1 Using Open Services Development Screens

The Open Services Development (OSD) user interface (UI) enables you to configure how incoming SOAP messages will be handled for any OSD data that is specific to a service provider, that is, one ACS customer. This chapter explains how to configure OSD in the OSD UI.

This chapter contains the following topics.

Find Screens

Service Providers

Operation Sets


Client ASPs

Notification Gateway User

Find Screens

You use the Find screens to locate records in the Operation Sets, Operations and Client ASPs tabs.

While each of these tabs has a different results table, they all use the same mechanism to populate their tables.

Using the Find screen

If the Service Provider drop down list is present, it can be ignored, unless you are wanting to change provider on all the tabs.

The search text box (Operation Set Name in the example) is used to do a search on items beginning with the text typed. For example typing "Weekly" would return all operation sets whose name started with "Weekly".

Note: This search function is case sensitive - "week" would not find anything.

To start the search, click Search. All found items replace any previous table contents.

Once the record has been found, click on that table entry and click Close to return to the parent tab, which will be populated with the found record details.

Service Providers

The Service Providers tab allows you to select a service provider that will have OSD configuration.

Note: Once selected, data for the service provider is propagated to the following tabs:

  • Service Providers

  • Operation Sets

  • Operations

Service Providers fields

This table describes the Service Providers tab fields.

Field Description
Service Provider

The service provider that an ASP uses for the operation set.


  • This will be the same provider for the Service Provider, Operation Sets and Operation tabs.

  • Selection of a different provider changes the screen contents as if Clear had been clicked.

Use Router

Flag to indicate that ASPs using operations belonging to this service provider access OSD through a router such as squid.

If this flag is selected then the router port and router address are placed in the WSDL file.

If this flag is not selected then ASPs access OSD on the SLCs directly for these operations. In this case, all the ports and addresses from the SLC ports panel are placed in the WSDL file and the router port and router address are not used.

Router Port This is a single port in the range 1024 through 65535.
Router Address Address of the router to use for load sharing.
Protocol The protocol the ASPs should use to send the SOAP request envelope.

Edit Service Providers

Follow these steps to edit a service provider OSD interaction.

  1. Select the Service Provider from the drop down list.


    • This is a list of already established service providers (see SMS Main menu > Services > ACS Services > Customers tab.

    • The selected service provider is auto selected in the other tabs.

  2. If load sharing is required, select Use Router check box, then:

    • Enter the router port in the Router Port field

    • Enter the router address in the Router Address field

  3. Select the Protocol to be used:

    • HTTP

    • HTTPS

  4. Amend the list of SLC ports to receive ASP input from.

  5. Click Save.

Adding SLC ports

Follow these steps to add a SLC port.

  1. Click Add.

    The New Port List Entry screen displays.

  2. Enter the new port number in the Port field. You must enter a value in the range 1024 to 65535.

  3. Enter the port address in the Address field. You must enter the host name of a SLC running OSD.

  4. Enter the interface name in the Interface Name field. You must enter a name that matches the name of a running osdInterface on the SLC, as defined in the SLEE.cfg file.

    To help improve performance, configure ports for more than one interface.

  5. Click Save.

Related topic

Service Providers

Editing SLC ports

Follow these steps to edit an existing SLC port list entry.

  1. Select the port entry that you want to change from the table.

  2. Click Edit.

    The Edit Port List Entry screen displays.

  3. (Optional) Enter a different port address in the Address field. You must specify the host name of a SLC running OSD.

  4. (Optional) Type a different interface name in the Interface Name field. You must enter the name of a running osdInterface on the SLC, as defined in the SLEE.cfg file.

  5. Click Save.

Related topic

Service Providers

Operation Sets

Operation sets are a collection, for ease of maintainability, of related operations.

The Operation Sets tab is where the selected service provider has all their sets of operations configured.

Each set can have any number of operations (see Operations) and each service provider can have any number of operation sets.

When generated by a control plan compile, all operations for the operation set are inserted into a single WSDL file.

Operation Sets fields

This table describes the Operation Sets tab fields.

Field Description
Service Provider

The service provider for this operation set.


  • This will be the same provider for the Service Provider, Operation Sets and Operation tabs.

  • Selection of a different provider changes the screen contents as if Clear had been clicked.

Operation Set Name

The name of this collection of operations.

Note: There is a special PeriodicCharge set name for use with period charging pro-rating.

WSDL Location

Location of the control plan generated WSDL file for this operation set.

Note: First part of this is set at installation time in the sms.jnlp file.


Web URL for the WSDL file.

Note: This is set at installation time in the sms.jnlp file and in eserv.config - wsdlUriBaseName parameter.

Service to Invoke

The service that will be used to invoke the control plan from the WSDL file. This must match a configured service on the SLC to trigger the control plan successfully.

Note: This list is created at SMS package installation time in a database table. See Service Handlers.

For meanings and uses of the different service handlers, see ACS Technical Guide, CCS Technical Guide, and Notification Gateway Technical Guide.

Max outstanding Transactions

This is the maximum number of SOAP requests for operations in this operation set that are allowed to be active at any one time.

Any SOAP requests in excess of this will be rejected with HTTP error 503 (unavailable).

Warning: If either the WSDL location or WSDl URL are modified, then it is up to the user to configure the SMS file system and Apache so that the two are consistent.

Editing Operation Sets

Follow these steps to edit a service provider operation set.

  1. Select the Service Provider from the drop down list.


    • This is a list of already established service providers (see SMS Main menu > Services > ACS Services > Customers tab.

