3 Preparing Your Network Bridge Cloud Native Environment

You can prepare your cloud native environment by downloading the cloud native deployment package for Oracle Communications Network Bridge, extracting the Helm charts, and loading the Network Bridge component images.

Topics in this document:

Tasks for Preparing Your Cloud Native Environment

As part of preparing your cloud native environment for Network Bridge, you download the Network Bridge package and load the necessary component images into your Kubernetes container system. The following shows the high-level tasks:

  1. Download the Network Bridge cloud native deployment package to your cloud native environment.

  2. Extract the Network Bridge Helm charts from the downloaded package.

  3. Load the Network Bridge component images into your container runtime.

  4. (Optional) Create Secrets for your container registry.

Downloading the Network Bridge Cloud Native Deployment Package

To download the Network Bridge cloud native deployment package, go to the Oracle software delivery website (https://edelivery.oracle.com). Search for and then download Oracle Communications Converged Charging System

Table 3-1 lists the packages in the downloaded archive files. Replace version with the release number. For example, for release 2.0 Patch Set 1, the file name for Oracle Communications Network Bridge Diameter Adapter would be oc-ccs-diameter-adapter-

Table 3-1 Network Bridge Component Packages

Component Package Name File Name

Oracle Communications Network Bridge Database Client


Oracle Communications Network Bridge Diameter Adapter


Oracle Communications Network Bridge Diameter Proxy


Oracle Communications Network Bridge Mediation


Oracle Communications Network Bridge Helm Chart


Extracting the Helm Chart

Extract the Network Bridge Helm chart by running this command:


Loading Network Bridge Component Images

The images shipped with the Network Bridge cloud native deployment package are in the form of TAR files. After downloading the TAR files, load them as images into your container runtime.

For example, to load the Mediation image into a Docker system, you would do this:

  1. Download the oc-ccs-mediation-version.tar file to the system where Docker is installed, where version is the release number such as

  2. Load the Mediation image into Docker by entering this command:

    docker load --input oc-ccs-mediation-version.tar
  3. Verify that the image is loaded correctly by entering this command:

    docker images mediation:version

    The image details should be listed in one row.

If you use an internal registry to access images from different Kubernetes nodes, push the images from the local system to the registry server. For example, if the registry is identified by RepoHost:RepoPort, you'd push the Mediation image to the registry like this:

  1. Tag the image with the registry server by entering this command:

    docker tag mediation:version RepoHost:RepoPort/oracle/cagbu/ccs/network-bridge/mediation:version
  2. Push the image to the registry server by entering this command:

    docker push RepoHost:RepoPort/oracle/cagbu/ccs/network-bridge/mediation:version

Creating Secrets for Container Registry Authorization

You can automatically pull images from your private container registry by creating an ImagePullSecrets, which contains a list of authorization tokens (or Secrets) for accessing a private container registry. You then add references to the ImagePullSecrets in your override-values.yaml file for the Network Bridge's Helm chart. This allows pods to submit the Secret to the private container registry whenever they want to pull images.

To automatically pull images from a private container registry, create a Secret outside of the Helm chart by entering this command:

kubectl create secret docker-registry SecretName --docker-server=RegistryServer --docker-username=UserName --docker-password=Password -n NameSpace


  • SecretName is the name of your Kubernetes Secret.

  • RegistryServer is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of your private container registry (repoHost:repoPort).

  • UserName and Password are the user name and password for your private container registry.

  • NameSpace is the namespace you will use for installing the Network Bridge Helm chart.

For example:

kubectl create secret docker-registry cgbu-docker-registry --docker-server=mydockerimages.com:0000/ --docker-username=xyz --docker-password=password -n NetworkBridge