2 Customers and Users

This chapter explains how to create customers and users for the VPN service.

This chapter contains the following topics.

Adding customers

Accessing the Customer Module




Adding customers

The default system customer is BOSS. After adding a new customer, the system automatically creates a level 5 user as below:

User Name: Administrator

Password: Administrator

For security reasons, it is important to notify the customer to change their user name and password when they use the system for the first time.

Note: If you delete a customer, all users, VPN networks, and stations belonging to that customer are also deleted. Use with caution.

Accessing the Customer Module

To access the VPN Customer module, on the VPN main screen, select Edit, Customer.

Customer screen tabs

The VPN Customer screen contains the following tabs:


The Customer tab of the VPN Customer screen lists all the customers who are using VPN. One of these customers will be the telecommunications service provider (the VPN System Administrator).

Privileges: This tab is available if you are using VPN standalone and have a permission level of 6; levels below this do not have access to this tab.

Field descriptions - Customer

This table describes each field of the New VPN Customer screen and Edit VPN Customer screen.

Field Description

Displays the name of the selected customer. This will usually be the company name of the customer.

This may be up to 20 alphanumeric characters long, but must be unique.


Displays a customer reference.

This may be an address, or any other reference required.

This may be up to 2000 text characters long and is optional.

Description / Comments

Displays a short description of the customer.

It may be up to 2000 text characters long and is optional.

SCI VPN is able to set special tariffs for connections made among members of VPNs. Send Charging Information (SCI) message is sent with appropriate Charging Zone value together with the termination attempt.
Max Users Use to set the maximum number of users that the customer may have set up for them. This may be between 0 and 999.

Adding a VPN customer

Follow these steps to add a new VPN customer.

  1. Select the customer from the drop down list on the VPN Customer screen.

  2. Select the Customer tab.

  3. Click New.

    Result: You see the New VPN Customer screen.

  4. Fill in the fields, as described in the Field descriptions - Customer.

  5. Click Save.

Related topic


Changing VPN customer details

Follow these steps to change the details of a VPN customer, if required.

  1. Select the customer from the drop down list, on the VPN Customer screen.

  2. Select the Customer tab.

  3. Select the customer in the table and click Edit.

    Result: You see the Edit VPN Customer screen.

  4. Change the details, as required. Refer to Field descriptions - Customer.

  5. Click Save.

    Result: The customer entry will be updated.

Related topic


Deleting a customer

Follow these steps to delete a customer.

Warning: This will remove all user Networks and stations for the customer. Use with caution.

  1. Select the customer from the drop down list on the VPN Customer screen.

  2. Select the Customer tab.

  3. Select the customer in the table and click Delete.

    Result: You see the Delete confirmation screen.

  4. Click Yes.

    Result: The customer is removed from the system.

Related topic



The Contacts tab of the VPN Customer screen displays the details of contact persons for each customer. There may be several contact persons for each VPN customer.

Privileges: This tab is available if you are using VPN standalone and have a privilege level of 4 or above; levels below this will not have access to this tab.

Field descriptions - Contacts

This table describes each field of the New Customer Contacts screen and Edit Contacts screen.

Field Description
Contact Name

The name of the Contact Person.

This may be up to 30 text characters in length, but must be unique for the customer. This is a required field.

Telephone Number

The telephone number to be used to contact the contact person.

This may be up to 32 digits in length.

This field is optional, but you must complete at least one of the contact fields.


The phone number of the contact person's mobile phone.

This may be up to 32 digits in length.

This field is optional, but you must complete at least one of the contact fields.


The pager number for the contact person.

This may be up to 32 digits in length.

This field is optional, but you must complete at least one of the contact fields.


The fax number of the contact person.

This may be up to 32 digits in length.

This field is optional, but you must complete at least one of the contact fields.


E-mail of the contact person.

This may be up to 50 characters in length.

This field is optional, but you must complete at least one of the contact fields.


Any comments for the Contact.

This may be up to 2000 text characters in length, and is optional.

Adding a customer contact

Follow these steps to add a new customer contact.

