14 Subscriber Configuration

This chapter explains how to configure the groups and fields available in the Prepaid Charging Edit Subscriber screens.

Note: Sub-groups are configured in the Sub-Group Config tab. Once the sub-group has been configured, you can add it to the Subscriber Config tree and the Edit Subscriber screen in the same way as adding a field.

This chapter contains the following topics.

Subscriber Config

Subscriber Panels

Subscriber Group Field Configuration

Profile Tag Fields

Subscriber Config

The Subscriber Config tab allows you to configure the Prepaid Charging Edit Subscriber screen. You can:

  • Define which options will appear in the left hand menu on the screen

  • Define the fields belonging to each group

  • Configure how each field is displayed on the screen

  • Define profile rules for the profile tag fields in each group

For more information about the Edit Subscriber screen, see Editing and Deleting Subscribers.

Profile rules

You can define a set of profile rules for the profile tag fields configured to appear in the Edit Subscriber and Edit Product Type screens. The profile rules are applied at run time to help prevent invalid data from being entered in profile tag fields.

For details on defining profile rules, see Rule Definition.

Subscriber config definitions

You can set up a subscriber config definition for a specific service provider, or for a specific service provider and product type combination. The configuration is applied to a Subscriber based on the product type specified for the subscriber's wallet.

Default product type

The default product type is None. The configuration defined for this product type is used where no specific configuration has been defined for the subscriber’s product type.

Set the default product type by selecting a product type from the Product Type drop down list at the top of the Subscriber Profile Manager screen.

Subscriber config rules

Here are the rules used to determine which subscriber config definition will be used to display subscriber information in the Edit Subscriber screen.

  1. If the service provider and product type specified for the subscriber's wallet match a subscriber config product type definition, then this definition will be used.

  2. If there is no match for the product type then the subscriber config definition for the service provider's default product type None will be used.

User access

The fields included in a subscriber group can be accessed in the Edit Subscriber screen provided the user has been given sufficient privileges.

User access permissions are managed through the User Templates defined in the SMS User Management screen. They can be set for all the fields in the subscriber group, or for selected fields.

This table describes the privileges that may be assigned to a field.

Privilege Description
Read/Only The field's value (if present) will be visible to the user through the screens, but they will not be able to edit, create, or delete it.
Read/Modify The field's value (if present) will be visible to the user through the screens, and they will be able to edit it, but they will not be able to create or delete it.
Create/Delete The field's value (if present) will be visible to the user through the screens, and they will be able to edit, create and delete it.
Execute Valid for BPL tasks only. This BPL task will be visible to the user through the screens, and they will be able to execute it.

Note: For information on creating and maintaining user Templates, see Convergent Charging Controller SMS User's Guide.

Note about including wallet information

Where secondary or shared wallets are to be used, you are strongly advised to design screens that place the wallet information on a separate panel. You should not include any specific subscriber details in this panel.

Here is a list of all the items that relate to the wallet and which should be configured to appear on a separate wallet panel. All other details fields, profile tags and profile panel information relate to the subscriber:

  • Balances table panel

  • Wallet expiry details panel

  • Wallet history panel (wallet history and creation date)

  • Wallet info panel

  • Wallet state

  • Product type


To see the importance of keeping wallet information separate, consider these two scenarios:

  1. A subscriber has both a primary and a secondary wallet. In this case there will be independent wallet information for each wallet, and a single set of subscriber information (profile panel, details fields, and any profile tags).

  2. Two subscribers have independent primary wallets and a shared secondary wallet. In this case the two subscribers will have independent subscriber and primary wallet information, and therefore independent profile panel, details fields and profile tags. However, there will be a single set of wallet information for the shared secondary wallet. This means that the profile panel, details fields and profile tags displayed when a user accesses the secondary wallet, will depend on which subscriber is selected.

Subscriber Panels

The Subscriber Config tab enables you to define the groups in the Subscriber Panels node tree. The groups which are assigned to nodes in the tree, are displayed under the Subscriber option on the left hand panel in the Edit Subscriber screen.

Once the group is defined, you can:

  • Define the set of fields belonging to the group for the selected Service Provider and Product Type

  • Specify the screen layout for each field.

For more information about:

Assigning a group

To assign a group to a node in the Subscriber Config tree, follow the procedure detailed in Assigning a group to a node.

Editing a group assignment

To edit the assignment of a group to a node in the Subscriber Config tree, follow the procedure detailed in Editing a group assignment.

Deleting a group

To delete a group assigned to a node in the Subscriber Config tree, follow the procedure detailed in Deleting a group.

Warning: You cannot delete a group that has had fields added to it. Any fields included in the group must be removed from the group before you attempt to delete it.

Subscriber Group Field Configuration

You can add, edit and delete the fields belonging to a group assigned to a node in the Subscriber Config tab. These fields will be displayed on the Edit Subscriber screen under the option which corresponds to the group they are configured in.

If you include any profile tag fields in your configuration, then you can also define the profile rules that will be applied to the profile tag fields at run-time. For details, see Rule Definition.

Adding new field for Subscriber Config group

Follow these steps to add a field for a group in the Subscriber Config tree.

