1 LCP Administration Screens and Tasks

This chapter explains the functionality on the Oracle Communications Convergent Charging Controller Location Capabilities Pack screen and other administrative tasks.

This chapter contains the following topics.

Getting Started





Getting Started

Follow these steps to access the Location Capabilities Pack.

  1. From the SMS Services menu, select LCP.

Result: You see the Location Capabilities Pack screen.


The Location Capabilities Pack screen contains the following tabs:

See "What is Location Capabilities Pack?" in Oracle Communications Convergent Charging Controller Location Capabilities Pack User's Guide for an overview of how these tabs are used in LCP.

Selecting Tabs

Follow these steps to navigate between tabs on a screen.

To... Press the...
Select a tab title using the mouse Left mouse button with the cursor placed over the tab title
Navigate across the tab titles Left or right arrow key (if a tab is already selected)
Navigating between fields and buttons

Follow these steps to navigate between fields and buttons on a tab or screen.

To... Click...
Navigate to the next field or button Tab
Save screen changes or activate the selected button Enter

Deleting a Record

Follow these steps to delete a record from the database.

  1. From the table on the tab, select the record to delete. Click Delete.

    Result: You see the Confirm Deletion dialog.

  2. Click Yes to delete the record.

Searching for Records

Each tab on the Location Capabilities Pack screen contains a search area. The search area consists of fields in which you can enter search criteria, which returns records matching the criteria in the grid.

The search facility supports the Oracle wildcard characters:

  • % (any character)

  • _ (one character)


This Plugins tab of the Location Capabilities Pack screen displays the list of existing plug-ins. The table allows a maximum of 10 entries.

Plugins Tab Fields

This table describes the function of each field.

Field Description
Description Description of this plug-in. This field holds a maximum of 2000 characters.
Library Name

The name of the shared library that contains the location plug-in functionality.

Warning: This string must match the filename of the library and that file must be in the LCP's library directory on the SLCs. (The default location is: /IN/service_packages/LCP/lib).

This field can hold a maximum of 1024 characters.

For more information about the available libraries, see Location Capabilities Pack Technical Guide.

Use Current Defines whether to use the current location (MAP Cell ID, MAP Geographical Information, or INAP Location Number).
Group Requests

Defines whether to send Grouped Requests.


  • This is only relevant where there is a supported plug-in. Setting to yes, group requests from a macro node to a plug-in to save bandwidth. This functionality is not currently supported in either the macro nodes or the plug-ins, so this field should be set to No.

  • After you save this record, you cannot change this setting.

Adding a Plug-In Definition

Follow these steps to create a plug-in definition.

  1. On the Plugins tab of the Locations Capabilities Pack screen, click New.

    Result: You see the New Plugin Definition screen.

  2. Configure this record by entering data in the fields on this screen.

    For more information about the fields in this screen, see Plugins Tab Fields.

  3. Click Save.

Related topic


Editing a Plug-In Definition

Follow these steps to edit a plug-in definition.

  1. From the table on the Plugins tab of the Location Capabilities Pack screen, select the record. Click Edit.

    Result: You see the Edit Plugin Definition screen.

  2. Edit the fields to reflect the changes you need to make.

    For more information about the fields on this screen, see Plugins Tab Fields.

    Note: You cannot change the group requests option.

  3. Click Save.

Related topic



This Mappings tab of the Location Capabilities Pack screen displays the list of existing MSISDN mappings.

There are two ways a plug-in is chosen. It is either specified by the LSP client, or if one is not specified, the MSISDN of the mobile station is used to select a plug-in.

The MSISDN or plug-in selection is determined by using MSISDN ranges. This means that, if the MSISDN of interest falls within the range of a plug-in, the plug-in is used. The MSISDN ranges must be non-overlapping, that is, no part of the range overlaps with any other MSISDN ranges.

The table allows a maximum of 100 entries.

Mappings Fields

This table describes the function of each field.

Field Description
MSISDN Start Range

Type a start value for the range of MSISDNs thatl map to the plug-in.


  • Ranges must not overlap with an existing range.

  • After you save the record, the range cannot be modified.

MSISDN End Range

Type an end value for the range of MSISDNs that map to the plug-in.


  • Ranges must not overlap with an existing range.

  • After you save the record, the range cannot be modified.

Plugin Type Select the plug-in type from the drop-down menu.

Adding an MSISDN Mapping

Follow these steps to add an MSISDN mapping for a selected plug-in.

  1. On the Mappings tab of the Locations Capabilities Pack screen, click New.

    Result: You see the New MSISDN Mapping screen.

  2. Configure this record by entering data in the fields on this screen.

    For more information about the fields in this screen, see Mappings Fields.

