.

      The following table describes the fields:

      Field Name Description
      Priority Level Unsigned integer indicating the ARP Priority Level, within the range 1 to 15.
      Preemption Capability Defines whether a service data flow may get resources that were already assigned to another service data flow with a lower priority level. Possible values are:
      • NOT_PREEMPT : Shall not trigger pre-emption.
      • MAY_PREEMPT : May trigger pre-emption.
      Preemption Vulnerability Defines whether a service data flow may lose the resources assigned to it in order to admit a service data flow with higher priority level. Possible values are:
      • NOT_PREEMPTABLE : Shall not be pre-empted.
      • PREEMPTABLE : May be pre-empted.


      Click the Remove button to cancel the changes.
    2. Click the ADD button to add the changes.


      Click Cancel to cancel the configuration.
  5. Click Save.
    The value gets listed on the QoS Information screen.


    Use Edit or Delete buttons available in the next column to update or delete the listing.

Importing the QoS Information

To import the session rules:

  1. Click Import.

    The File Upload window appears on the screen.

  2. Upload the files in required format by clicking Drop Files here or click to upload button.
Configuring PCC Rule

You can create and manage PCC Rule from the PCC Rule screen. The page provides information about the existing rules. You can create or refresh the PCC rules from this page.

To configure the rule:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Policy Data Configurations, and then PCF Session Management, and then PCC Rule.
    The PCC Rule screen appears with the listing of all the available rules. You can create or import new rules details from this page.


    Click Export to download the available listings to your system.
  2. Click Add.

    The Create PCC Rule screen appears.

  3. On the Create PCC Rule screen, enter values for the input fields common to all the groups available on the screen.
    The following table describes the fields:
    Field Name Description
    PCC Rule Id Specifies the PCC Rule ID.
    Name Specifies the name assigned to the PCC rule.
    Description Free-form text that identifies the PCC rule.
    Type Select the required type. Possible Values are:
    • Predefined PCC Rule
    • Dynamic PCC Rule

      If you have selected Dynamic PCC Rule, then go to Step 4 else, go to Step 5.

  4. Expand the Flow Infos group to add the Flow information:
    1. Click the Add icon displayed in the window.

      The Add Flow Infos appears.

    2. Enter the applicable values in the input fields available on the window.

      The following table describes the fields:

      Field Name Description


      Indicates the name for the flow.

      Flow Description

      Indicates the details about flow. Enter a description for the flow.

      Pack Filt Id

      An identifier of packet filter.

      Packet Filter Usage

      The packet shall be sent to the UE. The default value "FALSE" shall apply, if the attribute is not present and has not been supplied previously.

      Tos Traffic Class

      Contains the Ipv4 Type-of-Service and mask field or the Ipv6 Traffic-Class field and mask field.
      Spi The security parameter index of the IPSec packet.

      Flow Label

      The Ipv6 flow label header field.

      Flow Direction

      Indicates the flow direction. Select from the following options:

      • DOWNLINK
      • UPLINK
      Ethernet Flow Description

      Dest Mac Address

      A string indicating MAC address. Enter a valid MAC address. For example, 3D-F2-C9-A6-B3-4F

      Ethernet Type

      A two-octet string that represents the Ethertype, in hexadecimal representation.

      Each character in the string shall take a value of "0" to "9" or "A" to "F" and shall represent 4 bits. The most significant character representing the 4 most significant bits of the ethType shall appear first in the string, and the character representing the 4 least significant bits of the ethType shall appear last in the string.

      Flow Description

      Indicates the details about flow. Enter a description for the flow.

      Flow Direction

      Indicates the flow direction. Select from the following options:

      • DOWNLINK
      • UPLINK

      Source Mac Address

      Enter a MAC Address. For example, 3D-F2-C9-A6-B3-4F

      Vlan Tags

      Customer-VLAN and/or Service-VLAN tags containing the VID, PCP/DEI fields.

      Each field is encoded as a two-octet string in hexadecimal representation. Each character in the string shall take a value of "0" to "9" or "A" to "F" and shall represent 4 bits. The most significant character representing the 4 most significant bits of the VID or PCF/DEI field shall appear first in the string, and the character representing the 4 least significant bits of the VID or PCF/DEI field shall appear last in the string.

    3. Click Add under the Ethernet Flow Description group name to expand the group.

      The screen displays the available input fields. Enter the applicable values in the input fields.

      The following table describes the fields:

      Field Name Description

      Dest Mac Address

      A string indicating MAC address. Enter a valid MAC address. For example, 3D-F2-C9-A6-B3-4F

      Ethernet Type

      A two-octet string that represents the Ethertype, in hexadecimal representation.

      Each character in the string shall take a value of "0" to "9" or "A" to "F" and shall represent 4 bits. The most significant character representing the 4 most significant bits of the ethType shall appear first in the string, and the character representing the 4 least significant bits of the ethType shall appear last in the string.

      Flow Description

      Indicates the details about flow. Enter a description for the flow.

      Flow Direction

      Indicates the flow direction. Select from the following options:

      • DOWNLINK
      • UPLINK

      Source Mac Address

      Enter a MAC Address. For example, 3D-F2-C9-A6-B3-4F

      Vlan Tags

      Customer-VLAN and/or Service-VLAN tags containing the VID, PCP/DEI fields.

      Each field is encoded as a two-octet string in hexadecimal representation. Each character in the string shall take a value of "0" to "9" or "A" to "F" and shall represent 4 bits. The most significant character representing the 4 most significant bits of the VID or PCF/DEI field shall appear first in the string, and the character representing the 4 least significant bits of the VID or PCF/DEI field shall appear last in the string.


      Click Remove to cancel the changes.
    4. Click Save on the Add Flow Infos window, under the Flow Infos group.

      The value gets listed on the Create PCC Rule screen.

    5. Under the Flow Infos group, enter values for the rest of the input fields:
      Field Name Description

      App Id

      A reference to the application detection filter configured at the UPF.

      Content Version

      Indicates the content version of the PCC rule.


      Determines the order in which this PCC rule is applied relative to other PCC rules within the same PDU session. It shall be included if the "flowInfos" attribute is included or may be included if the "appId" attribute is included when the PCF initially provisions the PCC rule.

      AF Signalling Protocol

      Indicates the protocol used for signalling between the UE and the AF. The default value "NO_INFORMATION" shall apply, if the attribute is not present and has not been supplied previously.

      Application Relocation

      Indication of application relocation possibility. The default value "NO_INFORMATION" shall apply, if the attribute is not present and has not been supplied previously.

      Qos Data

      A reference to the QoSData policy type decision type.

      Traffic Control Data

      A reference to the TrafficControlData policy decision type.

      Charging Data

      A reference to the ChargingData policy decision type.

      Usage Monitoring Data

      A reference to UsageMonitoringData policy decision type.

      Condition Data

      A reference to the condition data.
  5. Click Save.
    The value gets listed on the PCC Rule screen.


