Creating Characteristics from the Network Integrity Scan Parameter Group Editor

To create a characteristic from the Scan Parameter Group editor:

  1. On the Scan Parameter Group editor Characteristics tab, right-click in the data tree area and select Add Characteristic.

    The Create and Add Characteristic dialog box appears.

  2. Do the following:

    • From the Primitive Type list, select the data type for the characteristic.

      Depending on the data type you select, some of the following fields may not appear.

    • In the Name field, enter the name for the characteristic.

    • In the Display Name field, enter the display name for the characteristic.

      The display name is the name of the input field in the Network Integrity UI.

    • In the Multiplicity field, specify whether the characteristic is required.

      Do not select Range.

    • In the Length area, use the Maximum and Minimum fields to specify the length for string data types. Select the Unbounded check box to not set an explicit maximum value.

    • (Optional) In the Default field, enter a default value.

  3. Click Finish.

    Design Studio creates the data element in the data schema as a characteristic and adds the new characteristic to the Scan Parameter Group editor Characteristics tab.