About Inventory Cartridge Project Dependencies

Inventory projects have dependencies on other projects when entities in one project reference entities in a different project. For example, an Inventory project might reference data elements defined in a common model project.

If you configure a project to reference content in other projects without declaring project dependencies, Design Studio creates an error or a warning, depending on how you configured the diagnostic level (see “Project Editor Dependency Tab" for more information about configuring the diagnostic level). Design Studio filters data that appears in dialog boxes and views based on project dependencies.

All Inventory cartridge projects have a dependency on the ora_uim_model project. You must import and open the ora_uim_model and ora_uim_mds projects in your workspace before modeling UIM entities in Design Studio.


Import the ora_uim_mds_cartproj.zip and ora_uim_model_cartproj.zip cartridge project archive files from the UIM_Home/cartridges/base directory.

The ora_uim_model project is a read-only project that represents the UIM model. It supports the ability to define specifications and characteristics and is also used to validate which entity types can be assigned or referenced by configuration items.

When you create a new Inventory cartridge project, Design Studio adds the ora_uim_model project to the dependency list on the Inventory Project editor Dependency tab. Do not remove this dependency.


Inventory cartridge projects must be defined with the same target version as the required model projects in a workspace. Ensure that you import the correct version of the required model projects into a workspace. See “Defining Cartridge Project Target Versions" for more information.

See UIM Cartridge Guide for more information about the ora_uim_model project and the ora_uim_mds project.