    Use Edit or Delete buttons available in the next column to update or delete the listing.

Importing the PCC Rules

To import the session rules:

  1. Click Import.

    The File Upload window appears on the screen.

  2. Upload the files in required format by clicking Drop Files here or click to upload.
Configuring PCC Rule Profile

You can create and manage PCC Rule Profile from the PCC Rule Profile screen. The page provides information about the existing profiles. You can create or refresh the profiles from this page.

To configure the PCC Rule Profile:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Policy Data Configurations, and then PCF Session Management, and then PCC Rule Profile.
    The PCC Rule Profile screen appears with the listing of all the available rules. You can create or import new profile details from this page.


    Click the Export button to download the available listings to your system.
  2. Click Add.

    The Create PCC Rule Profile screen appears.

  3. On the Create PCC Rule Profile screen, enter values for the input fields common to all the groups available on the screen.
    The following table describes the fields:
    Field Name Description
    Name Specifies the name assigned to the PCC rule profile.
    Description Free-form text that identifies the PCC rule profile.
    Type Select the required type. Possible Values are:
    • Predefined PCC Rule
    • Dynamic PCC Rule

    If you have selected Dynamic PCC Rule, then go to Step 4 else, go to Step 5.

  4. Expand the Flow Infos group to add the Flow information:
    1. Click the Add icon displayed in the window.

      The Add Flow Infos appears.

    2. Enter the applicable values in the input fields available on the window.

      The following table describes the fields:

      Field Name Description


      Indicates the name for the flow.

      Flow Description

      Indicates the details about flow. Enter a description for the flow.

      Pack Filt Id

      An identifier of packet filter.

      Packet Filter Usage

      The packet shall be sent to the UE. The default value "FALSE" shall apply, if the attribute is not present and has not been supplied previously.

      Tos Traffic Class

      Contains the Ipv4 Type-of-Service and mask field or the Ipv6 Traffic-Class field and mask field.
      Spi The security parameter index of the IPSec packet.

      Flow Label

      The Ipv6 flow label header field.

      Flow Direction

      Indicates the flow direction. Select from the following options:

      • DOWNLINK
      • UPLINK
      Ethernet Flow Description

      Dest Mac Address

      A string indicating MAC address. Enter a valid MAC address. For example, 3D-F2-C9-A6-B3-4F

      Ethernet Type

      A two-octet string that represents the Ethertype, in hexadecimal representation.

      Each character in the string shall take a value of "0" to "9" or "A" to "F" and shall represent 4 bits. The most significant character representing the 4 most significant bits of the ethType shall appear first in the string, and the character representing the 4 least significant bits of the ethType shall appear last in the string.

      Flow Description

      Indicates the details about flow. Enter a description for the flow.

      Flow Direction

      Indicates the flow direction. Select from the following options:

      • DOWNLINK
      • UPLINK

      Source Mac Address

      Enter a MAC Address. For example, 3D-F2-C9-A6-B3-4F

      Vlan Tags

      Customer-VLAN and/or Service-VLAN tags containing the VID, PCP/DEI fields.

      Each field is encoded as a two-octet string in hexadecimal representation. Each character in the string shall take a value of "0" to "9" or "A" to "F" and shall represent 4 bits. The most significant character representing the 4 most significant bits of the VID or PCF/DEI field shall appear first in the string, and the character representing the 4 least significant bits of the VID or PCF/DEI field shall appear last in the string.

    3. Click Add under the Ethernet Flow Description group name to expand the group.

      The screen displays the available input fields. Enter the applicable values in the input fields.

      The following table describes the fields:

      Field Name Description

      Dest Mac Address

      A string indicating MAC address. Enter a valid MAC address. For example, 3D-F2-C9-A6-B3-4F

      Ethernet Type

      A two-octet string that represents the Ethertype, in hexadecimal representation.

      Each character in the string shall take a value of "0" to "9" or "A" to "F" and shall represent 4 bits. The most significant character representing the 4 most significant bits of the ethType shall appear first in the string, and the character representing the 4 least significant bits of the ethType shall appear last in the string.

      Flow Description

      Indicates the details about flow. Enter a description for the flow.

      Flow Direction

      Indicates the flow direction. Select from the following options:

      • DOWNLINK
      • UPLINK

      Source Mac Address

      Enter a MAC Address. For example, 3D-F2-C9-A6-B3-4F

      Vlan Tags

      Customer-VLAN and/or Service-VLAN tags containing the VID, PCP/DEI fields.

      Each field is encoded as a two-octet string in hexadecimal representation. Each character in the string shall take a value of "0" to "9" or "A" to "F" and shall represent 4 bits. The most significant character representing the 4 most significant bits of the VID or PCF/DEI field shall appear first in the string, and the character representing the 4 least significant bits of the VID or PCF/DEI field shall appear last in the string.


      Click Remove to cancel the changes.
    4. Click Save on the Add Flow Infos window, under the Flow Infos group.

      The value gets listed on the Create PCC Rule screen

    5. Under the Flow Infos group, enter values for the rest of the input fields:
      Field Name Description

      App Id

      A reference to the application detection filter configured at the UPF.

      Content Version

      Indicates the content version of the PCC rule.


      Determines the order in which this PCC rule is applied relative to other PCC rules within the same PDU session. It shall be included if the "flowInfos" attribute is included or may be included if the "appId" attribute is included when the PCF initially provisions the PCC rule.

      AF Signalling Protocol

      Indicates the protocol used for signalling between the UE and the AF. The default value "NO_INFORMATION" shall apply, if the attribute is not present and has not been supplied previously.

      Application Relocation

      Indication of application relocation possibility. The default value "NO_INFORMATION" shall apply, if the attribute is not present and has not been supplied previously.

      Qos Data

      A reference to the QoSData policy type decision type.

      Traffic Control Data

      A reference to the TrafficControlData policy decision type.

      Charging Data:

      A reference to the ChargingData policy decision type.

      Usage Monitoring Data

      A reference to UsageMonitoringData policy decision type.

      Condition Data

      A reference to the condition data.
  5. Click Save.
    The value gets listed on the PCC Rule Profile screen.


    Use Edit or Delete buttons available in the next column to update or delete the listing.

Importing the PCC Rule Profiles

To import the session rules:

  1. Click Import.

    The File Upload window appears on the screen.

  2. Upload the files in required format by clicking Drop Files here or click to upload.
Configuring QoS Data

You can create and manage QoS Data from the QoS Data screen. The page provides information about the existing QoS Data. You can create or refresh the QoS Data from this page.

To configure the QoS Data:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Policy Data Configurations, and then PCF Session Management, and then QoS Data.
    The QoS Data screen appears with the listing of all the available rules. You can create or import new rules details from this page.


    Click Export to download the available listings to your system.
  2. Click Add.

    The Create Qos Data screen appears.

