Importing Cartridge Projects from Environments

If you have an existing ASAP implementation, you can point Design Studio at an ASAP environment and import the configuration (service model, JAR files, and network elements) contained in that environment. This feature eliminates the need to manually run scripts that extract data from an environment into a SAR file and import that SAR file into Design Studio.

You can use this feature to obtain a snapshot of an environment configured from multiple sources, such as insert scripts, XML, or multiple Design Studio instances. In this scenario, it is possible to load the service model and network element configuration into Design Studio directly from an ASAP environment.

Additionally, importing from an existing ASAP environment is useful when you have just begun using Design Studio as a service modeling tool and you have an existing ASAP implementation.

To import a cartridge project from an environment:

  1. From the Studio menu, select Show Environment Perspective.

    The Cartridge Management editor opens.

  2. In the Environment view, select a Design Studio environment.

  3. In the Cartridges area, click Query.

    The Test Environment Connection dialog box appears.

  4. Enter the Cartridge Management web service user name and password and click OK.

    You are now connected to the environment on which ASAP is running. In the Cartridges area, the list of cartridge projects is refreshed.

  5. Select a cartridge project.

    In the Deployed Versions area, the deployed versions of this cartridge project are available.

  6. Select a deployed version and click Import.

  7. Click Finish.