  1. Select the customer from the drop down list on the VPN Customer screen.

  2. Select the Contacts tab.

  3. Click New.

  4. Result: You see the New Customer Contacts screen.

  5. Fill in the fields, as described in the Field descriptions - Contacts.

  6. Click Save.

Related topic


Changing customer contact details

Follow these steps to change the details of a customer, if required.

  1. Select the customer from the drop down list, on the VPN Customer screen.

  2. Select the Contacts tab.

  3. Select the contact in the table and click Edit.

    Result: You see the Edit Customer Contacts screen.

  4. Change the details, as required. Refer to Field descriptions - Contacts.

  5. Click Save.

    Result: The customer contact entry will be updated.

Related topic


Deleting a customer contact

Follow these steps to delete a customer contact.

  1. Select the customer from the drop down list on the VPN Customer screen.

  2. Select the Customer tab.

  3. Select the contact in the table and click Delete.

    Result: You see the Delete confirmation screen.

  4. Click Yes to confirm.

    Result: The contact is removed from the system.

Related topic



The User tab of the VPN Customer screen displays the list users that are set up for each customer. Each user has a name, password, and privilege level.

A user is an individual within the Company that may access the VPN management screens. A Customer is the person or company who purchases their telecommunication services from the Telco.

Privileges: This tab is available if you have a privilege level of 5 or above; levels below this will not have access to this tab. It is also available from the VPN standalone system.

Field descriptions - User

This table describes the fields on the New User screen and Edit User screen.

Field Description
User Name

Displays the User Name of the user.

A user name may be up to 50 alphanumeric characters in length, but may not be blank.

The user name must be unique within that customer. There may be several customers with a user “Mary Smith”, but there may only be one user “Mary Smith” for each customer.

Privilege Level

The privilege level for the User.

When creating new users, they may be assigned a privilege level. Level 5 and 6 users may create users of privilege levels 5.

The VPN Super User (the Level 7 user) is installed at installation time. This user may add and delete all users, but in particular may create and delete level 6 users (VPN Administrators). When the Super User is creating users, the Privilege Levels that are available to them will be 6.


The User's password.

For security reasons, this will not display the characters that are actually entered; the password will display as a line of asterisks.

Confirm Password

The User's password must be entered for a second time, to confirm that the entry of the password is correct. If the entries in both the Password and the Confirm Password fields are not the same, then the user cannot be saved.

You are informed that the passwords do not match and the edit screen remains open for the passwords to be re-entered. For security reasons, the password will display as a line of asterisks.

Edit User screen-only field

This table describes a field that is only on the Edit User screen.

Field Description
User Locked

The check box indicates the lock status for the user. This check box has two functions:

  • It shows if the user is currently locked out of the system. A user may become locked out of the system if they have attempted to log on unsuccessfully three times.

  • It allows a user of privilege level 5 or above to manually unlock a user who has become locked out of the system if required.

A user may not be manually locked. If it is necessary to prevent a user from accessing the system, it is suggested that the user be removed or that the System Administrator change their password.

Adding a user

Follow these steps to add a new user.

  1. Select the customer from the drop down list on the VPN Customer screen.

  2. Select the User tab.

  3. Click New.

    Result: You see the New User screen.

  4. Fill in the fields, as described in the Field descriptions - User.

  5. Click Save.

    Note: If the entries in the Password and the Confirm Password fields are not the same, an error message will display. Re-enter as required.

Related topic


Changing user details

Follow these steps to change the details of a user.

  1. Select the customer from the drop down list on the VPN Customer screen.

  2. Select the User tab.

  3. Select the user in the table and click Edit.

    Result: You see the Edit User screen.

  4. Change the details, as required. Refer to Field descriptions - User.

  5. Click Save.

    Result: The user entry will be updated.

Related topic


Deleting a user

Follow these steps to delete a user.

  1. Select the customer from the drop down list on the VPN Customer screen.

  2. Select the User tab.

  3. Select the user in the table and click Delete.

    Result: You see the Delete confirmation screen.

  4. Click Yes to confirm.

    Result: The user is removed from the system.

Related topic