  3. On the Create QoS Data screen, enter values for the input fields common to all the groups available on the screen.
    The following table describes the fields:
    Field Name Description
    QoS ID Specifies the QoS ID.


    Specifies the name assigned to the QOS data.


    Free-form text that identifies the QOS data.

    Default 5G QoS Identifier

    Identifier for the authorized QoS parameters for the service data flow. It shall be included when the QoS data decision is initially provisioned.

    Maximum Bit Rate UL

    Indicates the max bandwidth in uplink.

    Maximum Bit Rate DL

    Indicates the max bandwidth in downlink.

    Guaranteed Bit Rate UL

    Indicates the guaranteed bandwidth in uplink

    Guaranteed Bit Rate DL

    Indicates the guaranteed bandwidth in downlink.

    QoS Notification Control

    Reflective QoS

    Indicates whether the QoS information is reflective for the corresponding service data flow. Default value is "FALSE", if not present and has not been supplied previously.

    Sharing Key Ul

    Indicates, by containing the same value, what PCC rules may share resource in uplink direction.

    Sharing Key Dl

    Indicates, by containing the same value, what PCC rules may share resource in downlink direction.

    Priority Level

    Defines the relative importance of a resource request.

    Averaging Window

    Represents the duration over which the guaranteed and maximum bitrate shall be calculated (NOTE).

    Maximum Data Burst Volume

    Denotes the largest amount of data that is required to be transferred within a period of 5GAN PDB (NOTE).

    Maximum Packet Loss Rate Dl

    Indicates the uplink maximum rate for lost packets that can be tolerated for the service data flow.

    Max Packet Loss Rate Ul

    Indicates the uplink maximum rate for lost packets that can be tolerated for the service data flow.

    Default QoS Flow Indication

    Indicates that the dynamic PCC rule shall always have its binding with the QoS Flow associated with the default QoS rule. Default value is "FALSE", if not present and has not been supplied previously.

  4. Add the arp details under the ARP group.
    1. Enter the applicable values in the input fields available on the window.

      The following table describes the fields:

      Field Name Description
      Priority Level Defines the relative importance of a resource request.
      Preemption Capability Defines whether a service data flow may get resources that were already assigned to another service data flow with a lower priority level. Possible values are:
      Preemption Vulnerability Defines whether a service data flow may lose the resources assigned to it in order to admit a service data flow with higher priority level. Possible values are:


      Click Cancel to cancel the configuration.
  5. Click Save.
    The value gets listed on the QoS Data screen.


    Use Edit or Delete buttons available in the next column to update or delete the listing.

Importing the QoS Data

To import the QoS Data:

  1. Click Import.

    The File Upload window appears on the screen.

  2. Upload the files in required format by clicking Drop Files here or click to upload button.
Configuring Charging Data

You can manage, view, import, export and create the Charging Data from Charging Data screen.

To configure the charging data:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Policy Data Configurations, and then PCF Session Management, and then Charging Data.
    The Charging Data screen appears with the listing of all the available rules. You can create or import new data from this page.


    Click Export to download the available listings to your system.
  2. Click Create.

    The Create Charging Data screen appears.

  3. On the Create Charging Data screen, enter values for the input fields common to all the groups available on the screen.
    The following table describes the fields:
    Field Name Description
    Charging id Specifies the charging id.


    The name of the Charging Data.


    The description of the Charging Data.

    Metering Method

    The following options are available

    • VOLUME
    • EVENT

    Defines what parameters shall be metered for offline charging. If the attribute is not present but it has been supplied previously, the previous information remains valid. If the attribute is not present and it has not been supplied previously or the attribute has been supplied previously but the attribute is set to NULL, the metering method preconfigured at the SMF is applicable as default metering method.


    Indicates the offline charging is applicable to the PDU session or PCC rule. The default value "FALSE" shall apply, if the attribute is not present and has not been supplied previously. (NOTE)


    Indicates the online charging is applicable to the PDU session or PCC rule. The default value "FALSE" shall apply, if the attribute is not present and has not been supplied previously. (NOTE)

    Rating Group

    The charging key for the PCC rule used for rating purposes.

    Reporting Level

    The following options are available:


    Defines on what level the SMF reports the usage for the related PCC rule. If the attribute is not present but it has been supplied previously, the previous information remains valid. If the attribute is not present and it has not been supplied previously or the attribute has been supplied previously but it is set to NULL, the reporting level preconfigured at the SMF is applicable as default reporting level.

    Service Id

    Indicates the identifier of the service or service component the service data flow in a PCC rule relates to.

    Sponsor Id

    Indicates the sponsor identity.

    App Svc Prov Id

    Indicates the application service provider identity.

    Af Charging Identifier

    Univocally identifies the charging control policy data within a PDU session.


    Click Cancel to cancel the configuration.
  4. Click Save.
    The value gets listed on the Charging Data screen.


    Use Edit or Delete buttons available in the next column to update or delete the listing.

Importing the Charging Data

To import the session rules:

  1. Click Import.

    The File Upload window appears on the screen.

  2. Upload the files in required format by clicking Drop Files here or click to upload.
Configuring Usage Monitoring Data

You can create and manage Usage Monitoring Data from this page. The page provides information about the existing Usage Monitoring Data as well.

To configure the service:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Policy Data Configurations, and then PCF Session Management, and then Usage Monitoring Data.
    The Usage Monitoring Data screen appears with the listing of all the available rules. You can create or import new rules details from this page.


    Click Export to download the available listings to your system.
  2. Click Add.

    The Create Usage Monitoring Data screen appears.

  3. On the Create Usage Monitoring Data screen, enter values for the input fields common to all the groups available on the screen.
    The following table describes the fields:
    Field Name Description
    Usage Monitoring id Specifies the usage monitoring id.


    The name of the Usage Monitoring Data.


    The description of the Usage Monitoring Data.

    Volume Threshold

    Indicates a volume threshold.

    Volume Threshold Uplink

    Indicates a volume threshold in uplink.

    Volume Threshold Downlink

    Indicates a volume threshold in downlink.

    Time Threshold

    Indicates a time threshold.

    Monitoring Time

    Indicates the time at which the UP function is expected to reapply the next thresholds (e.g. nextVolThreshold).

    Next Vol Threshold

    Indicates a volume threshold after the Monitoring.

    Next Vol Threshold Uplink

    Indicates a volume threshold in uplink after the Monitoring Time.

    Next Vol Threshold Downlink

    Indicates a volume threshold in downlink after the Monitoring Time.

    Next Time Threshold

    Indicates a time threshold after the Monitoring.

    Inactivity Time

    Defines the period of time after which the time measurement shall stop, if no packets are received.

    ex Usage PccRule Ids

    Contains the PCC rule identifier(s) which corresponding service data flow(s) shall be excluded from PDU Session usage monitoring. It is only included in the UsageMonitoringData instance for session level usage monitoring.