  3. Click Save.

    Result: The record is added to the database.

Related topic


Editing an MSISDN Mapping

Follow these steps to edit an MSISDN mapping.

  1. From the table on the Mappings tab of the Location Capabilities Pack screen, select the record. Click Edit.

    Result: You see the Edit MSISDN Mapping screen.

  2. The only field you can modify is the Plugin Type.

    For more information about the fields on this screen, see Mappings Fields.

  3. Click Save.

Related topic



The Conversions tab displays the list of existing conversions that match the search criteria. If the search criteria fields are empty, the entire list of conversions is displayed. A circle showing the meaning of the coordinates is shown. The table allows a maximum of 1 million entries.

Conversion Bulk Loader

The Conversion Bulk Loader enables you to load conversion data from text files. Files can contain data for updating by area ID or by cell ID, but not both.

The files can be imported by using one of the following:

  • Conversions tab of the Location Capabilities Pack screen

  • Command line

For details about using the command line and the file format of the text files, see Location Capabilities Pack Technical Guide.

Conversion Fields

This table describes the function of each field.

Field Description
Cell ID

The ID of the Cell.

Note: This field cannot be changed after it is first saved.

Area ID

The ID of the Area.

Note: This field cannot be changed after it is first saved.

Longitude (Degrees) The longitude coordinate. Restricted to between -179.99999 (W) to 180.00000 (E) degrees (5 decimal places throughout).
Latitude (Degrees) The latitude coordinate. Restricted to between -90.00000 to 90.00000 degrees (5 decimal places throughout).
Radius (km) The radius. Restricted to between 0.0000000 and 99999999.9999999 kilometers (7 decimal places throughout).

Adding Conversions

Follow these steps to create a conversion.

  1. On the Conversions tab of the Locations Capabilities Pack screen, click New.

    Result: You see the New Conversion screen.

  2. Click either the Cell ID or Area ID and type the ID in the field beside the selection.

    Note: After you save this record, you cannot change this setting.

  3. Fill in the coordinates. For more information about these fields, see Conversion Fields.

  4. Click Save.

Related topic


Editing a Conversion

Follow these steps to edit a conversion.

  1. From the table on the Conversions tab of the Location Capabilities Pack screen, select the record. Click Edit.

    Result: You see the Edit Conversion screen.

  2. Edit the fields to reflect the changes you need to make.

    For more information about the fields in this screen, see Conversion Fields.

  3. Click Save.

Related topic


Importing Conversions

Follow these steps to import conversions.

  1. On the Conversions tab of the Location Capabilities Pack screen, click Import.

    Result: The Import screen is displayed.

  2. Specify the file type to import. Select one of the following:

    • Cell

    • Area

  3. Specify the import mode. Select one of the following:

    • Replace – Insert into an empty database or replace all existing data

    • Update – Update the existing data

  4. Select one of the following:

    • Import Cell Data

    • Import Area Data

  5. Result: The Import screen reflects your selection of options.

  6. Browse to the file to import. Click the import button, for example, Import Cell Data (Replace).

    Result: If successful, you see a dialog displaying the location of log files to check and delete after inspection.

  7. Click OK.

    Result: The database is updated.

Related topic



Zones can be used to determine the location of a Subscriber for the purpose of differential billing and/or providing location-based services.

The Location Capabilities Pack uses ZONE profile tags configured in ACS to define a set of zones. These profile tags are defined on the Profile Tag Details tab on the ACS Configuration screen.

Configuring Zone Profile Tags

You can define a set of zones that can be used to determine the location of a subscriber.

To define a zone, you must first define the zone profile group field using a ZONE profile tag.

ZONE profile tags are configured in ACS. The LCP ZONE profile tags, Home and Work, are all configured at installation. All other zone profile tags are user defined and must conform to the configuration shown in this table.

Profile Tag Name Profile Tag Type Profile Tag Parent Profile Tag Comment
LCP ZONES Profile Block 4128769 NA Configured during installation.
Home ZONE 4128770 4128769 Configured during installation.
Work ZONE 4128771 4128769 Configured during installation.
ZoneName ZONE

An integer value in the range:

4128772 to 4194305


User defined.

Warning: The parent profile tag must be set to 4128769 (the profile tag value for LCP ZONES).

For more information about profile tags, see ACS User's Guide.

Using Zone Profile Tags

The LCP ZONE profile tags defined on the ACS Configuration screen are used by the LCP In The Zone feature node and Set My Zone feature node to access or update zone type values from within a control plan.

For more information about:

  • LCP feature nodes, see Feature Nodes Reference Guide

  • A specific node, click the Help button in the feature node's configuration window