Generating the Common Model Base Data Project

To build a representation of a service domain in Design Studio, you must first generate the Common Model Base Data project. The Common Model Base Data project contains predefined rules and data for processing the entities and actions in your conceptual model, such as action codes, relationship rules, and entities that support conceptual modeling. This data is foundational to the conceptual model design required for service fulfillment solutions.


Only one Common Model Base Data project can exist in a single workspace.

To generate the Common Model Base Data project:

  1. In the Solution view, right-click and select Design Pattern.

    The Design Pattern wizard appears.

  2. Expand the Model Project folder.

  3. Select Common Model Base Data, and click Next.

    The Introduction page appears.

  4. Read the information about the Common Model Base Data cartridge project, and click Next.

    The Select Project Name page appears.

  5. In the Base Project Name field, enter a name that begins with OracleComms_Model_.

    The name that you enter here must include the prefix OracleComms_Model_.

  6. Click Summary.

    The Summary page appears.

  7. Review the information on the Summary page and click Finish.

    Design Studio creates a new project in the workspace. The project contains data and entities that you can use as a starting point for your conceptual model.