    Click Cancel to cancel the configuration.
  4. Click Save.
    The value gets listed on the Usage Monitoring Data screen.


    Use Edit or Delete buttons available in the next column to update or delete the listing.

Importing the Usage Monitoring Data

To import the Usage Monitoring Data:

  1. Click Import.

    The File Upload window appears on the screen.

  2. Upload the files in required format by clicking Drop Files here or click to upload.
Configuring Traffic Control Data

You can manage, view, import, export and create the Traffic Control Data from Traffic Control Data screen.

To configure the traffic control data:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Policy Data Configurations, and then PCF Session Management, and then Traffic Control Data.
    The Traffic Control Data screen appears with the listing of all the available rules. You can create or import new data from this page.


    Click Export to download the available listings to your system.
  2. Click Add.

    The Create Traffic Control Data screen appears.

  3. On the Create Traffic Control Data screen, enter values for the input fields common to all the groups available on the screen.
    The following table describes the fields:
    Field Name Description
    Traffic Control id Specifies the traffic control policy data id.


    The name of the Traffic Control policy data.


    The description of the Traffic Control policy data.

    Flow Status

    The following options are available:

    Enum determining what action to perform on traffic.

    Possible values are: [enable, disable, enable_uplink, enable_downlink] . The default value "ENABLED" shall apply, if the attribute is not present and has not been supplied previously.

  4. Enter values of the available input fields under Redirect Information group.
    The following table describes the fields:
    Field Name Description
    Redirect Enabled Indicates the redirect is enabled.
    Redirect Address Type This string provides forward-compatibility with future extensions to the enumeration but is not used to encode content defined in the present version of this API.
    Redirect Server Address Indicates the address of the redirect server.
    Mute Notification

    Indicates whether application's start or stop notification is to be muted. The default value "FALSE" shall apply, if the attribute is not present and has not been supplied previously.

    Traffic Steering Pol Id Dl Reference to a preconfigured traffic steering policy for downlink traffic at the SMF.
    Traffic Steering Pol Id Ul

    Reference to a preconfigured traffic steering policy for uplink traffic at the SMF.

  5. Expand the Route To Locs group.
    The expanded window displays the available routes. To create new routes:
    1. Click Add in the window.

      The Add Route To Locs window appears on the screen.

    2. Enter the applicable values in the input fields available on the window.

      The following table describes the fields:

      Field Name Description
      Dnai Identifies the location of the application.
      Ipv4 Addr Ipv4 address of the tunnel end point in the data network.
      Ipv6 Addr Ipv6 address of the tunnel end point in the data network.
      Port Number UDP port number of the tunnel end point in the data network.
      Route Profile Id Identifies the routing profile Id.


      Click Cancel to cancel the changes.
    3. Click Save.
      The value gets listed in the Tracking Area List.


      Use Edit or Delete buttons available in the next column to update or delete the listing.
  6. Enter values of the available input fields the Up Path Chg Event group.
    The following table describes the fields:
    Field Name Description
    Notification Uri Defines the notification Uri sent by the SMF.
    Notification Correlation Id

    It is used to set the value of Notification Correlation ID in the notification sent by the SMF.

    Dnai Change Type

    The following options are available:

    • EARLY
    • LATE

    Possible values are

    EARLY: Early notification of UP path reconfiguration. -

    EARLY_LATE: Early and late notification of UP path reconfiguration. This value shall only be present in the subscription to the DNAI change event.

    LATE: Late notification of UP path reconfiguration. This string provides forwardcompatibility with future extensions to the enumeration but is not used to encode content defined in the present version of this API.

  7. Click Save.
    The value gets listed on the Traffic Control Data screen.


    Use Edit or Delete buttons available in the next column to update or delete the listing.

Importing the Traffic Control Data

To import the session rules:

  1. Click Import.

    The File Upload window appears on the screen.

  2. Upload the files in required format by clicking Drop Files here or click to upload.
Configuring Condition Data

You can create and manage condition data from the Condition Data screen. The page provides information about the existing Condition Data. You can create or refresh the Condition Data from this page.

To configure the condition data:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Policy Data Configurations, and then PCF Session Management, and then Condition Data.
    The Condition Data screen appears with the listing of all the available rules. You can create or import new data from this page.


    Click the Export button to download the available listings to your system.
  2. Click Add.

    The Create Condition Data screen appears.

  3. On the Create Condition Data screen, enter values for the input fields common to all the groups available on the screen.
    The following table describes the fields:
    Field Name Description
    Condition id Specifies the condition data policy data id.


    The name of the Condition Data policy data.


    The description of the Condition Data policy data.

    Activation Time

    The time when the decision data shall be activated.

    Deactivation Time

    The time when the decision data shall be deactivated.


    Click Cancel to cancel the configuration.
  4. Click Save.
    The value gets listed on the Condition Data screen.


    Use Edit or Delete buttons available in the next column to update or delete the listing.

Importing the Condition Data

To import the Condition Datas:

  1. Click Import.

    The File Upload window appears on the screen.

  2. Upload the files in required format by clicking Drop Files here or click to upload.

PCF Access and Mobility

You can configure the PCF Access and Mobility policy services from this page.

The PCF Access and Mobility configuration includes Managing Service Area Restriction.

Configuring Service Area Restriction

You can create and manage service area restrictions from the Service Area Restriction screen. The page provides information about the existing Service Area Restrictions as well.

To configure the service area restriction:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Policy Data Configurations, and then PCF Access and Mobility, and then Service Area Restriction.
    The Service Area Restriction screen appears with the listing of all the available rules. You can create or import new data from this page.


    Click Export to download the available listings to your system.
  2. Click Create.

    The Create Service Area Restriction screen appears.

  3. On the Create Service Area Restriction screen, enter values for the input fields common to all the groups available on the screen.
    The following table describes the fields:
    Field Name Description


    Specifies name of the service area restriction.


    Specifies description of the service area restriction.

    Restriction Type

    Specifies the restriction type. Possible values are:
    This field is present if and only if the areas attribute is present.
  4. To create new area details under the Area group:
    1. Click the Add button displayed in the window.

      The Add Areas window appears on the screen.

    2. Enter the applicable values in the input fields available on the window.

      The following table describes the fields:

      Field Name Description
      Tacs Specifies Type Allocation Codes. A decimal number between 0 and 65535. This fields is present if and only if Area Codes is absent.
      Area Codes Specifies area codes. This fields is present if and only if Tacs is absent.
    3. Click on the Save button.
      The value gets listed in the Tracking Area List.


      Use Edit or Delete buttons available in the next column to update or delete the listing.
  5. Enter value of the Max Number of TAs input field.


    Click Cancel to cancel the configuration.
  6. Click Save.
    The value gets listed on the Service Area Restriction screen.


    Use Edit or Delete buttons available in the next column to update or delete the listing.

Importing the Service Area Restrictions

To import the Service Area Restrictions:

  1. Click Import.

    The File Upload window appears on the screen.

