1 UPC Portal Screens

This chapter explains the contents of the UPC Portal screens.

This chapter contains the following topics.

USSD Platform User Selection Screens

USSD Portal Message Class Screens

USSD Platform User Selection Screens

The User Selection configuration screen allows you to enter keyword specific text for a given menu exit branch. MAP 1 and MAP 2 keywords can be different. This screen is used with the User Selection node.

Fields - USSD Platform User Selection

Here is a description of the fields.

Field Description
Service This field is populated with all the NAMEs created by the USSD Gateway Base Configuration Screen Service Interface tab. By selecting a Service, all the menus associated with this Service populates the Menu field.
Menu By selecting a Service, all the menus associated with this Service populate this field.
Language This is populated with the language associated with the selected menu.
MAP 1 MAP 2 options Selecting MAP 1 or MAP 2 shows which keyword corresponds to which MAP version.
Branch After selecting the menu in the Menu field, this field is populated by the branch number.
Keyword This field is populated by the keyword for that branch. You can edit this field and modify an existing entry or create a new one.

Buttons - USSD Platform User Selection

Here is a description of the buttons.

Field Description
Update Has no function in this case.
Search Entering a menu name in the menu field and clicking the Search button will display the menu for the selected service, if it exists in the database.

Data entry

Follow these steps to update a menu.

  1. Click Clear to clear the screen of previous data.

  2. By selecting a Service, all the menus associated with this Service will populate the Menu listing box. After selecting the menu in the Menu field, you can enter keywords associated for each branch.

  3. Enter new data and click Save.

  4. Note: When editing keywords, you must Save before selecting the other MAP version to edit.

USSD Portal Message Class Screens

Fields - USSD Portal Message Class

This table describes the function of each field.

Field Description

Specifies the SMS message class type. This field is mandatory.

The valid values are described below:

  • 0 – Class 0 SMS message class type. This message type is only displayed on the mobile screen. It is not saved in the message store or on the SIM card, unless explicitly saved by the user.

  • 1 – Class 1 SMS message class type. This message type is stored in the device memory or on the SIM card, depending on available memory.

  • 2 – Class 2 SMS message class type. This message type carries SIM card data.

  • 3 – Class 3 SMS message class type. This message type is forwarded from the receiving entity to an external device.

Description Describes the SMS message class. This field is mandatory.

Creating a message class

Follow these steps to create a message class.

  1. On the Message Class tab, click Clear to clear the screen of previous data.

  2. In the Class field, enter a value of 0, 1, 2, or 3.

  3. In the Description field, enter a description for this message class.

  4. In the Comment field, optionally enter a comment for this message class.

  5. Click Save.

    Result: The new message class is saved.

Editing records

Follow the steps below to edit a record.

  1. In the Find screen, select the row you want to edit.

    Result: The associated screen is populated with this data, which you can edit.

  2. On the editing screen, make the changes to the data.

  3. Click Save.

    Result: The edited screen is saved.

Finding a message class

Follow these steps to find a message class.

  1. On the Message Class tab, click Find.

    Result: The Find Screen is displayed.

  2. Enter a search query string in the Class or Description field and click Search.

    Result: The grid will display all records matching the query.

    Note: Leaving both fields blank will return all records.

  3. Select the record in the grid.

    Result: The record is displayed on the Message Class tab.

  4. Click Close.

Related topic

USSD Portal Message Class Screens