Assigning Native EMS Names Automatically to Slots

You can assign alphanumeric names to slots by using the nativeEMSName element. You can use this element as a network-facing slot name that is independent of the slot number.

You can assign names automatically to all occupied slots, beginning with a value that you select. If the starting value ends with an alphabetic character, the names increment by appending an integer to the value, beginning with 0. If the value ends with an integer, the names increment starting at that number.

To assign names automatically:

  1. Open an Equipment specification in the Equipment Specification editor.

  2. Click the Visualization tab.

  3. In the canvas area, click an occupied slot.

    The selected slot is highlighted in the canvas, and information about it appears in the information area.

  4. In the canvas, click the Native EMS Naming button in the toolbar.

    The Enter NativeEMSName dialog box appears.

  5. Enter a starting value and click OK.

  6. From the File menu, select Save.