  2. Upload the files in required format by clicking Drop Files here or click to upload.

PCF UE Policy

You can configure the PCF UE Policy from this page.

The PCF UE Policy configurations includes:

Configuring URSP Rule

You can create and manage URSP Rules from the URSP Rule screen. The page provides information about the existing URSP Rules. You can create or refresh the URSP Rules from this page.

To configure the URSP Rules:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Policy Data Configurations, and then PCF UE Policy, and then URSP Rule.
    The URSP Rule screen appears with the listing of all the available reports. You can create or import new rules from this page.


    Click the Export button to download the available reports to your system.
  2. Click Add.

    The Create URSP Rule screen appears.

  3. On the Create URSP Rule screen, enter values for the input fields common to all the groups available on the screen. .
    The following table describes the fields:
    Field Name Description
    Name Name of the URSP rule.
    Precedence Precedence value of the URSP rule.
  4. Under the Traffic Descriptor group, all available descriptor types are displayed.
    To create new types:
    1. Click Add displayed in the window.

      The Add Traffic Descriptor window appears on the screen.

    2. Select a value from the Type drop down menu. Possible values are:
      • MATCH_ALL
      • OS_ID_OS_APP_ID
    3. Click Save.
      The value gets listed under the Traffic Descriptor group.


      Use Edit or Delete buttons available in the next column to update or delete the listing.
  5. The Route Selection Descriptor List group displays the available precedence.
    To create new data:
    1. Click Add displayed in the window.

      The Add Route Selection Descriptor List window appears on the screen.

    2. Enter the value in the Precedence field.
    3. Click Add to create a new Route Selection Descriptor Components in the Route Selection Descriptor Components group. .

      The Add Route Selection Descriptor Components window appears on the screen.

    4. Select a value from the Type drop down menu.
    5. Select a value from the SSC Mode drop down menu.
    6. Click Save.
      The value gets listed in the Route Selection Descriptor List.


      Use Edit or Delete buttons available in the next column to update or delete the listing.
  6. Click Save.

    The Pra details are listed on the Presence Reporting Area screen.


    Click Cancel to cancel the configuration.

Importing the URSP Rule

To import the reports:

  1. Click Import.

    The File Upload window appears on the screen.

  2. Upload the files in required format by clicking Drop Files here or click to upload.
Configuring UPSI

You can manage, view, import, export and create UPSI from UPSI screen.

To configure UPSI:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Policy Data Configurations, and then PCF UE Policy, and then UPSI.
    The UPSI screen appears with the listing of all the available rules. You can create or import new profile details from this page.


    Click Export to download the available listings to your system.
  2. Click Add.

    The Create UPSI screen appears.

  3. On the Create UPSI screen, enter values for the input fields common to all the groups available on the screen.
    The following table describes the fields:
    Field Name Description
    Name Name of the UPSI.
    UPSC Defines UE Policy Section Code. Enter a number between 0 and 65,535.
    URSP Rules Defines URSP rules.
  4. Enter values of the available input fields under the PLMN group.
    The following table describes the fields:
    Field Name Description
    MCC Defines the Mobile Country Code. Enter a number between 0 and 999.
    MNC Defines the Mobile Network Code. Enter a number between 0 and 999.
  5. Click Save.
    The value gets listed on the UPSI screen.


    Use Edit or Delete buttons available in the next column to update or delete the listing.

Importing the UPSI

To import the UPSIs:

  1. Click Import.

    The File Upload window appears on the screen.

  2. Upload the files in required format by clicking Drop Files here or click to upload button.


This section describes how to use and configure PCRF Core Managed Objects.

Charging Server
This section describes how to define and manage charging servers within the PCRF Core in Policy GUI. A charging server is an application that calculates billing charges.
To define a charging server:
  1. From the navigation pane, click Policy, and then Policy Data Configurations, and then PCRF Core, and then Charging Server.
    The Charging Server screen appears.


    Click Export to download the available listings to your system.
  2. Click Add.
    The Create Charging Server page opens.
  3. (Required) Enter the Name for the charging server.
    The name can only contain the characters A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, period (.), hyphen (-), and underline (_).
  4. Enter the Description/Location.
    Free-form text that identifies the charging server within the network. Enter up to 250 characters.
  5. (Required) Enter the Host Name.
    The FQDN (fully qualified domain name assigned) to the charging server.
  6. Enter the Port number on which the charging server is listening for messages.
    If left blank, port 3868 is used.
  7. Select the Transport protocol used to communicate with the charging server:
    Available options include:
    • tcp

      Transmission Control Protocol (used with TACACS+)

    • udp

      User Datagram Protocol (used with RADIUS)


      If you configure the Transport protocol as udp, you cannot configure the AAA Protocol as diameter.
    • sctp

      Stream Control Transmission Protocol

  8. Select the Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) Protocol used to communicate with the charging server.
    Available options include:
    • diameter
    • radius


    If you configure the Transport protocol as udp, you cannot configure the AAA Protocol as diameter.
  9. Select if transport Security is used to communicate with the charging server.
  10. Click Save.
The charging server is displayed on the Charging Server page.


Use pencil icon or trash bin icon available in the next column to edit or update the created charging server.
Importing Charging Server
To import charging server:
  1. Click Import.
    The File Upload window appears on the screen.
  2. Upload the files in required format by clicking Drop Files here or click to upload button.
Media Profile
This section defines how to manage media profiles under PCRF Core in the CNC Policy GUI. In a cable network, a media profile describes a CODEC supported for Rx-to-PCMM translation.


Media Profiles is a function that is applicable to Cable mode only.

To create a media profile:

  1. From the navigation pane, click Policy, and then Policy Data Configurations, and then PCRF Core, and then Media Profile.
    The Media Profile screen appears.


    Click Export to download the available listings to your system.
  2. Click Add.
    The Create Media Profile page opens.
  3. Enter the following information:
    1. ID — Unique ID assigned to the media profile.
    2. Name — Unique name assigned to the media profile.
    3. Description — specifies the description of the media profile.
    4. Codec Name — Unique media subtype assigned to the media profile.
      This is defined in the IANA MIME registration for the CODEC. Enter a string of up to 255 characters.
    5. Transport Type — Select from the following:
      • RTP/AVP (default) — RTP audio-video profile.
      • RTP/SAVP — RTP secure audio-video profile.
      • RTP/AVPF — RTP extended audio-video profile with feedback.
    6. Payload Number — The payload number.
      Valid payload numbers range from 0 through 127. Enter -1 to indicate an unknown payload number.


