Clearing Web Service Security Credentials

When Design Studio calls the web service where your product is located, it may be required to pass credentials for web service security. You specify whether the web service requires credentials when you define the web service endpoint in the Product Import Endpoints preference page. See "Defining Web Service Endpoints" for more information.

If you specify that the endpoint supports security, users are prompted for a user name and password the first time the web service is called during a Design Studio session. The credentials are stored for the duration of the Design Studio session. If the credentials change during a session, you can clear and reset the credentials during the session.

To clear and reset web service security credentials during a Design Studio session:

  1. From the Window menu, select Preferences, then select Oracle Design Studio, and then select Product Import Endpoints.

    The Product Import Endpoints preference page appears.

  2. Select the web service endpoint for which to clear credentials.

  3. Click Clear Credentials.

    The next time the Product Import wizard calls this web service endpoint, you will be prompted to re-enter the credentials.

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