Importing Products

You import products into Design Studio when new products are added to your product catalog. See "About Importing Products from AIA Servers" for more information about importing products from an Application Integration Architecture (AIA) server.

To import products:

  1. Define web service endpoints for the products that you must import.

    See "Defining Web Service Endpoints" for more information.

  2. In the Solution view, right-click and select Import, and then select Import Product.

    The Import Product wizard appears.

  3. From the Address URL list, select an endpoint.

  4. (Optional) To include the parent specifications of the products you import, select Import Parent Product.

  5. Click Add.

  6. In the Product Name field, enter the name of the product to import.

  7. Click Next.

  8. (If prompted) Enter the user name and password required to access the web service endpoint and click OK.

    See "Clearing Web Service Security Credentials" for information on resetting the web service credentials if needed during a Design Studio session.

    The Product Import result page appears. This page includes a table that lists all of the products for import, the ID, and the status.

  9. Deselect the Import check box for any products that you do not want to import.

  10. In the Data Dictionary field, select the data schema into which you will add the product attributes.

  11. In the Project field, select the project in which to include the product.

  12. Click Finish.