      You cannot add a CODEC that is predefined with a payload number in the range of 0 to 96.
    7. Sample Rate (kHz) — The sampling rate of the CODEC in KHz.
      The valid range is an integer from 1 through 100 KHz.
    8. Frame Size in Milliseconds — The size of one audio frame in milliseconds.
      This is the length of time represented by one audio frame. A single RTP packet may contain multiple audio frames. The bitrate is calculated using the frame size in milliseconds, the frame size in bytes, and the packetization time. The valid range is 0 through 100 ms.
    9. Frame Size in Bytes — The size of one audio frame size in bytes.
      This is the size represented by one audio frame. A single RTP packet may contain multiple audio frames. The bitrate is calculated using the frame size in milliseconds, the frame size in bytes, and the packetization time. The valid range is 1 through 1,500 bytes.
    10. Packetization Time — The length of time, in milliseconds, represented by the media in a packet.
      The bitrate is calculated using the frame size in milliseconds, the frame size in bytes, and the packetization time. The valid range is 1 through 100.
    11. Always Use Default Ptime — Select to always use the default packetization time, ignoring the value received in the SDP message.
      The default is unchecked.
  4. Click Save.
The media profile is created.


Use pencil icon or trash bin icon available in the next column to edit or update the created media profile.
Importing Media Profile
To import media profile:
  1. Click Import.
    The File Upload window appears on the screen.
  2. Upload the files in required format by clicking Drop Files here or click to upload button.

Policy Management

CNC Policy offers a Policy Design editor based on Blockly interface. You can create and manage a policy project for each of the policy services that you may want to deploy:
  • Session Management and Policy Authorization
  • Access and Mobility Management
  • UE Management
  • PCRF Core
  • Policy Data Source

For more information on blocks, see Oracle Communications Cloud Native Policy Design Guide. This guide has been made available on MOS.

Policy Projects

You can create and deploy a policy project using Policy Projects page. There are two possible states for the policy project, Prod and Dev. By default, Dev state is assigned to the policy project. Dev Projects will not process any traffic in PRE. Prod projects will process traffic in PRE.

To create and deploy a policy project:
  1. From the Policy section of the navigation pane, click Policy Management, and then Policy Projects.

    The Policy Projects screen appears. You can view all the created projects for each service type.

  2. Choose the service type and click Create to create a new policy project.
    The Create Policy Project window opens.


    If the maximum limit for project is reached per service then an error message is displayed on clicking the Create button. For Example, Maximum number of projects supported in this release is 10.
  3. Enter information as appropriate:
    • Name (required) — The name you assign to the policy project. The name can only contain the characters A–Z, a–z, 0–9, period (.), hyphen (-), and underscore (_). The maximum length is 32 characters.


      You must assign a unique name to the policy project per service type. The name is case sensitive.
    • Description — Free-form text that identifies the policy project. The maximum length is 255 characters.
  4. Click Save.
    The policy project is created.


    If needed, you can unit test the project. For more information on testing the projects, see Test Policy Projects section int the Oracle Communications Cloud Native Policy Design Guide.
  5. You can change the state of a project. There are two possible states in this release, Dev and Prod. These states are represented using the buttons on the page with the Label named as Dev and Prod. A tick mark and light green color button helps to identify the current state of a project. Available state button will be in dark green color.

    Below screenshot illustrates the different states of a project.state transitionWhen you click on any of the button to change the state, a message appears asking you to confirm the state change. Click Yes. The project state will be changed.


    At any point of time there can be only one project in Prod state for a given Service. If you change the state of project to Prod and there is already a project with the Prod state for that service, the Prod state for the existing project will be automatically moved to Dev state. And, the project inDev state will be moved to Prod state.
  6. You can view the last policy project's state with a timestamp by default. Below screenshot is an example displaying that the project is currently in Dev state and the last state was Prod with the Exit timestamp.Example

    Below screenshot is an example displaying that the project is just created and is in Dev state and hence it does not have any previous state.example

    Below screenshot is an example displaying that you can view the full state history by clicking the Previous States link.

    example 3
  7. You can filter the projects based on Name and Active State using the Filter.
  8. Click clone icon icon to clone the existing policy project. Select an existing policy project and click Clone icon; the Clone Policy Project window opens. You can enter the required information and click Save.
  9. Click pencil icon icon to edit the policy project details.
  10. Click trashtrash icon icon to delete the policy project. When you click on the Delete icon, a confirmation dialog box appears asking you to confirm the deletion. After clicking the 'Yes' button, the project and it's associated policies will be deleted.
  11. Click open icon icon to open a Blockly editor.
    You can construct one or more policies as required using the building blocks provided in the Left Side Panel of the editor.


    The project in Prod state is not editable you can view the policies but can't modify the project and the policies associated with that project.

    See Policy Design Guide for more details on the blocks. This guide has been made available on MOS.

Diameter Configurations

You can manage and view the Diameter Configurations from this page. These configurations are a part of PCF mode only for now. For converged and cnPCRF, you have to configure these configurations through Helm Config Map.


To edit the Settings:
  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Diameter Configurations, and then Settings.

    The Settings screen appears.

  2. Click Edit to edit the settings.
  3. Enter the following information:


    • Reconnect Delay (sec)- Enter the time frame to delay before attempting to reconnect after a connection failure in seconds. The default is 3 seconds.
    • Response Timeout (sec)- Enter the response timeout interval in seconds. The default is 5 seconds.
    • Connection Timeout (sec)- Enter the connection timeout interval in seconds. The default is 3 seconds.
    • WatchDog Interval (sec)- Enter the watchdog interval in seconds. The default is 6 seconds.


    • Protocol - TCP/SCTP
  4. Click Save.

Peer Nodes

To edit the Peer Nodes Configurations:
  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Diameter Configurations, and then Peer Nodes.

    The Peer Nodes screen appears.

  2. Click Add to create peer node. The Create Peer Node screen appears.
  3. Enter the following information:
    • Name- Unique Name of the peer node.
    • Type- Defines which type of diameter service it should take up. The value can be Application function (af) or diameter routing agent(dra).
    • Reconnect Limit (sec) -
    • Initiate Connection- Set it to True to initiate a connection for this peer node.
    • Port- Enter the port number. Enter a number from 0 to 65535.
    • Host- Enter the host name. Enter a FQDN, ipv4 or ipv6 address available for establishing diameter transport connections to the peer node .
    • Realm- Enter the realm name, that is, FQDNs to all of that computers that transact diameter traffic.
    • Identity- Enter a identity to define a node in a realm.
  4. Click Save.


    You can import and export the Peer Node configurations by clicking on Import and Export on Peer Nodes Configurations screen.

Configuring Diameter Routing Table

You can define the next hop for Cloud Native Core Policy initiated diameter requests based on Diameter application-id, Destination-Realm and Destination-Host using diameter routing table.You can configure the route entries from this page.

To configure the PCRF Core Settings:
  1. From the navigation menu, click Policy, and then Diameter Configurations, and then Routing Table.

    The Diameter Routing Table Configurations screen appears.