  1. In the Subscriber Profile Manager screen, select the Service Provider and Product Type you require from the drop down lists.

  2. From the left hand panel on the Subscriber Config tab select the group that you want to add the field to.

    Tip: Double click on a node to see which groups are assigned to it, if these are not currently visible.

  3. Click New.

    Result: You see the New Field for Group screen. The name of the currently selected group is appended to the screen name.

  4. Select the Field Type from the drop down box.

    Result: You see the field configuration options for the selected field type in the panel below.

  5. If you are adding a:

    Field Type Specify These Database Fields
    Database Field
    • Display Name

    • Field

    • Type

    • BPL

    Profile Tag Field
    • Display Name

    • Profile Tag Name

    • Date Type (if Tag field is a DATE)

    Custom Field
    • Display Name

    • Custom Type

    • Display Name

    • Sub-Group

    Periodic Charge
    • Display Name

    • Periodic Charge or Periodic Charge Group

    • Show Date Fields

    Promotion Info Field
    • Display Name

    • Promotion

    • Show Expiry Date

    Wallet Life Cycle Field
    • Display Name

    For more information, see Field Type fields.

  6. Specify the Layout Details for the field. This will determine where the field will appear on the group panel in the Edit Subscriber screen.

    For more information on the layout details options, refer to Screen Layout (Field Type Definition and Layout, Subscriber Profile Manager Screen Layout).

  7. Click Save.

Editing field from Subscriber Config group

Follow these steps to edit a field included in a group in the Subscriber Config tree.

  1. In the Subscriber Profile Manager screen, select the Service Provider and Product Type you require from the drop down lists.

  2. From the left hand panel on the Subscriber Config tab, select the group where the field to edit is configured.

    Tip: Double click on a node to see which groups are assigned to it, if these are not currently visible.

  3. Select the field on the grid and click Edit.

    Result: You see the Editing Field from Group screen. The name of the currently selected group is appended to the screen name.

  4. Edit the fields to reflect the changes you need to make.

    For more information about the fields at the top of this screen, see Field Type fields.

    For more information about the layout fields on this screen, see Layout Details.

  5. Click Save.

Deleting a field

Follow these steps to delete a field from a group in the Subscriber Config tree.

  1. In the Subscriber Profile Manager screen, select the Service Provider and Product Type you require from the drop down lists.

  2. From the left hand panel on the Subscriber Config tab, select the group where the field to delete is configured.

    Result: The grid will display the fields which have been configured for the group you have selected. For an example of this screen, see Subscriber Config tab - Details group.

  3. Select the field you want to delete on the grid and click Delete.

    Result: You see the Delete Confirmation prompt.

  4. Click OK.

    Result: The field is removed from the grid.

Profile Tag Fields

The facility to configure profile tag fields enables you to create customized fields which can then be:

  • Accessed and populated through the CCP Dashboard, Edit Subscriber and Product Type screens

  • Uused in control plans.

For more information about how profile fields are used in control plans, see Convergent Charging Controller CPE User's Guide.


Profile tags

Configuring Zone Profile Tags

Profile tags

The tag names for profile fields are defined on the Profile Tag Details tab in the ACS Configuration screen.

This table describes the supported data types for profile tags.

Profile Field Tag Type Description

A single value:

  • True

  • False

BYTE A single digit integer (signed).
DATE A date.
INTEGER An integer value (signed).

A limited numeric string. Valid characters are 0-9.

Note: The limits for LNSTRING field values may be set for the Product Type (in the Product Type screen) and/or Service Provider (in Service Management, Resource Limits screen).


A limited ordered prefix tree. This is made up of a limited list of numbers.

Note: The limits for LOPREFIX field values may be set for the Product Type (in the Product Type screen) and/or Service Provider (in Service Management, Resource Limits screen).

NSTRING Numeric string. Valid characters are 0-9.
OPREFIX An ordered prefix tree comprising an ordered list of numbers.
PREFIX A prefix tree comprising a list of numbers.
STRING A non limited ASCII string.

A set of shape definitions for the area covered by the zone. Shapes may be circular or rectangular and are defined by their coordinates.

Note: You can set up and populate zone tags but they may only be used if the Location Capabilities Pack (LCP) is installed.

Configuring Zone Profile Tags

You can define a set of zones that can be used to determine the location of a subscriber.

To define a zone, you must first define the zone profile group field using a ZONE profile tag.

ZONE profile tags are configured in ACS. The LCP ZONE profile tags, Home and Work, are all configured at installation. All other zone profile tags are user defined and must conform to the configuration shown in this table.

Profile Tag Name Profile Tag Type Profile Tag Parent Profile Tag Comment
LCP ZONES Profile Block 4128769 NA Configured during installation.
Home ZONE 4128770 4128769 Configured during installation.
Work ZONE 4128771 4128769 Configured during installation.
ZoneName ZONE

An integer value in the range:

4128772 to 4194305


User defined.

Warning: The parent profile tag must be set to 4128769 (the profile tag value for LCP ZONES).

For more information about profile tags, see ACS User's Guide.