5 Messaging Manager Routing Scheme Edit Control

This chapter explains how to manage routing scheme components.

This chapter contains the following topics.

Routing Scheme Edit Control

Routing Scheme Edit Control

This tab controls which routing components can be configured using the Messaging Manager GUI.

Accessing Routing Scheme Edit Control

Follow these steps to open the Messaging Manager Routing Scheme Edit Control screen.

  1. Select the Services menu from the SMS main screen.

  2. Select Messaging Manager.

  3. Select Routing Scheme Edit Control.

    Result: You see the Messaging Manager Routing Scheme Edit Control screen.

For more information about:

  • The screen's content and how to enter configuration information, see the other topics in this chapter.
  • How all the information works together to create the Messaging Manager configuration, see Configuration Scenarios.
  • Logging into the Service Management System screen, see SMS User's Guide.


This table describes the contents of each column of the Routing Scheme Edit Control tab.

Column Description
Group Identifies which component group the other columns relate to.
Component Identifies the component within the group.
Used for these Functions Describes which functions use this component.
Enabled Indicates if the component is available for configuration (selected check box).

Editing scheme controls

Follow these steps to edit the scheme controls.

  1. Open the Messaging Manager Routing Scheme Edit Control screen.

  2. Go through the listed components and perform one of the following actions:

    • Select the Enabled check box to allow use of the component
    • Deselect the Enabled check box to bar the use of the component
  3. Click Apply to save the flag information to the database.

    Result: SMS will perform Messaging Manager configuration replication for all the selected nodes.