  2. Click Edit to edit the diameter routing table configurations. This enables the Add button in Diamter Routing Table group.
  3. Click Add. The Add Diamter Routing Table window opens.
    1. Enter the values for the following fields in the Diamter Routing Table group:
      • Priority- Defines the order of use when one or more routes have overlapping criteria. The range is 0-65535.
      • Name- Unique name of the diameter routing table.
      • Type- The value can be Realm or Host.
      • Realms- Realms field is displayed when the Realm is selected in the Type field.
      • Hosts

        Hosts field is displayed when the Host is selected in the Type field.

      • Application ID

        Select Rx (default), Gq, Ty, Gx, Gxx, Sy, Gy, Sh, or All.

      • Server Identifier
        Enter a free-form text.


        * (asterisk) wildcard character is allowed in Hosts, Realms, and Server Identifier fields.

        Click Save.

    2. Enter the value for the Server Identifier field in the Default Route group.
  4. Click Save.
The Diameter Routing Table is configured.

Data Source Configurations

Cloud Native Core Policy (CNC Policy) establishes connections with data sources to retrieve information about subscribers from the database. The CNC Policy queries a data source using a key attribute that uniquely identifies a subscriber and stores the results in its cache. A data source uses this key attribute (for example, the phone or account number of the subscriber) to index the information contained in the database.

The CNC Policy supports Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) data source. Based on the conditions implemented in PCF system, Policy Data Source (PDS) would retrieve all the relevant information from LDAP data source based on the rules configured in the system through LDAP gateway.

To enable PDS and LDAP gateway service, set the following flags to true in custom.yaml file as part of CNC Policy installation:
  • ldapGatewayEnable
  • policydsEnable
When these flags are set to true, Session Management (SM) service routes its traffic to User service through PDS. For more information on custom.yaml file, refer to Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Policy Installation Guide.

LDAP credentails are stored as kubernetes secret along with Authentication DN and LDAP name. You must create a kuberenetes secret to store LDAP credentials before setting a PDS as LDAP data source.

To create a kubernetes secret for storing LDAP credentails:
  1. Create a yaml file with the following syntax:
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: ldapsecret
        type: ocpm.secret.ldap
    type: Opaque
      name: "ldap1"
      password: "camiant"
      authDn: "uid=PolicyServer,ou=vodafone,c=hu,o=vodafone"

    where, name is the configured LDAP server name.

    password is the LDAP credential for that data source.

    authDN is the authentication DN for that LDAP datsource.


    For different LDAP data sources more entries can be added in above format only the key of the entry should be the ldap name specified in the CNC Policy Graphical User Interface (GUI).
  2. Create the secret by executing the following command:
    kubectl apply -f yaml_file_name -n pcf-namespace


    yaml_file_name is a name of the yaml file that is created in step 1.

    pcf-namespace is the deployment namespace used by the helm command.

Data Sources

Creating Data Source

To create data source using CNC Console GUI:
  1. From the navigation menu, under Policy, then under Data Source Configurations, click Data Sources. The Data Sources page opens.
  2. Click Add to create a data source.

    The Create Data Source page opens.

  3. On the Create Data Source page, enter the following information:
    1. Name- Unique name of the data source.
    2. Description- Details about the data source.
    3. Type- Select the value from the drop-down. Possible values are : Sh, LDAP, and Sy.
    4. Read Connection- This parameter is available only if you add LDAP as a data source type. Number of read connections established with data source.
    5. Enable/Dsiable the admin state. When value is set to true, datasource (sh/sy) interaction takes place.
    6. Realm- Defines the realm of the primary and optional secondary servers to connect (required).
    7. Role- This parameter is available only if you add Sy as a data source type. Possible values are: Primary – Irrespective of policy deployed, interaction with datasource will happen. SecondaryOn Demand – When policy demands, then only interaction with datasource happens.
    8. Enable/Disable the Enable Subscription- This parameter is available only if you add Sh as a data source type. Indicates whether MPE needs to subscribe to notifications from Sh.
    9. Enable/Disable the Use Notif Eff- This parameter is available only if you add Sh as a data source type. Specifies the user data Request/Answer will allow multiple data references, service indications, and identity sets. The user data Answer will be able to combine DataReference items resulting in the user data Answer contents including a single XML document with the separate XML sections populated.
    10. Sh Profile- This parameter is available only if you add Sh as a data source type. Select the Sh Profile from the drop-down to use with this data source.
    11. Timer Profile- Timer profile for the data source.
    12. Primary Server- Primary data source server. The data source connection will be established with primary data source.
    13. Secondary Server- Secondary data source server. If Primary server is not reachable, then data source connection will be established with secondary (if available). You can add or remove the secondary data source server.
    14. Tertiary Server- Tertiary data source server. If primary and secondary are not reachable, then LDAP connection will be established with tertiary (if available). You can add or remove the tertiary data source server.
    15. Quaternary Server- Quaternary data source server. If primary , secondary and tertiary are not reachable then LDAP connection will be established with tertiary (if available). You can add or remove the quaternary data source server.
    16. Search Criteria- The criteria on which the data source search will be performed. You can add or remove the Search Criteria settings.
      • For LDAP data source, enter Root DN and Base DN Attribute. root dn is the root of the LDAP tree in which to search and Base DN Attribute maps the key.

To set Policy Data Source as LDAP using CNC Console GUI:

  1. Add LDAP data source. To add LDAP data source, From the navigation menu, under Policy, then under Data Source Configurations, click Data Sources. The Data Sources page opens. Click Add to create a data source. On the Create Data Source page, select LDAP in the Type drop-down list.

    The following screen capture shows the example of adding LDAP data source in GUI: The screen capture shows how to add LDAP data source.

    In the above example, LDAP datasource with name LDAP1 is created.
  2. Create pds service type in PCF system. To create pds service type, From the navigation menu, under Policy Management, click Settings . On Settings page, click Add to create pds service type.

    The following screen capture shows the example of creating pds service type in GUI:

    img/service-type-pds.png In the above example, pds service type is created.


    The service name should be entered as pds.
  3. Create Policy Project with pds Service Type. From the navigation menu, under Policy Management, click Policy Projects. On Policy Projects page, click Create to create policy project. While creating a policy project select pds as a service type.

    The following screen capture shows the example of creating policy project with pds service type in GUI:

    img/policy-project-pds.png In the above example, s policy project is created with pds service type.
  4. Create policy action and condition in previously created policy project. Click Open for the selected policy project and you can see the project is a file. You can create the policy action and condition by using the different blocks available under Conditions and Actions under PDS.

    The following screen capture shows the example of creating policy action and condition in GUI:

    creating policy action and condition

    In the above example, if request received for configured IMSI ranges between 404050000000001 and 404050000000001, then PCF will forward request to PDS and PDS will forward the request to LDAP gateway to lookup user information in LDAP1.


This section describes how to perform administration tasks such as bulk import and bulk export of configurable objects into the system.

Bulk Export/Bulk Import

This section describes how to perform a bulk export and bulk import of managed objects (MOs).