    • The selected service provider is auto selected in the other tabs.

  2. To set the tab for a new operation set, click Clear.

    To locate an existing operation set for amending, click Find (see Find Screens).

    To remove an operation set, click Delete, and then confirm on the Delete Operation Set confirmation dialog.

  3. Type the operation set name in the Operation Set Name field.

    Result: The name is inserted into the WSDL file location and URL.

  4. Select the Service to Invoke from the drop down list.

    Tip: This should reflect the service the WSDL is going to invoke.

  5. Type the maximum allowed outstanding transactions in the Max Outstanding Transactions field.

  6. Click Save.


This table describes the Operations tab fields.

Field Description
Service Provider

The service provider for for this operation.


  • This will be the same provider for the Service Provider, Operation Sets and Operation tabs.

  • Selection of a different provider changes the screen contents as if Clear had been clicked.

Operation Name The name of this operation. This is the name that the control plan uses when generating the WSDL file sub set.
Operation Set

The operation set that this operation will belong to.

Tip: For periodic charges this must be PeriodicCharge.

Control Plan The control plan that this WSDL sub set will invoke. This is automatically populated when saving a control plan with this operation name.
Enabled If an operation is not enabled, the ASP will receive a SOAP fault with error 7 = operation not available.

Editing Operations

Follow these steps to edit a service provider operation.

  1. Select the Service Provider from the drop down list.

  2. To set the tab for a new operation, click Clear.

    To locate an existing operation for amending, click Find (see Find Screens).

    To remove an operation, click Delete, then confirm on the Delete confirmation dialog.

  3. Type the operation name in the Operation Name field.

    Result: The name is inserted into the WSDL file location and URL.

  4. Select the Operation Set for this operation from the drop down list.

  5. Select the Enabled check box.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 for each operation set that you want to add this operation to.

Client ASPs

This table describes the function of each field.

Field Description
Client ASP Name The name of the ASP.
IP Address The IP address for the ASP.
User Name The user name for this ASP. The combination of user name and IP address is used to identify the ASP.
Max Tx/Sec

The maximum number of SOAP requests per second this ASP is allowed to send.

Any SOAP requests in excess of this will be rejected with HTTP error 503 (unavailable).

Max Tx Outstanding

The maximum number of SOAP requests from this ASP that are allowed to be active at any one time.

Any SOAP requests in excess of this will be rejected with HTTP error 503 (unavailable).

Change Password The password used to authenticate this ASP.
Confirm Password This must match Change Password value.

Edit Client ASPs

Follow these steps to edit a client ASP.

  1. To amend or delete an ASP, use the Find functionality to locate the required ASP (see Find Screens).

  2. To add a new ASP, click Clear.

  3. Enter the new ASP name in the Client ASP Name field.

  4. Enter or change the IP Address.

  5. Enter or change the User Name.

  6. Enter or change the maximum transaction rate in the Max Tx/Sec field.

  7. Enter or change the maximum transaction backlog in the Max Tx Outstanding field.

  8. Set the password for the SOAP HTML header in the Change Password and Confirm Password fields.

    Note: Any password will do, but a secure password containing characters and numbers is recommended.

  9. Click Save.

    Result: The Add.. becomes available to do the next step.

  10. Maintain the allowed operations for this ASP (see Add Allowed Operations).

Add Allowed Operations

Follow these steps to add an allowed operation.

  1. Click Add.

    Result: The Allow Operation for ASP screen appears, with the fields defaulted as follows:

    • Service provider is the currently selected provider in other tabs

    • Operation set is the first in the list for the provider

    • Operation is the first in the list for the operation set

  2. If required, select a new Service Provider from the drop down list.

    Note: The selected provider is also changed in the other OSD tabs and a prompt is made if there are unsaved changes.

  3. If required, select the Operation Set from the drop down list.

  4. If required, select the Operation from the drop down list.

  5. Click Save.

    Result: The operation is added to the Allowed Operations table.

Related topic

Client ASPs

Remove Allowed Operations

Follow these steps to remove an allowed operation from this ASP.

  1. Select the allowed operation to remove from this ASP from the Allowed Operations table.

  2. Click Remove....

    Result: The confirmation screen appears.

  3. Click Remove to confirm the removal.

    Result: The allowed operation is removed from the list.

Related topic

Client ASPs

Notification Gateway User

The notification gateway user enables the Notification Gateway to access OSD remotely. You set the user credentials (username and password) for the notification gateway user on a service provider basis, on the Notification Gateway tab in the OSD UI. The username and password are stored in a secure credentials vault on the SMS.

The Notification Gateway tab is available in the UI only if the jnlp.ECEExtensions Java application property is present and set to true in the /IN/html/sms.jnlp configuration file. See sms.jnlp Configuration for more information.

Note: You can override user credentials by setting the [SERVICE/USER] and [SERVICE/PASS] parameters in the Notification Gateway config.xml file. You should set these parameters only if you do not want to store user credentials in the Convergent Charging Controller secure credentials vault. See Notification Gateway Technical Guide for more information.

Setting the Notification Gateway Username and Password

Follow these steps to set the user credentials for the notification gateway user for a selected service provider.

  1. Select the Notification Gateway tab in the Open Services Development window.

  2. Select the Service Provider from the drop down list.

  3. Enter the name of the authorized user of the Notification Gateway in the User Name field.

  4. Enter a new password for the user in the Change Password field.

  5. Re-enter the password in the Confirm Password field.

  6. Click Save.

    Result: The user credentials (username and password) are stored in the Convergent Charging Controller secure credentials vault on the SMS.