15 Product Type Configuration

This chapter explains how to configure the Profile groups and fields available in the Edit Product Type screen in CCS.

This chapter contains the following topics.

Product Type Config

Product Type Panels

Product Type Field Configuration

Product Type Config

The Product Type Config tab lets you:

  • Add, edit and delete the Profile group options available in the Edit Product Type screen

  • Add, edit and delete the profile tag fields belonging to each group

  • Configure the screen layout for each field

  • Define the profile rules for the profile tag fields in each group

Profile rules

You can define a set of profile rules for the profile tag fields configured to appear in the Edit Subscriber and Edit Product Type screens. The profile rules are applied at run time to help prevent invalid data from being entered in profile tag fields.

For details on defining profile rules, see Rule Definition.

User access

The profile tag fields included in a Product Type Group can be accessed in the Edit Product Type screen provided the user has been given sufficient privileges.

User access permissions are managed through the User Templates defined in the SMS User Management screen. They can be set for all the fields in the group, or for selected fields.

This table describes the privileges that may be assigned to a field.

Privilege Description
Read/Only The field's value (if present) will be visible to the user through the screens, but they will not be able to edit, create, or delete it.
Read/Modify The field's value (if present) will be visible to the user through the screens, and they will be able to edit it, but they will not be able to create or delete it.
Create/Delete The field's value (if present) will be visible to the user through the screens, and they will be able to edit, create and delete it.

Note: For information on creating and maintaining user Templates, see the SMS User's Guide.

Product Type Panels

You assign Product Type groups to the Product Type Panels node on the Product Type Config tab. You can then:

  • define the set of fields belonging to each group for the selected Service Provider and Product Type, and

  • specify the screen layout for each field.

The Product Type Config tab enables you to define the groups in the Product Type Panels node tree. The groups which are assigned to nodes in the tree are displayed under the Profile Fields option on the left hand panel in the Edit Product Type screen.

Once the group is assigned, you can specify the screen layout for each field. For more information about:

Assigning a group

To assign a group to a node in the Product Type Config tree, follow the procedure detailed in Assigning a group to a node.

Editing a group assignment

To edit the assignment of a group to a node in the Product Type Config tree, follow the procedure detailed in Editing a group assignment.

Deleting a group

To delete a group assigned to a node in the Product Type Config tree, follow the procedure detailed in Deleting a group.

Warning: You cannot delete a group that has had fields added to it. Any fields included in the group must be removed from the group before you attempt to delete it.

Product Type Field Configuration

You can add, edit and delete the fields belonging to a group assigned to the Product Type Panels node on the Product Type Config tab. All the fields in the group must be either:

  • profile tag fields, or

  • custom profile fields.

If you include any profile tag fields in your configuration, then you can also define the profile rules that will be applied to the profile tag fields at run-time.

The following types of profile field are available to product types:

  • DATE


  • BYTE








  • ZONE (the profile tag must be in the range 4128770 to 4194303)

You cannot include LOPREFIX profile fields in product type configurations.

Note: For more information on profile tag fields, see Profile Tag Fields. For details on defining profile rules, see Rule Definition.

Custom profile fields

Custom profile fields provide the facility to define profile tag fields where the data type is selected from a list of predefined Custom Types.

You can use custom profile fields to store the following items. The stored values can then be used in control plans:

  • Balance Cascade name

  • Domain name

  • Product Type name

  • Tariff Plan name, and

  • Voucher Type name.

Adding new field for Product Type group

Follow these steps to add a field to a group in the Product Type Config tree.

  1. In the Subscriber Profile Manager screen, select the Service Provider and Product Type you require from the drop down lists.

  2. From the Product Type Panels list on left hand side of the Product Type Config tab, select the required group.

    Tip: Double click on the Product Type Panels node to see which groups are assigned to it, if these are not currently visible.

  3. Click New.

    Result: You see the New Field for Group screen. The name of the currently selected group is appended to the screen name.

  4. In the Field Type drop down box select either:

    • Profile Tag Field, or

    • Custom Profile Field

  5. In the Display Name field, type the label you want to appear next to the field in the Edit Product Type screen.

    Note: This label is only displayed if Auto Create Label is ticked.

  6. From the Profile Tag Name drop down list, select the profile tag field you want to add.

  7. If you are adding a Custom Profile Field, select the Custom Type from the drop down list of available custom types.

    If you are adding a DATE type Profile Tag Field, select the Date Type from the drop down list of available date types.

  8. Specify the Layout Details for the field. This will determine where the field will appear on the group panel in the Edit Product Type screen.

    For more information on the layout details options, refer to Layout Details.

  9. Click Save.

Editing field from Product Type group

Follow these steps to edit a field included in a group in the Product Type Config tree.

  1. In the Subscriber Profile Manager screen, select the Service Provider and Product Type you require from the drop down lists.

  2. From the Product Type Panels list on left hand side of the Product Type Config tab, select the required group.

    Tip: Double click on the Product Type Panels node to see which groups are assigned to it, if these are not currently visible.

  3. Select the field on the table and click Edit.

    Result: You see the Editing Field from Group screen. The name of the currently selected group is appended to the screen name.

  4. Edit the fields to reflect the changes you need to make.

    For more information about the fields at the top of this screen, see Field Type fields.

    For more information about the layout fields on this screen, see Layout Details.

  5. Click Save.

Deleting a field

Follow these steps to delete a field from a group in the Subscriber Config tree.

  1. In the Subscriber Profile Manager screen, select the Service Provider and Product Type you require from the drop down lists.

  2. From the left hand panel on the Subscriber Config tab, select the group where the field to delete is configured.

    Result: The grid will display the fields which have been configured for the group you have selected. For an example of this screen, see Subscriber Config tab - Details group.

  3. Select the field you want to delete on the grid and click Delete.

    Result: You see the Delete Confirmation prompt.

  4. Click OK.

    Result: The field is removed from the grid.