In Release 1.8.x, you can use either of the modes to bulk export and bulk import all the MO's configurations:
  • Using GUI to export and import the MO's configuration data
  • Using REST APIs to export and import the MO's configuration data

Exporting Managed Object Files Using GUI

To export the MO's configuration data using GUI:
  1. From the navigation pane, click Policy, and then Administration, and then Import & Export.

    The Export and Import tabs appear on the screen.

  2. Click Export to export the configuration data.

    The Export Data dialog box opens containing a list of the managed objects to be exported.

  3. Click Export in the dialog box.


    You can not select the managed objects in the Export Data dialog box in Release 1.8.x.

    All the configurations related to the managed objects are exported and a row is created in the Export status table displaying the export status with the additional details as follows:

    • A new Export Resource Id is generated for each export action using which you get the export status.
    • The export status table auto refreshes till the progress reaches 100%.
    • The Creation TimeStamp gives the timestamp at which the Export ResourceId got generated.
    • The Progress (%) shows the Progress Bar percentage done.
    • The Actions cloumn has 2 buttons. These buttons will be enabled once the status is DONE.
      • Downloading Exported Configurations: Click folder buttonfolder button to download the exported configurations in Zip format containing MO's data in JSON files.
      • Downlaoding Export Report: Click report button Report button to download the report of exported files in .txt format giving details about the MO's exported.
    • Below are the status displayed by bulk export:
      • IN_PROGRESS: If the export is running.
      • DONE: If the export is finished. Following are the possible value of RESULT field if the export is in DONE status:
        • SUCCESS : If the export is successful
        • FAILED : If the export is failed
        • PARTIAL_SUCCESS : If the export is partially successful

For more information on Bulk Export REST APIs, see Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Policy REST Specification Document.

Importing Managed Object Files Using GUI

To import json or ZIP files:

  1. From the navigation pane, click Policy, and then Administration, and then Import & Export.

    The Export and Import tabs appear on the screen.

  2. Click Import.

    The Import Data dialog box opens.

  3. Locate the file to be imported.


    You can not select the managed objects in the Import Data dialog box in Release 1.8.x.
  4. Select a processing option to use to Handle collisions between imported items and existing items:
    • Ignore records already present in DB from overwrite For each object in the import file, if the object exists in the system, the import does not update the object with the configuration contained in the import file. If an object does not exist, the system adds the object to the system.
    • Replace all the records For each object in the import file, if the object exists in the system, the import updates the object with the configuration contained in the import file. If an object does not exist, the system adds the object to the system.
  5. Click Import.

The configuration objects and their configuration settings are imported into the database. After the import is complete, the window reports the results for each json file contained in the ZIP file.

  • A new Import ResourceId is generated for each export action using which you get the import status.
  • The import status table auto refreshes till the progress reaches 100%.
  • The Creation TimeStamp gives the timestamp at which the Import ResourceId got generated.
  • The Progress (%) shows the Progress Bar percentage done.
  • The Actions cloumn has one button. This button will be enabled once the status is DONE. Click report button Report button to download the report of exported files in .txt format giving details about the Mo's imported.
  • Below are the status displayed by bulk import:
    • IN_PROGRESS: If the import is running.
    • DONE: If the import is finished. Following are the possible value of RESULT field if the import is in DONE status:
      • SUCCESS : If the import is successful
      • FAILED : If the import is failed
      • PARTIAL_SUCCESS : If the import is partially successful
    For more information on Bulk Import REST APIs, see Oracle Communications Cloud Native Core Policy REST Specification Document.

Curl Commands for Bulk Import and Bulk Export

Import: curl -X POST "http://<ipAddress>:<port>/oc-cnpolicy-configuration/v1/administration/import" -H "accept: */*" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "importFile=@<exported zip file name>;type=application/x-zip-compressed"

where, <exported zip file name> specifies name of the zip file to be exported.

Import Report: curl -X GET "http://<ipAddress>:<port>/oc-cnpolicy-configuration/v1/administration/import/<importResourceId>/report" -H "accept: application/octet-stream"

Import Status: curl -X GET "http://<ipAddress>:<port>/oc-cnpolicy-configuration/v1/administration/import/<importResourceId>/status" -H "accept: application/json"

Export : curl -X POST "http://<ipAddress>:<port>/oc-cnpolicy-configuration/v1/administration/export" -H "accept: */*" -d ""

Download: curl -X GET "http://<ipAddress>:<port>/oc-cnpolicy-configuration/v1/administration/export/<exportResourceId>/download" -H "accept: application/octet-stream"

Export Report: curl -X GET "http://<ipAddress>:<port>/oc-cnpolicy-configuration/v1/administration/export/<exportResourceId>/report" -H "accept: application/octet-stream"

Export Status: curl -X GET "http://<ipAddress>:<port>/oc-cnpolicy-configuration/v1/administration/export/<exportResourceId>/status" -H "accept: application/json"

Support for Spending Limit Pending Counter

Policy solution enables you to use activation time in pending policy counter as input to the Condition Data for either activation time or deactivation time. This functionality is available for condition data used by PCC rules and session rules.


This functionality is only supported by Session Management (SM) Associations in this release.
In the below Spending Limit Pending Counter Sample:, PCF selects one of policy counter by policyCounterId and and policyCounterStatus, then use the activationTime as the activationTime and/or deactivationTime of Condition Data of PCC Rule or Session Rule, and finally send the related PCC Rule or Session Rule to SMF.
 "supi": "imsi-450081100100001",
 "gpsi": "msisdn-9192503899",
 "PolicyCounterIds": [
 "policyCounterId": "silver",
 "currentStatus": "valid",
 "penPolCounterStatuses": [
 "policyCounterStatus": "start",
 "activationTime": "2020-05-16T16:25:00.659Z"
 "policyCounterId": "gold",
 "currentStatus": "valid",
 "penPolCounterStatuses": [
 "policyCounterStatus": "start",
 "activationTime": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
 "policyCounterStatus": "end",
 "activationTime": "2020-12-31T23:59:59.000Z"
See Configuring Policy Counter Id, Configuring Condition Data, Configuring PCC Rule, and Configuring Session Rule for the configuration details of Policy Counter ID, Condition Data, PCC Rule, and Session Rule.
The existing policies are extended to support using the spending limit pending counter. The policy changes supports:
  1. Select the activationTime of pending counter by policyCounterIdand and policyCounterStatus.
  2. Install PCC Rule or Apply PCC Rule Profile using the activationTime as activationTime or/and deactivationTime of Condition Data of the PCC Rule or PCC Rule Profile.
  3. Install/Modify Session Rule using the activationTime as activationTime or/and deactivationTime of Condition Data of the Session Rule.

For more information on Activation/Deactivation Time of PCC Rules/Session Rules blockly design for policy design, see PCF-SM Category section in Oracle Communcations Cloud Native Core Policy Design Guide.

A Policy Sample, this sample is used to install session rule using policy pending counter from the above sample.policy sample